De NattiRV

35 5 1

"Sometimes we have to break the rules to fight back." When your world collapses, you have to save it. If I di... Mais



5 1 0
De NattiRV

2075... 2075... 2075...


The cashier grabs my attention from my thoughts. I pull a strand of my long, platinum blonde dreadlocks behind one ear casually, and pay her. I'm at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, and I stopped by to grab a few snacks.

After paying the cashier, I headed outside, walked to my car, hopped in, and drived out of the gas station. Usually, I would come to the gas station to get a snack or put gas in my car, but that's not the case because this may be my last time coming here, because I'm going back to my city, Lex City, the city I left behind and swore that I would come back.

I've been fighting and training to save my city. I left Ohio to Indiana. There, I was trained by a professional fighter. He claims he used to work for the FBI. That was when I turned 16 when I first met him. Ever since, he'd give me training lessons, there were times where he questioned me on why I needed to know so much about combat and proper stances all these years. I would always tell him I need to save somebody, more like something special to me. My home town.

My trainer was one of those important people in your life. He cared and gave you supplies for your house when you were running low on money. Here, in 2081, the apartments have gotten more expensive. The apartment I always dreamed of moving in as a kid would be on the highest building, where no one could take me easily if someone wanted to.

I'm on my way to say my final goodbyes to my trainer. What will his reaction be? I know I would be so sad if I would have to let my student go, especially if I were to train them for 6 years. Yeah I'm 21 now, and I am finally ready to take back what is mine.

Finally, I got at my trainer's home. He had off today from work, since it is a Sunday. I got out of my car and walked up his porch steps to his door. I'm so nervous to finally say goodbye.

I simply knocked on his front door, scared that I'll break his heart. He opens the door with his elderly young eyes. He smiles at my presence and I casually say, "Hi."

"I know you didn't just come here to stop by," he says noticing how nervous I am. I would notice too since I'm shaking so much. "What's got you troubled, dear?"

"Today is the day. I'm leaving to Ohio to claim what is precious to me," I say.

Expecting my trainer to have a sad expression, his face slowly turned into what seemed a more relieved expression. He gave me a hug as in a goodbye. I knew it was a goodbye, but I never liked that word. I see it as a "see you later" sign.

We release our grip and I nod at him that I'll be leaving now. I walk back to my car and drive to my home, my original home. All these years I've been waiting just to go out and fight for my possession. Even though it may not be my possession now, it sure will be soon.


It's been two hours since I left my trainer's house. I'll never forget every fail I made, and he would always laugh at them. I would always be embarrassed that he would laugh at me, but then I'd realize how clumsy I could be, and laugh along.

Driving on the road, I feel a tear strolling down my cheek. Quickly, I wip it off but them not noticing a drunk car coming in my direction. I tried to steer past it, but then the car hit mine. I lost control of everything as I watched what felt like my life was about to end. Soon, my car stopped spinning.


I quickly got out of my car and looked at the aftermath. Yeah, my car won't be able to drive in a million years. I sigh at the mess that life just gave me. Why can't you see I'm trying to do something good for my city?

Then I reconize the familiar look of this road. The trees and every bush surrounding the sides of the road. Wait, I'm here?! This must be a dream come true.

I spin my body around to the city, but it's completely different from what I last remembered. Every light is blue, buildings look way more futuristic as if it were the year 2100. Space looking ships traveling around.

But then I noticed something a bit off. The border of Lex City shows how odd it has become. On the city side of the border, the green of the tree's leaves, the grass, and the bushes have been replaced with an electric blue.

Why the change? Did those things not approve of the human style?

The other side of the border is normal, the side I'm mesmerizing the new city. I don't like the word "new" added to "city". I like everything how it originally was. Whoever is responsible to think that they can change something already perfectly created, is going to regret it for the rest of their life.

I slowly walked into the city. I walked past tall buildings and huge apartments. Then something completely freaked me out. I was passing an alley way, and saw a poster that was just there. When I got closer, I made out what is said.

Evanie Clair It read. Wanted by the king.

What king? Why does it say my name? I mean, I'm wanted by their king, but that doesn't give me a specific reason why he wants me. That's creepy, too. I knew I was important to them when I was 15, but I'd never expect to be needed.

But why am I so important? Why did they have to pick Lex City in Ohio for all places in the world? Why not, oh I don't know, Manhattan? I chuckle at the thought since it would sound like Ninja Turtles.

Okay, no time for looking around. I need to have a serious talk with the king, but before I do, I need to go grab my weapons and prepare for this discussion for what he wants from me.

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