
By guardian_ace1

46.3K 2.5K 943

Shen Wei the most handsome man in their village was sacrifice to Nian the lion monster who live in the sea a... More

The Sacrifice
A Sudden Marriage
The Wedding
The Banquet
The Fight
Being Normal
It Talks
Finding The Truth
The Abduction
Yunlan's Dilemma
Fixing You Up
Protecting My Wife
Becoming Human
The Mayor's Plan
Shen Wei's Power
The Fight Start
The Sudden Thing
Meeting You Again
Why You
Life Without My Sight
A New Life
The Twins
His Sight
His Young, Energetic Husband
Yunlan's Dramatic Moment
Protecting My Wife
The Sudden Attack
Till In The End

The Turning Of Yunlan

1.2K 77 32
By guardian_ace1

     Yunlan been screaming  how painful his body. Shen Wei  can only embrace  his husband to comfort him.

    An hours pass, Yunlan lost concious as Shen Wei  accompany his husband on the bed. He hold him tightly, whispering  his love for him and kissing his face non stop. Still Yunlan won't  wake up.

    Early morning Yunlan woke up with a great headache. As he look at his side his beautiful wife is sleeping beside him. "Xiao Wei...." He tried to call him. But his throat  only let out a growl. And was surprised  that his hands have claw.

    He stumble and fall on the bed. He quickly look at the mirror, that time Shen Wei  stired and open his beautiful dark eyes just seeing his husband  is not with him. As he heard a growl and shattered  glass, he quickly  stand up just to find himself shock. Seeing his handsome husband change into a beast with claws and fangs and horns.

    "Ah Lan!" When he was about to went near him. "Don't  come near me! I'm hideous!" He shout. As he cover himself up with a blanket. But when he done that Shen Wei  immediately  hugged  him tightly. "Don't  worry I will tell to my father on what to do!" But he was surprised  Yezun was  already there and carrying the potion for Yunlan.

    "Here son in law this will give you back your beauty!" Yunlan took it without thinking and drink it. He didn't  notice  Yezun smirk.

     Meanwhile Mazu gave his deities some power so they can enter to the demon's world. They barge in and attack the demon realm. Suddenly  a horn sound  alerting the deities came.
That time Yunlan lost conscious as he drank the potion. "Yunlan!" As Shen Wei  tried to shake him to wake.

    "Son! Be ready to face Mazu and his men." Yezun said. "What! But they're  my friends! I won't  fight them!" Said Shen Wei  while cradling Yunlan whose face is becoming normal again. "You'll  have no choice my son!"

    Da quing  suddenly  came, "Shen Wei! Where's  Yunlan?!" But he suddenly  stop as he saw Yezun with them and seeing Yunlan unconscious.
"So this is the kitty cat?!" Said Yezun. "Run! Da quing!" But as Da quing  about to run someone  got him at the back.... it's  Yunlan. And his quite awake.

    "Perfect my son in law! Throw  that cat away!" Shout Yezun. Yunlan's  eyes became red but as he thrown Da quing.  Mazu got him.  She look at the  back and was  shock to see Yunlan. "Now my war demon kill all the deities!" Yezun shout. Yunlan's  sword suddenly  emerge while his ordinary clothes became an armor. He almost  cut Mazu on the stomach.

    Luckily Mazu evade, "Yunlan! What are you doing?!" She shout. "Yunlan their  our friends!" Shen Wei  shout. But Yunlan won't  listen to him as he fight  Mazu non stop. Shen Wei  want to stop him. But his father suddenly  acupanctured so he can't move. "Father! Stop the fighting!" But Yezun won't  listen to him as he gang up Mazu.

    The  other tried to help Mazu but they were block  by the other demons. As they tried to fight through.

    The fight went into disaster  as the demons are winning.  "Psst! Shen Wei!" As Da quing  help him to take off  what  Yezun did. "Why didn't  you turned into a lion!" Said Shen Wei.  "My master is turned  against us! And I think his a demon now he reek one. And it stink!"

    Shen Wei  look at him, "Da quing  what if I say I'm a half demon will Mazu take Yunlan away from me?" He ask. Da quing  laugh, "No it can't  be!" As he look to Yezun and back to Shen Wei.  "You mean..... this is bad! Is that  why you turned  Yunlan into a demon!" Shen Wei  look at the floor as he felt guilty and nod.

    "My father told me! What will I do?! I don't  want to loose Yunlan! But when he was turned he lost control of himself! And now father controls him!" Da quing  suddenly  think. "If Mazu knew you done this because  your half demon too...." He suddenly  look at Yunlan whose fighting Mazu fiercely.

    "Shen Wei  we must first turned   Yunlan back to normal! But in order that we must take him away from here! Can you use your power now?" He ask.
Shen Wei  nod in response. Shen Wei  suddenly  make a fog enveloping  everyone in it. While everyone was shock on what's  happening.  Shen Wei  use his power of teleportation  and knock Yunlan on his nape making him unconscious  again as Shen Wei lift him up with Da quing, as they teleport  back to the forest to hide from the deities  and demons.

     "The deities of the sea won't  see us here since  this is not their territory!" Said Da quing. While Shen Wei following him to a cave with a door near a mountain. As he knock to a door,
little men open it. "Da quing! What a pleasant surprise!" Said one of the dwarves. "We need your help in hiding  from powerful beings!"

    As one of dwarves look at Shen Wei  and Yunlan, "Don't  tell me this two are lovers and they elope?!" Hearing this every dwarves look at them and welcome  them with open arms.

    "Poor you!" As they look to Shen Wei and see his carrying the unconcious Yunlan. "Who witch put a curse on him?!" They ask. Shen Wei sweat, "Actually  my father, he turned him  into  a demon and we need an antidote!" One of the dwarves with glasses came near him. "My name is Heki! I'm a doctor here! I can cure him. And this is Ma and Feng my assistant.

    As he laid Yunlan on a small bed, in which it's  quite small for Yunlan, because his very tall.  As they combined  the other beds of the others dwarves so Yunlan can be laid properly. And they tied him up with a magic rope. "Hey! Da quing  this will be in your tab!" Said Heki. "How could you Heki! I thought were friends!" Said Da quing. "This is business!" Said Heki.

     "Would you surely  can cure Yunlan?!" He ask. "They didn't  call us the "Healer Three!" If we cannot cure anyone! But first you must stay here with a week so we can heal him properly!" Said Heki.

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