Female Frisk and Chara x Male...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

208K 4.9K 2.5K

I can't believe I'm doing this Cant get this out of mind no matter how many days passed Welp hope you will b... More

A distant memory
Chapter 1-Past Events
Chapter 2 Oh no
Chapter 3 Little visitor
Chapter 4 Glow
Chapter 5 Falling Angels
Chapter 6 Caretaker
Chapter 7 Sins of the Wicked
Chapter 8 Judgement
Chapter 9 Falling into Place
Chapter 10 Monsters
Chapter 11 New Playmates
Chapter 12 Magic?
Chapter 13 Trouble
Chapter 14 New Roommates
Chapter 15 Order up
Chapter 16 Just Vistiting
Chapter 17 Outcomes
Chapter 18 Reload
Chapter 19 A Fight
Chapter 20 Conversation
Chapter 21 Training
Chapter 22 Secrets
Chapter 23 Determined
Chapter 24 Another
Chapter 25 Cook
Chapter 26 Story
Chapter 27 Glass
Chapter 28 No Mercy
Chapter 29 Hidden Room
Chapter 30 Morning
Chapter 31 Shopping
Chapter 32 Normal
Chapter 33 Movie Night
Chapter 34 Red
Chapter 35 Honesty
Chapter 36 Unexpected
Chapter 37 Nightmare
Chapter 38 Bad Timing
Chapter 39 Trapped
Chapter 40 Gift
Chapter 41 Plan
Chapter 42 Trip
Heads Up
Chapter 43 Flowers
Chapter 44 Accomplish
Chapter 45 Sweet
Chapter 46 Hot
Chapter 47 Spar
Chapter 48 Gossip
Chapter 49 Basket
Chapter 50 Call
Chapter 51 Dream
Chapter 52 Settle
Chapter 53 Kingdom
Chapter 54 Dress Up
Chapter 55 Clone
Chapter 56 Tux
Chapter 57 Special
Chapter 58 Conversation
Chapter 59 Form
Chapter 60 Original
Chapter 61 New Underground
Chapter 62 Greetings
Chapter 63 Castle
Chapter 64 Surface
Chapter 66 Chat
Chapter 67 Family Reunion
Chapter 68 Ink
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 Error
Chapter 71 Truce
Chapter 72 Forgiveness
Chapter 73 Crystals
Chapter 74 Touchy
Chapter 75 SS!Chara
Chapter 76 Door to Door
Chapter 77 Dance Lesson
Chapter 78 Round Two
Chapter 79 Bath
Chapter 80 SS!Toriel
Chapter 81 King Bonely
Chapter 82 King Bonely Part 2
Chapter 83 Bright Sky
Chapter 84 Blackout
Chapter 85 Blind
Chapter 86 Humming Bird
Chapter 87 New Universe
Chapter 88 Unwanted Visit
Chapter 89 Temmies
Chapter 90 Temptations
Chapter 91 Smut-SF!Chara
Chapter 92 Tems
Chapter 93 Couch
Chapter 94 Babe
Chapter 95 Crown
Chapter 96 Prize
Chapter 97 Truth
Chapter 98 Properly
Chapter 99 Make-Up
Chapter 100 Dinner with her Parents
Chapter 101 Returning
Chapter 102 Back Home
Chapter 103 Throne Room Meeting
Chapter 104 Judges
Chapter 105 Sleepover
Chapter 106 Grilby
Chapter 107 Sweet Shop
Chapter 108 Meeting Charlotte
Chapter 109 Coffee
Chapter 110 Sweet Shop
Chapter 111 Movie Night again
Chapter 112 Flower Arch
Chapter 113 Invites
Chapter 114 Blood
Chapter 115 Ceremony
Chapter 116 Speech Speech Speech
Chapter 117 First Dance
Chapter 118 Duet
Chapter 119 Birthday Present
Chapter 120 Grey Door
Chapter 121 Black Swarm
Chapter 122 Gatekeeper
Chapter 123 Eyes on Family
Chapter 124 Words
Chapter 125 Trap Door
Chapter 126 Deal
Chapter 127 Materials
Chapter 128 Preparing
Chapter 129 News
Chapter 130 Babum
Chapter 131 Artificial
Chapter 132 Void
Chapter 133 Popo
Chapter 134 Sparring
Chapter 135 Just hanging out
Chapter 136 Date with Frisk
Chapter 137 Ebbot Park
Chapter 138 AMS
Chapter 139 A Long Chat
Chapter 140 Soul Touching
Chapter 141 Answers
Chapter 142 War Cry
Chapter 143 Date with Chara Pt.1
Chapter 144 Date with Chara Pt.2
Chapter 145 Date with Chara Pt.3
Chapter 146 Second Best
Chapter 147 Good News and Good Byes
Chapter 148 Return to SF!
Chapter 149 Bringing Along
Chapter 150
(Y/N) Profile

Chapter 65 Blaze

908 26 12
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Your POV

"Well I felt the Prince's sadness and I slowly woke up"
"Your a terrible liar"Chara

"I'm just making him feel better.So you wanna
lay here and talk some more or talk somewhere else"

*They all discussed to each other
*They decided to stay here
(Asriel's soul is very different.I sense DT)

"Asriel are you struggling in magic?"
"Then what can you do?"
"I can make fireballs and..."A-Asriel
"That's all"A-Asriel
"And turns into a God of Hyper Death"A-Chara
*A-Frisk chuckled

"Hey you can't say that!" A-Asriel
"It's true" A-Frisk
"Now I wanna see"
"I can't!That's another story I won't tell"A-Asriel

"Alright..But how big can you make your fire balls?Can't you make an Inferno yet?"
"No that's too much"A-Asriel
"(Sigh) I guess we're starting from square one"you said and tapped Chara and Frisk to get up
*They did
"Wait are you gonna train me?"A-Asriel
"Of course.That was the plan when I lived down here.Now let's start"You said getting up
"I might leave soon.So yeah"
"But I'm not ready"A-Asriel

"Then when you experience another scenario like this then you'll be prepared.Now let's go"you said offering your hand to him
"Maybe let's go to Hotland"
"But that's so far"A-Asriel
"Heh..I know a short cut"you said and made a Gaster Palm leading to Hotland

"W-what is this?"A-Asriel
"No time jump through"
"B-But-"Asriel said and was pushed through by
"What he needs to expect the unexpected"A-Chara
*You chuckled
"Let's just follow him"A-Frisk
*Everyone went through and you started training Asriel

"Have you jumped in lava before?"
"Of course not!"A-Asriel
"Huh..ok.Show me your fireball"
"Ok"Asriel said and made a decent size fireball

"Now throw it"
*Asriel threw the fireball at a boulder and scorched the surface of the rock
"Nice.Your even stronger than my Asriel"
"Yup But if you want to blaze through this training you got to turn up the heat"You said and fired and inferno at the boulder Asriel hit.Your fireball melted through the boulder.

*You see Asriel shocked

"Quit saying puns!"Chara
"If you can't handle the heat-"You said
"Then get out of the kitchen"you said with a smirk
*You see both Charas irritated and both Frisks chuckling

"Ok Asriel now do what I did"
"I can't!"A-Asriel
"Heh I'm just joking.But the fast way to increase your firepower you have to experience an intense flame to feel how hot it really is"
"You want me to jump in lava?!"A-Asriel
"No no..That's for later.I'm gonna increase the temperature"
(Kinetic Conversion-Heat)

"But this place is already hot"A-Frisk
"Oh no"Frisk and Chara
"It's best you watch from far away"
"On it"Chara
"Wait whats-"A-Chara
"No time!"Chara
*Both Frisks and Charas watched from afar

*You created a black shirt and shorts over Asriel's clothes
"Wait how-"A-Asriel
*The temperature in the area just got hotter.Your body glowed yellow hot.You see Asriel blocking his face from the heat.

"Don't block.Feel the temperature around you and try to match your body temperature with it"
"I can't. I don't know how!"A-Asriel
"I wouldn't do this if I didn't believe you could.Now focus"
*You see Asriel slowly put his arms down but his eyes are closed.Looks like he's concentrating.You see his body glowing white.He open his eyes and it's a different color.Their black eyes with green and yellow pupils

"You getting used to it?"
*The area around slowly evaporated the rocky terrain.
"Now walk forward until it's too much for you"
"Ok"Asriel said and moved closer.He suddenly stops and covering his face again.
(Guess that will be enough for today)
"Ok Asriel that's good enough"you said and stopped heating up
*You see Asriel with his normal eyes
"So how did I do?"A-Asriel
"Well you did a great job..Now try to make a fireball again"
"I need moment"A-Asriel
"Heh Alright"
"Why didn't my or your clothes burn?"A-Asriel
"Oh this is fire proof.The only thing that can burn it is either lightning or concentrated plasma"
"Isn't that the same?"A-Asriel
"Yes but would you consider a laser and lightning the same?"
"I guess not"A-Asriel
"Good now make a fireball"
*You see both Charas and Frisks standing in a certain distance

"What's wrong!"You asked
"It's too hot!"Chara
"We can't get close!"Frisk
"Oh"you took a deep breath and blowed cold wind into the area.The area around you cooled down and see tiny tornadoes swirl around then disperse.
"How did you-"A-Frisk
"We'll explain"Frisk
*You see Asriel making a giant fireball

"Heh good job.But can you make an inferno?"
"Ok but how"A-Asriel
"Try to make your fire ball swirl around on your palm and make the rotation faster"
"Ok got it"Asriel said and see his fireball spinning rapidly and shaping into a coloumn
"Now force it into one direction!"
*A-Asriel fired a blazing inferno melting another boulder and blazing straight through it
"I did it...I did it!"A-Asriel
"This is so cool.Ok what's next!"A-Asriel
"Calm down Prince.The next step is jumping in lava"
"Ok I'll do it"A-Asriel said and runs
*You grabbed Asriel
"Heh not today.Lets take a rest ok?"
"Oh ok"A-Asriel
*You put Asriel down and walked back to the humans.

"Chara..Frisk did you see what I did?!"A-Asriel
"Yeah!It was so cool!"A-Frisk
"Good job bro"A-Chara
"Are you finish already?"Frisk
"Yeah.But lets head back to the castle"
"Yeah I over exerted myself and I need a lot of energy again"
"Then let's hurry"Frisk
"I think I can't..Damn I need something to eat"you said exhaustedly

"We're near the Lab maybe Alphys has something to eat"A-Frisk
"No just..."you said and looked up
"Asriel can you destroy that stalactite up there?"
"Yeah why?"A-Asriel
"Just do it"You said walked below it
"Well ok"Asriel said and destroys the stalactite.The stalactite is falling straight for you
"Hey move!"A-Frisk
"Don't worry"Frisk
*You caught the stalactite and absorb the energy.You tossed it aside

"Feel better?" Chara
"Yeah but it's not enough to go back.Lets just head to the Lab"
"Hey (Y/N) what is your magic"A-Asriel
"Uhh we have to play a game for that"
"Hah I can't wait to see they're reaction"Chara
"What sort of game?"A-Frisk
"A guessing kind.I show you three hints I use my magic and you have three guesses.If you can't guess it, you lose.Got it?"
"Yup"A-Asriel and A-Asriel
"So which one of you is playing?"
"Me!"Asriel and A-Frisk
*You look back at A-Chara

"I don't want to play"A-Chara
"Heh that's fine I guess.But we'll start when we enter the Lab"
*You finally reached the Lab and see Alphys

"Th-there are three more?!"A-Alphys
"It's ok Alphys they won't hurt anyone"A-Frisk
"For now"
*Frisk and Chara hits your sides
*You fell to the ground groveling in pain
"He's just kidding"Frisk
"Just ignore him.He's just being an idiot"Chara
"Asriel drag me to the fridge"
"I can't your heavy"A-Asriel
"Come on use your muscles"
"Hnnnngg"A-Asriel said and pulls you
*Your body turned blue and went straight towards...
*Sans appears

"Thanks Sans"
"..hey kid.so what brings you here?"Sans
"I needed some food to eat.But I'm kinda feeling blue right now"
*You landed on the ground
"Wait Sans can we fight?"
"heh i don't think so"Sans
"i promise i won't hurt you"
"your not lying. why now?"Sans
"I just need a bit of a recharge"
"in a fight?"Sans
"No just throw me around the Lab with your blue magic"
"won't that hurt you?"Sans
"I don't break easily"
"well then let's go"Sans
*You turned towards A-Frisk and A-Asriel
"Heh you two wanted to play a game right?So here's your first hint

*Sans started the Fight

"So who goes first?"
"you of course"Sans
"Ok"You said and checked Sans
Sans HP:1/1
Attack:1 Defense:1
-Is nervous about fighting you
(What?These stats...)

"heh are you sure you want to do this?"Sans

*Your body turned blue and you were thrown into a wall.You were unhurt.The blue color disappeared
"I said a bunch of times"
"i was just checking"Sans
"Go all out next time"
"you got it kid"Sans

*You checked Sans
-Is getting ready to fight you

*Your body turned blue and you were blindly thrown across the Lab hitting every direction.
(Y/N) HP 30/30
-Took no damage

"heh so, are you that durable?or are you just like flying around"Sans
"Well I don't see any damages to the walls so I think it's something else"
*Sans notices.He looks confuse to see no cracks on the walls.
*You ACT
"Can you throw me around one more time?"

*Your body turned blue again and rapidly hit the surrounding walls like a you were a puck in air hockey.Then you finally feel refresh.
*You showed Mercy
*Sans accepted
*Fight Ended

*Sans approaches you
"good fight kiddo"Sans
"I have to ask.Why are you that-"
"Fragile..I never seen a Monster like you"
"i was born with it.can't change it buddy"Sans
(But if you absorb a human soul...)

"Well I would like to help but I need to do something"
"well don't let me stop you"Sans
"Heh thanks for the meal"
*You see the humans, Asriel and Alphys staring at you
"Do you have a guess?"
"No! But I got questions!"A-Frisk
"About what?"
"That fight!Why didn't you get hurt?"A-Asriel
"That's the hint.I take no damage when I fly into something"
"Then your magic protects you?"A-Frisk
"Is that a guess?"
"Well that's wrong.Asriel?"
"Then you can make yourself durable?"A-Asriel
*Asriel and A-Frisk looks stumped
"Giving up?"
(Heh just like Frisk)

"Well here's the second hint"you said and created two Gaster Palms and put a small black cube into the palms and dropped it.Now it's falling infinitely.

"What are you doing?"A-Chara
"I need more energy so I'm using kinetic energy to restore my own"
"So you can absorb energy?"A-Frisk
"Like energy absorption?"
"Yes and no"
"What do you mean?"A-Frisk
*The falling cube is making a low pitch noise

"I can absorb energy but you also saw me being fast right?You think I'm that naturally quick?"
"Well I'm not and you have one more guess"
*A-Frisk thinks to herself

"Can you manipulate energy you absorb?"A-Asriel
*You blink a couple of times and smiled
"Then can you also use that energy to make yourself stronger?"A-Asriel
"So is your magic energy manipulation?"A-Asriel
"Heh Yes and no.You have one more guess"
"Why again?"A-Asriel
"You saw me heat up intensely but you also saw me make your back clothes right?I can also create anything I want using energy"

*Asriel looks stumped again

*The cube is making a high pitch noise
"Um (Y/N), the cube"Frisk
"Ignore that"
"It sounds like it's gonna explode!"Chara
"(Sigh) Fine"you said and caught the blurry moving cube.You caught it and didn't make a sound.
"And that was your final hint"
"But you only showed us two"A-Frisk
"I showed you a lot of my magic.I'm sure you can guess with those in mind"

"But you said three hints"A-Asriel
"Okay fine.Heres your third"you said and lightly tap one side of the cube.You carefully place the cube on the floor.
"What are you doing?"A-Asriel
*The cube suddenly flew up in the air and hits the ceiling.Now it's stuck.
"Ah dang it"
"What did you do?"A-Frisk
"I don't know..you tell me"
"I have no clue"A-Frisk
"So you give up?"
*A-Chara whispered into A-Frisk
"Can you manipulate energy?"A-Frisk
*A-Chara continues to whisper

"So you can even boost your body,manipulate energy and can create anything?"A-Frisk
*A-Asriel and A-Alphys joins in on the whispering
(Okay that's definitely cheating)

"Is it kinetic manipulation?"A-Frisk
"How the heck did you know?"
"So we guessed it right?"A-Chara
"Okay what do we win?"A-Frisk
"...Hmmmm.I guess I'll make you anything you want but just Frisk.Even though you all cheated"
"Cheated?!"All A-Versions
"You can't just all whisper to each other and expect me not to care!"

"But we still got it!"A-Chara
"Yeah because Frisk has one guess!"A-Asriel
"That doesn't change the fact she said the right answer"A-Chara
"It also doesn't mean I'm gonna give everyone the same prize!"
"Quit whining!"A-Chara
"I am not!(Sigh) Fine I'll make you anything you desire..in a reasonable way"
"That's fine"A-Frisk
"Let's just go to the castle already"A-Chara
*You sense something you never felt
"Something is approaching..Feels like it's coming from the bottom floor"

*Suddenly a huge white blob monster bursts from a wall
*Edogeny tackles you but you stopped it
"What is this?"
"Edogeny stop!"A-Frisk
*Edogeny lifted its front legs and slams them on you.
"This thing is crazy strong"
*A-Frisk runs up to Edogeny and gave it a pat on its...body?
*Edogeny calms down

"Is this a dog monster?"
"Yes b-but it's never been this aggressive"A-Alphys
"Hmm"You said and approached Edogeny
*Edogeny looks it's on its guard

*You put your hands on Edogeny.You feel its sadness and happiness.But you can't feel its soul.
"Is this a cluster of Dog monsters?"
"It's a-an amalgamate"A-Alphys
"I never seen a Monster like this"
"Why does it have Determination?"
"How do you know that?"A-Frisk
"Because I can sense anything if I concentrate hard enough.Who did this to them?"
"..I-I did"A-Alphys
"Why?This is irreversible!They can no longer die naturally!"
"Hey calm down.Alphys did nothing wrong"A-Frisk
"Nothing wrong? You think this is ok?"
"...Just leave Alphys alone"A-Frisk
"(Sigh) This doesn't make any sense-"
"(Y/N) lets go"Chara
"(Sigh) Yeah that sounds good"you said and made a portal to the Throne Room
*The humans and Asriel went through
*Edogeny whines
*You enter the Throne Room

Next Time

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