Jarley: Be Mine Forever

By AnnemijnPijs

7.2K 89 16

Marley and Jake broke up when Marley found out she was pregnant. Jake never knew. Marley didn't want to ruin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 24

151 2 0
By AnnemijnPijs

Marley walked up to her mom's door and knocked, Millie came to the door soon after.

"Marley, what's going on?"

Millie moved to the side and allowed Marley to come in the house.

"It's nothing bad I promise, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay, just tell me."

"Where's Charlie?"

Charlie walked to where they were standing. "I'm right here, what's the big news?"

"Today I went to the doctors office."

"And..." Millie said confused.

"I'm pregnant!"

Millie smiled and hugged her daughter. "I'm so happy for you."

"Congratulations, Marley." Charlie gave Marley a hug.


"Millie, I'm going to go pick up some things from the store do you need anything?"

"No, hurry back."

"I will." Charlie gave Millie a kiss and Marley a hug before he left.

"Have you told Jake yet?" Millie asked as she walked to the couch and took a seat.

"No, I came straight here from the appointment."

"When are you going to tell him?"

"I want him to know as soon as possible, but I don't want to tell him and Liv at the same time. I want Jake and I to tell her together."

"Charlie and I can watch Olivia for the night so you can have some time to talk to Jake."

"Mom, I can't do that to you. You guys watched her yesterday."

"And we'll watch her again. This is big news Marley, you should tell Jake tonight."

"Thank you mom. I know how big this is, I'm just nervous."

"Marley that boy loves you, he is going to be happy."

"I know he will be, I just don't know how to tell him."

"Just tell him, spend time with him and then tell him tonight."

"Thank you, mom. I think tonight I'm going to tell him, can I bring Olivia over in a little bit?"

"Yes, just call and let me know. She can spend the night, too."

Marley stood up and so did Millie. "I love you, mom."

"Love you too Marls. Now you get home and think of a way to tell Jake you're expecting your second child together."

"I'll probably drop Olivia off after we have lunch."

"We'll see you then, I'm sure Charlie will be happy she's coming over."

"Bye mom." Marley walked towards the front door.

"Bye, Marls."

Marley got in her car and started driving towards the apartment. She tried to think of a way to tell Jake, and then she got an idea. Marley thought the perfect time to tell Jake about the baby was on his birthday, which was in less than a week. Jake's birthday was in four days and she knew he didn't really like to recieve gifts, but this one was different. She drove home and found Jake and Olivia playing some card game together, she walked to the table and took a seat beside Olivia.

"What are you two doing?"

"We are playing go fish." Olivia said as she smiled at Marley.

"Yes and Liv is winning."

Marley laughed. "Did you two eat the breakfast I left you?"

"Yes we did, it was great mommy."

"Have you two eaten lunch yet?"

"No, we thought we could eat with you. Do you want me to go pick something up?" Jake wasn't looking at Marley as he spoke he was focused on his cards.

Marley stood up. "Now what's the point of ordering something when we have all those groceries. I'll go make something, anything you two want in particular?"

"Can we have grilled cheese and tomato soup?" Liv asked as she looked up at her mom.

"Grilled cheese is good with me."

"Grilled cheese it is then. I'll bring it in when it's done."

Marley walkede into the kitchen and took out all the ingredients she needed to make their lunch. After making the soup and grilled cheese sandwiches she placed the soup in a bowl and the grilled cheese in a plate. Marley then took as much as she could carry, without spilling or dropping any of it, to the table and put it in front of Olivia and Jake and also making a place for her.. She went back into the kitchen, grabbed some drinks and brought them to Jake and Liv. When she got back to the table the cards were gone from the table, and Marley sat down in between Liv and Jake.

"Thank you for making lunch Marley." Jake gave Marley a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks mommy."

"You're welcome, so who won?"

"I did!" Olivia smiled victoriously as she took a bite of her grilled cheese.

Marley chuckled and they continued to eat, once they all were finished Marley took the dishes in the kitchen to wash as Jake took Liv in the livingroom to put on something for her to watch. Jake walked back into the kitchen and saw Marley at the sink washing one of the dishes, he walked up to her and took the dish from her to dry it.

"So what happened at your appointment this morning?"

"Nothing really, and I'm feeling much better today."

"Good, but I would've taken care of you if you were to get sick."

Marley gave Jake a kiss. "I know you would, but I'm bound to get sick sometime during the rest of my life so you can take care of me then."

"Did you go and see your mom afterwards?"

"Yes, that's what took so long, we talked for a bit."

"That's good, I'm glad that you went to see her. I could tell when we left you was going to miss you and Liv."

"I know, but I still talk to her almost everday. So what do you want to do for your birthday in a couple days?" Marley handed him to last dish to dry.

"I don't know, we don't have to do anything, I'd be fine with being with you and Liv." Jake dried the last dish and walked over to Marley and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"My mom would probably watch Liv. We could go to dinner."

"Dinner sounds good."

"So it's settled, we can spend most of the day with Liv and then she can go to my mom's for the night so you and I can go to dinner."

"My mom wants to have me over for a birthday dinner the day before my actual birthday and she wants you and Olivia to come with me."

"I would love that, I haven't seen your mom in a long time."

"When I told her about us being together again you should have seen her face, she always loved you."

"Well, she's sweet and I love her too. I can't wait to see her."

"You want to go watch some tv with Liv?"


Jake grabbed Marley's hand and led her to the couch, Jake sat down and Marley put her legs on Jake's lap then she covered them with a blanket. Olivia sat on Marley's lap and they watched cartoons together all day.

So change of plans, the next chapter will be about getting ready for the family dinner and the family dinner, the one after that will be Jake's birthday. I don't know if I will write out the part where they spend time with Liv. It might just be summary, if I write it out Marley probably won't tell him until the chapter after that. So not relly sure, let me know what you think I should do.

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