Frat House // harry styles

Oleh plainlystyles

351K 6.6K 7.8K

[DISCONTINUED] (for now) After giving up on finding a place to stay after being accepted into WSU, Ariana res... Lebih Banyak

✧ chapter one ✧
✧ chapter two ✧
✧ chapter three ✧
✧ chapter four ✧
✧ chapter five ✧
✧ chapter six ✧
✧ chapter seven ✧
✧ chapter eight ✧
✧ chapter nine ✧
✧ chapter ten ✧
✧ chapter eleven ✧
✧ chapter twelve ✧
✧ chapter thirteen ✧
✧ chapter fourteen ✧
✧ chapter fifteen ✧
✧ chapter sixteen ✧
✧ chapter seventeen ✧
✧ chapter eighteen ✧
✧ chapter nineteen ✧
✧ chapter twenty ✧
✧ chapter twenty-one ✧
✧ chapter twenty-three ✧
✧ chapter twenty-four ✧
✧ chapter twenty-five ✧
✧ chapter twenty-six ✧
✧ chapter twenty-seven ✧
✧ chapter twenty-eight ✧
✧ chapter twenty-nine ✧
✧ chapter thirty ✧
✧ chapter thirty-one ✧
✧ chapter thirty-two ✧
✧ chapter thirty-three ✧
thirty four

✧ chapter twenty-two ✧

9.2K 195 166
Oleh plainlystyles

(What Ariana wears under her hoodie later on in the chapter)

Frat Drama

It was the last day of college for the week. After listening to a lecture for the last couple of hours I was ready to sit down and enjoy my lunch. Leela, Nova and I were walking together towards the cafeteria.

"Heads up, wicked witch of the west." Leela whispers to the two of us. I frown and look up to see Luna and an unknown brunette walking in the opposite direction towards us. "Hold your guard, she's looking at us."

Luna was coming closer. I was unsure of how to feel about her still, she was yet to prove herself as a horrible person.

"Hi Ari!" She smiles with a little wave as she walks past us. I give her a small smile and wave in return. What were they all talking about? There was an uncomfortable silence between the three of us, I think they were trying to justify the reasoning behind Luna's actions.

"Oh she one hundred percent wants something from you." Nova tuts. I scrunch my eyebrows and look at her.

"Why can't she just be nice person? Are you sure you're not just jealous of her because your names are both related to the universe?" I tease. Nova gives me a questionable look- questionable because my life might be in danger...

"No she's right. She's only nice if people has something she wants..." Leela drags. I huff, I don't understand what she wants from me? What could I possibly have?

"I can't have anything... it might be Noah- but then she would be nice to Penny...or my link to the Frat house? Heck she already is at all the parties anyway..." I monologue.

"I have no idea. But always sleep with one eye open just in case." Nova warns, making me gulp. We were approaching the cafeteria and oddly I noticed Seth standing outside the doors, waiting.

"Hey guys I'll catch up with you later okay?" I tell the girls as they nod, walking ahead. I walk over to Seth with a confused look.

"Hey Ariana, Noah wanted me to wait here for you to make sure you remembered coming to sit with him at lunch." Oh... I forgot about that. I lean my body to peak into the cafeteria and observe who was at the table. Noah, Kaleb, Evan, Louis and none other then Harry himself. I draw my attention back to Seth as he gestured his head towards the group. I sigh and nod my head.

I walk towards the table, watching half the girls around their table staring at Harry. Like I get it and all but food is also super interesting...

Seth followed closely behind me and as I neared the table I saw Noah look up at me with a smile of relief.

"Please sit." He commands, the sound of his voice drew the attention of the rest of table's attention to me. I felt my cheeks heat up as I sat down, looking down. Once I recollected myself I looked up, noticing Harry's reaction to mine. He smirked at me, with a hint of a smile imbedded within his smirk. He found my uncomfortableness amusing- of course.

"I have something to tell you which I believe is important to your current position." Noah breathes out and folds his arms. I frown and tilt my head in confusion.

"Well, it's a given that we aren't the only fraternity in this school. Low and behold we don't get along with a certain frat. Delta Beta Omega." Noah continues to explain. "We have our recruitment this afternoon and meetings to discuss their recruitment. Their president, Liam, and our Frat have been in rivalry since freshmen year. However the rivalry continues longer with some people- like Seth who has known him longer. They've recruited Byron during their recruitment which puts us at risk, and you." Noah's eyes trail over to behind me. I unobtrusively spin around.

I widen my eyes, seeing Byron staring at me as he's seated next to a brown haired guy. I believe that's Liam. Threatened, I spun back around quickly and look back over at my brother.

"What the fuck am I suppose to do!" I snap, worried.

"I just want you to be safe. I know this is only school but they aren't good people." Noah states. "At the moment we have to discuss what must be done."

"Tonight I want you to go with Harry out of the house. We have a lot of people coming over for this meeting you can't be around. I'm sorry." I allow my jaw to drop and I look at Harry.

He watches me with a monotone expression. "Why? I'm fine by myself..." I drag, annoyed by the situation.

"What's the problem? Don't you wanna spend some quality time with a friend?" Harry teases with another smirk. I roll my eyes at him and pull a face at him.

"Please Ari..." Noah pleads, I avert my gaze back to Harry. I analyse him for a moment, squinting my eyes in the process. He raised his eyebrows at me and tilted his head, awaiting my response with a devilish look.

"Fine." I pout. "As long as he behaves himself." I gesture to an amused Harry.

"Thank you." Noah sighs in relief. "Now go be with your friends, and try and keep this between us okay?" I nod and stand up with my stuff, walking over to the table with the girls. Once I approached the table I placed my stuff down again and flopped into the seat, holding my head in my hands with a huff.

"What was that all about?" Amelia chimes in. I lift my head up to meet everyone's anticipating gazes. I drop my arms and fold them close to me.

"Just a lot of shit..." I drag out, breathing out so harshly that my lips vibrated. "I'm not suppose to talk about it though, don't want to get in trouble."

I turn around quickly to look over at the boy's table. Harry still continues to watch me as he unscrews the lid of his water bottle and takes a few gulps. His jaw clenched, unveiling its extreme definition. I watched his Adam's apple bop up and down as the water traveled down his throat. After acknowledging my complete infatuation with such a normal task I look back up to his face, his dark green eyes still glued to mine from afar. He was clearly satisfied with my staring and I decided that's enough, quickly spinning back around and averting my attention to the girls again.

They too seemed completely infatuated with Harry. I rolled my eyes and rested my head in my hand with a sigh. "As I said earlier." Nova began. "If he wants you know I'd take an opportunity to get a piece of that three course meal." A chorus of breathless 'yeahs' radiated from the other girls. I chuckle at them, trying to regain their attention.

"You guys are ridiculous." I laugh at them, secretly blushing at thoughts of Harry and I but quickly brushing them off. I couldn't bring myself to hurt any more with that boy.

"You literally live in the same house across the hall from him and you haven't done anything? Any female or gay man in this room would kill to have that kind of proximity." Cori questions. I shrug my shoulders hesitantly, because inside images of him kissing me flooded my thoughts.

"Hold on a second..." Nova trails. "Something has happened, hasn't it?"

I widen my eyes. "What? No." I reply quickly, maybe too quickly. I smile sheepishly as they all give me a look, awaiting my revelation.

"No, nothing has happened between us." I breathe out in a lie. Although these girls were some new found friends I don't feel like spilling every aspect of my life to them. I've said enough already.

"Okay..." Amelia replies questionably, "Just remember- secrecy is key."

Much later in the day after I had gotten home from school and helped myself to an afternoon snack I was up in my room. I know Noah, Seth and Harry were currently doing the recruitment for the frat. Apparently we have more rooms to spare and 40 guys isn't enough...

Around 5 I heard back from Leah, telling me I was successful at getting a job at the cafe. I had to really hold back my excitement on the phone and keep my cool until after the call had ended. I jumped up and down in my room after hearing the news and rewarded myself with a block of chocolate which I had bought and placed in my mini fridge after my last shopping session.

After the recruitment I know there was a meeting about rent and payments, Noah told me not to worry about coming to the meeting and paying rent this month as he understood I only just got a job. For whatever reason he was happy to cover my rent, but I'm pretty sure his rent is discounted by Harry. I was honestly still so shocked that Harry owns the house and that his dad is crazy rich, might have to ask a few questions next opportunity I get to converse properly with him.

At around 8pm a knock resonated through my room. I groggily got up from my bed and walked over to my door, opening it swiftly. Noah had stood outside my door, I leant against the doorframe waiting for him speak.

"People will start arriving to talk about the Fraternity issue... Harry is waiting downstairs to take you out." He states. Still leaning against the door I sighed.

"Why is Harry taking me and not you?" I question. "Isn't he the president? Not you."

"Well some of the issues and fears are revolved around you and Harry trusts me to relay whatever's discussed." He explains.

"Okay? So let me stay and listen." I verbalise with annoyance. Noah merely shakes his head, scrunching his lips.

"You can't, I'm sorry Ariana. I'll text Harry when you guys can come back. Might be around an hour." Noah apologises.

An hour? This little 'hang out' with Harry will probably get super awkward after 5 mins tops...

"Okay. I'll grab my stuff." I huff and close the door. I walk to my wardrobe and pick out a comfy black hoodie to pair with my shorts, white midriff top and socks and slides. I lift my hood over my head and shove my hands in the hoodie pockets and walk downstairs to the front door. Harry stood leaning against the wall by the door in his signature pose. I laughed to myself recalling my drunk ass mocking that pose.

"Hi." I say quietly. Rocking back and forth on my heels. Harry looks up at me, taking his keys out of his pocket.

"Let's go." He beckons whilst walking towards the door. I shuffle my steps as I follow him cautiously towards his car. I sit in the front seat and and look around outside. Harry joins me in the car and puts his keys in the ignition. I suddenly realise how silly I probably look with my hoodie up but I was comfy so that's all that matters.

"Are you hungry?" He asks. I nod slightly and look out the window. "How does McDonald's sound?"

"Good..." I tell him, nodding again. Harry starts up the car and begins to drive, to McDonald's I assume. As we approach the big yellow 'M' he begins to speak again.

"What do you want?" He asks me as we wait in line at the drive thru.

"Frozen coke, hash brown and medium fries." I ask. Harry gives me a look. "What?"

"It's 8? Why do you want a hash brown?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, they're tasty."

"Well we are going to have to wait longer because they'll have to cook the hash browns fresh. Can you skip the hash brown?" He demands. I roll my eyes to myself and keep quiet.

We approach the window and he starts reciting his order, along with my frozen coke and fries. "Was that all for today?" The girl over the headset asks.

"And one hash brown please!" I lean over to the drivers side and yell my order past Harry. I turn my head, closing my eyes with a smile, only to open them and notice how dangerously close our faces were together. I jump back to my side of the car and take in Harry's demeanour. He's absolutely pissed, lol.

I give him a wide grin as the girl adds the hash brown to the order. I cross my legs and twist my body sideways in the seat, reaching my arm over to push the corner of his lips up into a smile.

"That's better isn't it." I gesture to his forced smile. He grabs my wrist tightly and gives me a warning look.

"Was that everything?" The headset girl asked. Harry lets go of my wrist and looks to the roof with a sigh of defeat.

"That's everything." He sing songs. Averting his gaze to my cheeky smile.

"Yep! You're right to drive round." She tells Harry. As Harry starts to drive he is dangerously quiet.

"We have to be out of the house for like an hour so having this extra wait time would be ideal..." I shrug, turning towards the front and finally taking the hood off head. Harry chuckles to himself quietly and I frown, I quickly pull down the sun visor mirror to check my appearance and astonishingly I understood the source of his laughter.

"Not funny." I pout, fixing my hair. He looks over at me with an unconvincing look.

"Very funny."

After we got our food Harry told me he was taking me somewhere peaceful. I didn't really understand how he could actually find a quiet and peaceful spot in this city but I wasn't about to question him.

It was about a 10 minute drive into a woodland area. He pulled up to a gravel lookout and put on the hand break, turning the car off. He handed me my food and I began to eat my food.

"You better eat that hash brown." He warns. I give him a small smile and turn to look at him. I keep eye contact with him as I take a bite of my hash brown. He watches me with a small smile before scrunching his eyebrows and quickly looking away.

We silently eat our food. It wasn't a necessarily good silence, but not bad either. I just had so many questions to ask him, but didn't know how to.

"Who are you Harry Styles?" I decided to blurt out. He looks at me with a monotone expression. I don't think he was planning on answering my question. I guess I had to be more specific.

"Like, who are you really. You're truly a puzzle..." I elaborate slightly. He stays quiet, chewing his burger quietly.

"The bigger question is who are you Ariana Rose." He dodges. I quietly huff to myself.

"You tell me, you know more information about me then I know about myself...remember?" I mutter. He stays quiet. "Seems like we are both hard to decipher then." I respond to his silence.

"Apparently so." Harry says. It seems like he was ready to say something else, however he pressed his lips together and then continued to eat.

As the silence grows heavier he finally decides to speak. "I don't really talk much to people." He admits.

"You don't say." I laugh. His expressionless facial features make me quickly close my mouth and apologise under my breath. "I don't like to open up either- But I'm a fucking blabbermouth and have difficulty keeping friends so I feel like I have to tell people things in ensure I don't lose their trust. Not only that but my anxiety makes me hate silence in conversations with people I'm still getting close to." I admit, taking a handful of fries to eat.

Harry chooses not to respond and finishes his food. "How long have we been out?" I ask him. He checks his watch. "About 30 minutes."

I slowly nod my head and lean back into my seat. "Dang it's hot." I groan, taking off my hoodie, revealing the outfit hiding under the warm collection of fabric. I catch Harry observing me.

"Well it is a hot autumn night and you were in a hoodie." He said, cockily.

"Well I thought the night would've made the temperature cool down..." I drag, folding my arms. "What's going to happen about Byron..." I nervously ask.

Harry turns over to look at me. He studies my features inquisitively. "We will sort it out." He attempts to comfort me.

"But what if you don't." I question further, bringing my knees up to my chest and cuddling them tightly. He observes my vulnerable state, licking his lips slowly. I watch his actions eagerly before looking down and my knees.

"Then I'll protect you. Like I promised Noah." He places his hand under my chin to make me turn and face him. He looks at me in my glossy eyes for a few moments before I turn away in embarrassment. I quickly rub my eyes and shake my head.

"I'm sorry I'm so dramatic." I laugh half heartedly, turning back to look at his beautiful face.

"Don't apologise for expressing your true emotions." He quite easily tells me.

I scan his face, he was truly astonishing to look at. I felt as if I was just watching his face for hours, my eyes trailing between his luscious and intoxicating green eyes, and his plump lips. I don't know what I was thinking at the time, but every part of my body wanted to feel him.

Widening my eyes at my actions I began to lean in closer to him. He sat there observing momentarily before reaching his arm around the back of my neck and bring our bodies even closer together. With our breathing in sync I couldn't bare the anticipation. I pressed my lips against his softly. A feeling of release dropped inside my stomach as my lips finally touched his, however the butterflies within my stomach began to flutter as he began to move his lips with mine.

Our lips moved in sync, like to pieces of a puzzle. I couldn't tell if my urge to kiss him was lust or something else, however my underlying craving for him again became apparent to me now as our mouths hungrily began to pick up the pace of the kiss.

His tongue urged entrance into my mouth and I granted it to him. I tugged at the back of his hair and a small moan escaped breathlessly from his mouth, making me feel warm down there.

"Climb on top of me." He demanded desperately, I obliged. Without stopping our make out I climbed over the console and onto his crotch causing him to let out another breathless groan. I began to grind my body onto his, quiet moans from our mouths were hushed from our lips fighting for dominance. Harry broke the kiss and began placing pecks along my jawline, causing me to throw my head back in pleasure. The euphoric feeling was put to a halt when he began to suck harshly on my shoulder, a less obvious spot then on my neck. I moan in both pressure and pain at the feeling before he detaches himself and brings his face back towards mine.

"I told you that I'd give you another." He smirks. I roll my eyes at him and he quickly grabs my face.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, princess." I bite my lip and nod my head, maybe his dominance was starting to actually overcome me...

Pleased with my submission, he smirks as he reconnects our lips into a yearning kiss.

Before escalating any further, Harry's phone pings. "That's probably Noah." He mutters against my lips. I widen my eyes in realisation I quickly jump off his lap and into the car seat holding a hand over my eyes.

"What?" He questions. Oh you know, just the fact my brother told me to steer clear of you and would kill me if he found out I literally hooked up with the one person he by name told me to avoid... my subconscious adds.

"We should probably get back." I tell him, clearing my throat. He merely nods and starts up the car. We drove back in silence, both probably having thoughts racing in our head about the prior events. I couldn't fall for another guy, especially not someone like Harry. He wouldn't like me that way back either way, I was just a sexual release for him.

Once we arrived home I quickly got out the car and rushed to the front door. I opened it to be greeted by Noah at the door.

"Hey, what did you guys get up too?" He asked. I walked past him muttering a "not much" as I bolted up to my room.

Little did he know a lot more happened than he ever would've liked... or allowed.

This update was prewritten and I was so excited to finally post it because of the hoohah... lol

Remember to vote and comment !! Enjoy your day :)

Tash x

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