You You You

By KristnaJuekov

715K 19K 119K

NOT MY WORK "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath were pictu... More

An extra follower
What tickles your pickle
Banana Pants (or as straight as a flexible ruler)
Well how do you know Harry Styles?
Game on
You're both in the wrong
Bad damage control
Not that kind of follower
It's a very gay heaven
Harvey and Karma
Mean girls
A rough time
Step along the way
6 upset people
I'm yours
Sucker punch
Because it's you
As we make up our minds, we come falling down

Field day

23.8K 683 3.6K
By KristnaJuekov

"So, Harry," Louis said, giving him all of his undivided attention. "How are YOU?"

"Fine...?" Harry said, giving him a weird look. They were all hanging out in the flat, Zayn and Niall hunched up together on the couch, Liam flopped on a beanbag and Louis resting back against the sofa with Harry lying on the floor in between his legs and the tv showing some lame game show. Louis had come back from the coffee shop a few hours earlier and apparently Zayn and Liam had caught word of breakfast and joined them at the flat.

"No, seriously. How are YOU? Are YOU okay? How are YOU feeling?" Louis asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm good...thank you," Harry answered hesitantly, looking up at him with a confused frown. Louis nodded thoughtfully.

"What about you, Li?" Liam shrugged. "Not anything on your chest? Nothing at all?"


"Zayn? Any problems you'd like to talk about?"

"I've got a problem," Niall offered. Louis immediately turned to him.

"Spill it out. I'm here to listen." Louis said seriously. "Just let it flow. Open your book. I'm here and I will listen," he said like what would be taken as exaggeratedly.

"My problem is you being a psycho."

"It's psychologist," Louis informed him, head high. After Niall's "little" breakdown, Louis had taken it up to himself to make sure none of his friends went around with a heavy heart or felt like they didn't have someone to talk to. What happened with Niall he was never going to let happen again. See, the new Louis. Taking responsibility, listening to his friends, being mature.

"You know what I read online?" Louis said to the famous boy banders. Wow, it felt weird thinking that. Like, the three of them were lying around in his flat looking like shit to be honest. Well, Harry was kind of pretty, wasn't he?

"What?" Liam asked lamely.

"That your new merchandise store is opening today at exactly 2pm." The three boys groaned loudly. Louis grinned. "I'm thinking, as the boyfriend of one of the three, I should definitely get some merch." His whole posture perked up at the last word. He felt very happy using that word for some reason. Merch. Me-rch. MER-ch. Mer-CH.

"Please don't," Harry said, eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched together, looking pained. Louis knew how much he hated the pink keyrings and lip smackers.

"Why not? I think I should have a few posters? And Niall and I saw a girl wearing a nice shirt once. I think I should have a couple of shirts, right?"

"Yeah," Niall grinned. "I think want some too."

"Please," Harry begged.

"Doesn't Danielle have any merch, Liam?"

"She might have a shirt..." he said regretfully.

"DON'T," Harry sat up, "encourage him, Liam!"

"See, now I have to get some too," Louis said, grinning at his boyfriend.

"Oh god."

"Who wants to come with me?" Louis grinned at them.

Niall raised a hand. "I volunteer as tribute!"

"Well," Louis gestured at his blonde best friend. "There's a taker. Guess it's you and me Nialler!"

"YES! YAAY," Niall exclaimed, pretending he'd just one the lottery.

"Louis, please do not bring home a bunch of stuff!" Harry complained and Louis tried not to think about how his stomach warmed up at the word "home". Harry spent almost all his time in the flat. When was the last time he was even home if not to get clothes? And he barely even did that. Harry's clothes already took up more than half of Louis' closet space.

An idea flashed to his mind. "Then why don't you come with then? Check up on me, see what I buy?"


"Oh yes! You should definitely do that!" Niall agreed excitedly.

"I can't go. I'll get killed," Harry said, dead serious.

"Oh come on! We'll dress you up real good! It'll be fun! C'mon!" Louis begged.

"No way! I don't even think I'm allowed to be there."




"No. And don't look at me like that!"


"The answer is no."


An hour later Louis, Niall and a sulking Harry were sitting in a black SUV. They were well dressed up. Louis looked like teenage fanboy with hipster glasses, Niall looked like Ellen Degeneres and it was even hard for Louis to recognize Harry without tight pants or curls or with those lenses that Louis had found at home that made Harry's eyes look brown instead of green. The car drove through town, Niall and Louis jumping up and down in their seats with excitement. They came to a stop about a block from the merch store.

"Okay, huddle up boys!" Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes but did as told. "Okay, so when we get out there it's going to be mad. Girls running around everywhere screaming 'One Direction' and Harry, if they say your name, don't look. The line will be long but stay patient! We will get to see the Harry dolls eventually. And also," he stared at them. "If there is only one set of sheets left, it's mine!"

"Sure, Louis. And I've got drivers number in case of emergency!" Niall grinned.

"How did you manage that in like ten minutes?" Harry frowned.

"I'm just that good."

"I have security on speed dial just in case," Harry informed then.

"I don't know if I should feel more safe or scared by that, but okay," Louis said. They all climbed out of the car, beginning to walk along the streets to get to the store. The closer they got the more girls they saw and when they came around a corner Louis gasped. Woah.
The line for the store was incredible. It wasn't even a line, just a huge mass of people waiting to be let in. There were even a couple of officers to keep everything in check.

"Remind me again why we're doing this," Harry swallowed.

"Because it's a great way for you to see things from the fandoms point of view and..." Louis said unsurely. "and this is the first time for us like outside, and uhm... it's gonna' be great." He whispered out the last words. Holy shit, this was a lot of people. What if they recognized Harry? He literally actually would be killed.

"If this goes to hell, I'm blaming you," Harry told him.

"Sure," Louis smiled. "Oh and Harold?"


"It's probably best if you don't talk much. It's just..." He tried to escape Harry's suspicious eyes. "You have a very nice and throaty and deep voice y'know..."

"And you talk slow as shit so people would recognize it," Niall said easily.

"So you're saying that you brought me here to get killed and I can't scream for help?"

"Of course you can scream for help, love. Just...internally." Louis smiled.

They made their way towards to crowd, already getting looks from several judgy little eyes. Yes they were boys and yes they liked One Direction! Problem?
They took place in the thick line, more people immediately lining up behind them. The store was opening in about half an hour and Louis was already getting claustrophobic feelings. Harry apparently didn't care for any of what Louis had said about keeping quiet because he had already found some people to talk to.

"How are you?" Harry asked two girls in slightly lighter voice than usual. Maybe he had listened a little, Louis snickered to himself.

"We're good," they smiled.

"How long have you been in line?" he asked them, genuinely interested.

"We came about an hour ago but then she," one of the girls pointed to her friend. "forgot her wallet so we had to go back." The girl rolled her eyes and the other shook her head, maybe a little embarrassed.

"Well, at least you're here," Harry grinned.

"What brings you here? What's your story?" she raised her eyebrows at Harry and his two friends that were stood behind him awkwardly. Harry was about to probably say something stupid and would surely out them, so Louis very knightly stepped up to save the day.

"I'm Ashton!" he said quick and loudly. "These are Calum and Michael!" he gestured first at Niall and then at Harry. The girls nodded. "Our friend Lukey couldn't come. He's very sad about it." Louis pouted just to make it more realistic. Harry gave him a look and he shrugged. What? It was good to have a story!

"We're Kate and Rebecca!"

"Nice to meet you Rebecca and Kate!" Niall grinned. Louis got an idea! Harry was always complaining about never remembering his fans twitter names, right, so why not write them down?

"Do you have Twitter?" Louis asked them eagerly. Harry seemed to understand and his face lit up adorably. Sweet success.

"Sure! I'm @Katie_Payne," the girl whose name obviously was Kate said. Harry broke into a smile and Louis tried not to roll his eyes at the name.

"I'm @CupcakeBecca," the other said. Louis tapped in their names on his phone, making a note.

"We'll definitely follow you!" Harry promised. The line moved forward and they waved the girls off. If only they knew who they'd just talked to.

Harry hugged Louis affectionately and kissed him on the cheek. "Good idea," he told him sweetly.

"Thanks," Louis murmured back. He tried to smile full-heartedly but truthfully he couldn't really. He was feeling guilty. It was eating at him. He should tell Harry about his major slip up. He should tell him about the girls. But he was scared of Harry's reaction. What if he'd be mad and disappointed and even would want to hit the brakes on their relationship? What if he'd ruined it? Louis tried to think rationally and be grown up (his new mantra), the right thing to do was to just tell him. If he didn't then it all would probably blow up in his face later. But it had already been a while since his meeting with the girls, how did you bring up something like that?

"Hey! Let's talk to those girls!" Niall pointed at a couple of girls that looked a little older. Louis rolled his eyes. Harry grinned and eagerly stumbled through crowd after Niall and Louis followed. The rest of the time waiting in the line passed quickly. Niall and Harry proceeded to chat up a bunch of girls and get their twitters and Louis carefully wrote them down. While Harry eagerly chatted with his fans, Louis observed with a smile. He was so happy. Smiling and laughing and talking about stuff that seemed so irrelevant but made him look so happy. What kind of shirts the girls would get, if four Zayn posters were a little too much, or if they should get both the sheets and One Directions printed towels, or just go for the 1D pj's?
Louis watched him act all goofy and happy and his heart felt a little swollen. Niall seemed to be having fun too. Even if Harry was there they were still out doing stuff together, which was something Louis had realized he they hadn't in weeks.

"Oh my god!" A girl with ginger hair exclaimed. "It's happening!" And after that chaos was all around. The doors to the store had opened and everybody was running. Louis didn't know why but it felt right so he started screaming too.

"NIALL! Erm, Ashton? And CALUM!" he screamed for them, forgetting who was who again.

"LOU!" Niall called from inside the shop. How had he managed to get in so fast? And Harry was next him, waving impatiently. So Louis ran, screaming like an idiot and it was kind of nice to shout your guts out for no reason without being judged. Directioners were used to it he guessed.

"OUT OF THE WAY TROLLS. LET ME-" he "accidentally" pushed a girl in his way. "-Lemme' through!" He only had a few yards left. "Ew, get out the way! Ew!" He felt like one in the gang of bitches in A Cinderella Story, the one with Hilary Duff.

Niall was laughing his ass off by the time he reached them and Harry was grinning with that goofy smile, dimples out. Louis flicked him in the cheek and grinned back.

"That was fun!" There was a certain rush you got when running around fangirling in a sea of fifteen-year-olds. It was kind of an unexplainable feeling. Very thrilling.

"Let's check the stuff out!" Niall said and they pressed their way through the crowded store. It was like Louis had expected, different t-shirts and hoodies, posters, their albums of course, sheets and pillows and dolls. Harry groaned when Louis got himself a basket. He was going to shop!

"What do you think, Harold?" He immediately cursed under his breath after using that name in a crowd like this. "Do you think I should get the pink Harry toothbrush or the purple one?"

"Please don't get a toothbrush."

"I think the pink one will be good." He eyed it carefully before flinging it into the basket. "Yes, that's the one."

"I think I want one too," Niall grinned.

"We should get Liam a Zayn-brush. He'll enjoy that in his mouth." Louis snickered. He certainly hadn't forgotten and neither was he letting it go. Zayn and Liam had shared drunken kisses and he loved teasing Liam about it. Zayn didn't seem to care much but Liam was easy to trigger into a fit. It was quite hilarious watching him deny and then run out to call Danielle.

Niall laughed while secretly eyeing a signed photoset. Louis laughed. "Niall you can just ask them to give you their autographs..." he said lowly to him.

Niall's ear reddened. "No! That'd be embarrassing," he said in a hushed voice. "And DON'T even try to tell Harry I was looking!" Louis just snickered and continued down the aisle of stuff.

"Hey! Should I get these?" He put on pair of sunglasses with "One Direction" scribbled on the sides.

"No," was Harry's immediate answer so of course Louis decided that to get them was a good idea.

"I'm going to get this shirt!" Niall said excitedly. Zayn's face was printed over it with his signature signed in the corner.

"Where did you find that?" Louis asked. "I want one of those with Harry!"

"Louis please..."

"It's Ashton."

"Please don't get a shirt with my face on."

"I'll make you one with me on," Louis promised and went to look through the shirts to find what he was looking for.

"Hey! A singing keyring!" Niall exclaimed. Harry cursed. They continued to dig through the stuff and occasionally throwing stuff in the basket that was getting rather full. Harry occupied himself with chatting with strangers, using Louis' phone to write down the names. The list was getting pretty long. People would probably throw a fit when they found out about his massive followspree.
After convincing two girls it was a very good idea to give them their twitter names and Louis had promised them several times they would not regret it, they moved along. Louis found himself by the clothes, not really knowing where the other boys were.

"Should I get a onsie?" he called out, just testing it out, seeing if it would work.

"NO!" came loud voice from his right. Louis grinned. That's where Harry was. He made his way over to him and wrapped his arms around his waist from behind.

"Isn't this like the best first date ever?"

"Is that was this is? A date?" Harry asked, stroking Louis' arm warmly, leaning back in his embrace.

"We've never really been outside together before, have we?"

"No... but I wish I could take you out for real."

"Why don't we go tonight?" Louis suggested. "A proper date. The movie theatre."

"I can't just go to the movies," Harry said sadly.

"Come on you're in a sea of your own right now and nothing is happening. We'll make it work. We'll arrive early and hide in the back. No one will see." Louis tried to convince him. He gave him a kiss on the cheek and let go of him.

"We'll see..." Harry told him just as Niall came running, arms full of red material.

"I've got sleeved fleece blankets!"

"Kill me."

About half an hour later they were stood in line, Louis with a content smile on his face. The whole thing had gone excellent. No one had recognized Harry and Louis had chosen a bunch of stuff that annoyed Harry and Niall seemed happy with his sets of Zayn shirts. After paying for their stuff and they were stuffed back in the SUV, Niall fiddling with his phone with a frown and Harry leaned into Louis.

"Thank you for today," he said lowly.

"For what?" Louis said confusedly.

"It was fun." Louis lit up, surprised at how Happy Harry was. He continued. "I don't get to do much stuff out anymore like this. It was nice. Even though I had to dress up all ridiculously but still..." he trailed off. "Thank you for making me go."

Louis grinned. "My pleasure." Harry leaned down and kissed him softly, Louis letting out a pleased huff.

"Please don't." Niall said. "Or wait, never mind, I'm fine. I have a pink toothbrush to use after I throw up."


Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles)
Just so you know, @TheTommo, "N" and I were at the opening of the new merch store. It was really nice meeting a bunch of you!

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
1D fans are cray and kind of awesome. Harry, N and I stood in line for like an hour at the merch store. There's like a lot of you

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Dressing up has never been more successful or fun. If you don't count role play in bed

Harry Style (@Harry_Styles)
Those of you who gave me your twitter, you won't regret it ! :)

The Tommo (@TheTommo)


Yoanna loves her boys (@1D_Yoayoa)

Justine Hamilton (@Feathers_of_Hell)

Gina <3 Harry (@GGiiina)

<3Thank you Harry <3 (@Edna_Walker)
@Harry_Styles OMFG. Thank you Harry!!!!!!! <3 <3 xxxx I can't believe I didn't recognize you!

MY LIFE IS MADE (@CupcakeBecca)
Today I met @Harry_Styles @TheTommo and N. I'm crying. If only I had pictures to show you of Tommo

TORRY <3 (@The_xs_)

Harry followed me April 18th (@Katie_Payne)

GUYS YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS. So today I went to the opening of the new merch store in London together with my friend. We stood in line and were late for stupid reasons that I am grateful for now. If we hadn't been late I would never have met my idol. We stood in line when three guys started talking to us. One was blonde and wore a patterned button down, one had caramel hair and glasses and suspenders, and so the third, he was taller had straight hair, brown eyes (?!?) and wore ugly clothes. Now I realize that these three were N, Tommo and fucking Harry Styles! It's mad, I chatted with Harry Styles! I can't believe this. There is no way I can be productive for a month! I'm going to lie here in a pool of my own tears. Anyway, we gave them our twitters and apparently Harry followed us and I guess that's what happened with all of us lucky few who spoke with Harry.
So to what you're all probably wondering, what did Tommo look like? Remember he was also dressed up for this so he may not look like this in real life. But anyway, he was a lot shorter than Harry, a head probably, maybe less. His build wasn't as lean. He wore Tom's and rolled up black pants and suspenders. I don't remember much else.
God I wish I had a picture to give you, but honestly I'm not that upset because I actually met my idol today and it feels bloody good either way. x


For the second time that Saturday, Louis and Harry headed out in the public. Louis had been able to persuade Harry into going to the movies with him. Louis had been there earlier to get their tickets and make sure they were sat farthest away and in a corner where Harry could hide his precious face. Two security guards were coming with them (and to be honest Louis was quite scared of them) and someone that worked with something with Harry that Louis didn't understand had called the theatre to know who was attending although only a few of the employees got to know. So Harry and Louis had slipped in the back door and got let into the salon earlier than the others and sat down at their assigned seats, the guards standing a bit farther away.

"So," Louis smirked. "Are you going to put your arm around me and share my popcorn and hold my hand during the scary parts?"

"Maybe I'll even kiss you if you're lucky," he smiled cheekily.

"Someone's in a good mood," Louis said happily.

"Well, you make me happy." Harry said honestly. Aannd the butterflies were back. Damn, Louis thought they were dead by now. "I had fun with you today and I hope this will go great as well, as long as nobody sees us I think we're fine. People can't find out about us just yet..." Harry slipped his hand into Louis and squeezed it lightly.
People can't find out about us yet... well Houston there's a problem. People already know. Louis plastered a smile on his face that felt too wide to be genuine. Shit. He needed to tell Harry about the girls. It was better to do it sooner rather than later. Was this the time? Probably not. But the longer he waited the angrier Harry would probably be. Shit. Shit. Shit.
People started to file into the salon and Harry promptly leaned back in his seat and Louis hovered a little over him, making sure nobody saw him. Luckily the lights were a little dim and would soon go out completely when the movie started.

Harry leaned close to Louis just before the lights went out. He pressed his lips just below his ear and shiver ran up his spine. Harry should really not do things with his lips in public. It never went well for Louis. But tonight Louis had to actually force himself to enjoy it.

"If people could know about us I'd snog you senseless right now..." Harry whispered in his ear. Oh fuck my life, Louis thought. Fuck. Harry was sucking his neck and he couldn't even enjoy it because he was at the same time unknowingly guilt tripping him. Louis felt like crying and he let out a breath of relief when the lights went out and Harry couldn't see his facial expression.
The movie started and Harry parted from him, only lacing their fingers together and Louis leaned his head on his shoulder, trying to let the guilt pass away. That was something though that didn't happen. Anxious thoughts swirled through his brain the whole time, making it impossible to focus on the film. When was he going to tell him? Tonight after the movie? Tomorrow? How about in a week? Or never. What would he say? Would he yell, throw things? He'd never really seen Harry explode. What if he exploded? What if he... what if he called it off? What if he ended them? No... surely he wouldn't... right?
It was eating him from the insides throughout the whole movie and when they had about forty minutes left, Louis couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't bear to sit through this shit. He needed to tell Harry. Now.

He abruptly stood, startling several people around him with his sudden moves. "Harry, we have to talk!"

"Now? Louis what are you doing?" Harry asked confusedly.

Louis impatiently huffed and dragged Harry up from his seat. Luckily there was an aisle behind their seats and they could easily slip out, the guards silently following with a bit of distance. Louis wanted to yell at them to fuck off but they were there to help, weren't they.
They slipped out the doors, Louis pulling a stumbling Harry with him and quickly strode towards the bathrooms. No one was inside and the guards waited outside the door. Louis locked behind them and Harry frowned worriedly.

"What's going on?" he asked, looking around the bathroom. Honestly he looked a little scared.

"Harry we need to talk," Louis said, dead serious.

"Oh," he breathed uneasily. He swallowed. "Okay?"

Louis swallowed too. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Harry's eyes widened in shock and choked out the words, "Are you breaking up with me?"

"WHAT?" Louis exclaimed. "No!" What the fuck?

"Oh, okay good," Harry breathed out, letting a hand rest over his chest. "I was getting scared for a moment." Maybe he shouldn't stop worrying just yet...

"Haz, I'm so sorry, but... I accidentally outed us." He said weakly. "Somebody knows."

And then he told the whole story. Everything about the girls he told him. About how they had apparently stalked him and listened to his talks with Lindsay and how he'd ranted to them about Harry and then how one of them had outed herself and how apparently they had seen Harry leave Louis' flat. While talking he realized just how easy it was to find out who he was. Maybe those girls weren't the only ones who had done this? Maybe more people knew. Crap. Crap.

"Louis what the hell were you thinking?!" Harry had his hands to his head, looking the most exasperate he had ever looked, and that was something.

"I'm sorry!"

"Why couldn't you have just denied it or something?!"

"I didn't know what to do!"

"Why didn't you tell me immediately?!"

"Niall was having some trouble and then I didn't know how..."

"LOUIS, GOD! Why did you even talk to Lindsay about me?!"

"She doesn't know about you! Just that I have a boyfriend and his name his Harry!" Louis tried to defend himself.

"You know when you talk about stuff," Harry said, voice annoyed. "THEY CAN HEAR YOU!"

Oh you little fucker, Louis thought angrily. "I'M NOT DUMB! And it wasn't like I was yelling it out! We were just talking about you because she was mad at me for being a jerk to Darren.. I-"

"YOU TALK TO HER ABOUT DARREN?!" Harry exploded. "No, scratch that! You talk about Darren?!"

Louis rolled his eyes angrily. "So now we're fighting about Darren? Can you please just let that go?! Be a little mature!"

"Mature? Really?! Says the one who can't handle a secret!"

"A secret? Is that what I am to you? A fucking secret?!"

"OH COME ON! You know that's not true! Be mature!"

Louis gasped. "So now I'm the immature one?!" Louis narrowed his eyes and his fingers were trembling. He wanted to throw something at Harry. The fight wasn't even about the girls anymore. It was about stupid stuff that both knew weren't even problems to them.

"You know what?" Louis said, reaching out to the sink and pumping out soap into his hands. "If I'm so immature, have at it!" He flung the soap into Harry's shocked face and smirked spitefully when Harry wiped it off. But then Harry reached out for some soap himself and Louis had time to think a brief "oh" (he hadn't thought this far) before Harry threw a handful of soap at him. It got in his eye and he whined.

"You little shit!" he shouted, flashing to the water to wash off his face quickly. But if Harry thought he was out he was wrong. Louis cupped his hands and splashed water all over him.

"FUCK!" Harry yelled, his whole face and shirt dripping with water. He flung himself to the nearest sink and Louis yelled out, expecting to get splashed. He didn't. Harry mixed a tiny bit of water into his handful of soap, then he attacked him. He crashed into Louis, making them fall over in the process and hitting the floor roughly. Then Louis' face and hair was shoved in soap and water, and he desperately fought to get free. They rolled over, Louis straddling Harry and they now were fighting. Physically. Louis tried to retain Harry's arms but failed and soon he was held to the floor again. The bathroom was a mess. There was water and slippery soap all over, paper towels spread out on the floor and their clothes were pretty much ruined.

"GET OFF!" Louis yelled, kicking and yelling. He managed to kick him off balance but he couldn't get his arms free.

"LOUIS!" Harry whined when he got kicked in the shin. He pressed him to the floor harder and another hand of soap was smashed in Louis' face.

"Harry! Stop!"

"You started it!"

"If you hadn't called me immature then I wouldn't have done it!"

"I hadn't called you immature if you hadn't called me it first!"

"I hadn't called you that if you hadn't been so fucking jealous of Darren," Louis spit out.

"Well, I wouldn't be so jealous of him if you hadn't agreed to date him in the first place!"

"Oh, so we're back at that?" Louis struggled underneath Harry's weight. "You know what! You are fucking immature Harry!"

"I'm not immature, and that's not even the problem! The problem is that you can't seem to keep your mouth shut!"

"WELL YOU KNOW IT'S FUCKING HARD NOT BEING ABLE TO TALK ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Louis screamed out. It was fucking hard! It was fucking unbearable sometimes. "I'M YOUR FUCKING DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!"

"LOUIS, FOR FUCK SAKE! You know that's not true! And as far as I knew, you didn't even want people to know you were dating me!"

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I want people to know that you're taken! I want people to know that you belong to someone!"


"WELL GOOD! And it's not my fault I was stalked!"

" I know! But you have not told them about my curls and tattoos!"

"Maybe I could have held out on that!"

"Maybe. And Louis?" Harry breathed down at him.







"WELL I LOVE YOU TOO." They came silent, Harry's body pressing down on Louis', both breathing harshly and rapidly. Harry slowly rolled off him, landing with a thud on the floor next to him. They both breathed heavily in the silent room.

"So you love me?" Louis eventually said, chest still heaving, staring at the ceiling.

"And you love me?" Harry breathed out.


"Cool," Harry agreed.

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