The Banquet

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     It's  been days the two are married. Shen Wei  tried to become an obedient wife.

    Yunlan being a good husband gave everything that  he every wants, but still sometimes  he miss his family and want to go back to his village, while touring the garden the servants and Da quing  accompany him. Yunlan on the other hand have a meeting with the other  deities. While drinking tea one of the servants gave him different pearls and jewels given by Yunlan. He was surprised,  "What's  this? I don't  need this?" The servant bow, "Tonight there would be a banquet to the kindom of the west and you and our lord need to attend it." As the other servant gave him a silk robes of different colors and ornaments  for the hair.

     "Da quing! You pick it!" He tease the small, black cat. Who only meow in response as he suddenly jump and  laid on his lap. "Hmmph?! You also don't  like party eh? Lazy cat!" As he caress it's  fur. It only him.

     Moments pass, as Yunlan came he suprise and hugged  Shen Wei  from behind. Making him jump in the process and dropping  Da quing.  It meow in anger and ran away.  "Yunlan!" He shout. While Yunlan lift him like a bride. "How's  my little  wife!" As he kiss  him suddenly  making the servants giggle and Shen Wei  blushed  furiously.

    "Put me down!" Shen Wei  struggle. "No! Because were gonna take a bath together and change our clothes for the banquet!" As he carried him off to their room.

    When they're  in the bath tub Yunlan scrub his back while kissing his wife at the back and neck. Making Shen Wei  blush and become red. "I will wash your back too!" He said. Yunlan oblige and gave him the foam to scrub. While scrubbing  Shen Wei  notice, " Yunlan! There's  a green mark on his shoulder and a word he didn't  understand tattoo on it.

    "It means the deity of east the green dragon! There should  also be a green tattoo  on your shoulder since your my wife now as he pointed it on him. Shen Wei  was shocked he never  seen that before.

    An hour pass as they're  ready to leave. Yunlan suddenly  gave Shen Wei  a yellow pendant.  "Since I saw you don't like pearls and jewels, at least this one will protect you from the other deities! Some of them are naughty like my cousin Lin Jing and more dangerous  than him. So I hope you'll  stay at my side and don't  get lost?"

    When the banquet  start every deities  came, Yunlan wearing a green robe like Shen Wei  to represent  his kingdom, suddenly  Zhu Hong came as she also wearing a green dress for the occasion.

   Yunlan got furious, "Why are you wearing that color? It should  be violet! That's  the color of your kingdom!" He shout. "Green is better  color to me!" As she glared  to Shen Wei.  Yunlan took his wife behind him.

     "Don't  stare at my wife like that?!" Yunlan glared at Zhu Hong. "Stop it you two! Where here to celebrate and don't  fight with one another!" Suddenly  a beautiful  woman with a white robe came. Mazu the goddess  of the sea and overall of the deities  of the ocean is under her. All bow to her except Shen Wei  that  he didn't  know who is she.

    "Excuse my new wife Mazu he still didn't  know you!" As Yunlan whispered  to Shen Wei  to bow to her because she is the over all queen of the sea. "So this is your wife? I'm sorry I didn't  came at your wedding Yunlan I have some meeting with my siblings!"

    As she look at Shen Wei , "Raise your head! So I can see tour face!" Shen Wei  do what he said. Mazu got a little  shock as she saw Shen Wei  face it remind him of someone, but she collect herself  quickly. "You have a beautiful  wife Yunlan! That's  why Zhu Hong is very jealous  at him?" As she click her finger Zhu Hong dress turned into violet color. "Zhu Hong! Know your place!" As she look at her. Zhu Hong bow and shiver in fright.

    As Mazu went to her chair, the music and dancing continue.  All the deities  can breath again as they went to their place. Yunlan lead Shen Wei  to seat with him at a nearby garden away from Zhu Hong's sight. "Whose that  woman?!" Ask Shen Wei.  "She's  our queen or you can call her our mother here! She is the most power goddess  at the sea!" Said Yunlan.

    "You mean she is more powerful than you?!" Ask Shen Wei.  "Yes! All of our power belongs to her!" Said Yunlan. But as Yunlan heard his favorite song he pulled Shen Wei  for a dance. Making Mazu notice while she talking to the other deities.  "Yunlan never smile like that?" Said Mazu to herself.

     "Why not wage about their happiness?" Cong Bo suddenly  suggested. "Cong Bo!" Shout Lin Jing. "What do you mean?" Ask Mazu. "As we all know Shen Wei  is a sacrifice by the villager to Yunlan?" As all look at him. "If Yunlan have no power will Shen Wei still love him?" He ask them. "Cong Bo what  are you doing? Don't  listen to him! My queen!" Said Lin Jing.

    "Tell me Cong Bo why are you doing this? Do you hate Yunlan?!" As Mazu hands suddenly  cracking with bolt and electricity. "No! My queen! I'm just suggesting  to test Shen Wei's  love for Yunlan! As I know he is your favorite?! And you'd be disappointed  if he married someone  who doesn't  love and cherish  him!" As he smirk.

    "You know Yunlan is crazy for him Cong Bo! If you hurt Shen Wei  just one finger he will kill you!" Lin Jing shout to him. But suddenly  Mazu stopped  them. "Let me think about it!" As she went back to her thrown  while watching Shen Wei  and Yunlan whose laughing non stop.

    The unknown couple whose having fun suddenly  stopped  as Yunlan gone to the table to get some drinks leaving Shen Wei  alone then Zhu Hong came in. "You think you won?! Well guest again! I'll have Yunlan and you can't  stop me!" As she glared again to him and left. "That  witch! What's  she's  planning anyway?!" As he was about to go to Yunlan the other  dieties block his way.  "Hey! Pretty thing! Come dance with us?!" One the deities  tried holding him.

    "Sorry! But no!" As he tried to retrieve  back his hand. But the guy kept pulling him until he bump into a broad chest that he didn't  anticipated, Yunlan whose not quite please that his wife being harassed, glared at that deity.


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