The Sudden Thing

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     Shen Wei  woke up in a brightful day sleeping beside him is Yunlan still exhausted on what happened  last night.

    He can't  help to smile knowing what  happened  as he get up and put on his clothes and work on the kitchen. But suddenly  he became dizzy and vomit non stop. Luckily Yunlan came  before he fall on the ground.

   "Are you alright?! What's  wrong?" He ask. "Maybe I just ate something?" That made Yunlan chuckle. "I'm the only  one you ate many times?" That made Shen Wei  bit red and hit Yunlan lightly on the chest. "I do not! Isn't  it you who devoured  me many times!  As he pout.

     Suddenly  he got dizzy again making Yunlan worried. Luckily  Da quing  came as he told what happened  and if he can find Heki again. But beside that Da quing  gave news on what's  happening  to Mazu world and the deities.  "Mazu is gone Yunlan and the land near the sea are in chaos! They  need a new  leader!" He said. "But  why won't  they choose one of the deities?" He ask.

    "The problem  is Shen Wei  is the one who won the battle! He is the choosen one eventhought he have half demon's blood. The others  deities  are arguing weather  Shen Wei  is fit or not? But until then the deities  world at the sea is at chaos.

    Suddenly  they heard someone  fall at the floor. "Xiao Wei!" As he seen him lying on the floor. Moments  pass, Heki came with  his two assistants, "Congratulations  Yunlan! You'll  be a dad!" Yunlan was  shocked,  "Wait?! What?!" He soul suddenly  gone out of his body while Da quing  and Heki dancing happily and having a fiest on what happened.

    When Shen Wei  woke up seeing his husband shocked  face. "What happened?! What's  going on?!" He ask Da quing.  "Shen Wei  your pregnant!" As Da quing  throw a confetti  and blowing a horn. "WHAT?!!! HOW?!!! I'M A MAN?!!!" As he soul also flew.

    "Maybe because your half demon and half deities  that triggers  you becoming pregnant! And my master always banging you!" As Da quing  pat Yunlan. That made Shen Wei  red, "Da quing! " Da quing  smirk. "Well it's  true?! You two almost do everywhere?! Even in the house of Heki!" Suddenly  Yunlan put a spell on Da quing  to loose his voice.

   "Yunlan! You got your powers back!" Shout Shen Wei  as he hugged  him. Da quing  want to shout for joy. But he only meow his word. "Pfft!!!" He angrily said. "Wei! Your right. As he stand and called his sword. Automatic Yunlan's  armor suite came again while Da quing  became the majestic lion. As it roar happily.

    Shen Wei  hugged  Da quing  as well. "Your back! But I still like you as a cat!"
It only roar happily until Heki cough.
"Da quing! Your payment don't  forget!" As the lion sweat.

    Moments  pass, Yunlan told Shen Wei  that they need to go back to the deity's world. For the kingdom is in chaos. And they need a new leader, as Mazu is dead. "Wait! You know the deities  hate us?! Why do we need to go there?!" Shen Wei  ask.

    "It's because your the one who defeat Mazu back then! Your the rightful leader of deities  now! Without you the world will be in chaos." Said Yunlan. So both of them agree to go back to deity's world.

    The next day as they came, many deities  look at them with anger only Lin Jing welcome them with open arm. "Thanks for coming back and I see Yunlan got his power back!" Yunlan smirk, "Not at all giraffe! Still I have something I don't  remember?!" He said.

    "Yes! And one of them I already told you my name is Lin Jing not giraffe!" He said. "And also I have good news to you! Were gonna be parents! Shen Wei  is pregnant!" That made Li Jing jump for joy. "I'm gonna be an uncle!" That made all the deities look at them.

    As the head of the deities came, "Why is Shen Wei  brought here?!" The other deities  ask. "His the one who defeat Mazu! His have the power that can stop the chaos inside our realm!" One of the head of deities.  As he called Shen Wei, Yunlan and his friend come with him.

     "We have no argue with one another! Are you willing to take the place of Mazu?!" They ask. "But I'm pregnant! And half deity  only?" Yunlan cut him, "I will help my wife in any ways   I can!" The elders nod at each other and gave the staff to Shen Wei. 

    Shen Wei  suddenly  transformed his ordinary dress into an armor while his sign on the chest  is the blue dragon. At the center of his staff a blue orb glow.
Suddenly  the tidal wave and tsunami disappears. As the sea calm again.

    Kahui one of the elders of deitie, "From here on forth Shen Wei  is now the ruler of the sea!" She shout.  Making the deities bow even the others who disagree.

    Shen Wei  can't  believe  his luck have change once his poor and nothing to eat but now his the ruler of the sea, with a child coming, friends and handsome husband. What can he wish for? Until he told his husband if he can bring his parents in their realm? Yunlan shake his head, it is forbidden  for human to enter it, only if your  married to one. "Sorry Xiao Wei! If it please you we can give them the dream house they want and richness  in earth!" Said Yunlan.

    Shen Wei  nod in response, "And I want to tell them the good news! That we will be parents too!" That put a smile to the couple. Uknown to them the spy  of Yezun heard everything  and reported  it to Yezun. As Yezun look to his beloved wife that is place to a different coffin.

    "Do you hear that?! Our child have replace Mazu and will be grandparents! Don't  worry I 'll bring him here to see you!" As he left for earth realm.

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