Dinosaur Train Evolution (COM...

By Evastarunit73

8.6K 205 151

Some heroes fight with strength and power but this team fights with hope in this story buddy and his team hav... More

buddy grows up
shiny's hope
desert prowlers
king of the sea
gilbert the substitute/shiny's sercret
valkyrie awakens
buddy's mentor
the plan
tree of elements part 1
tree of elements part 2: the path
tree of elements part 3:buddy awakens
tree of elements part 4: buddy vs. valkyrie
dealing with winter
the winter tyrannosaur
the super croc
elemental festival
a master fisher
still the best babysitter ever
father and son
runaway train!
predator X strikes
hyper hybrid rage!
old rivals
the bet part 1
the bet part 2: game on
Vacation Part 1
Vacation Part 2: Kauai
Vacation Part 3: Night Of The Were-Raptor
Vacation Part 4: Family Tension
Vacation Part 5: Our Bond
Vacation Part 6: The Spy
Fitting In
A False Phoenix
Wings Of Hope Part 1
Wings Of Hope Part 2: Redemption, At Last.
A Father's Dilemma (Epilogue)

the phoenix rises

183 5 0
By Evastarunit73

"There are many dark forces that
surround the world but there's also the light that guides us and brings us together and even if they try to break us apart we will stand and fight for our homeland and never give up on what is right in our world we will fight against the force of darkness and bring back the light and hope that will guide our next generation"
A quote from the phoenix of flame


The sun rose on the desert as the animals were waking up it was a wonderful morning and at the raptor nest valerie and her family had just woken up from their sleep

"good morning everyone!" valerie said greeting her parents and her sibling

"morning sweetie" her dad vincent yawned as the raptors got up

valerie asked her parents if she could go on a hunt they agreed but they said dont stray away too far but valerie responds with "dont worry i know my way back home" she said and with that she took off to look for her prey she began sniffing the air around trying to find at least something and then it hit her

the unmistakable smell of a protoceratops caught her nose she went to the scent and found a lone protoceratops eating ferns on the ground and a few bushes valerie hid behind one of the bushes and just as the protoceratops was about to leave valerie pounced on it the herbivore was shaking trying to get valerie off of it but it was no use she was an experienced hunter she bit the neck

after that the protoceratops tried rolling around but valerie took notice of this and jumped off only to latch on again this time her claws were secure in the flesh she started biting the neck the herbivore started to fall to the ground as valerie had succeded in her hunt and she started feeding on the protoceratops but then she felt something in the distance a orange light was in the distance she saw it for a split second then it vanished into thin air as she could see something else in the distance

"you've got to be kidding me" valerie thought and she saw a sand storm in the distance heading towards her she left the protoceratops corpse there cause she couldn't risk her own life carrying that thing it was too heavy but luckily she had eaten most of it

the sand storm was getting closer and closer to her until she got back to her nest where she got far away from it

"valerie is anything wrong?" her father vincent asked

"well you see i was just hunting and i saw a sand storm over there" she said pointing at the sand storm itself

"we better take cover now" vincent said as they went into a den made out of rocks

"dad" valerie said softly

"yeah sweetie?" vincent asked

"i saw something else back there" valerie said

"what was it?" her father asked again

"a orange flash and i think i saw wings" valerie said

"maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me but i know what i saw" she said as her father's eyes widened

"an orange flash and wings you say..." her father said

"wait" her father said as he pulled out a book from his childhood that had a picture

"tell me is this what you saw?"
vincent asked

holding a photo at what seemed to be an orange flash with wings

"yes that's exactly what i saw but what is it?" valerie asked

"you see your grandfather took this when he was at your age" vincent said

"he was just hanging out with his friends when they saw this and took a picture of it" vincent explained

"what do you think it could be dad?" valerie asked her father as vincent said

"i have reason to believe that what you and your grandfather saw was the symbol of the phoenix" he said as valerie's eyes widened

"wha? The phoenix?! That's impossible you told me she died years ago!" valerie said

"yeah i did but maybe that's not the case" vincent said

"what if that was just a cover-up maybe she's still alive somehow" vincent said

"well if she's alive what's she doing here?" valerie asked

"im not sure but whatever you and your granfather saw was no joke that was the phoenix symbol" vincent said as the sand storm got closer vincent velma valerie and blake went into the rock den they made and vincent locked the opening behind them

"there, that should hold it off" vincent said and luckily they brought their nest in there too so they wouldn't loose it cause finding wood in the desert isn't as easy as it looks

the sand storm hits and the stone den didn't budge an inch they were safe but then the opening started to open

then valerie peeked out and saw a t rex but it wasn't like any t rex out there and it looked exactly like the one winter killed in the beach of pteranodon terrace

"now that's a problem" valerie said as her father went to her

"what is the problem?" vincent asked as valerie pointed at the beast that looked like a t rex

"what in the world is that?" vincent asked

"i dont know but what i do know is that its extremely powerful i've seen this thing before it can withstand a fire cannon" valerie explained

the beast looked around and its eyes met the den valerie and her father were shaking at this point they were hoping that the creature would just go away but it didn't as it slowly but surely made its way to the den valerie was scared she thought her life would end here

but as soon as the creature tried to remove the rock in the opening a orange light appeared and burned the creature and also made the sand storm disappear after that the raptor family moved the rock that was blocking the opening and the creature was nowhere to be seen the only remains that were left of it were purple dust

"valerie come with me" vincent said

"why?" valerie asked

"i have to show you something" vincent answered as he and his daughter went away to talk to each other

"dad why did you have to drag me over here? that creature may still be out there" valerie said

"no its not and the reason i know is because all the dust we saw might have came  from that creature whatever it was" vincent said

"but that orange flash though where did it come from?" valerie asked

"valerie i have to come clean to you now cause its quite obvious i cant keep this hidden" vincent said as he had a book in his arm

"what is that?" valerie asked as vincent opened the book

"do you see this?" her father said showing a picture

"yes its a picture of my grandfather" valerie answered

"but do you notice that part of the picture was ripped?" vincent asked

"yes i did but why is that?" valerie asked

"well its because of this" vincent said as he pulled out a picture of what looked like a giant orange bird behind valerie's grandfather valerie gasped as she could not believe what she's seeing

"valerie" her father started "your grandfather my dad was a phoenix guardian" vincent finished

"h-how could you have not told me about this?!" valerie shouted

"cause i knew you wouldn't believe me even if i tried" vincent said as valerie calmed herself

"you see when your grandfather was young he went into a cave of some sorts when he went in there a bunch of rocks fell onto him he thought he was dead but then a orange light appeared as the phoenix of flame came to his aid and granted him all of her powers" vincent said

"after that your grandfather was known as one of the strongest and fastest phoenix guardians that have ever existed" he said

"what happened to him?" valerie asked vincent sighed as he was going to tell valerie something he thought he wouldn't tell her in a million years

"you see when you were just an egg my dad and i were very close one night he slept with me but i felt that something wasn't right i felt a cold breeze down my back as i saw a shatter wing in my nest while i was sleeping i screamed and looked up and then i saw valkyrie he was in my nest my father told me to run but i couldn't cause i cared for him dearly but before he could get any farther valkyrie stabbed him with his shatter wing and after that i wanted revenge and one day i tried to get it i found valkyrie and i fought him but i almost died if it wasn't for terry's father having my back i would have died" vincent said

"valerie the phoenix told me that the reason your grandfather saw the orange flash is because the phoenix had chosen him as one of her guardians and now with no guardians left i think she's chosen you cause you're the granddaughter of one of her guardians" vincent said

"but why me? why not you?" valerie asked

"cause she knows of my hatred for valkyrie and she also knows that i am in fact reckless in my actions so she needs somebody responsible to carry on the legacy of her lost guardians" vincent said

"i know its a hard responsibility but i know you're a better choice than me cause if i had that much power i would have walked right up to valkyrie and he would have killed me" vincent said

"valerie i'll be right back" he said as he went to velma to say something a few minutes passed and then he came back

"valerie if the phoenix really chose you to be the next guardian then we have to go to the place where i know she can make you her guardian" vincent said

"you mean the cave?" valerie asked

"yes" vincent answered

"so are you up for it? or are you gonna back out? its not my choice its yours" vincent said

"lets go" valerie smiled and they traveled to the cave and finally they came there and then

"valerie" vincent said

"this is your destiny i cannot interfere you have face her alone" vincent said as valerie hugged her dad

"dont worry i will and i will make you proud dad" she said with a warm smile

"see ya in a bit sweetie" vincent said as he kissed valerie on her head afterwards valerie went into the cave

"hello?" valerie's voice echoed all over the cave

"is anyone here?" she asked again and there was no response

"who am i kidding? Im no phoenix guardian i should just go home" she said as she frounded but then

"valerie" a voice said

"who's there?" valerie said looking around then another orange flash appeared and out of that flash was the legendary elemental guardian of fire the phoenix of flame

"greetings valerie it is i the phoenix of flame" she said as valerie bowed down in front of her

"tell me did you really pick me for this?" valerie asked

"indeed i have" the phoenix answered

"but im not sure im ready for this buddy is more powerful than me so why dont you pick him instead?" valerie asked

"its because i know buddy has gone through major changes especially his aggression and his hatred for valkyrie and i needed somebody who was more focused than him" the phoenix said

"but he already is very focused on his life" valerie asked

"yes but i dont want to put so much on the boy's shoulders he has alot of responsibilities with protecting his entire family and friends" the phoenix said

"but i do too" valerie said

"yes but as i said i dont want to put buddy in a situation he's not ready for and i think picking the granddaughter of my fallen guardian may have been my only choice" the phoenix said

"so what's its gonna be?" the phoenix asked

"its a yes" valerie smiled as the pheonix transferred most of her energy into valerie

"now you have my power but do you know how to use it?" the phoenix asked

"yes i've have been reading about you since i was a little girl i think i can handle myself" valerie said

"thank you phoenix" valerie smiled

"please just call me flara all my guardians call me that its my real name" the phoenix giggled

"ok then flara" valerie said

"you should be going home now" flara said

"VALERIE!!!!" vincent screamed from outside that cave

"DAD!!!" valerie screamed

"you must go now! Your father is in danger!" flara said as valerie nodded and ran and saw her dad fight another one of those mutant t rexes from before and it was about to kill him as it just bit his foot

"get away from my dad!" valerie yelled as she used flamethrower to knock the beast away

"dad are you alright?" she asked

"im fine but how about you?" vincent asked

"i've gained the phoenix's power and now im her guardian" she said

"that's my girl" vincent said as the t rex charged but valerie knew something this rex didn't

"lets see you get pass this" valerie said as she extended her arms

"PHOENIX SHIELD!" valerie shouted as a giant phoenix came in front of her blocking the t rex from getting her and her father

she flapped the wings of the phoenix shield and it sent the t rex flying but valerie wasn't done just yet as a purple flamethower came out of the t rex and it hit valerie's tail

"valerie! No!" vincent screamed thinking her daughter's tail might have just burned but he was wrong! The tail absorbed the flamethrower and valerie smacked her tail on the ground which hit the t rex this move is called 'reverse shot' it can drain the opponent's energy shot by charging the tail

"now time to finish you!" valerie said as she charged her flamethrower again and ran to the beast and jumped right in between the mouth and launched her flamethrower down the beast's throat after that valerie jumped off as the beast exploded after that valerie went to check on her dad

"dad are you okay?" valerie asked

"yeah im fine just a little fracture on my foot no big deal" vincent said as valerie used a move called 'solar flare' to heal her father's wound after this valerie explained this to the rest of her family and to her friends as well

author's notes: ITS BEEN A WHOLE FREAKING MONTH!!!! hello my guys and gals its your boi eva star over here and i just got back from school the other day and i thought i would make a new chapter now i was really frustrated on making this cause i didn't have a clear plot at the time but then i though of this just this morning while i was having breakfast and i decided hey why not create a new chapter on that note i am back and as always i will be posting new chapters every few days or so


Update: i changed some things like it was terry's father who saved vincent and vincent was older when his father died

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