Star Wars X - The Phantom Ris...

By DawnTide

766 23 2

(After TROS) Ben is Alive! And Rey becomes pregnant with his children! A new threat known as the Phantom has... More

To Pasaana!
Blind Senses
Gorg and Huttese Ale
Memories of a Stranger...
This is Yours... Right?
Welcome Back to Pasaana
No Traitor Left Behind
Aline Hart
High General
We'll Raise Them Together
This Isn't You
Patience Is Key
Son of a Moof-Milker!
Bridge Between Bloodlines
No Second Chances
Father and Son
Welcome to Tifym!
Into Battle!
Purple Lightning
The Solo Twins
Next Chapter
Message to Reader

Can They Be Trusted?

19 1 0
By DawnTide

It had all happened so fast. Phantom fight ships had rained down on the small village. Creatures, people and other inhabitants were running left and right as homes were demolished. Bits of huts, metal and wood flew into the sky before falling down to the ground like a storm of debris.

The large ship that had taken Ben, a SkyStinger Freighter, was long gone having disappeared past the moon's atmosphere. It was a fitting name for the ship. It had been long with a pointed front and back. Quin was standing on the edge of the cliff where it had once been.

He hair was wild and fallen from its braids. He big brown eyes looked off into the distance. "There you are! I went to the Falcon. What happened? The walls are covered in scorch marks." Reuven turned his sister to face him before shaking her. "Quin back into the real world. Where's Kylo. He wasn't on board. Did he attack you?"

She blinked her eyes and looked up at her brother pushing away his hands roughly. "Of course not! He would never! It was Aline."

"Aline attacked you?" His eyes went wide. "Why I thought she was your teacher."

"Yeah so did eye. But turns out she's a Sith apprentice for the Phantom."

"But... the Phantom don't have Sith. They don't believe in the force."

"That's what we were told, but we were wrong. The Rebellion was wrong."

"We have to get back to the Falcon!" Reuven took her hand but she slipped it away and ran beside him. A determined look in her eyes.

"Get in!" Finn called and looked around. "Where's Aline?"

"She's not here." Quin growled as she entered the ship. She hadn't realized how much damage her fight with Aline had caused. The holo-chess table had been knocked over. There were scorch marks on the wall and the chairs had cuts in them their stuffing littering the floor.

"Where is she? Was she taken?"

"Something like that, we'll explain it on the way." Reuven sat beside Finn at the controls. The engine whirred to life.


"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on. You mean to tell me Aline is part of the Phantom." Finn ran his finger through his hair, which desperately needed a trim.

"She attacked me and took our father." Reuven didn't meet his sisters eyes when she said 'father'. Instead he looked out the window. They were currently floating in the middle of no where.

"We have to go back and get him." Quin ordered standing up.

Finn shook his head taking the controls. "No, we have to go to the Rebel Base and tell them."

"What?" Quin mouth open in shock. "No, we have to go get him. He could be in danger."

"The Rebels don't know about the crystal cave. Like you said, it's a place of great power for both Jedi and Sith." Reuven looked at his sister solemnly.

"But I didn't say that. Ben did. Our father did. Come on Reuven, he needs our help only we can save him." She placed her hand on his broad shoulder trying to convince him to back her up.

"No, we will have a better chance of winning if we go to the Rebels."

"But we-"

"Quin that's enough okay!" Finn shouted over his shoulder making her flinch. The comlink beeped and Finn answered it before Quin could snap back at him. "Finn... Finn come in. Why haven't you contacted us?" Poe's voice crackled from the speaker.

"The comlink broke but Reuven fixed it. And boy do I have story for you. Which base were we meeting at again?"

"Scratch that. Our plans were compromised." There were voices behind Poe's like a crowd of people were in the same room as him.

"What? What went wrong?"

"I don't know but somehow the Phantom found us. It doesn't make sense, we've done a full sweep there's no way they could still be tracking us."

"It was Aline." Quin crossed her arms. "She was a spy of the Phantom. She must've told them where you were heading."

"Is everyone safe?" Reuven asked sounding worried.

"Luckily yes. We're on the main ship. I'll send you the coordinates." Poe sighed.

"Meet you there soon." The comlink ended and there was silence. No one knew what to say. In jew a few minutes they were back where they had started only the situation was worse than ever. Quin's mind was whirring with thoughts. The memory, her father, Aline, the Phantom, how her brother constantly pushed away the truth, the force, the sith, the Jedi. It was all too much for her.

"I'll be in the back if anyone needs me." And just like that she walked out of the room.

Reuven stared out the window as Finn read the coordinates and headed for the Rebels main ship. The space outside blurred as they jumped into lightspeed.

His eyes flicked over his shoulder. Behind him on the table was the lightsaber. For some reason he couldn't get his eyes off it and everything around him went silent. He blinked and spun around his chair facing the front again. No. He would fall for the trap like his sister had.

He wondered if this was how she felt. Had she felt the invisible string connecting him and that weapon? It's not that he didn't believe that Rey and Kylo were his birth parents. It was just that Finn had been more of a parent than Kylo could ever be. He knew it was Finn's fault he was raised without his father, but he hadn't grown up without a father figure.

Finn had been the closest thing to family he'd had, other than Quin. Besides, what kind of father would Kylo have been. What could he give that Finn hadn't already? It would've been a life on the run if Kylo had raised them.

His thoughts were cut off by the loud clunk as the Falcon landing in the ships landing zone. The landing zone was huge. Pilots and technicians ran around yelling orders and going about their day to day jobs.

"Come on." Finn said, casually walking out of the control room. The hatch door opened slowly, and Reuven blinked his eyes from the light illuminating the landing zone.

He heard his boots echo as he stepped out onto the metal ground. He turned when he heard a set of lighter footsteps behind him. Quin was hugging her arms, silent for once and looking at the ground as she stumbled out. Attached to her belt was Kylo Ren's lightsabre, she must've gone back to the control deck to get it.

"Thank the stars you're safe." General Poe Dameron ran to his friend and the two embraced in a quick hug. "It's been madness for us here. I can't imagine what it's been like for you."

"Our father was taken." Quin spoke firmly and Poe's smiled faded.

"So, Finn told you huh?"

"No, actually. I figured it out."

"Poe, I have information. For everyone." Finn looked at the short ex-pilot.

"Right." Poe looked at the two siblings. "Why don't you two go. Rooms are down the hall to the right."

"But we-"

"Quin, let's just go." Reuven insisted grabbing his twin's arm, stopping her from walking any further forward. She was silent as he dragged her away.

"Gather everyone in the command room." Poe instructed a woman as she nodded and ran off. By the time the speakers announced a crew meeting in the central command deck Poe and Finn were waiting. Holograms of the captains from the other Rebel ships glowed brightly.

"Thank you all for coming." Poe began but was interrupted.

"Is it true? Are the Rothger twins the offspring of Rey and Kylo Ren, like Harrison said?" A voice yelled from the back of the crowd of crew members. Harrison who was standing by the front of the crowd grinned crossing his arms boldly. Poe sighed, he knew this might come up. "Yes, yes they are."

The crew went into uproars of complaints. "Silence!" Finn shouted and the noise eventually died down.

"And you allowed them on the ship?" A single voice called out.

"Yes, because we trust them." Finn replied sternly.

"How do we know if they are even on our side? What if they follow in their father's footsteps? They could've helped him escape!" Another voice asked.

Finn and Poe exchanged worried glances. Obviously, somehow the news of Kylo's obduction had gotten around quickly since their arrival. It wasn't actually surprising. Most crew were confused and startled when they came back missing both a Jedi and one of the galaxy's most wanted criminal.

"Some of you may not know but... we have learnt Aline was a sith apprentice of the Phantom." Gasps echoed loudly.

"That's impossible. The Phantom don't follow the force." Harrison grunted.

"That's what we thought." Finn rubbed his hands.

"And that leads us back to the twins. How do we know if they were hiding Aline's true identity?" Harrison continued and a few pilots nodded in unison.

"No one had any idea about this." Poe tried to settle down the crowd.

"Don't you think it's strange that these kids show up the same time Kylo Ren does. And then when they are off on a mission alone, we learn that Aline is a sith apprentice and ren is so called 'captured'." Finn glared at Harrison, but he didn't seem to get the hint.

"They had nothing to do with this. Reuven has been very helpful and Quin has been busy training as a Padawan." Finn growled.

"So Aline was training her?" A pilot crossed his arms and Finn went pale.

"Well, yes but that doesn't mean that-" The crowd cut him off until the door bursted open and Reuven came in panting. He look startled to be welcomed by hundreds of grim, angry faces but he shook it off. "Reuven I thought you were told to go to your-" Finn walked towards him but Reuven wasn't waiting for him to finish.

"Quin's gone!"

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