You You You

By KristnaJuekov

707K 18.8K 118K

NOT MY WORK "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath were pictu... More

An extra follower
What tickles your pickle
Banana Pants (or as straight as a flexible ruler)
Well how do you know Harry Styles?
Game on
You're both in the wrong
Bad damage control
Not that kind of follower
It's a very gay heaven
Harvey and Karma
Mean girls
A rough time
Field day
Step along the way
6 upset people
I'm yours
Sucker punch
Because it's you
As we make up our minds, we come falling down


27.8K 773 4.3K
By KristnaJuekov

"Babe..." Louis smiled with closed eyes, halfheartedly trying to pry Harry's hands off him. They kept trying to sneak in underneath his shirt, trailing at his sides and skimming over his stomach, making him shiver.

"No..." Harry whined, knowing what was coming. He continued kissing at Louis' neck, his talented tongue making it very hard to not give in to the temptation.

"Haz..." Louis said. "We said we'd wait..." But he pressed at Harry's lower back, bringing him closer where he was lying on top of him. Harry took that as an invitation to start kissing down his neck and collarbone. His hands grasped Louis' hips, causing friction that had embarrassing sounds escaping his throat. "Babe," he whined reluctantly. "You're killing me."

"But you want to," Harry complained and pressed their lips together. His tongue licked at Louis' lip, making him dizzy and momentarily forgetting that this was not supposed to go this way. The bigger part of him wanted to forget about it and just let himself have sex with Harry, but a smaller part of him insisted they'd wait until he was sure about it. Not that he wasn't sure he wanted to sleep with Harry, because he was definitely sure and he wasn't scared that Harry would dump him afterwards because he was honest and beautifully kind and all things positive, but he wanted them to be sure about their relationship, and having sex now when they were actually a thing would mean something. Usually Louis wasn't big on feelings and such, he just didn't do very well with those, tended to get too attached and Harry was actually the first one in a while to make Louis want to stick around since last time, so he was determined to be sure they did this thing right.

"Harold," he said and more firmly pushed at his chest.

"Fine," he sighed and rolled off him and ran a hand through his dark chocolate curls, resting on his elbow. Louis smiled at him knowing the frustration but he wouldn't give in just yet.

"When exactly are you going to let me take your clothes off?" Harry asked, looking up at him with those beautiful, green orbs.

Louis didn't want to give him the real reason, so he turned it into a joke. "When you take me out on a date. You have to wine and dine me first, hotshot," he smiled. But Harry frowned and bit his lip. "What?"

"You know that I want to take you out," he said, a bit down and eying their linked hands. "It's just hard with everything and," He shrugged. "I just wish I could and promise you at the same time that you wouldn't end up in the paper or there wouldn't be pictures of you on the Internet, but I can't. I can't promise that."

"Babe..." Louis murmured, stroking his the back of his hand with his thumb.

"I wish we could go to a nice restaurant and I could pick you up and then kiss you outside your door when dropping you off..."
"Aw, Haz," he said sweetly. "I didn't know you were such a romantic!" he cooed but with a small smirk. Harry shrugged. Louis sighed. "Harry, you know I don't need all of that. We can just hang out at home or something. It's fine."

"It's not. You shouldn't have to stay in because of me."

"Fine, then we'll go out," Louis shrugged.

Harry raised his eyebrows questioningly. "But what about what we just talked about?"

"We'll make it fun."

"How is a mob and fifty paps shouting in your face fun?"

"Oh come on, we won't get seen. We'll dress up and be weird and then I can tweet about it after and people will go crazy. That will be fun," Louis said enthusiastically and Harry rolled his eyes. "Come on Harroooolldd. It'll be fun! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, come on!" He tugged on his arm, begging loudly.

"Fine! Stop trying to rip of my arm!" he laughed and placed his hand on Louis' hip. "Now I think I deserve a kiss." He leaned in.

"What have you done to deserve a kiss? I came up with the plan! You did nothing."

"Louis," Harry said. "Kiss me."

Louis gave a sassy face and raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you insist." Their lips met and again Louis was once again overwhelmed by soft, but impatient lips. Maybe he should just sleep with him...yeah I think I'll do that, he thought, while his brain told him he was weak little bastard. Harry's hands were all over him again, gripping his hip and squeezing his thigh firmly, sending a thrilling feeling to fly through his stomach and up his chest. He wanted this so bad...
Then his phone was calling, making annoying sounds and Harry groaned. "Fuck." He rolled off Louis again and buried his face in Louis' pillow and stayed there while Louis reached out a hand for his phone that was resting on his nightstand. He answered.


"Hi! Louis! Finally, I haven't gotten hold of you." Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Oh. Hi, Darren..." he said hesitantly. In the corner of his eye he said Harry lifting his head from the pillow and frowning.

"I haven't spoken to you in a few days. How are you?" Darren asked.

"Um, good." Until you called... He felt mean but couldn't he just take the hint? He wasn't interested. "You?"
"I'm fine. Hey, how about that movie?" Shit. No.

"Uh..." God. Please, somebody help. There is a fire! No. Hey, a tsunami! Fuck. "Um..." Shit, time was running out. Harry was resting on his elbow, appropriately by the edge of the bed... Sorry, Haz. Without a warning he shoved him hard in the chest, sending him falling down from the bed and landing with a loud crash.

"OW! Fuck!!" He swore loudly.

"What was that?" Darren asked worriedly.

"OH MY GOD! NIALL! ARE YOU OKAY?" Louis yelled loudly into the phone as he splayed out on the bed. Harry whined we're he was lying on the floor.

"What happened?" Darren wondered.

"SHIT. HE JUST FELL OFF THE CHAIR! GOD, HE HIT HIS HEAD. FUCK. Niall, I think we need to get that checked out!" He tucked an arm under his head crossed his legs.

"Oh dear, do you need help taking him to the hospital?"

"No, it's alright. I can take him myself."

"Is he alright?"

Louis leaned down from the bed at covered his phone with his hand. "Sound hurt!" he ordered Harry who was already whining and clutching his elbow. Louis uncovered the phone and held it out. When Harry didn't comply he hit his arm.

"Ow!" Harry said and glared at him.

"Wow, he doesn't sound good at all!" Darren was concerned and Louis only felt a tiny bit of guilt.

"He'll get better I think. I'll talk to you late, Darren! Bye!" Louis ended the call and sighed in relief. He bounced back on the bed and stretched out on the covers.

"Thank god! It was getting a bit awkward."

"What the hell?" Harry said as he climbed onto the bed. "You pushed me off the bed. My elbow hurts."

"Sorry. Collateral damage."

"Louis, I don't know what to do with you sometimes." He flopped down on the bed next to him but didn't cuddle into Louis' held out arms.

"Babe, don't be mad. See it as charity or something. It was Darren. I needed help and there you were. " Harry snorted but rolled his eyes, something that Louis had learned was something he did with a bit of fondness. Louis knew he was soon to be forgiven, so he put his head to lie to rest on Harry's chest, snuggling into his side. They were quiet for a moment and Harry let his fingers slip into Louis' hair while he fiddled with the fabric of Harry's shirt.

"You should tell him you don't reciprocate his feelings. You're being mean by leaving him hanging like that," Harry told him.

"But I don't know how or what to say! I'm not with good with feelings or relationships! I can't talk like a normal person or handle things properly. I'm bad with words!"

"You're good with me," Harry said honestly. "You always say the right thing and you always treat me good. Except for pushing me off the bed and hurting me. But other than that you're amazing with me. I don't really believe what you just said," he told him an eyebrow raised.

Louis softened. "But you're you. You're so easy to be with and so lovely. You make me feel all easy too and everything just falls into place when I'm with you. You make me good with words." It was true. Harry was like the missing piece of his puzzle.

"Aw, Louuu," Harry teased but his eyes showed nothing but pure happiness.

"Shut up. It's your fault I've become a softy."

"Well, I happen to like you like that."

"Go away." Louis said and Harry pouted adorably. Louis could control himself for exactly 1,5 seconds before he pounced on him.


"Lewis?" Lindsay asked with "that" voice that told him either she wanted something or was planning some major scheme.

He rolled his yes. "Yes, Lindsay?" He took a sip from his latte, leaning against the counter. There were a few people in the coffee shop, but none in the line.

"Why is there a hickey on your neck?" she smiled, eyebrows raised, blinking for him to go on and expecting an explanation.

"Why do you think?"

She rolled her eyes too but went on. "Well, I've heard that you sleep around a lot and I was wondering if that's really true."

"I'm not going to sleep with you if that's why you're asking. I'm not even interested in your gender and even if I was I wouldn't go near you."

"Ouch." She didn't seem upset. "So you don't sleep around?" Where was this going?

"No," he announced proudly. Well, he did until a couple of weeks ago.

"Then why does a new hickey appear on your neck like every other day?" Fuck. She trapped him. Bitch. He glared at her and she smirked, knowing she got him in a corner.

"You sneaky minks."

"Just answer the question. You're not getting out of it."

He sighed and sipped on his coffee. "I may or may not be seeing someone..." he said vaguely. "Like a little."

"I knew it!" she laughed and a smirk settled on her lips again. She was one of the few people that smirked just as evilly as Louis did. He realized how annoying he must be. "Tell me everything!"

"As if," he snorted.

"I'll tell people you're dating."

"Don't you dare!"

"Then spill!"

He glared at her for a moment but by the look on her face he knew there was no way he was getting out of this. "Fine, I've been seeing him for a few weeks."


"And that's all you get."

"Louis," she raised her eyebrows. "I'll tell."

"Fuck you." She was going to blackmail him till the end. "What do you want to know?"

"What's his name, where does he live, what does he do, how many times have you had sex?"

"You're like Niall but worse! You can't ask all that!" he exclaimed. This girl was so annoying! She stared at him like, "go on". "I hate you. Bear that in mind." She nodded. "His name is Harry. He has an apartment AND THE ADDRESS IS CONFIDENTIAL AND YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW," he told her loudly as she began to ask. "And if you must know we're taking it slow, but we've had sex once."

She watched him with narrowed eyes. "Wait, so his name isn't Darren?"

"What?" The fuck?

"I thought you were dating Darren. He's come by like twice asking for you when you weren't working."

"He's come by here?" Oh dear. He really had to cut him loose soon.

"Yeah and why does he think you're dating?"

"Because I accidentally went on a date with him...?"

"Louis, how does one accidentally go on a date?" He shrugged sheepishly and she shook her head. "So what are you going to do?"

"Ignore him until he goes away?"

"Lewis! Tell him someone else sucks your dick and bye! Stop worrying about his feelings, they'll be harmed way worse if you keep doing this."

"Why are you the teacher all of the sudden?" he muttered.

"I've always been the teacher, Lewis." She smirked. "Is Harry your boyfriend then?" she asked.

Louis felt a little uncomfortable. He actually didn't know. Harry acted like they were together and it felt like it. It felt like they had been boyfriends for years, it was that easy being with him. Harry knew him like nobody else, in a different way than Niall, and he just understood him.

"Well...not yet."


"It just hasn't come up."


"I don't know! He hasn't said anything yet and..."

"And you're a little chicken?" she said.

"No!" he glared at her. "It' just... I don't feel like it's my place to ask that." He felt like he wasn't in that position. Harry was a rock star and Louis didn't even know if he could have a boyfriend or if he even wanted too.

"So he's the alfa of the relationship?"

"No!" he protested and scoffed. "Please if anyone is the alfa, it's me."

"Then get him to ask you."


"Maybe he just needs a push. Like a trigger," she explained. Sounds interesting...

"Tell me more."

"Make him jealous."

"I'm not going to make him jealous." What could Harry be jealous of? Plus he didn't exactly seem like the jealous type.

"Why not, you're not exclusive yet. Go flirt with some other dude and then he'll ask you about it and you say "But we're not exclusive" and if he wants to be with you then he'll ask you to be his boyfriend."

"Sounds like you've done this." He regarded her in a new light. She might just be a tiny bit smart.

"Works every time," she smirked. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I'm heading off to Uni." He left his coffee cup on the counter and hesitated. "And uh...thanks I guess." He ignored her smirk as he went to the locker room.

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
Any suggestions to how do you tell someone you're not looking to suck their dick anytime ever?

Daniel Cage (@DanCage14)
@TheTommo You tell them "Hey, I don't like you like that." Simple.

Really, that was the best answer he could get? Louis shook his head disappointedly.

<3Harry Styles <3 (@CraicLover)
@TheTommo Love trouble?

Follow Me 1D (@Josephine1D1D)
@TheTommo Are you and Harry dating? Torry forever <3

Wait, what? Hoooollld the fuck up. Panicking he dialed Harry's number and impatiently waited for him to pick up.



"What's wrong?"


" haven't seen that?" Harry answered hesitantly.

"Seen what?" Hold on once more.


"What the hell is Torry?"

"A ship name."

"Why are you talking about boats?! Harry! I said someone thinks we're dating! Not good!"

"Oh god, just call when you've googled it or gone on Tumblr," Harry ended the call and Louis stared at the phone like he couldn't believe his ears. Why wasn't Harry freaking out?! Never mind Uni, he needed to look this up. Now!
Running was faster than waiting for the bus so he dashed out of the coffee shop, rushing through the streets and emerging red and sweaty at his door. He threw it open and flashed into Niall's room throwing himself onto his bed.

"What are you doing!?" Niall exclaimed where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, computer in his lap.

"Give me that thing! Emergency!" He snatched it out of his hands roughly and he Niall whined at the ruthlessness he was handling his computer with. "Get here!" Louis told him and he laid down on his stomach next him, computer resting in front. Quickly Louis went on Tumblr and searched for "Torry".

"Oh," Niall said, like he'd been expecting it. "You found out about Torry."

"What about Torry?! What the hell is Torry?"

"That," Niall pointed at the screen. Louis eyes pinned on the screen. There were hundreds of pictures of his and Harry's tweets, dark pictures of Louis and Niall on the scene and then the video Louis had made on his Keek. There were a bunch of analyzes of his tweets and also Harry's and he realized these people had very little to go on but were sort of masterminds. People came up with stories of how they'd met and they imagined what he looked like and what his real name was. What he still couldn't understand was why Harry was so calm and why Niall wasn't freaking out with him.

"Why aren't you freaking out?" he asked.

"It's nothing to freak out about."

"What are you saying? And you, as my publicist, should be worried!"

"About what? There aren't even pictures of you!"

"But people think we're dating!"

"No they just ship you."


Niall rolled his eyes. "Google Ziam. Or Zarry or Lirry for that matter."

"Those are some ugly ass names. And I don't get what Torry means." He typed in the word "Zarry" and his eyes almost popped out their sockets.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" He scrolled through the page, finding pictures of Zayn and Harry together, photoshopped pictures of them kissing or quotes or videos of them being cute together. "People think they're dating!" Louis said surprised.


"I don't understand, Niall. Please explain." This was frustrating. This Zayn/Harry romance was messing with his head. If only for second after seeing these pictures even he could believe they were together.

"Zarry is an OTP."


"One True Pair. Zayn plus Harry equals Zarry. People put their names together and ship them as a couple. Shipping means that you'd like to see them together, as in dating, and Torry is Harry's and your ship name. Tommo plus Harry equals Torry."

"So you're saying people believe Harry is dating two people, one of them being his band mate?"

Niall shrugged. "Well, there are different shippers. They probably only have one OTP, some ship Zayn and Liam together and some ship you and Harry. Simple as that. It's nothing to worry about, these things have been going on forever."

"Why do people think they're gay?"

"What boyband doesn't have a gay member?"

"So I shouldn't be affected by this?"

"No, no one cares about the ship stuff. I mean not enough people believe in it so it won't affect One Direction's selling rates or whatever. It's fine."

"Oh. But nobody knows who I am? How can they ship me with someone?"

"Well if they scroll through your tweets then I'm pretty sure they can find out a lot about you."


"And me for that matter."

"Yay," he said without any hint of enthusiasm. He went on Twitter and scrolled through some mentions.

Follow me Tommo (@Harrysangelforever)
@TheTommo please follow meee! You're hilarious!

Claire Torryson (@ClaireYoung_xx)
@TheTommo Is Torry real?

Jeremy (@JeremyGilbertwhat)
@TheTommo I'm glad you're still the same even though you've gained like fifty thousand followers.

Hey it's Hayden (@HaydenHay)

Alan Pucker (@Alan_P)
@TheTommo When are you going to tell us who you are?

Louis sighed. Well...

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@Alan_P We'll have to see...

Louis and Niall scanned all the tweets he got after that and he was met by frustration, wonder and many, many requests for him to follow them. He slapped the computer shut and closed his eyes. He didn't feel like dealing with a bunch of demanding people right now.


"Zayn, are you and Harry dating?" Louis asked him as they were all hanging out in their small flat. Niall was on the floor, head resting against the couch where Zayn was sitting, making tiny braids in his blonde hair. Liam was splayed on their cheap beanbag and Louis himself was cuddled between Harry's legs on the other side of the couch.
Zayn stilled and frowned at him. Liam laughed and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Louis?" Harry said, face one big question mark. "What?" He gave him the classic "wtf are you saying" face.

"No, we're not." Zayn declared. Louis nodded acceptingly.

"Liam? Are you dating Harry? Or Zayn?"

"Uh, no..." Liam answered, confused now that he was being asked too. "Why?"

"Just wondering."

"He's confused about OTPs and shipping." Niall explained. The three laughed loudly and Louis glared at them.

"Stop laughing!"

"But it's cute that it bothers you." Niall smiled.

"I don't want people...'shipping' Harry with his band mates!" Louis said like it was obvious. "I mean he's my-" he stopped. No, he was not his boyfriend. Shit. "We're dating!" He smoothed it over. Nobody but Niall seemed to notice. He gave him knowing and apologetic smile. Louis sighed.

"Well how do you think Harry feels about you and Darren then?" Niall said, raising an eyebrow.

"You still haven't talked to him?" Harry said, sounding upset.

"Who's Darren?" Liam narrowed his eyes.

"The guy who thinks Louis is dating him," Zayn said as he continued with braiding Niall's hair. Niall was going for an edgier look for the party tonight. Louis and Niall were throwing an invite only, very exclusive party and the One Direction boys were attending. It was a risky move but they had made sure only people they trusted were there and that the people attending weren't big fans of the group. They had ended up inviting a lot of people even so and Louis had decided to style the three in different outfits so that they didn't look like themselves. Harry for one had his hair combed back (revenge for last time) and was trying not to look too uncomfortable with glasses, eyeliner and a big hockey jersey. He looked weird more than anything.

"Why am I the last person to know about this?" Liam scolded them.

"But you're telling him right?" Harry asked, his forehead wrinkled. Louis took the look as him being jealous and a bit possessive and he loved it. Maybe if he did like Lindsay said...

"Of course he is!" Niall reassured and Harry eyed Louis.

"I'm going to! I just don't know what to say yet."

"How about 'Hey this is Harry, the guy I'm currently dating. I don't like you. Go away.'" Harry said, glaring at nothing.

"Haz," Liam said, eyeing him. "Chill. Sounding a bit uptight."

"He's jealous." Zayn said simply, hands in Niall's hair. Louis smirked. Well, well... Maybe Harry was the jealous type. Just like Louis.

"Don't worry babe. I'll tell him." He patted his thigh and smiled.

"You better."

"He'll get her soon though." Niall announced. "He insisted on coming seeing you sooner."


"Why didn't you just tell him no when he called?" Harry sulked. Louis gave him a fond look. Sulking Harry was adorable. "You just had to push me off the bed..."

"SHIT!" Louis exclaimed, jumping out of Harry's lap. He had totally forgotten. Fuck. "Niall get up! Get up!" Hesitantly he stood, his hair in braids looking lost and very not stylish. "Shit, you need to be hurt! Quick, get something hard. I need to hit you!" He grabbed a book that was lying on the coffee table, raising it high to make the hit.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Niall yelled and Harry grabbed Louis' arm. "STOP!"

"I need to hit you!"

"WHY?!" he yelled. Liam and Zayn stared wide-eyed at the situation unraveling before them.

"Because Darren think your head is hurt!"

"But I'm not!"

"You need a bruised head!" Louis said determinedly and Harry sighed. Clearly he was running out of patience with the whole Darren thing.

"You're NOT hitting me." Niall decided, hands ready to protect himself from any blows. Louis frowned. He had to come up with something. They didn't have any make up so he couldn't fake a bruise. How the hell was he going to get Niall a purple mark in the face? An idea flashed to mind. Oh yes.

"I GOT IT!" he exclaimed. "Niall come here! I'll just suck a hickey on your forehead! Get here!" He tried to make his way towards him.

"Woah! You're not sucking a mark on him." Harry said, grabbing his arm.

"Chill out, Harry. It's just a hickey."

"I don't care. You're not doing it."

"You're being ridiculous." Louis waved him off and placed his hands on either side of Niall's head. He looked like he was trying to understand the situation.

"Louis!" Harry pulled him back.

"Well then who's gonna' do it?" Louis said.

Niall came to life. "Woah woah woah! No one is sucking on my face!"

"Yes someone is!"

"That someone isn't you," Harry said decisively and like it was a statement of fact.

"Well, if I don't get to do it, you sure as hell don't either," Louis glared up at the younger boy.

"I wasn't looking to do it."

"Then who's gonna'?" They glared at each other. Harry was being a possessive little git about it, and the jealousy suddenly wasn't as cute, or at least it wasn't useful like this. Louis continued to gaze at him and then the idea popped up. Slowly he turned, a slow smile creeping onto his face. He turned towards Zayn who looked back at him questioningly. It took a moment and then understanding settled on his face.

"No!" he said exasperatedly already knowing Louis was going to have his way. "Not me."

"But it's Niall. Isn't he cute?" Louis pushed at Niall, forcing him into a twirl. "Look! Sexy!"

"Louis..." Zayn groaned.


"You're paying me back," He grunted.

"Hey, I don't get a choice here? I'm the one who's gonna' get saliva all over my face!" Niall said, making sure he wasn't forgotten.

"Shut up, Ni and let dear Mr. Malik suck your face."

"I hate you," Niall pouted and crossed his arms. Louis ignored him and leaned back at Harry's body, happy now that he'd gotten what he wanted. Harry seemed relieved enough that Louis wasn't the licking on someone else, so he wrapped an arm around his waist comfortably.
Zayn stood up in front of Niall and gave him an apologetic look.

"Go on." Louis made a sweep of his hand and Zayn sighed and pressed his lips to Niall's skin. The others watched in amazement at how skilled Zayn was, like, the forehead was a hard spot. Niall seemed a bit flushed and Louis couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or if he thought something else of Zayn's working lips. After a couple of minutes the result was presented and Louis nodded in approval. There was now a purplish bruise at the hairline and it actually looked like he'd been hit by something.
Zayn's cheeks were red and Niall was disoriented and the rest felt a little awkward by what they'd just seen.

"Okay?" Zayn asked Niall who gulped and bit his lip. He gave a slight nod.

"I'm okay," he breathed, but then turned to Louis with a dark look. "You're so dead after tonight."

"Yeah," Louis said, stepping out of Harry's warm hold. "I'm going to go change now."

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