A Long Way From Home

By CrackheadWriters

347 32 108

In an old abandoned barn, a couple of friends were hanging out and building a portal. After the portal came t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter Four

47 5 9
By CrackheadWriters

Sarah walked away from the living room where most of the gang were gathered. She walked to the kitchen and took an ice pack out of the freezer, placing it on her red stained hand that she gained after punching Stephen a little too hard.

"Goddamn that man and his abs of steel." She said as she grunted and her fist started throbbing.

"I can't tell if you're fawning or complaining." Andy smiled, helping her by gently holding the ice pack. "You shouldn't press so hard."

"Title of your sex tape, but thanks!" Sarah said and took a seat on one of the stools by the island.

"No problem, I'm going to head back to the library for some peace. See you later!" Andy smiled, wandering away slightly waving.

Sarah sat there for a few more minutes, occasionally wincing from the pain when Wanda came in and sat down next to her.

"Hello." Wanda said to her.

"Hi, Wanda! Wait- Tony said you were on a mission..." Sarah said and looked suspiciously at Wanda.

"Haha, I just got back." She replied with a faint smile. Sarah didn't respond. Instead, she continued examining Wanda.

"Loki?" She asked after a few moments. There was a bright green glow that blinded her field of view for a few seconds. She opened her eyes and was met with the one and only god of mischief, Loki.

"How did you know it was me?" Loki said, obviously confused.

"Wanda isn't so open when she meets new people, especially people from a different universe who just showed up at the building she lives at." She replied and stuck her hand out towards him.

He took her hand in his and shook it. "Good observation, you're very attentive. But that's not why I came here." He said and got up.

"What are you talking about? What did you come here for? Answer me or I will stick a knife into your throat because I am a very curious person." She said while holding him by the collar of his cape.

"As much as I'm loving the threats, if you'd just let go of me, I'd gladly explain it to you." He said and gestured to her hands.

She let go and sat back down on the chair. "If you don't mind..." She said and waited for him to start talking.

"I heard that you've acquired various powers?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ding ding ding." She started. "So, what about them?" She asked.

"Well most of the time, mortals find it very difficult to adjust to and control their powers, and I've been feeling quite bored recently, so I'd like to help you learn how to manage It." Loki said, the genuity visible in his voice.

"Actually, I'd love that. I've been feeling a little more mischievous than usual, having a mentor who's literally the god of mischief might be a good thing for me." She said, smiling, an idea already forming in her head. "I too, have a proposal for you, Loki."

"I'm listening..."

"How would you feel, if, in the process of learning to control my powers, we pull some good 'ole harmless, practical pranks on everyone using my powers to see how much I've improved?"

Loki's smirk now evolved into a full-on grin. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say I'd feel terrific about that!"

"Flamazing. Let's get started, then!" She smiled.

"Alright. So, how many powers do you have? One? Two? Maybe even three?" He asked.

"Five, that I can think of, that is." She said as Loki stood, shocked.

"Pardon me, did you say five ?" He asked.

"Sir yes, sir. I've discovered superspeed, superstrength, flight, I'm immune to bullets, and I can shoot fucking lighting bolts out of my fingers." She said and chuckled.

"How did you find out you were immune to bullets?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Classified info, you don't need to know. Let's get on with it, forget I ever said anything or we're gonna find out if you're immune to bullets."

"Allllright, let's let's planning, shall we?"

"Fuck yeah! Now let's go prank some dipshits!" She said and fist pumped, earning a chuckle from Loki.


The library was silent, all that was heard was a faint humming sound and the very light sound of pages turning.

Andy was enjoying a fantasy book, a guilty pleasure, if you will. Most times when she was caught reading it was a very thick sciescience-filled or a non-fiction book, but not fiction.

She smiled closing the book and placing it back on the shelf. After seeing another book she wanted, she took a step forward but managed to mysteriously jump from her location to the other side of the room in a blue flash.

"Uhm okay then." Andy said talking to herself. She simply brushed it off as a mental anomaly in her mind, she had temporarily blacked out as all.

However, when,n the book in her hands caught on fire, there was no scientific explanation for that.

"Shit, shit, shit." She said, stomping the fire out with her black boots.

"What was that all about?" A voice spoke. Andy's soul leapt fi feet out of her body as she turned around to find Bucky standing there staring at her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, why are you even here, shouldn't you be under steve?" Andy mumbled standing in front of the burnt book. Bucky walked over and picked the book up from the ground.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I just watched you disappear and reappear on opposite sides of the room and a book spontaneously combusts your hands. Also, I was looking for a quiet place, Steve has nothing to do with where I go to read."

"There's a scientific explanation for that."

"No there isn't." Bucky smiled. Andy had almost forgotten Bucky had also been into science in the 40's.

"Alright so maybe there isn't but, the only possible explanation would be the portal malfunctioned and that would mean it was probably my fault." Andy sighed.

"You do realize it's okay to make mistakes, It took me a while to realize that myself but it is okay." Bucky said, tossing the book in the trash can,

"Tell that to my overbearing mother." Andy chuckled.

"Aren't you like an adult."

"I'm around Wanda's age, so technically, yeah... but my mother is still very suffocating." Andy frowned but she felt a small pat on her head.

Bucky smiled, "You are your own person you know, you don't have to let her ruin your heart. Parents can be just as toxic as anyone else and it is perfectly okay to stand up for yourself."

"Thanks, I guess, I appreciate the pep talk."

"No problem, also, Lord of the Rings is a great series. No shame in hiding it." He smiled walking away.

"Wait a minute, how long were you in here? Come back!" Andy yelled.


Elayne sat there in shock, examining the metal spike she held in her hand. Peter was on the opposite end of the couch, staring wide-eyed.

"Calm down Parker, I'm not gonna hurt you," she signed, spinning it around. She noticed a dartboard on the wall. Making sure no one was in the way, she threw it at the board. It hit a bullseye.

"Is that a power too?" Peter asked, more comfortable now that the sharp object was out of reach.

She shook her head. "It's my hobby. I throw knives."

Peter scooted to the end of the couch again. "You're scary."

She laughed. "I've never hurt anyone. I promise." She reached into her pocket and brought out a handful of hay that somehow had gotten in there while she and the others were in the barn. "Let's see..." she closed her eyes and concentrated, and the hay turned into metal, while somehow still keeping its hay shape.

Dr Banner walked into the room just as the hay finished turning. "Get back Bruce! She's gonna hurt you!" Peter screamed like a little kid.

"What!?" Bruce's face started to turn green.

"Whoa!" Elayne dropped the metal and stood up, holding her hands above her head. "No, I'm not! I come in peace, Dr."

He returned to his normal coloring. "Who are you? How did you get here?"

"I'm Elayne, and my friends and I fell into a portal. Long story."

"She can turn things into metal!" Peter whispered loudly.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard that before."

She nodded. "Yeah, I guess I can... I never knew I could do that."

Bruce paused. "Wait here a second." He ran into his lab and came back with a test tube. He put it in Elayne's hands. "Try turning this."

Elayne closed her eyes and concentrated. Slowly the test tube turned into metal.

"Astonishing," Bruce said. "Uhm, do you mind if I run some tests on you? I'm dying to know where this comes from.

Elayne shrugged. "Sure."


Vic was wandering around the tower when she came across Tony's many display cases full of Iron Man suits. "OOOOOH Tony's collection!!" Vic said in awe.

Walking into the room, Vic noticed that there were screens beside each suitcase that had biometric scanners for access. Out of nowhere, Vic felt a strange connection to all the metal pieces in the room. As a HUGE and I mean HUGE, GIGANTIC Avatar: the Legend of Aang fan, Vic realised that she may have metal-bending powers.

"Holy shit... that's cool!! I've always wanted to be a metal bender!!" she said. "I wonder..."

Vic stretched out her arm and formed a mental picture of metal pieces forming a metal gauntlet around her forearm. After about four seconds of concentration, Vic felt the coolness of the metal on her arm. When she opened her eyes, she saw an Assassins creed inspired gauntlet with the insignia of the Assassins on it.

"Damnn that looks cool!" Clint said from behind Vic. Startled, Vic turned and threw a punch that, unfortunately, hit Clint square in the cheek. "OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY!!!" Vic apologised profusely with wide eyes and a nervous smile on her face.

"It's ok, really. Kinda my fault for sneaking up on you heh" Clint said, rubbing his cheek. "Where did you learn to do that though?" He asked, gesturing to the gauntlet.

Vic immediately launched into her story of watching Avatar: The Legend of Aang and how she always loved the idea of blood and metal bending and how she figured she might as well try something she'd always wanted to do even before she got her powers.

"Oh uh you may wanna put those pieces back though, Tony's gonna be really mad if he finds missing pieces in his suits. " Clint said, pointing to the suits which were now missing random pieces of metal here and there. "Oop I forgot about that. I don't know where the pieces came from though... hehehh" Vic said awkwardly.

"OH HEY VIC!" Sarah exclaimed from the doorway, Loki behind her. "Oh my gosh, y'all are pulling pranks on Tony too? This is awesome!" She said and grinned

Vic shrugged and replied "Yeah. I guess we are now. Oh hey Loki... WAIT LOKI!?!?!?" Vic said, doing a double-take.

At this, Sarah burst into laughter and nudged Vic in the side while Clint and Loki watched them while looking confused as hecc. "Loki's my new prank-tor. Mentor but for pranks. Anyways, my next target is good 'ole Spangles, y'all wanna tag along?" Sarah asked, to which Loki and Vic answered " YES PLEASE. " simultaneously, running out of the room.


Erin walked into the mall with a credit card thanks to Tony. She looked around thinking of all the things she could get, I mean Tony did give her maybe too much money. A million, to be precise. She looked at the card.

If she were to lose it, someone is gonna have a happy day. She first went to Hot Topic, her favourite store." I should probably just get stuff for my room " she thought as she walked into Hot Topic.

It looked exactly like the one at the mall back at home. It even had some Marvel stuff. She looked around and picked up a cute rainbow leather jacket. It was all leather except it was like those jackets from school with the white stripes on the collar and ends of the sleeves. It was that but leather and the collar and end-of-the-sleeves were rainbow.

She tried it on over her Bucky Barnes Protection Squad shirt she had worn back at the barn. She decided on that jacket. It made sense for her especially since she's the gayest pansexual she knows. She took off the jacket and held it on her arm.

She looked around trying not to look at the bad shit she should never and will never buy. She got a few pop vinyls and some posters for her room.

She paid for everything and shoved it into a bag. She left Hot Topic and immediately went for the Ragstock a few stores down. For the next few hours, she roamed around the mall buying everything that she liked. Oh, the pros of having a lot of money to spend.

With maybe 7 bags in her arms, she ran into the last store of the day. Apple. She has never been at the apple store at the mall because everything is expensive. She called Tony before walking in.

It rang twice before answering. "Hey, kid."

"Hey Tonyyyyy". Erin said. "Can you send happy to the mall I kinda need help carrying the bags I have plus I still have one more store to go to."

"Happy's busy right now so is it fine if I just send one of the suits over?"

"Oh, that's actually better because he won't complain, thanks, Tony. " Erin smiled.

"It's on its way oh and I'll be controlling it so don't be scared if it talks. " He said.

"Coolio. " Erin put the bags on the wall as she waited for Tony's suit to come.

"No problem, it will be there soon. " he said and hung up.

Erin smiled and sat next to her bags waiting for an iron man suit to come flying in. She played on her phone for a bit before a suit came flying in, above everyone.

Erin stood up as the suit landed. "Hello, Erin. " A voice came through the suit and Erin smiled "Yay, hi, here, take these, please. " She said as she gave the robot a few bags.

She gave the robot all the bags she had and walked into the apple store. She looked around and grabbed a phone and a laptop. She got a few more phones for her friends and a laptop for each one. She smiled and held half the boxes as the suit held the other half.

She went over to the counter and waited in the short line of 3 people. She walked up to the counter and she and the robot put the boxes down.

"What favor did you do to get Tony Stark to give you this kind of money and a suit to help with your shopping? Did he not have time for you?" The cashier snickered.

Erin wasn't attracted to Tony let alone do anything of what she is implying with him. She liked Bucky. But oh boy did that strike a chord in her.

"At least I know Tony, like he would even glance at your sorry ass." Erin snapped and the cashier looked at her like she needed to go to a mental asylum.

"Oh really? How do I know you didn't steal this ironman suit and you're using it for your own shit? Huh? Why don't I go around and get my manager-"

"That won't be necessary. " Tony's voice came through. But it wasn't only his voice. The suit opened up revealing Tony, he had flown from the compound to here, just for some stupid shopping? For her?

Both the cashier and Erin looked equally surprised. The cashier immediately shut up and gave Erin her receipt.

"Thank you for shopping at Apple. " She nervously spat out, looking humiliated and handed Erin a few bags full of boxes with her new cool shit.

Erin nodded and took the credit card. Erin dragged Tony out of the suit as the suit followed behind.

"You came here just for me?? It's been like an hour here" Erin said as she gave the suit the last of the bags.

"Yeah I wanted to also I wanted to show you this cool project I'm working on, I think you'll like it" Tony smiled. Erin shook her head. "You're impossible but whatever I have what I want and you have to show me and you should talk to momma- Andy and Vic. They love science and Andy's very smart so she might like it too" Erin said as they walked out of the mall.

"Ok I'll see but I wanna show you first. Oh and Barnes was looking for you earlier when you were gone, he might be into you but you cannot do anything with him, ok?"

"God you sound like my dad and I'm not only into Buck ya know? Well ok let me explain, I love everyone in the tower but I also love Valkyrie but she's a space queen so kinda gotta wait a while for her to come help us in like 10 years- actually wait I could just ask Thor, Ragnarok is happening soon so I can just call him in iw so-" Erin gushed.

"Calm down" Tony said, "and shut up what are you talking about?"

"Sorry I just love Marvel" Erin sighed remembering how fucking stupid the Russos are right now. "You are Marvel so you wouldn't know because it's in my universe only I guess"


Camryn and Sam sat outside an ice cream shop on their first date in a while. They ate the cold yum yum heaven also known as ice cream. They are at an ice cream shop after all.

"We should go on dates more often." Sam said, licking his oreo ice cream.

"Yeah, we should." Cam ate her ice cream, looking deep in thought.

"What are ya thinking about?"

"Oh just stupid shit, what might happen if we have to go to- never mind it won't happen since we can just stop Thanos so we won't go...there."

"Where is there?"

"There is a place we don't wanna go to. " Cam said, eating the last of her ice cream. She stood up and threw away the tiny paper bowl in a nearby trash can.

Sam stood up and followed Cam. They continued to walk down the street once Sam finished his yum yum heaven. They walked down the street in upstate New York. Wild they ended up in NY since they all lived in Ohio but crazy things happen there.

"Hey, babe?" Sam started.


"Wanna ditch everyone for like, a week, and just explore this place?"

"Hell fuckin' yeah I do." She said and grinned. Sam smiled and gave her a quick kiss.

"Alright, now we just gotta go book a swanky hotel under Tony's name for a week." He said and smiled. Cam giggled and walked towards a park. It was beautiful with all the trees, the leaves turning pretty colors. They walked down a path just being happy in each other's company.

They walked to the edge of the path and eventually found a very quiet lake. It was calm waters and no one else there. There was a thin dock a few yards away from them.

"C'mon" Cam grabbed Sam's hand and led them to the dock. They walked down the dock and sat at the end. They took off their shoes and held their feet In the cool water. Cam rested her head on Sam's shoulder and Sam rested his head on hers.

All was well and it was a wonderful day.


Yes the chapter is finally fucking here your welcome hoes

We finished it we hope you like it yeah that's it bye love yall


-Marvel Crackheads

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