Help Me Love Again (Connor x...

By JellyFishUnite

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Connor is assigned to a partner to help him with the increasing numbers of android assault cases in Detroit... More

Chapter 1 - HK800
Chapter 2 - Issues
Chapter 3 - Under The Bridge
Chapter 4 - Connor
Chapter 5 - Care
Chapter 6 - Morning
Chapter 7 - Unprofessional
Chapter 8 - Fond
Chapter 9 - You're An Idiot
Chapter 10 - Seeing Me Like This
Chapter 11 - Hotel Room 115
Chapter 12 - Please?

Chapter 13 - The Hunt

340 14 16
By JellyFishUnite

Warning: Cuteness
Connor POV

My eyes flutter open just to immediately squint in discomfort from the shining bright light that traveled through the bedroom windows. I figured it was morning since all I remembered from last night was sitting by Hank in the living room. After that, everything went blank. I have no idea when and how I managed to get in bed while being pretty much asleep. Sleep walking? I suppose I sleep walked to my room.

Weight shifted on my right, bed covers moving suddenly. I froze, not knowing that someone else was in the bed with me. The shift was too big to even consider it being Sumo fluffing up the covers. My heart skips a beat as I slowly turned my head to find myself only a few inches away from Hank's body. The android wasn't sleeping, only staring up at the ceiling with his hands folded on his abdomen. He was fully clothed as his LED stayed a steady blue. He turns his head to face me.

I blink, "Did we fuck?'

Hank huffs out a small chuckle, shaking his head. Then I felt embarrassed asking such a silly question to an android. 'Do androids have genitals? Does Hank even have a pee wee?'

I grunt, looking away from Hank in embarrassment as he answers my question. "Of course not. I stayed here in your bed the whole night because you asked me to after I laid you in bed."

'So that's how I got in bed,' I thought, shifting out of the bed covers slowly. My feet touched the floor, toes cold from the exposure as I sat on the edge of the bed. My back faced Hank but Hank kept looking at me. I sigh, "Why would I ask such a silly question like that? Asking poor you to lay beside me even tho you don't sleep. Was I drunk?"

"No, you were completely sober."

"Then why did you accept my request?"

"I didn't mind really. I got nothing else to do since I'm stuck in your house."

"Yeah, babysitting..." I mumbled to myself, feeling my neck start to ache. The bruise still stained my skin and at this moment, I figure it might be another week before it completely heals. From there, I removed yesterday's wrinkled comfortable clothing before replacing my body with new protection sheets for the day. Hank only waited patiently for me to get ready for the day.

In the kitchen, I started up the coffee machine and waited for my beverage to be brewed. Hank only followed, his task to give Sumo a fresh bowl of soft cat food for his breakfast. Sumo purred in gratitude.

"How long have you had Sumo?" Hank asked, watching the feline munch down on the fresh wet food. I shrugged, "Not sure, maybe 3-4 years ago? He was a stray that I happened to pick up off the streets. He's probably 7 years old, best guess."

Hank only nods, petting Sumo gently on the back while the feline ate. I set myself on the kitchen table, pulling out my laptop with my coffee, logging onto the DPD system to see what's happening with the current case. Nothing new other than a possible sighting of Jose in downtown Detroit. 'Basterd should have fled Detroit while he still can.'

Within a few seconds, I feel weight shift on the table. I ignore it at first but once I lift up my cup of coffee in order to sip, my eyes met blue pearls hovering above me. Hank's hands were placed sternly on the table, his expression serious. 'Is he gonna whoop my ass? He looks like he's gonna do it. What did I do now?' I thought, smiling nervously up at the android. My heart started to race nervously from the tall broad android... or not?

"Connor, you piss me off all the damn time now."

"I do?" I gulped, slowly placing my cup down. My brown eyes don't dare left Hank's direct fierce blue ones. The android was pretty much staring down at me. The light shining through the kitchen window and reflecting off his face doesn't make it any better.

"You need to be straightforward and clear with me," Hank continued.

I froze, "H-Huh?"

'What the fuck is he talking about? I'm scared, nervous, shocked? This stupid android and my feelings.'

Hank clears his throat, "Since the day I've met you, you were a dick. A cocky depressed selfish dick to be honest."

I gulp again, not wanting it stay another word. I don't know what this android is going to say resulting in my mind racing and my body feeling like it's dying from the stress directly sent by the android itself. Sumo was already done with his food, not paying any attention to the scene happening behind him as he trotted off into the living room.

"But, the more I spend time with you, the more I've noticed that you weren't those things. Yeah, you were and still a depressed fuck here and there but you're at least nice and caring towards me."

Hank sighs heavily before continuing, "Then you piss me off with the shit you do that is harming you in the long run. I don't appreciate seeing you hurt yourself and I definitely hate it whenever you talk smack about how it's okay because you want to die young anyways. Just stop because it hurts."

Hank's LED starts turning bright yellow, his face softening to more of a worried one. Myself, on the other hand, eased onto my chair. My eyebrows furrow forwards in a worrisome way, watching my own work partner open himself up. I would have never expect him to open up so easily to me.

"And then after all the crap we are dealing with, you don't let your anger reach me no more and you make sure I'm alright 24/7. Like I do with you, I want to make sure you're alright during these hard times. Whenever I'm close to you, errors pop up and you trip me up sometimes. It's so damn confusing and doesn't help the situ—"

"Hank, s-stop."

"No, you are always on mind and it took me awhile to realize that I've might developed some romantic feelings towards you? It's been bugging me all last night when I laid down in your bed. Seven hours is plenty of time for my advanced brain to identify conclusions over these past events. I knew, the more I stayed with you, the more I want to stay by your side. You—"

"You call that a confession?" I suddenly laughed, interrupting the android. The androids LED goes red but quickly goes back to yellow. He must know I'm just being sarcastic and bratty.


"It now just sounds like your confessing to me," I repeated. I rose up onto my feet, keeping my eyes directly glued onto the android. Hank doesn't say another word. The android was rather speechless.

"Hank, your an annoying android, that's for sure. But, I'm kinda grateful that Mr. Fowler assigned you to me. I still hate it to some degree because your still up my ass but I do appreciate you being around me. And—"


I step closer to Hank, a small smile growing on my face as my eyes soften. Time around us felt like it slowed down, each second dying off. However, I managed to wrap my arms around Hank, pulling him into a warm welcoming embrace. I'm shorter compared to Hank so my arms could barely hug around Hank's chest. I can feel his own heart rush, melting onto him as if he was my protector. Out of all the hardships and struggles, this stupid android has soften me up and made me realize that my feelings are real and that I can love again. Colten's death doesn't have to be the end of my happiness. From this stupid old android, I know I can revive myself and find my happiness again.

Softly, nearly a whisper, I continued, "And you helped me feel love again. Without you crossing into my life, I would already have a date with the bullet by now. You have done so much for me just by standing there and making sure I'm still breathing."

Hank doesn't say another word but return the hug, his large warm hands wrapped around my waist. His large body was welcoming to my small frame. Hank whispers, "Yet, how did I make you feel love again? All I did was be by your side. Like a dog with his owner; always by your side."

I shift my head in order to look up into Hank's blue eyes. His blue glaze made my knees feel weak but the hug gives me support. I smile, "Exactly, by being by my side, I've fallen in love with you."

And with that, I tilt my head and quickly pressed my lips against the androids. My eyes closed in pleasure, my hands shifting away from his chest and wrapping back around his neck. I could feel my face heat up. Now time has frozen.

Hank POV




'Fucking human messing up my software.'

I could feel the humans lips press against mine and without a second thought, I eased into Connor and return the kiss back. I didn't expect the young male to make such a move but yet again, humans are unpredictable. My LED returns to its steady blue state, knowing well that this kiss is like an antidote to my worries. I just wish this kiss can last forever.

Connor pulls back within an minute, panting heavily for breath. This makes me realize how fragile this human male was compared to me. I die, a new body can replace my old but once Connor is gone, he is permanently gone. It could be a reason why I'm so overprotective in the first place.

I watched as Connor avoids eye contact, face flushed red and probably embarrassed from making such a sudden move. I couldn't speak another word but just simply give him a soft smile. It seemed to ease the man up a little as the smile reassured him. "Sorry, I shouldn't have made a move so fast," Connor chuckled nervously. 

"To be honest, I wanted it more as well as you do. I've thought about it last night on your bed, like sneaking in a small peak, but it would be rude and non-consensual."

"Maybe you should have done it," Connor teased, pulling away from my arms grasp and taking a sit back to the table. I wanted to keep Connor close to me longer but decided not to whine about it. I simply take a seat across the table, facing the brunette. 

"The DPD has a report about a sighting of Jose in downtown Detroit. Want to, like, catch him real quick and then we can talk about this? I want to try and commit to an actual relationship with you other than being work partners. Plus, I haven't dated anyone since High School so it would be nice to have a boyfriend again," Connor smiles, his eyes glowing in happiness. For once, Connor was demonstrating such emotion than I ever seen before. He was usually gloomy and exhausted but this time, he expressed happiness and possibly hope. 

I smiled and nodded, "Of course. Sounds like a plan."


Connor POV

It only takes about ten minutes to arrive to the sight scene; a broken down warehouse located in downtown Detroit that could have been used as a textile factory in the past. I've already updated that Hank and I will check it out in hopes in finding Jose. Equipped with my belt, my pistol was loaded and ready just in case Hank and I are in danger. Hank also brought his own pistol, the weapon pocketed in the back pockets of his uniform pants. 

I exhaled slowly, a bit nervous as we stood in front of the building's entrance. Hopefully, Jose left some of his tracks in the factory and more evidence on what he's up to since he didn't leave Detroit for some reason. The area around the warehouse is dark and dirty, lacking human presence since it's been abandoned for a long time. I look over to Hank, only a few inches behind me, "You want to split up? You can look around at the front and I can go around to the back exit and see if there's anything there?"

Hank nods, "Sure, sounds like a good plan. Just be careful, alright?"

I smile, "Of course. Good like hunting." Right after that, I take off jogging around the large weary warehouse, searching for the back exit. As soon as I find the back door, I surprisingly find the metal door to be unlocked. I try to open it quietly but since the door rusted and been untouched for years, it screeched. I could feel my heart banging in my ears as my eyes adjusted through the darkness. Barely any sunlight reached through the walls; only the holes in the jagged ceiling allowed some light to go in. Since the building was so large and the machinery was still inside, Hank was nowhere to be seen. I'm all alone. 

I take cautious steps, dust flying in the air from being stirred from the floor. The farther I went, the darker the place got. At this point, I pulled out a small flashlight out of my belt. The small technology didn't provide a lot but it was definitely better than having no light. There were no signs of any people being inside this warehouse until I came across a smaller section of the factory. From there, I spotted multiple sets of footsteps and furniture rearranged. Either Jose has some company or a hobo couple slept in here recently. 

Before I could react or take note, a striking force hits me hard in the back of the head. I yelped before falling hard onto the floor, blackness filling up my vision. 

Hank POV

'This place is shady and unsanitary.'

I take in the scenery around me once I entered the building, seeing machines covered in dust and leftover textiles laying around on the floor. Rat droppings were all over the materials stacked in piles against the right side of the building walls. As I stepped deeper into the area, I place my hand behind me, pressing against my pistol that laid in my back pocket. I was alert and ready to protect myself and Connor. 

A metal iron door creeks open suddenly on my left, all my attention diverted to that location. I scan around me and couldn't find any possible reason why the door opened on its own. 'Huh? Weird.'

I approach the iron door, pulling out my pistol out of the pocket and into my hands. I wasn't sure if I was going to face Jose, a rodent or possibly a stray cat. Even tho I am an android and nearly immoral, I still felt anxiety crippling up on me. I step in, noticing nothing but a simple dark room filled with materials. Then, pitch darkness.

The iron door slams shut, my auditory senses picking up the sounds of locks. 'Oh, fuck.'

I ram my shoulder against the iron door with force but it doesn't budge. I try again, resulting to nothing again. "Shit!" I yelled, scanning the room to see if I could find anything to help break the locks and open the door. Nothing useful is picked up by my scanners. I push the door, still trying again, but nothing moves. 

'A human or an android did this. This is probably some trap.'

I try and kick the door down but nothing was working. Then the anxiety started hitting me strong, heart racing inside my chest. Connor is all alone now and wouldn't receive any support if he needed it. He is just a human and could easily get hurt. I sigh loudly, groaning in frustration. 'I hope Connor will be okay,' I thought.

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