Blurred Lines - Henry Cavill

By itsromanreigns

51.5K 1K 234

Henry especifically told (Y/N) that he didn't do relationships. But lines get blurred. And crossed. More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 1

9.6K 110 14
By itsromanreigns

Henry especifically told (Y/N) that he didn't do relationships. But lines get blurred. And crossed.


As soon as I laid my eyes on him for the first time, I was hooked. Henry's intense blue eyes captivated me as no others ever did. His tall and thick stature, the way he carried himself, it oozed confidence and charm. I was immediately and irredeemably drawn to him.

And apparently it was mutual.

He warned me when we first started this arrangement. He warned me that he was no good in relationships, that he didn't do them and he made it abundantly clear that I shouldn't expect one. Because it would not happen.

At the beginning, we would just meet up and fuck. Fuck each other mercilessly. Fuck each other like we never fucked before. That's how he always was... intense. He'd ravage my body every single time. Worshipping every inch of it. After sex, he was always sweet and caring, but he never stayed longer. So, I didn't either. I knew my place.

It went on for months and months.

Then, out of nowhere, he asked me out. Not on date. Just out. It looked like a date, but he never labeled it, and I, knowing him the way I did, just knew that it wasn't meant like that.

I had to believe that. I couldn't let my mind even acknowledge the smallest possibility of being something more there. It'd ruin me.

That day, he took me to the beach. We talked and ate some snacks as we sat on a blanket, the waves crashing down on the sand a few feet ahead of us. We came back to his house, and we fucked.

A few days later, he invited me out again. This time, we went hiking. Once we reached the highest spot in the hill, I stood there taking in the beautiful view. Unexpectedly, he stepped in front of me and cradled my face in his hands gently. He quietly stared down at me for a minute, and it seemed like he was lost in thought, having an internal struggle. Suddenly, he snapped out of it and kissed me.

Yes. He kissed me. As in only a gentle, loving kiss. Not a desperate kiss trying to initiate sex. It was just a kiss.

When he pulled back, he stared at me, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. I was mad blushing, I couldn't control it. I felt so weird, I didn't know what to do or say, or even think. My mind was all over the place.

Apparently he didn't have anything to say either. He pressed a light kiss to my forehead before he took my hand in his and stepped to my side, turning to face the landscape just as I was doing before. Then, we came back to his house, and we fucked. Again.

Yesterday, he asked me out again, and weirdly told me to wear a leather jacket, "maybe some jeans" - his own words - and comfy shoes. When I got to his home, he was waiting outside for me. Leaning against his red motorcycle, he was holding two helmets: his, and another one, that I assumed was mine. I shot him a confused smile as I took the helmet from him, and he limited to inform me that we were going for a drive.

The sun was about to start setting down, when he pulled over and turned the engine off. He offered me his hand for support as I got off the motorcycle, getting off after me and taking off his helmet. Meanwhile, I was struggling with mine, so he sighed and got closer, gently helping me take it out.

Once again, we found ourselves staring at each other intensely. And I was, yet again, a blushing mess. I had a feeling he loved having that effect on me, but he hid his emotions so well. It was almost impossible to figure him out.

Without warning, he captured my lips in between his. He pecked my lips softly, but when I responded to his kiss, he lost it. He pulled me closer, hooking an arm around my waist, and cupped my cheek with his rough hand. The kiss grew hotter, needier. He pushed his tongue inside my mouth, making me gasp in both surprise and excitement.

He was kissing me again. For the second time since we met. Really kissing me. As if I truly meant something to him... As if I was his girl. His girlfriend. Someone he loved.

But I knew I wasn't any of the above. I couldn't be. He closed that door before it had a slight chance of being opened.

"You're a breath of fresh air, (Y/N)." He mumbled against my lips, still trying to control his breathing. I bit my lip, nervously, as I tried to contain the smile that was crossing my face. "You opened up my heart in ways I never thought were possible. I just... I like having you around."

I couldn't stop the smile at that moment. I hated myself from letting me start to grow expectations, but fuck... I was so in love with him. And here he was, letting his walls down a bit. For the first time.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked curiously. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me a few feet away from the motorcycle, to the edge of the hill. He sat down on this rock and then, motioned me over to sit in between his legs.

I did as told. So there I was, sitting against his rock hard chest, with his strong arms circling my waist, as we watched the beautiful sunset.

"This place... It means a lot to me." He broke the silence, catching me off guard. "You're actually the first person I ever brought here."

Fuck. That made me feel special. That made me think he cared.

"Is that so?" I asked shyly, turning slightly to face him. He had the sweetest smile I had ever seen on his face.

"Yes. I come here a lot. It helps me relax and think. I love it here." He explained, always smiling.

"It's beautiful here. I can see why you chose it." I agreed with him, turning my attention to the beautiful view in front of us again.

"It really is beautiful." He sighed contently, pressing a kiss against my hair. "I didn't choose it. It chose me." I looked back again, confused by his latest statement. "I... One day, I wasn't... Well, some things happened, and I got out for a drive and I ended up here. Been coming here ever since."

I nodded in understanding. I thought of asking him what had happened, but decided against it. I'd wait for when he was ready to tell me.

Sadly, it was night quicker than I wanted it too, which meant we'd be about to leave. As if reading my own thoughts, Henry informed that we should head back with a slight frown on his face, that I'm sure matched my own.

Once we got back to his house, we ended up fucking. As usual.

But this time... it felt different. It felt gentler. More heartfelt. It was odd. But a very good odd.

It all led to today.

After we had sex, he gently pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around my waist, so I laid my head in his chest, as my hand traced invisible patterns on it.

Honestly, I don't even remember falling asleep.

I woke up some time later, I wasn't sure how much, but it seemed like a few hours. He was lying on his side, with his heavy right arm draped over me, completely trapping me against his body and pulling me closer to him. There was no way I could get up and leave. I was stuck with him, literally. Not that I cared, to be honest. It was the best feeling ever. But that wasn't how we did things... how he did things. And I had agreed with it.

My mind is running with all the these thoughts, all that happened between us ever since we met, in a full overthinking mode, when suddenly, he jolts awake, getting off the bed in one motion, scaring the hell out of me. I turn to look back and he's in the bathroom, apparently throwing up. 'Maybe he had a nightmare', I think as I get up as well, putting his previously discarded shirt on as I head his way.

"Are you okay?" I ask, as I lean against the doorframe.

"Go away!" He yells at me, fully facing me for the first time since he woke up. His eyes were swollen, and his cheeks were wet. He looks like a mess, and I'm so worried, I've never seen him in this state.

"No." I reply gently yet firmly, standing my ground.

"I said, go the fuck away!" He snaps as he walks closer to me. "I don't want you here!" He shouts in my face.

"You don't mean that." I manage to get out, my voice wavering as I did so. I felt like fucking crying.

"I told you that fucking was the only thing I did well. I gave you that." He's being so harsh, so fucking cold. At this point, I'm walking backwards in disbelief, with tears streaming down my face. "So now, leave me the fuck alone. I'm done with you."

He grabs my leather jacket from the floor and tosses it in my arms harshly. "Leave."

I frantically crouch down and grab all my stuff, or at least try to, because I couldn't see anything, my vision is blurred from the tears. Holding them tightly against my chest, I run away from his bedroom.

Once I get downstairs, I fully break down. Falling to my knees, I sob uncontrollably. I could I be so stupid and trust him? I was pulled out of my thoughts by his sweet dog, Kal. It's like he could feel I wasn't good. Kal gets closer to me and licks my face a couple of times, making me smile through my tears. I caress his furry head gently and Kal sweetly leans into my touch. Kal's small action meant so much to me. It kind of eased my pain, in a way... Sadly, it didn't last long.

I give Kal a kiss goodbye, I need to get out of here. I can't stand being here anymore. I dress my jeans quickly, and then I head to my car the fastest I could.

I can't barely remember most of the way back to my apartment. Once I got home, I laid on my bed and cried.

What happened to him? He wasn't himself. He was hurt, distressed. How could he treat me that way? He talked to me like I was some whore, a nobody. Maybe that's all I was, afterall.

I cried, and I cried... until I eventually fell asleep, drained from all the crying.

Now, it's been a full week since that catastrophe happened. He didn't reach out to me ever since. It's as if he never even knew me. It hurt so badly, but I was doing good in convincing myself that he wasn't good for me, that he didn't deserve me or any of my tears.

I'm cleaning out my apartment, jamming some of my favourite songs. It's one of my favorite things to do when I want to get my mind off things and relax. It really does wonders.

Suddenly, I faintly hear the bell ringing. Twice. I furrow my brows, confused, because I wasn't expecting anyone.

I head to the door and open it. And I sure as hell regret it the second I do so.


It's him.

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Part 2???

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