Chapter 6

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Marley got to LA and went straight home, her manager was coming over early Saturday morning to discuss the contract issues. Marley called Jake after everything was fixed with her manager and label.

"Hello, Marley." Jake said as he picked up the phone.

"Hey, Jake. How is everything? How's Liv?"

"She's good, she got up this morning and got a bath and brushed her teeth. She just finished lunch. Do you wanna talk to her?"

"Thanks. Yeah I would love to talk to her!"

Jake handed the phone to Olivia and Marley heard a muffled "It's mom." on the other end of the line.


"Hey, Liv. I'll be back early tomorrow, okay?"

"That's okay mommy. Me and Jake are having fun."

"Good, I love you."

"Love you, too."

"Can I talk to Jake?"

"Okay, here he is."


"Jake, everything here is almost all sorted out, I just have a meeting later today. Then I should be home tomorrow around dinnertime tomorrow. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine. We'll come and pick you up at the airport."

"Sounds good. We can stop for dinner with Liv on the way home if you want. Thank you, Jake."

"Marls, stop saying thank you. I'm having fun with Liv. Yeah, dinner sounds good."

"Okay, bye Jake."

"Bye, see you tomorrow."

Jake hung up the phone and went over to Liv.

"So what do you want to do now, Liv?"

"Let's watch a Snow White."

Jake laughed "Okay, let's go."

Olivia and Jake watched Snow White and Olivia fell asleep halfway through it. He carried her upstairs to bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Two hours later Olivia came downstairs and walked into the kitchen where Jake was making dinner.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Jake said as Olivia walked up to a stool and sat on it.

"Jake are we going to make brownies?"

"We can if you want them."

"Yes, I want brownies!" Jake laughed at how excited she was about making brownies.

Jake and Olivia made brownies and while they were cooking they ate dinner. While they were eating Olivia looked up at Jake.

"Jake, can I ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you love my mommy?"

Jake almost choked on his food. "What? Why would you ask that?"

"I think mommy likes you."

Jake smiled. "Can you keep a secret from mommy?"

"Yes." Olivia was nodding her head.

"I do love your mommy, so much."

"Are you going to marry her?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because if you marry my mommy you could be my step-daddy. Mommy said if I have a step-daddy I can call him daddy. I would want you to be my dad Jake."

"I would love to marry your mom, and become your dad. But, I don't think your mommy loves me. She used to, but I don't think she does anymore."

"Mommy used to love you?"

"A long time ago, before you were born. Mommy and I were in high school together. Then your mommy and I broke up, and she stopped loving me."

"Why did mommy stop loving you?"

"I don't know, Liv. I wish I did, but I don't."

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