Into the Dekuverse

Von emotional_gemini

150K 1.9K 3K

Class 1a takes an unexpected field trip into the dekuverse. Mehr

The Kidnapping
Watashi no R
Fantasy Au
Only one king
Fantasy Au (2)
Tokyo Ghoul
Dadzawa (2)
All according to Keikaku

Meme break

19.3K 217 525
Von emotional_gemini

In the time between chapters, Sero had managed to fix the 4th wall using the power of Gucci flex tape. No titans had gotten in, class 1a would live to see another day.

The rest of the class was still in chaos but K snapped her fingers and everyone returned to their seats. She snapped again and the trashed room was tidy. A final snap and half the students turned to dust... just kidding, Kermit and Doge ballons filled the room.

"God bless you." Kaminari said as he grabbed a handful of balloons.

"Alright, now that we're all somewhat settled let's begi-" K was cut off by the door which slammed open as a certain explosive blond made his entrance.

"BAKUBRO!" The Bakusquad cheered.

"Tch," was all he said as he sat down by them.

"Are you alright Bakugou?" Yaoyorozu asked him.

"Why wouldn't I be ponytail, never been fucking better," He grumbled darkly.

"Bro-" Kirishima started but Bakugou cut him off.

"Shut it Kirishima and no, I don't want to talk about it Kaminari," he said as the other boy opened his mouth. 

Both of them were shocked that he'd actually called them by their names and decided then and there not to push it, at least not yet.

"K can we just start the universe." He mumbled.

"I mean that is what I was about to do." She laughed. "Alright, first meme."

"CE NE FAIT PAS ✨💫." Aoyama screeched in dismay, he'd gone red in the face with outrage.

Everyone stared at him.

"I discovered a while ago, Aoyama switches to french and emojis when he's angry or disappointed." Yaoyorozu said.

'How in the world do you even speak in emojis?' Everyone thought.

"Je ne sais pas." Aoyoma shrugged, reading their minds. 

"No one understands you french fry but I do understand that that smile is a disgrace to humanity." Bakugou sighed quietly.

"Bakugou that's rude, it's a beautiful smile." K sniggered.

"No, no it isn't." Ojiro shuddered.

"Get the man some chapstick, please — it's for the greater good." Hagakure begged.


"As the former number one hero, I'm willing to fund that." All Might said, cringing at the crustiness.

"I don't get payed anywhere near enough but I'd still be willing to give my money for such a good cause." Aizawa said.

"All in favour of starting a moisturiser fund for Shigaraki say aye." K shouted.

"AYE!" Everyone roared.

"Glad we've come to an agreement. Anyways onto the next one!"

"They call me Eraserhead for a reason." Aizawa grinned his scary grin and the students cowered.

"No Shou!" Present Mic and Midnight yelled though they were both cackling.

"Dark shadow, take notes. This might be the most useful lesson yet." Tokoyami whispered to his quirk.

"Already on it." Dark Shadow gave a thumbs up.

"Aizawa-Sensei needs to start giving us life lessons, I think he'd be good at it." Uraraka chirped.

"I believe that would be entertaining and beneficial to all of us." Iida chopped air.

"Are you guys really sure that's what you want?" Midnight laughed.

K took the contemplative silence afterwards as a cue to move on.

"The broccoli, no questions asked." Todoroki said with finality.

"And he's not just any broccoli, he's quality." Sero nodded in approval.

"Ironic that Deku doesn't even like broccoli." A ghost of a smile flickered across Bakugou's face before immediately disappearing, being replaced with a somber expression. The bakusquad all gave each other worried looks.

"From what we've seen though, big bad flame fuck seems to be a pretty good description of Endeavor." Hagakure said.

"It really is." Todoroki monotoned.

"I'd be willing to set a spar up just to see it happen, I believe in my problem child." Aizawa said, looking at Endeavor with distaste. "I think Endeavor might need to be knocked down a peg."

"Do it!" K laughed. "Anyways next one."

Aizawa facepalmed and All Might wasn't sure whether to burst out laughing or crying, he settled on groaning into his hands. Midnight and Present Mic as usual were having the times of their lives and laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"I never noticed that! Tsu chuckled.

"That's so freaking manly!" Kirishima was crying manly tears at the show of such bromanship.

Iida was also crying. "He actually took inspiration from my fighting style! I've always looked up to Midoriya-kun and finding out he looks up to me too feels amazing." Uraraka patted him on the back as he sobbed happily.

"You're only just figuring out he looks up to and respects you? Even I figured that out and that was all the way back in Hosu Iida." Todoroki deadpanned.

Iida blushed, embarrassed. "Well I wasn't aware Todoroki-kun." He wiped his tears away. "As much as I appreciate the gesture, it's still immoral to copy others, don't do it!" He ordered his classmates, furiously chopping the air. 

"Classic Iida." The class laughed.

Todoroki's face was blank but he felt like crying.

The class felt terrible but they laughed anyway, finding the meme hilarious. The Dekusquad were offering him comfort though they weren't able to stop laughing either.

"I'm sorry, that's rough bro." Kirishima guffawed.

"Poor Todoroki, even Santa's out there crushing his dreams." Hagakure snorted.

"Tōru stop it." Ojiro chuckled.

All of the girls' heads swivelled to look at the pair when they heard the first name.

"Hagakure we never did talk after the first part of the fantasy au did we." Ashido started slowly.

"No we didn't Ashido, what did you want to talk about?"

Ashido looked to the rest of the girls who nodded at her enthusiastically before she asked.

"Are you and Ojiro dating?" 

"Yeah, Mashi and I've been together since the USJ." Hagakure said.

Most of the girls cheered for the relationship. The only one who was silent was Mina.




"YOU NEVER ASKED SO I NEVER BROUGHT IT UP, I'M SORRY!" Hagakure screamed back, trying and failing to free herself.

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Ashido shrieked as she enveloped Hagakure in a bear hug.

"THANK YOU!" Hagakure yelled as she returned it.

Ojiro was stifling laughter while the rest of the class just watched the strange display of friendship in silence. 

"Right, I'm moving on." K laughed.

"Oh hell no!" The Bakusquad (minus Bakugou) screeched.

"Shou, you can't do that to your students!" Midnight scolded him.

"Nezu said we have free reign over our classrooms, I can and I will. Cheating is unacceptable." He replied.

Midnight sighed in defeat accepting he was right.

"We just want to help each other out and if we share answers then we all get good grades! You're happy, we're happy - it's a win win!" Ashido reasoned.

Aizawa looked at her incredulously before sighing tiredly.

"Why do I even bother."

"Because you love us really!" They all shouted.

"...It's illogical to deny the truth." Aizawa sighed again.

"We see you Dadzawa~" Midnight and Present Mic teased him and Aizawa groaned. 

"Seriously though that would be terrifying." Kaminari shivered.

"You wouldn't really do that to us, would you?" Sato asked nervously.

"No comment." Aizawa said simply.

The class all felt that much more scared.

Aizawa looked at All Might, sizing him up.

"I don't care about the rest of your plan, just try to adopt my son, I dare you," he threatened.

"Oooooh." The class roared.

"I've known him for longer and I didn't threaten him the first time I met him!" All Might countered.

Yaoyorozu was already handing out popcorn.

"That was a logical rouse, he needed a push in the right direction and I gave him one." Aizawa glared at the blond.

"And I mean Aizawa didn't crush his dreams the first time he met him." K whistled.

Aizawa's head snapped towards her.

"What?" He growled.

"You'll see later." K replied simply. All Might paled slightly.

"Young Midoriya sees me as his father figure, he's as good as said it!" All Might shouted.

Todoroki had a notebook out and he was furiously writing everything down.

"Try again you overgrown skeleton, he's my son." Aizawa thundered.

Everyone's jaws dropped as they heard their teacher shamelessly insult the former number one.

"Damn, Shou is serious about this." Mic whispered to Midnight who nodded.

All Might was completely speechless and Aizawa glared at him before turning away, taking his silence as a victory.

"Ok next." K laughed.

"It's funny because it's painfully true." The class chorused.

"This boy is free real-estate in the world of shipping though. I swear he'd be compatible with anyone." Ashido said and a Hagakure nodded in agreement.

"It's almost impossible not to fall for the cinnamon roll." Todoroki muttered.

"I mean look at him, he's so pure." Uraraka screamed.

"If I asked everyone here to say a good thing about him could you do it?" K asked.

"Without a doubt." The class didn't hesitate.

"Seriously though, after a few days, he had everyone questioning their sexualities." Jirou laughed and the class chuckled along with her remembering the beginning.

"The only problem is I don't have an OTP for him because he gets on too well with everyone." Ashido groaned.

"I feel you," K nodded. "Alright let's move."

"You know what, forget all of the other ships, this it where it's at!" Ashido snickered.

"None of us even stand a chance with him. He's fallen too deeply for the love of his life, broken bones." Kirishima chuckled.

"Don't forget his other ship, Deku x hospital bed for the win!" Uraraka laughed.

"Nah, I'm all for Midoriya x ER." Kaminari joked.

"He looks so dead inside." Sero laughed.

"And Recovery Girl is ending All Might's whole career with that chair in the background." Sato wheezed.

"All for One, the supposed greatest villain of all time tried and failed multiple times to kill All Might and yet here we have Recovery Girl, an old lady, doing the job quickly and effectively." Shoji couldn't help but laugh.

"You say that like it's a joke but her special attack, 'chair' is no laughing matter." Midnight shivered. All Might nodded, he was visibly trembling with fear.

"YEAHHH IT'S PAINFULLLL," Present Mic yelled.

Somewhere out there, Recovery Girl felt the intense urge to start ranting about All Might and Midoriya's recklessness and polish her chair collection.

"Thank u, next" K said.

Todoroki deadpanned at the screen.

"Why didn't I think of that before now." He had melted bits of marshmallow stuck in his hair where he'd over-toasted them 

"Yeah man, I would be fine because of my quirk and we'd be able to actually get them out of my hair!" Kirishima exclaimed, laughing at Todoroki.

Todoroki's white hair was stuck in his red by the marshmallows. They'd had a similar effect to gel and strands of his hair stood up at odd angles. The look wasn't really doing it for him.

"Kirishima, will you be my s'more-making partner?" Todoroki asked the question with a completely straight face, causing a few to crack up.

"Brooo, of course!" Kirishima yelled as Todoroki brought out another packet of marshmallows. The pair walked to a corner so they wouldn't accidentally roast anyone alive in their cooking attempt.

"Don't burn the room down again and make sure to make enough for everyone," K said before moving on.

"You wish you were better than him." Bakugou mumbled. "I hate that prick." 

"Yeah I think we all do. You were right about him, he was totally uncool." Hagakure said.

"Of course I was right, I could smell the fake from 10 miles away. He was obviously looking down on us." Bakugou growled softly.

Iida froze up for a second when Bakugou mentioned fakeness before composing himself and speaking.

"Midoriya is obviously the superior person in the picture!" He yelled, chopping air.

"Agreed." The class nodded.

"First time I saw Shindo I was so confused though. I was just there wondering if Midoriya had a secret brother or something." K laughed.

Todoroki's eyes lit up as he listened. K realised what had happened a second too late.

"Todoroki, Shindo isn't Midoriya's secret brother," she said hurriedly.

"You're probably part of the secret government which goes around covering up secret love children and secret siblings. In other words: I don't believe you," he said as he stopped putting marshmallows in Kirishima's hair and made a note of the theory in his little notebook.

K sighed exasperatedly. "Whatever you say... Anyways next!"

"What are you talking about, I'm always fucking chill you dipshits." Bakugou growled.

"Exhibit A of Bakugou having no chill." Tsu said.

"I mean, he didn't yell it though so that's an improvement?" Hagakure laughed.

"Bakugou doesn't have to be yelling to have no chill though, remember his sports festival speech." Tokoyami said.

The whole class cringed at the memory.

"And there was this one time at the USJ where he was chill for like two seconds before I mentioned it and he started screaming." Kirishima laughed fondly from inside the inferno he was being roasted in.

Comments about how chill Bakugou was kept flying but he didn't make any further effort to argue with any of them, just keeping his head down. The Bakusquad all once again turned to each other, worried.

"Alright, next one." K said.

"I don't yell instructions, yelling isn't up to U.A standards!" Iida yelled.

The class tried and failed to stifle their laughter over their rep's antics.

"Whatever you say emergency exit." Uraraka giggled.

Iida blushed bright red and began furiously chopping air.

"Again, classic Iida." The class chuckled.

He was about to lecture all of them at length before K interrupted him.

"Iida, lecturing everyone would put us off schedule and isn't punctuality vital to being a good student?"

"Why yes, it is!" He shouted enthusiastically.

"Then let's just move onto the next one."

"It doesn't matter that you don't get payed much, you're already rich." Aizawa gave All Might a disapproving look.

"Shou, stop being salty." Midnight chuckled.

"I'm not being salty in the slightest." Aizawa replied.

"That kind of behaviour isn't appropriate of the former number one hero!" Iida chopped air and All Might chuckled sheepishly.

"Favouritism right there." Dark shadow laughed

"But if you were a teacher can you really say that you wouldn't be biased for Midoriya?" All Might asked.

The whole class was silent for a second before they all agreed that yeah, they would.

"Alright, I think we've got time for one more." K said.

"All women are queens!"  Kirishima yelled. Shoji nodded while sipping on his respect women juice.

"IF SHE BREATHES SHE'S A THOT!" Mineta screamed from beyond the grave. All of the girls felt bad vibes and shivered.

"I don't know how to explain this feeling but I just know that the pervert spoke," Yaoyorozu said fearfully. The girls all nodded.

"I think you've all just developed some kind of 6th, avoid Mineta, sense." K chuckled.

"Bakugou, you didn't kill him dead enough if we can still feel his presence!" Hagakure whined before realising she'd stood on a landmine.

Bakugou froze up and the Bakusquad all glared at her, moving to stand around him protectively, completely shielding him from view. Kirishima (whose hair was marshmallow-free) crossed the room and gave his best friend a hug.

Bakugou kept completely silent, not even making an effort to shake off the hug. The explosive boy was trembling uncontrollably, he seemed lost in himself again, oblivious to the world around him. 

The fact that he'd broken into a cold sweat also wasn't putting anyone at ease.

The jovial mood in the room died completely. No one was really sure what to do, the class didn't want a repeat of earlier. They explained what had happened to Mic, Midnight and All Might.

"All Might, I've seen the way he looks at you, you're his idol. I think you just might be able to break him out of it without a violent end." Aizawa said quietly so only he could hear. "Golden rule for your safety is do not touch him. No hugs or head pats, don't do it." Aizawa said.

All Might nodded at Aizawa as he got up and walked towards the Bakusquad wall, which was blocking off Bakugou and Kirishima from the rest of the class.

"Kiri hasn't been blown to pieces but we can't guarantee that won't happen to anyone else who tries anything." Kaminari warned the former number one who just nodded.

Kaminari sighed, stepping aside. All Might thanked him before stopping in front on Kirishima and Bakugou whose eyes looked glazed.

"Young Bakugou..." All Might wasn't sure what to say, "...are you alright?"

Kirishima gave All Might an incredulous look and the man internally facepalmed before trying again.

"My boy, I'm sorry you have to go through this," he made to pat Bakugou on the head before stopping, remembering Aizawa's advice.

Kirishima sighed. "I trust you All Might." He made to let go of Bakugou but the second he did, Bakugou's expression turned from dead to fearful. He seemed to panic, pupils dilating in terror. Small explosions, which he without a doubt was unaware of, started igniting on his hands and he instantly grabbed back onto Kiri's arm. 

"...Bakubro?" If Kirishima hadn't been worried before (he really had been) he was definitely worried now.

Bakugou's unfocused eyes rapidly flitted around, seeing nothing, before finally settling on Kirishima's gaze. He seemed to come to, reluctantly letting go of his arm.

"Hey Bakubro, are you ok?" Kirishima asked softly.

"I'm fucking fine you dumbass," Bakugou growled, though he was still shaking. Kirishima didn't miss this and looked at him worriedly.


"Kirishima, I said I'm fine!" Bakugou snapped. Kirishima backed off.

"Young Bakug-" All Might started but Bakugou cut him off.

"Get the fuck out of my way All Might," he grumbled as he pushed the man aside before carelessly shoving Ashido and Sero out of his way. It was a lot gentler than usual but the pair still moved aside, respecting him.

When Bakugou stepped out from behind the human-wall, the class instantly bombarded him with questions. The blond froze up again, though momentarily, at everything that was coming his way. Kaminari, already noticing this, was about to speak up on his behalf but stopped himself when he realised Bakugou's hands were twitching — rage.

The Bakusquad looked on as the majority of their class unknowingly fed the fire, knowing they could do little to stop their friend from exploding. Seconds later it came.


The room instantly fell silent and a heavy atmosphere was upon them all. The only sound that penetrated the air was the frequent crackling that came from Bakugou's hands. The tension was suffocating.

K was sweating heavily, this was the opposite to what she'd wanted from a meme break.

Todoroki cleared his throat. "Umm, the s'mores are done," he said awkwardly.

"Thanks Todoroki," everyone said gratefully as they grabbed them and started munching in silence.

"...onto the next one." K said between mouthfuls.


So I levelled up by a year today, feeling pretty happy. Just want to take the time to say thank you to everyone who bothers to take their time to read my story. Genuinely can't put into words just how much it means to me, I love you all 💕 ✨

Well have a nice morning/night or anytime in between XD


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