Astral Legacy Book 1

By ThatGaymerGuyB

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Kale had been out taking his dog out for a final bathroom break before heading to bed when he saw it. A ball... More



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By ThatGaymerGuyB

Kale shook his head and put his feet to the floor in quick motion. The last thing he remembered was pondering the last few days and the next Kershala was waking him up telling him they had arrived. Kershala walked calmly to the exit and the door opened automatically as he turned to wait for Kale. He could hear the rest of the crew gathering in the main corridor at the main airlock. Kale looked out the window and all he could see was the metal colored wall, he was slightly disappointed he didn't get to see the city ship on approach. He turned to follow Kershala and as they walked out into the corridor Anubis met them. Elara, Lenari and Rotabu were pulling Sashir out on a stretcher that was just floating. Lots of monitoring equipment was hooked up to him and he appeared to be asleep still. Kale wondered if they'd actually be able to help him or not or if he would be in his current state for the rest of his life. Lenari shot him a glance, Kale could tell he was tired and stressed, he didn't think he really had any time to sleep since he and Kershala came onboard and it had been more than a day. Omall, Atondra and Jelani came from the command center of the ship and met them. It still felt like the ship was moving so he thought it strange that Jelani was not at her post.

"Are we still moving?" he asked simply.

"No, the automated docking system has taken over, so the pilot is not required," explained Anubis. Kale figured it would probably be something like that that was going on. Atondra approached them greeting them with a nod.

"I hope you slept well while you could," she said.

"Yes, we are rested," Kershala nodded. Kershala had taken on a very serious demeanor Kale could tell that he was likely nervous for what was about to happen. He hadn't been around so many of his people since he was very young.

"Good. The council will likely want to see you both to talk to you about your experience with the Arktora. And of course, your plans for the future," she explained. Kale was a bit caught off guard, he expected Kershala to have to speak with them, but he didn't think they would want to speak with him. At least not with any type of detail.

"We will be prepared to face them," said Kershala taking a step closer to him.

"Kershala I would like to caution you against revealing your identity to the rest of the population right away. We do not want to cause an uproar as we are arriving. Your presence will be announced at a later time."

"Of course, Atondra," said Kershala, "I am aware of the protocol. I do not wish to make this any harder than is has to be." The ship shook with one final jolt and the lights flickered slightly. Kale could tell that meant they were ready to depart the ship. He felt a certain excitement come over him, he was excited to see the city ship after hearing so much about them from Kershala and the others. There was a hissing sound as the pressure in the ship adjusted to that of the Typhonus' atmosphere. Elara and Rotabu took Sashir off the ship first with Omall and Jelani following behind them. Lenari waited for Kale and Kershala to walk to the airlock and walked with them. Atondra followed a few feet behind them. As they stepped out of the airlock the door to the ship shut behind them. They were in a long narrow corridor with an eerie blue light beaming from all around them.

"This is just the decontamination chamber," said Lenari as they walked. "You might hear a strange noise but its just the bio sensors clearing us for entry." Kale nodded as they walked.

"So how is Sashir?" he asked.

"Not good, Elara decided to keep him in a coma, his upper brain function got worse as the time passed," Lenari shook his head as he spoke.

"I hope they can make him better." They walked down the corridor keeping the silence, they were walking slow with Elara and Rotabu setting the pace, but the corridor seemed to go on for several hundred meters ahead of them. "Any tips for how I should act?" asked Kale thinking of when he would meet the council. "I mean in front of the council. I don't plan on speaking much to the civilians right away."

"I am confident I will be able to control the conversation," said Kershala.

"Kale act like you are speaking to one of your world leaders," said Anubis. "That is the closest reference I can find for an equal figurehead in your culture."

"Alright then." They continued down the last fifty meters in silence and came to a large gate.

"Decontamination process terminated," an automated voice spoke seemingly from all around them. "Please stand back." Another hissing sound and the large gate began to open. They stood and watched as the large gate slowly rose up, Kale felt a blast of warm air rush over him as the door released. He thought he could see natural sunlight shining through it as well but didn't see how that could be possible. As soon as the gate was high enough Elara and Rotabu rushed Sashir through the door and were met by a small brigade of Daoran's in green colored clothing. Kale figured it must be the ships medical team as they rushed him off. Omall and Jelani walked up and seemed to quickly disappear into the crowd of people that waited on the other side. They likely met their families and went to spend time with them. Kale, Kershala and Lenari stepped through the large door and sure enough there was sunlight coming from somewhere above them, though Kale could not determine the source he looked up to see a colorful sky overhead. The crowd waiting for them was massive numbering in the hundreds. As they walked Kershala seemed to know where to go and Lenari followed them. Kale remembered him telling them his family had been killed, there was likely no one here to meet him or for him to leave with immediately. As they walked the people began noticing that he was different right away. He didn't' feel as though anyone was mocking him but the children were pointing. Kale smiled at them as he walked trying to give off a friendly outward appearance. He felt Kershala sticking closer to him than normal and he wasn't sure for whose benefit.

"Crew of the Sironia!" A man yelled from somewhere ahead of them. "We welcome you back, and glad to see your mission was mostly a success! Though we mourn the loss of poor Ashal, we hope Sashir may yet be restored to the wonderful young man he was. Commander Atondra, you have led another successful mission in bringing us a ship of the demons!" Kale smiled to himself, it seemed as though the man was preaching. He assumed this was the traditional welcome home. "No doubt it will prove to be of great value in our efforts against the Shironian threat!" The man continued speaking but seemed to get lost in the crowd. They came to a crossroads and were approached by two guards who wore similar uniforms to the crew of the Sironia, one male one female.

"Atondra, it is an honor, we are thankful for your return," the female spoke and both of them nodded to Atondra. "The council wishes to speak with you and your guests right away." The women's eyes addressed the three of them before settling on Lenari. "I apologize Lenari, but you have not been summoned."

"Anubis, when they are done can you notify me?" asked Lenari, "I wish to spend more time with you now that we have a bit of free time."

"Lenari go rest, we may be awhile," said Atondra. Lenari nodded at her and reluctantly left them. "Lead the way Ashara." Kale didn't like the sound of being a while. He had hoped this would be a welcoming advent not an interrogation. So far Atondra and the others were not giving him the idea that they were rolling out the red carpet for their princes return. Kershala's demeaner hadn't changed giving Kale the impression that this was what he was expecting. They followed the guard and Atondra took the lead, as they began walking Kershala gave Kale a reassuring smile. He would just have to trust that they had everything under control, there wasn't much he could do. They headed in the opposite direction Lenari took and were walking on a pathway made of a metal material. The area they walked was about six feet wide with people moving in both directions. The path itself was lined with trees and flowers of many different colors and sizes, nothing looked familiar and the color patterns were alien in appearance to him. Several Daoran's of varying ages passed them as they walked both male and female in appearance, though several also varied in their appearances. The civilian clothing didn't seem to be gender oriented both outwardly male and female Daorans being draped in several different types of clothing. Some wore monocoloured robes while others wore exquisitely colourful ones, some were in uniforms like what the crew of the Sironia wore with slight variances in color. The more casual wear went from body suits to pants and vests some wearing undershirts some not. Others seemed to be very close to what Kale would consider to be day to day clothing back on earth the only difference being the materials the clothing was made from. As they walked only a few of the Daoran's made note of Kale or even paid him any mind. He figured as a space fairing species it wouldn't be strange to see a new face from time to time.

"There are the councillors chambers," said Anubis. Kale looked ahead of them to see that they were approaching a large archway. Kale could see a set of stairs just beyond it that seemingly led down.

"You are correct," said Atondra, "Have you interfaced with the Typhonus' AI yet Anubis?"

"I have, I am currently working to catalog and update the information it has collected since its activation." Kale was suddenly worried that the AI might turn against them or face some corruption from interfacing but remembered that it was more sophisticated.

"You're newer than this AI if I remember correctly, right Anubis?" asked Kale looking for reassurance.

"Yes, I was among the last of the Daoran AI to be activated I was also heavily modified by Yailar and his Patriarch." Kale got the reassurance he was looking for and also couldn't help but notice the proudness in the AI's voice as it spoke about itself. At the sound of Yailar's name the guards both seemed to be distracted for only a few seconds. They came to the steps that led down and the guards stopped walking turning to them. They walked over to Kale and Kershala, Ashara walking to Kale and the male to Kershala.

"We must inspect you before we let you into the councils chamber," said Ashara. Kale nodded and shot Kershala a glance as the women pulled a scanning device from her belt. The male seemed to be using his implant as he scanned Kershala. Kale didn't have anything on his person other than his clothing having left the rifle on the Sironia. He didn't want to give them anything to use or perceive as hostile.

"My pleasure," said Kale smiling.

"This cannot be right," said the other guard, "Ashara will you see this?"

"What is it Theron?" she asked walking over to him her scanner already collecting data. Kale wondered what they were detecting that would worry them.

"I think my implant is giving false readings," said Theron.

"They are not," said Kershala. Atondra looked back at them and smiled. "I carry Yailar's nanites." Theron's face changed from questioning to concerned and Kale couldn't tell what was going to happen next. Theron and Ashara both took a step back Theron discreetly putting a hand on his side arm.

"You will have to surrender them before we continue," said Theron.

"I will not," said Kershala remaining calm, "Theron have things gotten so bad that you do not even trust the technology Yailar created for us?" Kale watched the man wondering if the rule about Daorans turning weapons on each other was about to be broken. Of if that in the resistance it had already been long broken.

"Theron do not speak out of turn. Send your findings to the AI and the councils guard," said Ashara, "They will make the proper decision." Theron put his hand to his implant and closed his eyes, they fluttered briefly as he sent the information. Only a few seconds passed before he opened his eyes again.

"They are letting you through," Theron seemed to be swallowing his disappointment but not hiding it very well. Atondra stayed quiet with her arms crossed as the guards began moving again. They began to follow. Kale was getting a very strong impression that something political was going on.

"Kershala, I have prepared dossiers for each of the councillors for you that we should review before you appear before them," said Anubis as they descended the stairway. Kershala stayed silent but gave the AI the go ahead to disseminate the information. "The members of the Daoran Resistance Council are as follows. Bilan, Champion of Kesach, he fought the last two major wars before first contact with the Shironians and oversaw skirmishes all through the current war. He will respect your combat prowess and will likely be greatly interested in your fight against the Arktora. He commanded your father in combat several times when he was your age. He unfortunately was not fond of your father often coming to blows over combat strategy, your father at your age was significantly more outspoken. It is important to note that after fighting in most of the wars the Daora have been involved with he has become greatly mistrusting of other species. He will not approve of Kale." The AI seemed to be letting that statement hang before continuing. "He is currently the oldest living Daoran, therefore he does not participate in the battlefield anymore but does assist with his great experience in battle strategy." Kershala had heard stories of the Champion of Kesach, a battle that Bilan had won alone fighting against the Krelan during the first war the Daora participated in. He had great respect for Bilan's abilities on the battlefield as well as his experience in age.

"Lareela," the AI continued, "is the diplomat currently in charge of civilian affairs for the resistance. She was a young woman by the time first contact had taken place and is best known for being the only Daoran diplomat who was able to negotiate peace talks with the Shironians. Ultimately, she was unsuccessful in her venture, but there has never been another meeting of its kind since. Only months later the Shironians would launch a full-on attack on Yaria. When first contact took place, she was the leader of a small group of Daoran's who opposed Yailar. Due to her ability to work the fear of the people she became Yailar's biggest political enemy during the war. Her cunning on the political battlefield is what got her to where she is now. She was often bested by your mother during political debates." Kershala smiled at the thought of his mother regretting he never got to know that side of her. During his life there were no politics that he could remember. "You should note that she did take a non-Daoran mate. Records show it was likely a Turaleon, but he was killed during the attack on the Ataria." Kershala thought for a moment that maybe she would show him some favor as he did not follow the same path his father chose completely.

"The third member of the council is Alarai. He is a good deal younger than the others being closer to Yailar's age. He was born on the Ataria after the war but long before we were forced to inhabit the ship. He is the leader of the resistance as a whole and has been since it came to be. He is directly responsible for sending Yailar and his family into exile. He is an accomplished espionage specialist with several high-profile intelligence operations under his command. It seems that most of the information has been tampered with in his file and a lot of it is not available. I can tell you that he is well respected amongst the civilian and military population of the Typhonus. It would appear that a good deal of the resistance commanders such as Atondra are from under his former command as well," Anubis finished the dossiers. Kershala thought that considering Atondra's over all demeaner that Alarai may not have been a potential enemy, but he would likely have a hard time forgetting that this man forced his family into exile. Even if it wasn't solely his decision. As they walked the stairwell ended and they entered a very busy room. Kershala scanned the room and listened to the conversations going on around him and it wasn't hard to tell that they had entered the main operations room of the ship. There were monitors lining the room and probably about twenty-five people working the different stations. Kershala's implant was detecting a communications array for both external and internal communiques operated by three people at different stations. The navigation system was tied directly to this room as well, the city ship didn't stay still for very long, he could tell from their navigation reports on several monitors that they had recently spent a lot of time in open space travelling from system to system. Two officers were monitoring the navigation and he could see that they had resumed FTL travel from screens they sat in front of. The engines used in the city ships was a great deal more powerful than almost anything he had ever seen in person before. They not only powered the FTL drive but also all of the subsystems and environmental systems of the ship itself. Kershala could see the Arktora's ship on a couple of screens to the left. They appeared to be running sensor sweeps of the vessel trying to figure out information like what the hull was made of and what kind of weapons upgrades they may need to fight it. Kershala looked at Kale sensing a small amount of excitement from him, there were still so many things he hadn't been exposed to yet, in a way he was envious of Kale's naivety to the galaxy.

"Kershala, the council chamber is through here," said Atondra. Kershala didn't realize that he had stopped while he looked around. He looked back at Kale who took his place at his side and they continued together through and arched doorway. Atondra and the other two guards walked ahead of them the AI core floated closely above them. They continued down a corridor which opened into a large room through an automated door. The room they entered was a large dome with a very high ceiling. There were three podiums ahead of them on an elevated stage, the council members hadn't arrived yet. Kershala could feel the ships AI all around him suddenly, he figured he hadn't felt it before most likely due to a security field that protected it from hostile actions. He also recalled that the older AI didn't have the capability to interface remotely with all Daorans only those with specific clearance. Anubis had been built during war times and had learned quick what it was equipped with to defend itself and how to use it. The older AI had been updated with protocols and their intelligence increased with exposure like any self learning intelligence, but they weren't as equipped to deal with hostile forces. He looked up to see the AI housing a large dome structure sat above them, supported by several metal beams holding it to the ceiling. The housing and this particular AI had been completely shackled to the ship; this was an odd practice as the AI in Daoran society before were often as mobile as Anubis though they were larger.

"My counterpart is scanning you, Kershala," said Anubis through their private channel. "I have blocked it from interfacing with your implant for the time being. Given the resistances past with your family, we must be clear of their intent before we allow them to know too much about you." Kershala didn't really like hiding from his people but he knew Anubis was right. Atondra and the two guards stopped walking ahead of them as they reached the center of the room, Atondra signalled them to stop. The door behind them slid shut and the lighting in the room decreased slightly. A light came from ahead of them as the three councillors were teleported into the room. Kershala figured this was likely a security precaution. Historically, the city ship councils would be housed separately in a chamber deep in the ship to protect the leadership during times of war, this practise was likely in full effect now.

"That's a bit melodramatic isn't it?" whispered Kale. Kershala looked at him and hushed him with his eyes. He turned his attention back to the council the two of the three Daorans seemed to be well beyond his fathers age as Anubis had told him. Bilan had been positioned at the left podium, his warriors' body had long left him it was clear that he now lived a more luxurious existence as a council member. His somewhat rounded body covered in old warriors' robes of blue and violet. His eyes had lost most of their color, his long-woven hair was completely colorless and hung down beyond the base of his back. His markings were visible leading up his wrinkled neck, climbing up his nasal ridge consisting of several sharp angles and straight lines representative of a long dead family line. The second councillor, Lareela, was positioned in the center of the other two, she was a very tall women but was also very thin for a Daoran. Her facial features were very small and seemed to be artificially young, her long wavy hair had lost some of its color but was a healthy mixture of white and black in violet. She wore a long elegant white gown with a deep v cut in the front revealing her swirling markings across her chest and neck, her shoulders were covered by a violet shawl. The third council member, Alarai, stood at the right podium, just from the way the man was standing Kershala could see his confidence. He was about Yailar's age though Kershala could tell he had taken artificial means to make himself look younger. He wore the same uniform that Atondra wore though the colors were different than what he had seen so far, black with violet lines running along the shoulders. His head was shaved revealing markings very close to Atondra's, it was clear that they were of the same family but at this time Kershala couldn't tell if that was good or bad yet. Alarai had the look of a warrior his age and lifestyle hadn't taken his warriors body from him and his was taller than everyone in the room. His deep violet eyes met Kershala and seemed to be piercing him as he tried to interact with his implant. He would undoubtedly get everything he needed from Atondra.

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