The Ministers Daughter

By S-Maggie-S

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Team Captain Kent
We are the champions
The girls have arrived
To Hangover Cures
Letters at dinner
Bonjour Jennifer
Jennifer or Jenn?
The Quick Quotes Quill Army
Quite A Catch
Extent Of The Damage
I'm Gunna Need A Drink
Top Notch Psychic Skills
Gray Eyes Meet Green Eyes
The Little Gem Of Wisdom I Was Looking For
You want to be Quidditch players?

I Got Jinxed For This?

428 2 2
By S-Maggie-S

I was shattered by the time I got up to the common room my hand was cramping from the amount of writing I had done...stupid paperwork... The common room was empty and the fire was dying in the grate. I climbed the worn stairs up to the dormitory and fell on to my bed. When I woke there was a soft light coming in through my hangings the room was silent or so I thought. I pulled back the curtains to hear soft music playing through the room... I forgot about the silencing charm on the curtains.

"What is that?" I asked

"Jenn you're up!" Rose Lucy cried

"Yes I'm up what is the music all about" I asked again

"Elena was just showing us something"

"What?" I asked sitting up and swinging my legs out of bed, I rubbed my eyes and opened them to see Lucy her hair up in a pony tail wearing jeans and a polo top sitting with Elena and jess who both had messy hair and were still in their pj's... why is Lucy always so perfect?... Elena was sitting on her bed with a keyboard resting on her knees.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" She asked looking nervous

"Na the curtains have a silencing charm on them" I told her "You play piano?" I asked, she flushed red and jess grinned at her.

"Yeah a little" She mumbled

"A little!" Jess sounded scandalised "Elena your amazing!" she turned to me and said "She was just playing us a song she wrote yesterday, go on Elena play it" she urged her. Elena looked embarrassed

"It's not very good, I haven't finished yet" she placed her fingers on the keyboard and started to play, her graceful fingertips caressed the keys in waves of motion the music was soft it started out slow and got faster and faster still keeping its gentleness, it was like the beating of a heart... bloody hell aren't I getting poetic... but it was a beautiful song...

"Wow, how come I have never heard you play before?" I asked

"I don't play much" Elena mumbled kneeling up and putting the keyboard under her bed

"Well you're very good for someone who doesn't play much" I teased getting up and heading for the shower, I had a quick shower and tied my bush of hair in to a bun. I got dressed in jeans a baggy jumper and went to sit with the others.

"What no dress Jenn" Lucy asked sounding disappointed

"No sorry I went for the more traditional look" I replied sitting on my bed. My bed was opposite Lucy's and next to Rose's, between Lucy and Rose was Jess and opposite her Elena. Lucy gestured to the bed next to mine where Rose still slept

"Should we wake her?" she asked

"No it's a weekend let her have her nap, anyway we will need energy to keep up the guys tonight" I replied "Any way what did you get up to last night?" I asked Lucy

"We just sat up here and talked didn't we girls" Elena and Jess nodded

"Really? You didn't mention any chance how Elena likes Fred did we?" I asked grinning at Elena, who had gone bright red, she looked shocked her eyes were big and round.

"You won't tell him!" she asked her eyes pleading with me

"Of course not" I said sitting on my bed opposite her "besides I reckon he may have a soft spot for you" I said grinning at her

"Who has a soft spot for who?" I span around to see Rose sitting up in bed blinking at us through her mane of hair.

"Jenn reckons Fred likes Elena" Jess explained, grinning at Elena.

"Oh yeah I see what you mean" Rose said swinging her legs of the bed and heading towards the bathroom.

"What do you mean?" Lucy called after her. But Rose had already locked the bathroom door. Damn that girl... she always likes to make an exit... I turned to the others.

"Right well I think a plan is I order." I said determinedly "Lucy make a plan, you know I can't make them very well, and well I'm not an expert in boys either"

"Fine, well I think you just need to be friends with him, you know get to know him and then see if you still like him then if you do you know hitch it up a notch, a little flirt here and there you know and then if he responds well we will hassle him until he asks you out" Lucy said wisely

"Listen to her she is wise!" I said nodding seriously

"And today is the perfect chance to start phase one" said Jess "at the sleepover" she said when we all looked confused

"I don't know guys" Elena looked worried "I don't think he likes me much"

"Let him get to know you" Jess said "You're impossible not to like". Elena smiled at her, the bathroom door opened and in walked Rose her hair curling gently around her face, she was wearing a simple polo top and jeans. She looked good, I knew because Lucy smiled at her when she walked in. one day I will get that reaction... but that would mean dressing up... maybe I could live with out Lucy's approval...

"Let me guess Elena likes Fred and Jenn wants to make a plan but she can't do it so Lucy made a plan" she said sounding unimpressed. She does that sometimes I think it's her Hermione brains mixed with her Ron bluntness... it's weird at first but you get used to it

"How on earth did you guess that?" Asked Jess who obviously wasn't used to the strange being that in Rose Weasly.

"Just a lucky guess" shrugged Rose. I grinned at her, standing up I walked to the dorm door.

"Well I'm going to find the guys I want breakfast.


The great hall was a buzz of talk as I walked towards the Gryffindor table, the guys were sitting in our usual spot, there was a tall kid that I didn't recognise with them. I walked over to them and took my seat next to James opposite the new boy who I now recognised as Ravenclaw's star beater, Joe Buxton. He was a tall lad with a muscular build and a cute face. ...not bad...

"Hey guys" I said grabbing a plate of pancakes and digging in I love breakfast at the weekend... "Buxton" I nodded at Joe.

"Kent" he nodded back "nice pictures in the paper who knew you were such a lady"

"No more of a lady then you on the pitch" I smiled at him

"Oh Kent when will you learn not to be so hostile?"

"And when will you learn to aim?" I shoot back, we grinned at each other, I got on well with the Ravenclaw team.

"How are you Jenn?" He asked grinning at me... since when has he been so cute?...

"Not bad thanks, you?" I replied scooping a pancake into my mouth

"Not great actually" he replied the smile slipping

"What's up?" I asked

"Well I'm taking refuge with you guys because I broke it off with Viola last night, and well she didn't take it to well" he looked embarrassed, I glanced behind him to see Viola glaring daggers at me.

"I can see" I muttered

"I know what will cheer you up" said James "We're having a sleepover in the Gryffindor tower, why don't you come along?" he glanced at Scorpius who was sitting next to him he shrugged but Fred and Michael were nodding clapping Joe on the back

"What do you think Jenn?" asked Scorpius

"Well I think the girls will be fine with it" I shrugged "I don't see any issues"

"but how are we going to get you in the tower?" asked Michael thoughtfully

"easy I'll go and collect you by the portrait of the fruit bowl by the Hufflepuff common room then I can get some food as well"

"Brilliant!" Grinned James "Well Joe you shall be the first Ravenclaw to grace the boys dorm"

"And what was your last girlfriend, Alice? A dog?"

"Well..." said Fred

"Oi" I playfully hit him on the arm finding it hard not to grin at his joke

"No she was a Ravenclaw too, and I saw you and her sneaking off last year" James blushed.

"Fine then" he said shaking it off and facing Joe "You shall be the first Ravenclaw boy to be graced with the honour of entering the Gryffindor seventh year boys dormitory" he pushed his chest out and patted Joe on that back and proud look on his face. I shook my head and shrugged at Joe

"Don't get to excited it's not that great, it's a bit of a tip actually" I said

"Hey! You don't know what you're talking about" James cried

We were still arguing about who had the better dorm when Rose and Lucy turned up followed by Elena and Jess.

"Hey Rose isn't our dorm better then the boys" I shouted down the table at her

"Of course theirs stinks" Rose said wrinkling her nose,

"Told you" I mocked James in a sing song voice.

"Well Rose is stupid she doesn't know what she talking about" James said loftily

"What the hell James!" Last time I was in your room I found a pair of socks with fungi growing inside" the whole table cringed.

"That was an experiment!" defended Fred "We wanted to know what you happen if I left a piece of cheese in a sock"

"Well what did you think would happen?" asked Elena "That it would evolve into some cheese fairy?"  Fred went slightly pink at her words and just shrugged.


After a stressful day of doing nothing Lucy proclaimed that we had to get ready for the sleepover. Everybody was sitting by the fire that was roaring away full of life. Me and Scorpius were planning on how to play our next match against Ravenclaw, we were sitting on the rug in front of the fire with the model of the pitch in front of us. As we sat I kept getting distracted by how the light of the fire kept catching his hair making it look silver... and not in a old man sort of way more like the tin man out of the muggle film about wizards I think it's called the wizard of oz... anyway the tin man had silver hair and that's what it reminded me of... I like that film it was a bit old fashioned... but hey it's like when grandpa Weasly says aren't they clever those muggles... where was I oh yes... it kept catching my eye. When Lucy suggested we got ready I nodded at her and glanced at Scorpius as I got up he looked disappointed.

"See you guys later" I called as we reached the stairs.

"Right Jenn you are going to do something with your hair tonight" Lucy announced when we entered the common room.

"No, I flat out refuse to have you touch my hair" I told her.

"I don't care if you refuse, I will nit have it looking like a birds nest any longer come here" she said reaching for me

"No" I cried dodging out of her way

"Well don't just stand there people help me" Lucy cried Rose instantly jumped up and ran at me jess did the same Elena took a more timid approach walking towards me next to Lucy. I jumped up on my bed dodging Rose you had just lunged at me.

"Hey I said no!" I yelled "I'm happy being bushy"

"Well I'm not" Lucy cried shooting a spell at me I felt it rush past my face... damn my wand is down stairs in my bag...

"You can't love the birds nest look asked Rose

"Maybe I do" I cried getting away from jess by jumping on her bed

"You can't its awful!" cried Lucy sounding distressed

"Hey know that harsh!" I said stopping my jumping from bed to bed to face her... I admit it the stopping is what did it...

"Petrificus Totalus" someone shouted I felt my whole body freeze with a clatter I fell off the bed and on to the floor.

"Was that really necessary Rose?" I heard Lucy asked, stupidly I tried to turn my head to look at them... your frozen dumb arse...

"No not necessary but effective" said Rose, I looked up and saw the faces of Rose, Jess, Lucy and Elena looking down on me. Lucy and Elena looked a little concerned but Jess was congratulating Rose on her aim I tried to give her a look that said I can still hear you but I don't think I was getting very far. The girls took ten minutes trying to get me to stand in a suitable position so that they could do my hair, I was quite proud of myself; I had managed to be frozen in a very awkward position. Finally they propped me up again the bathroom door frame my right leg resting on a pile of cushions so that I didn't fall. ...great let the torture commence... Lucy took the hair band out of my hair whilst Elena chatted to her about what would suit my face better... oh god did she just ask what a bob would look like... I gave Lucy a pleading look... my pleading look must have been better then my annoyed one because she shook her head

"No I don't think that would work her face would be to round." Thanks a bunch Lucy

"Why don't we straighten it I bet her hair would be really long straight" said Rose jumping up from her bed where she was looking though my wardrobe and tugging one of my curls I tried to look to she how long it was but no luck.

"Good idea" Said Lucy "I think I have a spell for that in that book mum gave me for Christmas last year. "Accio book" she said a blue book flew out of her trunk heading straight for me, Lucy dived for it and missed, she never was good at catching things, the book hit me right on the nose. Ow she is going to pay for that...


Ten minutes, one layer of lip gloss, one of Rose's tank tops and one hair charm Rose was ready to un freeze me. As soon as I felt movement rush back to my bones I leaped at Rose

"You jinxed me!" I yelled at her, Lucy grabbed me and stopped me from jumping on Rose

"Jenn calm down" Lucy pleaded

"And you hit me with a book" I cried at her, Rose laughed, Jess and Elena joined her I looked at them and gave a chuckle... well I can see the humour in it. I turned to Lucy "what have you done to me?" I asked

She span me around made me face the mirror, the girl who looked back at me looked nothing like the girl who usually stands that side of the mirror. Her hair was sleek and shiny, falling like sheets of paper either side of her face, it was so long her hair it reached way past her shoulders where is usually sits.

"Wow" I said "I look different"

"You look hot" Rose said whilst I was being made up she had got changed into a knitted dress with tights, Elena was wearing a lumberjack top and jeans and jess was in an oversized jumper and tights. Lucy came out of the bathroom in a white skirt and a blue tank top, she nodded at Rose, Elena and Jess before turning to me... could it be will I get my first nod of approval from Lucy...

"It's a start" she said, I stares at her in disbelief I got jinxed for this?

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