The Diamonds

By RemyRabbit

16 4 0

Pieces O. Nickles, a young girl who joins a Galactic Military Force named The Diamonds. Pieces is a mechanic... More

The Diamonds Chapter 2
The Diamonds Chapter 3

The Diamonds Chapter 1

9 2 0
By RemyRabbit

*A young woman wearing all white and has Platinum Blonde hair is standing on a stage*

Commander W "Hello everyone, I am Commander White. You all have been personally selected by our Operators down on Calage, to be part of The Diamonds Intergalactic Program. You will be assigned different stations based on your stats from Calage. There are 84 of you this year, which is a great increase from last year's 39. Let me go over the Stations. There are 8 levels all together. Level 1 is janitorial services. Level 2 is Shipment collection. Level 3 is Mechanic, electrician, and other maintenance needs. Level 4 is Junior Operator. Level 5 is Battle Operator. Level 6 is Demolitionist and Disposers. Level 7 is Control and Contact Leaders. Last but not least is Level 8 Which is Commander. As you know, you can gain levels as you go along. I am one of 3 commanders aboard the ship called The Inferno. The other 2 allied ships in this sector are The Necrosis and The Kindred. As you can see, I have white clothes on. The white will show what rank you are. You can obtain white clothing at level 6 where you are given white gloves, Level 7, white undergarments like a shirt, pants, or boots, and level 8, a white coat. All commanders wear white coats but do not have to wear all white clothing. I keep things professional so I do. My two commanders on board are taking care of things at the moment so you're going to have to meet them another time. This is long enough so let's get to it. You'll each be given a chamber number you'll be assigned to. This will be your home for as long as you remain on this ship. Now let's get you all in there."

*She puts her fist over her heart*

Commander "To our beloved Diamonds!"
All "To our beloved Diamonds!"

Name: White A.(Ari)Volt
Hair: Platinum blond, long ponytail
Eyes: Light blue
Height: 6'0
Body: Toned, slightly muscular
Skin: Pale
Clothes: White trench coat, white elbow length gloves, White crop top, white pants, white knee high boots
Attitude:Very serious
Weapon: Electrified Shotel

*They all line up at these long tables*
*A young blond girl with a split lip stands in the middle of a line*
*Someone puts their hand on her shoulder*

??? "Pieces, you made it!"
Pieces "Oh my god, Rilee! You did too!"

*They hug*

Rilee "Oh I hope we get on the same Level!"
Pieces "Knowing me, I'm going to get Mechanic. You're gonna get Battle Operator."
Rilee "You're gonna get it too, don't you worry!"
Pieces "I'm not trained for combat. You are."
Rilee "You're almost as good as me in combat."
Pieces "Because you trained me. That weird guy, Night, is way better for some reason. I hope he's not here."
Rilee "Night's as strong as Operator Gale and he's the best Operator they have here on Calage."
Pieces "He's just weird. He's so cold."
Rilee "Yeah he doesn't really like people much."

*Pieces approaches the table*

Male Operator "Name?"
Pieces "Pieces Olivine Nickles."

*He looks through files and takes out a small slip of paper and hands it to her*

Pieces "I'll see you at the back, Rilee."
Rilee "Okay, careful."

*Pieces walks to the back and reads her paper*

Pieces "Pieces O. Nickles, Level 3 mechanic, Door access level 1, Combat recommendation low-level encounters or recon. At least I like doing the job I got."

*Rilee runs up to her*

Rilee "I got Junior Operator! I get to fight on the field!"
Pieces "Awesome! I got Mechanic and low-level battles!"
Rilee "You get to fight too!"

*They both hug and jump up and down*

Pieces "Let's get the ship!"

*They both run to get in line*
*An Operator wearing white knee-high boots and white gloves approaches them*

Goldie "Hello, I am Contact Leader Goldie. I need to see your levels please."

*They both hand her their paper*

Goldie "Pieces, you'll be staying in room 2G and Rilee, you'll be in 1A."
Pieces/Rilee "Thank you."

*The lady nods and walks off*

Rilee "Were so far away from one another."
Pieces "I think I'm in the loading area."
Rilee "That would make sense."

*The line starts moving*

Pieces "Let's go."
Rilee "Let's take our first steps on here together."
Pieces "Okay."

*They both hold hands and walk up the large ramp and on the ship*

Pieces "I'm so excited we're here!"
Rilee "I hope we get to fight on the field together sometime!"
Pieces "I want to see your room first and see what shit room they gave me."
Rilee "I bet yours is as nice as mine."

*They go into Rilee's room*
*5 other girls are in the room*

Rilee "Hello! I'll be staying here with you!"

*Two of the girls don't answer and just stare*
*Another girl goes up to them super fast and gasps*

??? "Oh my God! You two are so adowable! What're your names?"
Pieces "I'm Pieces."
Rilee "I'm Rilee. Nice to meet you."
Fleet "I'm Fleet and I'm fast on my feet!"
Pieces "You talk fast too."
Fleet "I know right! Everything about me screams fast! Music, pictures, food, clothes and a whole bunch of other things."
Rilee "I'm gonna go see my friend's room."
Pieces "Yeah let's go."
Fleet "Okay, bye! Come back in a jiffy so we can get to know one another!"

*They walk out of the room and look at each other*

Pieces "She was something."
Rilee "Too much of something."
Pieces "Let's see who I'm with next."

*They go down an elevator to what's almost a basement*

Pieces "I can already tell."
Rilee "I'm sure it isn't that bad."

*They go into the room and it has a nice bed, a few dressers, and nightstands*

Pieces "Not the worst."

*The light above them blows out*

Pieces "Still not the worst."
Rilee "At least you're alone."
Pieces "For now. I'll stay here and wait for the others. I'll see you in the mess hall."
Rilee "You sure? I wanna stay with you."
Pieces "You do need to unpack."
Rilee "Oh crap, that's right. I'll be back."

*Pieces laughs as Rilee leaves*
*Pieces waits half an hour and no one shows up*
*All of a sudden the door opens*
*Pieces looks at the door and Rilee walks in*

Rilee "Hey I was waiting at the dining hall for yah."
Pieces "No one has shown up."
Rilee "Aw. Hey, I'll stay here with you."
Pieces "You should be with your team. I'm not disappointed by being alone. It's quite nice."

*A TV turns on and the commander is on*

Commander "All new members please come to the gym to get your IDs and outfits."
Pieces "We get IDs?"
Rilee "Did you miss that part when you were picked?"
Pieces "Guess I did."
Rilee "Let's go get our IDs."

*They get to the gym and get to the front of the line*
*Pieces gets her picture taken and is shortly followed by Rilee*

Name: Pieces O.(Olivine)Nickles
Age: 15
Hair: Short, bobbed, blonde
Eyes: lightish green
Height: 5'4
Body: very skinny hourglass
Skin: Light tan
Clothes: Black short shorts, black high crop top with a diamond shape cut out on the center of her chest, black boots(middle shin length), white high crop top undershirt, white skin tight shorts with two triangles of fabric coming out of the middle of the thigh from under the black shorts
Work clothes: Mechanic jumpsuit
Attitude: Mildly happy
Weapon: None
Misc: Scar down left cheek to chin, Split top lip giving her a cat-like smile

Name: Rilee G.(Goruti) Skilek
Age: 16
Hair: Medium, slicked over the right side of her head, dark blue
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5'9
Body: slim
Skin: Tan
Clothes: Black short shorts, black high crop top with a diamond shape cut out on the center of her chest, black knee high boots, white elbow length gloves
Attitude: Optimistic
Weapon:Two long red Tanto blades

*Pieces brushes herself off*

Pieces "A bit skimpy, don't you think?"
Rilee "It's so easy to move in these."
Pieces "Also, why do I get white?"
Camera woman "Mechanics get special undergarments."
Pieces "Oh."

*Rilee does a few stretches*

Pieces "Those guys are checking you out. Stop stretching."
Rilee "They wish they could have this fine ass."
Pieces "You are one sexy asshole, you tease."
Rilee "Can't wait to show these boys this body is more than just for strutting around."
Fleet "Hey you two!"

*Fleet runs up to them with great speed*

Pieces "Hello there."
Rilee "What's up?"
Fleet "You two look so good!"

Name: Fleet L.(Lumi) Chariot
Hair: short, dirty blonde, spiked backwards
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'10
Body: slightly muscular, toned
Skin: White
Clothes: Black shorts, black crop top with a diamond in her left arm, black shin length boots, white gloves (middle forearm length)
Attitude: Witty
Weapon: Can grow blunt bones from arms

Fleet "You have a sword?"
Rilee "Just a Tanto."
Fleet "Do you have a weapon, Pieces?"
Pieces "I'm a mechanic, I don't get one."

*Fleet gasps*

Fleet "You can make anything your weapon!"
Pieces "I guess."
Rilee "You do make amazing stuff."
Pieces "Little tinker toys, nothing big."
Rilee "You made a plane from scratch."
Pieces "A crop duster, not some commercial airline."
Fleet "You built a plane? That's so cool! What else do you make?"
Pieces "I've made small robotic toys for kids, action figures, a TV once, well a lot of things."
Fleet "You. Are. The. Best. Person. Here!"
Pieces "Um, thanks?"
Rilee "We need to go back to her room. We need to uh, call our parents, yeah."
Pieces "Right, call our parents."

*The two of them rush off*

Pieces "She's a handful "
Rilee "She's gonna be helpful in a battle though."

*The commander comes over the intercom*

Commander "Any level 3 personal come to the flight deck right away please."
Pieces "I'll actually meet you in the mess hall this time."
Rilee "Okay, good luck."
Pieces "I'll probably need it."

*Pieces walks away from Rilee*

Pieces "Probably will need it."

*Pieces walks down hallways*
*She passes a few guys who whistle*
*She flips then off*

??? "Excuse me?"
Pieces "Fuck off, fuckboy."
Sidekick 1 "She called Fel a fuckboy!"

*Him and the other sidekick laugh*

Name: Fel T.(Tidus)Laks
Age: 17
Hair: Black
Eyes: Velvet
Height: 5'10
Body: toned
Skin: Slight tan
Clothes: black shorts, black leather jacket, black boots, white fingerless gloves
Attitude: Smug
Weapon: Butcher Knife

Fel "Both of you shut up. You don't talk to me that way."

*Pieces stops and sees the guy with white gloves*

Pieces "Junior Operator. You'll be getting into a lot of fights on the ground. Don't try it here."
Fel "You think you could beat me?"
Pieces "Maybe not me but I have a scary friend."
Fel "Oh, big woman. You need your friends to help you win a fight."
Pieces "You're one to talk."
Fel "I can win any fight without them."
Pieces "Beat me then."
Fel "You won't be able to even beat my boys. You can't expect to beat me."
Pieces "Let's test that."
Fel "Fuck this bitch up."

*The two sidekicks rush forward*
*Pieces ducks under a punch*
*She twists around and grabs his arm*
*She slams him into the wall and kicks the other guy in the balls*
*The guy falls to his knees and she knees him in the face*

Pieces "Yawn. Is that it?"
Fel "I'll show you."

*Fel takes out a butcher knife*

Pieces "Gonna use a knife against a defenseless girl?"
Fel "Shut the fuck up."

*He charges forward*
*Pieces stands there*
*Fel thrusts the knife forward*
*In a great burst of speed, a man in a white coat appears in front of her*
*The man catches the knife with his hand and forces Fel back with his palm*
*The man balls a fist and circles appear around Fel's arms and legs keeping him in place*

Fel "Commander Cilian?"
Commander C "No fighting among fellow operators or on the ship. If you want to fight then use the gym."

Name: Cilian K.(Kay)Karel
Hair: Long, black, widens near the bottom
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'2
Body: Muscular
Skin: Brown
Clothes: White tailcoat, black skin-tight shirt, white leather pants, black boots
Attitude: Serious
Weapon: Magic

Commander C "Are you alright?"
Pieces "Yes sir."
Commander C "No need to be formal with me. You're level 3 correct?"
Pieces "Yes."
Commander C "I shall escort you to the flight deck."

*They both walk away and Fel gets let's go*

Fel "Get up you two."

*Pieces and the Commander get to the flight deck*
*Pieces walks into the small group of people*

Commander W "Hello everyone. You 20 are the new mechanics and electricians. Some of you will be given other tasks and others will be allowed in battle."
Commander C "Though battling will not be your top priority, you will be tasked to keep our fighters running and keep this ship intact. I will also be helping around here and if any external damage happens to the ship, I and a few hand selected individuals will go out for repairs."
Commander W "That being said, these Leech Fighters will be the thing that protects this ship. If these aren't fixed up, then the ship and everyone's life is at stake. All of you already know how to fix these things, I hope. I know not all our Operator teachers aren't the best. Other than that, the ones who are also qualified for battle please come with me."

*Pieces and only 3 others follow the commander to a locker*

Commander W "These will be your lockers for your weapons if you need to get out quick. Weapons that fit what training you had, are already inside. Pieces locker 1, Rhonda locker 2, Lilly locker 3, Sue locker 4."

*Pieces opens her locker and takes out a katana*

Pieces "Woah, this feels good in my hand."
Sue "At least you got something cool. I got a whip."

*Pieces looks at the man at locker 4*

Pieces "Wait, you're Sue?"
Sue "That's right. My theory, my parents wanted a girl."

Name: Sue P.(Pilo)Jax
Hair: Brown, short mohawk, tips hanging to the right
Eyes: Hazel brown
Height: 5'7
Body: slim
Skin: Dark tan
Clothes: black leather vest, black crop top, black tights, black boots
Attitude: Pessimistic

Pieces "Whips are useful."
Sue "Until I miss."
Pieces "I'm sure you can practice enough to never miss."
Sue "I doubt it."

*Sue has a sad look in his eyes as he puts the whip back in his locker*
*Pieces takes a few steps towards him*

Pieces "Are you okay?"
Sue "Yeah."

*Both commanders take out a small device and someone pops up on screen in a panic*

Control Leader "Commanders, we have Zwi-tech's being spotted in the area!"
Commander W "We'll send fighters and troops right away."
Control Leader "Were also getting a Lothian ship reading in orbit! I think it's the Pincher!"
Commander C "Call all trained level 6 and 7's to their Sluagh's right away. Do not call the new recruits. Do we know if the Necrosis or Kindred is close by?"
Control Leader "The Kindred is in the Andromeda Galaxy."
Commander C "Call them here right away. We need that ship away from us."

*Another screen pops up but there isn't a camera on*

Commander K "This is Commander Kaitlyn, I'm manning the Giga-cannon."
Commander W "Fire away. Control, patch me through to Commander Quinton."
Control Leader "Right away."

*Her screen goes away and then another one comes up*

Commander Q "Commander White, I got your message. We're taking off from Fraxur right now."
Commander W "We have the Pincher above us. We need can't get off the ground with that cannon she has."
Commander Q "I'm dispatching some early fighters."

*Lots of people run past the group and head to a bunch of different planes*

Pieces "Commander, do you need us to fight?"
Commander C "No. These fighters they're sending are too advanced for newcomers."
Control Leader "We have reports of suicide bombers on the ground, followed by a ton of ground troops."
Commander W "Put up the damn Ray Shield, get Snipers around this area and send out our best Operators."
Control Leader "Right away."

*One girl is crying in panic*
*Pieces runs over to her*

Pieces "It's gonna be okay."

*The girl speaks in a high voice*

??? "My parents told me this was a bad idea. I just wanted to fix things, not end up dying here."
Pieces "Listen to me, you're going to be fine. Don't start panicking. We have skilled people all around us that will protect us."

*The girl holds her head and cries even more*
*Pieces slowly embraces the girl*
*Commander C walks up to them*

Commander C "Pieces, take her away from here. She's beginning to scare the others."
Pieces "Right away. I'll take her to my quarters."
Commander C "Thank you."

*Pieces picks up the girl and runs to her room*
*Pieces places her on her bed where she continues to cry*

Pieces "It's okay, it's gonna be okay."

*The ship rumbles a bit and the girl screams and vigorously shakes her head while she puts her knees up to her chest*

Pieces "Hey, hey, I know this is scary. It's my first time in this situation too. We can make it through this. We just have to stay positive."

*The girl continues to cry and shake*
*Pieces sits in the bed next to her and holds the shaking girl*
*Rilee bursts through the door*

Rilee "Pieces, are you okay!?"
Pieces "I'm alright. She isn't but she's scared. I don't know what to do."

*Rilee walks in front of the girl and gets on one knee*

Rilee "I need you to listen to me, okay?"

*Rilee slowly grabs the girls hands*

Rilee "Can you look at me? I want you to look me in the eyes."

*The girl opens her eyes and stares at Rilee with her Ice Blue eyes*

Rilee "Can you breathe slower for me?"

*The girl takes short and large breaths*

Rilee "Everything will be okay, I promise. Stay calm, be cool."

*She is still breathing fast*

Rilee "Deep breaths honey. Slow deep breaths."

*The girl begins to slow her breathing*
*Rilee gives a cute smile*

Rilee "See, everything is cool. We're here for you."
??? "Okay."
Rilee "I'm Rilee, this is Pieces. What's your name?"

*The girl sniffs*

Aria "Aria."

Name: Aria J.(Jackal)Soprano
Hair: Silver, short
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'4
Body: Slim
Clothes: Black one piece shirt with shorts, open back(top half), black thigh-high boots, two white triangles of white fabric sticks out of the bottom of the shorts
Attitude: Anxious
Weapon: None

Rilee "Are you okay now?"
Aria "Yes."
Pieces "I know this is a bit scary. You signed up for mechanic, not battles."
Aria "I thought I'd be stationed on the ground, not a Manticore."
Pieces "I'd be fine wherever I went."
Rilee "I wouldn't! You're all I have out here!"
Pieces "I'd miss you obviously."
Aria "I miss my mom."

*The commander comes over the intercom*

Commander W "We have the situation under control and are pushing their forces back. I'm sorry for any inconvenience to anyone on board who is scared over this attack."
Pieces "Let's check the news."

*Pieces turns on the TV and switches to a live news broadcast*

News lady "-tack. It appears that they sent out some of their best Operator's to push back the force."

*An enemy runs up to them and slashes with his sword*
*The lady screams and someone moves with major speed and stops the blade with a mechanical tail*

??? "Get out of here! It isn't safe!"

*The man blocks a bullet and then shoots a bullet from his mechanical tail*
*The man runs towards the enemy*

News Lady "I was just saved by legendary Battle Operator Liam Birkid. Holy shit."

*Liam charges in and barrels through Zwi-tech soldiers*
*Liam flips, punches, kicks, and whips many soldiers and takes them out with ease*
*Liam twirls on his hands to kick soldiers and flips over and over to punch and kick randomly*

Liam "Jillian, sky bolt!"
Jillian "Fuck yeah!"

*A swarm of Zwi-tech's charge at Liam*
*A large woman slams the ground with two large sledgehammers and creates a shockwave that knock all the soldiers over*

Liam "Nice work!"
Jillian "Thanks!"

Name: Liam J.(James)Burkid
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Orange
Height: 6'1
Body: toned
Skin: Tan
Clothes: Black undershirt, black shorts, black boots, white gloves
Attitude: Self-confident
Weapon: Mechanical tail

Name: Jillian S.(Summers)Frie
Hair: Orange
Eyes: yellow
Height: 6'7
Body: Muscular
Skin: Dark brown
Clothes: Black skin-tight shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, black boots, spiked choker, spiked bracelets
Attitude: Smug
Weapon: Dual wield large sledgehammers

*Both of them barrel through enemies*
*A large, very muscular, man runs towards Liam*
*Liam runs at him*
*Liam slides under him and fires a shot in the man back*
*Liam jumps high over him and slams his foot down on the man's head*
*The man tries to grab at Liam but misses*
*Liam jumps and spins in the air*
*A spike comes out of Liam's tail*
*Liam rams it into the man's head and kills him instantly*
*Jillian batters a few soldiers into the ground*
*She spins and slams three soldiers at once and throws them far off into the distance*

Jillian "Let's take this up a notch!"

*She spins one of her hammers and it attaches itself to her right hand*

Jillian "Take this!"

*She slams the ground and lava bursts from the ground in a few spots and obliterates some other soldiers*
*One of the soldiers yell into his earpiece*

Zwi-tech soldier "Sir, two members of the Execution squad are here! Fire the Giga-laser!"

*A bright light can be seen appearing in the sky*

Liam "Jillian, Giga!"
Jillian "Portal time!"

*Liam opens a portal and they both jump through*
*A giant beam of light slams into the ground and creates a big crater*
*The commander brings up the call again*

Commander W "Commander Quinton, you need to get here now. That thing is firing Giga Rounds at us."
Commander Q "Just made it."

*A gigantic ship appears above them with a shockwave of energy*
*A ton of missiles burst out from the front of the ship and slam into the other ship*

Commander Q "Fire the Giga-cannon's."

*The cannons begins to charge up*
*The other ship turns slowly and begins to move forward*

Commander Q "Fire."

*The two cannons fire on the ship and it launches forward at great speed to flee*

Commander Q "Commander White, the enemy is fleeing. We hit it with two Giga-rounds."
Commander W "Thank you Commander."
Commander K "This was a bad turn of events for the recruit ceremony."
Commander W "Tell the lunch workers to serve extra food to our new recruits today."

*Pieces gasps

Pieces "His weapon was so cool!"
Rilee "It's just a mechanical tail."
Pieces "You don't think that's badass!?"
Rilee "Prosthetic weapons don't interest me."
Pieces "I thought it was cool."
Aria "I find it cool."
Pieces "SEE!"
Rilee "Meh."

*The commander comes over the intercom*

Commander W "Everything is under control. We have pushed the enemy forces back and we are in the clear. All recruits go to the mess hall for lunch."
Pieces "Let's go, I'm starving!"
Rilee "I told you to eat before we left."
Pieces "I wasn't hungry then."
Aria "Can I join you guys? I don't have any friends here."
Rilee "You have two friends now!"
Pieces "That's right! We'll stay with you no matter what!"
Aria "Will you?"
Pieces "Of course! Now let's go get lunch."

*They get up and walk out the door*

Pieces "That guy was so cool!"
Rilee "I liked that girl with the giant hammers!"

*Rilee makes a swinging motion towards the floor*

Rilee "Boom!"
Aria "I don't really like to fight."
Pieces "I can tell. You're pretty timid."
Aria "I wasn't grown up around fighting. My parents taught me to be a lover and not a fighter."
Rilee "You can stick you whatever you please. If you ever decide you need some training, come to me. I'll hook you up."
Pieces "She trained me and now I get to go into small battles."
Aria "I'll think about it."
Rilee "I am pumped! I wonder what they're serving?"
Pieces "Probably mass produced mush."
Aria "You think so?"
Pieces "We're on a ship that's gonna go to space. I don't think they'll have gourmet meals."
Rilee "It is our first day. Hopefully they made an exception."
Pieces "I need some meat. Hopefully they have at least some meatballs or cold cuts, something."
Aria "I'm vegetarian."
Rilee "You are?"
Aria "Not by choice. Neither of my parents eat meat."
Pieces "You've been missing out. One of these days we gotta take you to get a burger."
Rilee "I would kill for some from Beefy Burger House right now."
Pieces "Were taking her there when we get the chance. If you decide to eat meat that is."
Aria "I'd like to try it. My mom says always try new things."
Rilee "Well let's see what new things they have for lunch."

*An elevator door closes and they go up*

Rilee "I still feel so free in these. Like I could run up a mountain."
Aria "I feel weird in this."
Pieces "At least yours is covering most of your body. I feel like walking fan service."
Rilee "Fan service it up girl. You'll have guys crawling to you in no time."
Pieces "Not interested in dating right now."
Aria "I've seen a few cute guys."
Rilee "Well I'm into girls, so if guys want to swoon over me, then their loss."
Pieces "They'll most likely think it's just got."

*The door opens and they walk down the hall*

Rilee "Probably. Today's generation is into all sorts of weird stuff."
Aria "Is dating fun?"
Rilee "It can be if you find the right person."
Pieces "Don't find the wrong person like she did."
Rilee "I didn't know she was crazy."
Pieces "She set your house on fire!"
Rilee "It was my fault too."
Pieces "She stole your dad's car and spray-painted I love Rilee all over it, made murals of you, has pictures of you on her walls and slept under your bed without you knowing."
Aria "What!?"
Rilee "I see that now."
Aria "That's just...under your bed?"
Pieces "I found her. She was under there for 2 days."
Aria "Ew."
Rilee "I cut it off right there. Then she stalked me for a month until she was arrested."
Pieces "I'm waiting for the perfect person to come around."

*They walk into the cafeteria*

Rilee "Woo, food!"

*They go up to the counter and there's salads, pasta, hot dogs, burgers and other meats*

Pieces "Woah, I didn't expect this!"
Rilee "Aria, you gotta get a burger and a hot dog!"
Aria "Maybe."
Pieces "You don't have to. If you do, you can still get a salad if you don't like it."
Rilee "Might not be here tomorrow though."
Pieces "Don't pressure her. She can get what she wants."
Aria "I might try it."

*They all eventually get to a table*
*Aria has one hot dog and one hamburger and a salad*
*Rilee has a burger, hot dog, bag of chips, and a small bag of cookies*
*Pieces sets down her plate with an enormous amount of all sorts of meat*

Rilee "If you eat all of that in one go, I'll give you a hundred bucks."
Pieces "You're on!"
Aria "You can eat that much?"
Pieces "Just watch."

*Pieces begins stuffing her face full of food*
*The other two start eating too*
*Aria looks around and notice everyone laughing and having a good time*
*One other person is sitting alone*
*Rilee slides up next to Aria*

Rilee "See something you like?"
Aria "What, no! It's just, that boy is alone."
Rilee "Why don't you invite him over?"
Aria "Me? I-i-i don't think I could."
Rilee "Have a little confidence. Just go ask him if he wants to join us."

*Pieces speaks with her mouth full*

Pieces "The more the merrier."
Aria "You go do it."
Rilee "Hey, you saw him first. It's your job."

*Aria whimpers a little*

Rilee "The worst he can do is say no."
Aria "Okay."

*She gets up and they watch as she shyly gets closer to him*

Rilee "Come on, don't mess this up."

*Pieces swallows her food*

Pieces "I know she can do it."

*Aria taps the guy on the shoulder*

Rilee "She's going in."

*Aria presses both index fingers together as she asks him*

Pieces "How can you say no to her?"

*Aria sits back at the table without the other guy*

Pieces "How could he say no to her?"
Rilee "Some people just like being alone I guess."
Aria "Please don't make me do that again."
Rilee "I'll do it next time."

*Pieces continues to stuff her face*

Aria "You can really eat."
Rilee "She took on a restaurant's food challenge once and won."
Pieces "I had to eat 54"x 54" pizza in an hour."
Rilee "She destroyed it."
Aria "But you're so skinny."
Pieces "Fast metabolism."
Rilee "She eats so much and gains no weight."

*Pieces finishes her plate and lets out a sigh of relief*

Pieces "Nice and full."
Rilee "Aw man."
Pieces "You owe me a nice big bill."

*Rilee takes out her phone*

Rilee "Wiring it to you now."
Pieces "Never judge me when it comes to food."
Aria "Look, it's the commander's."

*Commander White steps up on a platform*

Commander W "Everyone listen up! As you know from the attack earlier, our enemies are the Zwi-tech units. The race of the Zwi have been very hostile to all other life in the universe. We, The Diamonds, are the only force strong enough to stop them. Any enemies you've been fighting on the ground are nothing compared to these people. Their home galaxy, MACS0647-JD, is very far away, yes, but they will stop at nothing to destroy us. If we fall, then nothing will stop them from annihilating the rest of the universe."
Commander C "When we figure out a way to infiltrate their home and kill their leader, we will need all of you at your best. Commander Kaitlyn and many others will be your battle instructors. Let me introduce you to Commander Kaitlyn, Liam Burkid and Jillian Frie."

*The three of them walk into the room*

Commander W "Commander Kaitlyn, a word if you please."

*She steps in front of the microphone*

Commander K "Good day everyone."

Name: Kaitlyn M.(Madaline) Hardigan
Hair: Long, wavey, dark crimson
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5'11
Body: Bit chubby
Skin: White
Clothes: White tailcoat, white boots, white gloves, Black T-shirt, black knee-length tights
Attitude: Cheerful
Weapon: Shillelagh

Commander K "As most of your battle instructor, we will be going through rigorous training to get you all ready to fight in zero-G. Along with my friends Liam and Jillian, we will take a group of you once a day to do that days training. Once you've all done eating, we need you to sign up for one of us three. The one you choose will train all of you. If you are not the correct level or do not have special permission, then you might not be taken by the one you choose. You can begin signing up now."
Rilee "Who are you two going for?"
Pieces "I'm going with Liam. I love that tail he has."
Aria "I don't have special permission."
Rilee "I'm going with the commander."
Pieces "What, you aren't going to join me?"
Rilee "He doesn't look as skilled as the commander."
Pieces "If you say. You should still try and sign up. Toughen you up a bit."
Aria "I think I'll stay a mechanic."
Pieces "Okay. Well, I'll be back!"

*Pieces jogs across the room to sign up for Liam*

Liam "Pieces? That's a unique name."
Pieces "Thank you, sir."
Liam "Don't call me sir just yet. I'm not your Instructor just yet. Though I'm not gonna hand you off to one of these two."
Jillian "Kid, get with a powerhouse. Not this monkey."
Liam "Quiet thunder thighs. If she wants to train under me then let her."
Jillian "I'm not gonna try and change her mind. I'm just saying, I can get some muscles on her "
Pieces "I think staying skinny makes me good at dodging."
Liam "That's right. You're a small target. You'll do well under me."

*A man walks up behind Pieces*

??? "Can I train under you too?"

*Pieces turns around to see Night*

Pieces "You're Rilee's friend right?"
Night "I'd say we're more acquainted."
Liam "Of course you can train under me. What's your name?"
Night "My full name is Love Night."

Name: Love Night
Hair: Mohawk, goes in a pattern on each different spike going yellow, red, yellow, red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1
Body: Toned
Skin: Greyish
Clothes: Black t-shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, black boots, white gloves
Attitude: Gleeful
Weapon: Magic
Misc: Mechanical wings

Liam "Your first name is Love?"
Night "Yeah, I just go by Night."
Pieces "I can see why."
Night "I got made fun of for it a lot. I didn't let it get to me."
Liam "Good! No matter the hardship, you keep pushing through!"
Pieces "Yeah!"
Night "Nothing ever gets to me."
Liam "You two will be wonderful to train!"
Pieces "Thanks! How did you make your tail?"
Liam "Interested in it?"
Pieces "Very!"
Liam "I'll tell you tomorrow."
Pieces "Aw."

*Liam laughs*

Liam "Don't you worry bout a thing. You two I'll definitely keep with me. I love uniqueness. They say everyone's unique, but there will always be people who choose not to be. More people try to fit in by being just like the group they want to be in. I like to stick out from others and find my own path."
Night "You can't always walk a path alone."
Liam "All paths merge at some point. There you meet other unique people or even groups of people who are similar. Though I do like to walk my own way, it's always good to fight together with anyone. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Sometimes you will have to fight alongside someone you don't like. Regardless, if the enemy is stronger, teamwork is always better than fighting alone."
Pieces "So inspiring!"
Liam "You guys get back to what you were doing. I look forward to meeting you guys tomorrow."
Pieces "Awesome! Night, you want to go back to Rilee?"
Night "I can't sorry. I have to go see a friend."
Pieces "Okay, I'll see you again."

*Night waves while walking away*
*Pieces walks back to the table where Aria is sitting*

Pieces "Where's Rilee?"
Aria "I saw her walk out of the cafeteria with some girl. Fleet, I think her name was?"
Pieces "Oh, that's her squadmate. They probably had to go do something."

*Aria starts to look uneasy*

Pieces "Are you okay?"
Aria "The boys across the room from us have been looking at me."
Pieces "They probably think you're cute."
Aria "You think so?"
Pieces "I don't think there's anyone else here that's as cute as you."
Aria "What about you?"
Pieces "I appreciate it, but you're like a puppy."
Aria "I'm allergic to dogs."
Pieces "A kitten then. Whatever, you're adorable."
Aria "Thank you. Can we just get out of here?"
Pieces "Sure. Let's go back to my room."

*Aria gets up and they leave*
*While walking out someone bumps into Aria*

Fel "Watch it!"

*Aria jumps behind Pieces and holds her arm*

Pieces "Back off! Did I already deal with you?"
Fel "You felt with my boys, not me! You're lucky the commanders are nearby or I'd kill you."

*Fel's gets in her face*

Fel "Next I see you, I'm gonna gut you."
Pieces "Try me big ears."
Fel "Get the hell out of my face mosquito bites."
Pieces "You're in my way."

*Night pulls Fel away from Pieces*

Night "There a problem?"
Fel "She needs to watch where she's going."
Night "Don't be an idiot, Fel. She's my friend too."

*Night gets close to Fel's ear*

Night "And you already know what happens when you hurt my friends."

*Fel starts to shake*

Night "You'll be sitting in your room, probably with Gunther and Obaro, and then BOOM!"

*Fel jumps at Night shouting in his ear*

Night "And then you're dead."

*Night pushes Fel away and he walks away*

Pieces "Thanks, Night."
Night "If he bothers you again, then you come to me."

*He notices Aria*

Night "Are you alright?"

*Aria slowly hides her face behind Pieces*

Pieces "She's shy."
Night "She's cute. I'll see you around."
Pieces "Bye."
Aria "He was scary."
Pieces "He's pretty nice though. He can be weird but he's nice."
Aria "I just want to get to the room."
Pieces "Let's go."

*They walk down the hall and get back in the elevator*
*Aira hugs Pieces*

Pieces "Are you okay?"

*Pieces softly hugs her back*

Aria "You barely know me and you've been so nice to me."
Pieces "Well yeah, you're my friend."
Aria "Thank you."
Pieces "I'm always here for you."
Aria "I've didn't have friends in school."
Pieces "I had a few. I met Rilee in the Operator Program."

*Aria let's go of Pieces as the doors open*

Aria "Can I stay in your room? I don't like being alone in mine."
Pieces "You're alone too?"
Aria "We all are. We get put into the storage rooms that don't get used. There's a lot of them."
Pieces "Now that I think about it, there is only one bed. That's probably why no one else showed up. I don't want you sleeping on the floor, so you can take the bed."
Aria "I can't sleep on your bed with you?"
Pieces "It's only a twin size. We're both skinny enough to fit, sure why not."
Aria "I know it might be a bit weird. I'm just so used to sleeping in the same bed as someone. I shared a bed with my Mom."
Pieces "Your dad wasn't allowed on the bed?"
Aria "No, I was adopted when I was younger to a single woman. She wanted a kid but didn't want to be pregnant."
Pieces "Do you remember it?"
Aria "Vaguely. I was pretty young."

*They walk into Pieces' room*

Aria "Oh, I'm gonna go grab my stuff first."
Pieces "Sure go ahead."

*Aria jogs off*

Pieces "I hope that Rilee doesn't get mad."

*Pieces sits on the bed and looks in a mirror*

Pieces "My hair is a mess."

*Pieces grabs a brush from her bed and starts to brush her hair*
*Aria walks through the door while a cute smile on her face*

Pieces "You're excited."
Aria "I've heard about sleepovers before. I've wanted to go to one for the longest time."
Pieces "This will be the longest sleepover you're ever gonna have."
Aria "I hope Rilee shows up. Maybe she can stay with us too."
Pieces "We may be skinny but we can't all fit on the bed."
Aria "Oh yeah. Maybe we can borrow the bed from my room!"
Pieces "Good idea, but I think we'll get in trouble for moving it."

*Aria lowers her head*

Aria "Yeah."
Pieces "No biggie. We'll figure something out."
Aria "Right, where do we shower?"
Pieces "I think I saw showers down the hall."
Aria "We shower with other people?"
Pieces "There should be stalls separating us."
Aria "I hope so."
Pieces "You're uncomfortable about your body, huh?"
Aria "A little. You see, I have a scar on my side."
Pieces "Is it okay if I ask what it is?"
Aria "I was struck by lightning when I was Ten. It left a big burn mark is a weird pattern, across my stomach."
Pieces "Fortunate for you, you got that suit."
Aria "I actually asked for it."
Pieces "Maybe I should have asked for something different then. I didn't know I'd be in something as skimpy as this. My dad wouldn't approve of these."
Aria "What's your dad like?"
Pieces "He's so cool. He loves to have big barbeques and invite all out, neighbors. He loves it when new people move in so he can throw them a welcoming party. Even if they don't show up."
Aria "Why would you not show up to that? That sounds so cool."
Pieces "Some people aren't as socially active. Like you, you're pretty shy."
Aria "Yeah, I get it now. As long as I have you by my side, then I'd show up to anything."
Pieces "I'll hold you to that."

*Aria gets scared and starts waving her arms*

Aria "Wait, no! I was joking!"

*Pieces laughs*

Aria "Please don't make me go!"
Pieces "Don't worry, I'll only take you to things that won't hurt you."
Aria "Thank you."

*The commander comes over the intercom*

Commander W "Attention everyone. If any of you want to make any last-minute calls on your phones, then do so now. We take off in 10 minutes."
Aria "I have to call my mom."
Pieces "Me too."

*Pieces takes out her phone with a pink case and dials a number*

Mom "Hello?"
Pieces "Hi mom, is dad there? Put me on speaker?"
Dad "What's up honey?"
Pieces "I'm just calling to say that we're taking off in 10 minutes. I wanted to say bye."
Mom "Aw, you're so sweet. You can always call us on one of the terminals on the ship you know."
Pieces "There are terminals?"
Dad "I was on the same ship at your age. They're a bit hard to find, but they're next to the digital library."
Pieces "There's a library in here?"
Dad "Digital. Everything is on the computer database."
Pieces "I have a lot to learn about this ship."
Dad "That's the plan."
Pieces "What was it like when you two were Operators?"
Dad "The same as now. Commander White and I were on the same squad. She is one hell of a fighter."
Mom "I was part of a hidden squad. I would go on recon missions so I just did a lot of sneaking around."

*Her dad says something quietly*

Mom "No, she can't, we will sometime later."
Pieces "Everything okay?"
Mom "Sorry, I messed your father up on something."
Pieces "Oh, okay well I'll let you go do what you need."
Dad "You have fun, hon."
Mom "Don't forget about us."
Pieces "Like anyone could forget about you guys."

*They all laugh*

Mom "Okay, bye sweetie."
Pieces "Bye."

*Her mom hangs up*
*Aria walks back in the room*

Aria "Bye, love you, Mom."

*She hangs up*

Pieces "Alright. I want to know you better."
Aria "Know me better?"
Pieces "What do you like, what was your life like, what don't you like, you know the normal stuff."
Aria "I like soft things, staying warm, fixing things, and my favorite food is cake. I like all types of cake. I don't like a ton of things. I grew up in middle class and went to school like anybody else. I would always watch my mom try to fix something herself and she could fix anything. I wanted to be a Mechanic or something along that line to be like her. Turns out I'm really good at fixing all sorts of stuff and an Operator saw how good I was and took me into her school. Now I'm here."
Pieces "What was the most challenging thing to fix?"

*They feel a rumble*
*Aria screams and folds into a ball*

Commander W "Blast off in 3, 2, 1."

*More rumbling goes on and after a few minutes it stops*

Commander W "To all of the new Operators, welcome to space."
Aria "My fear."
Pieces "Awww! You're adorable."

*Pieces holds Aria*

Aria "I'm happy you enjoy my suffering."
Pieces "Oh I'm joking."
Aria "So I'm not adorable!?"
Pieces "No, you are! You're the most adorable person on this ship!"
Aria "Thank you."
Pieces "You're welcome."
Aria "I'm getting a charley horse, can you let go?"


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