His Attention ~Completed~

By kaylabugg05

178 1 17

Following in her mothers footsteps, Naomi Cooper is a stubborn, trouble calling teenager. Just entering her s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Bonus Chapter: Christmas Special

Chapter Two

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By kaylabugg05

My eyes droop closed slowly. "Miss Cooper. Am I boring you?" The teacher asks. I quickly open my eyes and nod. "Just a bit Mr. English." I say, laughing slightly. He never liked my parents, or aunt. Or for that matter my family at all. Mr. English was my parent's teacher when they were in high school.

My Aunt Riley unscrewed his chair one time and he fell. Served him right for being a jerk to my mother. Ever since, apparently he tests his seat before sitting. I've been thinking up pranks to pull on him ever since I got him as it teacher. Not a very cheerful guy let me tell you.

"I'd watch your manners young lady. I can have a call sent to your parents." He threatens. I raise an eyebrow. "You mean the parents who can't stand you? Yeah, I'm sure I'll get in lots of trouble Sir." I say sarcastically. He glares at me once again before returning to his lesson.

I have most of my classes with Henry, Leah or Nick except this one. And it sucks. Out of all my classes, I should be with one of them for english because it's the most boring thing ever. Well, the teacher is. I absolutely love the class just not him. I'm thinking of majoring in english actually.

"Mr. Douglas. Late again?" I look up, along with everyone else in this class, at the late student. It takes me a moment to recognize him.

The guy from starbucks. "Sorry Mr. English. I had to teach some guys a lesson." He says carelessly. The teacher clears his throat and awkwardly motions for him to sit. My eyes watch his movement carefully.

Not going to lie, he is without a doubt the hottest guy in school. That I've seen at least. Finally, the last bit of recognition lights up in my brain. Colton Douglas. The notorious bad boy. Rumor has it, he's in a gang. He is also a major player.

Well, rumor says. I don't usually believe rumors around this school. Especially not from-

"Colton!" A voice squeals. "Come sit next to me." I roll my eyes. Alyssa Morgan. She's the school's mean girl, and coincidentally the daughter of Courtney Morgan. The psycho who put a sniper on my mother years ago. Alyssa is adopted, since Courtney ended up marrying some girl who's name I never learned. And...well you need a guy and girl to make a child. Not two girls.

Point is, she's a bitch. Major one. Just like her dear mother. Also, like her mom, she hates my family. Including me. The only member of my family she doesn't hate is Nick. She just finds him hot.

Which I find funny, considering he's the son of Antonio Cooper and Courtney was obsessed with my dad. Like mother like daughter, right?

Colton smirks and slides into the seat next to her. On the other side of miss Queen Bee, is her sidekick Molly. Anyone want to guess her parents?

If you guessed Bethany and Nathan, you're correct. Aunt Riley's ex boyfriend and best friend. Small world, huh? "Want to come to my place tonight baby?" Alyssa purrs. I pretend to gag. Sadly, Alyssa, Colton and Molly are in the row in front of me. So I can hear this. Perfectly.

"Maybe another time. I'm busy tonight." He refuses. I stare at his face closely. He's lying to her. Why is Mr. Player denying a girl? Especially Alyssa? Weird.

"Lying isn't polite." I whisper, leaning forward in my seat. Alyssa and Molly shoot me killer glares for interrupting. I couldn't pass up this opportunity though. Aggravating Alyssa makes my day.

Colton turns and smirks at me. "Says who, Blondie? We're humans. Lying is in our nature." He replies. I raise an eyebrow. "Doesn't make it right though." I say stubbornly. He thinks for a moment.

"No. I guess it doesn't." He agrees. We stare at each other for a minute. Finally, Alyssa snaps her perfectly manicured finger nails in front of his face.

"Well, tomorrow then?" She asks hopefully. Sighing, Colton nods his head. Alyssa flashes a blinding smile at him and faces the front. The rest of class is boring as hell. Although, Alyssa's frequent glares my way were entertaining. Especially when I just smile brightly in return and wave my fingers

The bell finally rings, causing a sigh of relief to leave my lips. Nick is waiting outside the door when I exit. His class is right beside mine so we walk to lunch together. "How was class with Satan?" My brother questions. I laugh.

"Interesting. Hey Nick..." I say suddenly.

He stops and turns to me. "What's wrong?" He asks. I shake my head. "Nothing. Just out of curiosity, are the rumors circling a certain Douglas boy true?" I ask. My brother chews his bottom lip and looks at me uncertainly.

"Why do you ask?" He questions.

I shrug. "Curious. As I said. So, are they?" He sighs. "Which rumors? The player or gang one?" I pause. "Both?" I say hesitantly. He sighs. "Colton is a player, Naomi. Don't get involved." He says, answering one of my questions.

"And the gang?" I persist. "Anything you want to know Darling, you can personally ask me. Not some dude who knows absolutely nothing about me." Someone says. I turn. Figures, with my luck the beast himself is behind me.

"This dude is my brother. I feel much more comfortable asking him then you Mr. Douglas." I say evenly. Nick protectively wraps an arm around my shoulder. Colton glances at it and smirks. "I won't do anything to her big guy. She's a girl." He says, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Better safe then sorry." Nick growls. I sigh. "Look, I was curious and just asking. Okay? I'm hungry now. We'll be going." I say coolly. I pull my brother along to the cafeteria. "I hate him." Nick mutters. I roll my eyes. "No. You hate what you think is him. Hate is like love Nicholas. You can't hate someone you don't actually know." I correct.

He furrows his brows. "No. I hate him." He says again. Sighing, I shake my head and glare hard at my brother. "No you do not. Rumors are meant to mess with your head, and that's what they're doing. It's like saying you hate pizza without actually trying it." I say.

My brother stares at me. "Are you comparing Colton to food?" He questions. I roll my eyes. "No. I'm using an example." I say, frustrated. Nick finally sighs and nods his head. "Okay. Then I hate the rumors and image this dude has. Better?"

I smile. "Much."

"Hey guys!" Leah says. She drops her tray on our table and sits down next to me. Nick smiles at her tightly before turning to his food. What's his problem? Did our conversation actually upset him? Henry plops down next to Nicholas and grins at us.

"Hey fellas." Nick turns to him and they seem to have a mind conversation. Damn boys and their guy telepathy. Leah looks at me in confusion, but I just shrug. "Naomi, right?" I look up. Some boy is standing above me, looking at me with curiosity. I think I've seen him around with the other bad boys.

"Um yeah. That's the name. Can I help you?" I ask carefully. He grins widely, showing off a cute dimple. "My name is Duncan. I'm Colton's best friend. Want to sit with us?" I raise an eyebrow. What?

"No she does not." Henry says bitterly. I frown and look at my cousin. "That is my decision." I protest. Duncan smiles tightly at Henry before directing his blinding smile back to me.

"Can Leah come?" I ask. My friend looks from me to him then blushes. "Sure. She's cute." He says nonchalantly. I laugh.

"Naomi!" Nick scolds. I stand up, Leah following, and turn. "What?" I ask innocently. He glares at me, asking what the hell I'm doing. I pout out my bottom lip and give him puppy eyes. His resistance falters a bit.

"What's going on?" I hear Duncan whisper to Leah. Nick raises an eyebrow, 'will you be okay' he's asking. I nod. Sighing he nods his head just barely. I grin and turn back to Duncan. "That was talking without words. Now, we going?" He nods and leads me and Leah to the table right smack in the middle.

"What is that elephant doing here?" Alyssa asks when we sit. I shrug. "Don't ask me. And don't refer to yourself in third person, makes people think you're crazy. Which, judging by your mother, I wouldn't be surprised." I reply. Her jaw drops, quickly replaced by a scowl.

"My mom isn't crazy!" She protests. I scoff. "Right. Everyone hires snipers on women when they want the guy." I say sarcastically. She results to flipping me off. Leah laughs and takes a seat next to Duncan. I'm on her other side. "Hey darling." Colton speaks up. I look at him, but I don't answer.

Leah and Duncan chat about random things most of lunch so I just quietly eat. "I'm Brody." Someone says suddenly. I look up at the grinning boy beside me. "Naomi." I reply. He nods. "I know. Colton mentioned you." I turn to Colton, confused. He's glaring daggers at Brody.

Brody sinks into his chair. I don't blame him. Colton's oh so famous death glare lives up to the name. It's terrifying. I don't waver in the slightest though. I already live in fear that Grandma Natalie and Grandpa Tyler will come back. I shouldn't worry about some teenage boy's killer eyes.

Colton seems surprised when, instead of backing down, I return his glare. The room becomes quiet. You could hear a pin drop, that's the silence in the cafeteria right now. Everyone is watching me and Colton.

Finally, Colton actually clears his throat and looks away. I smirk. The room goes back to talking and eating. "Wow." Duncan says, obviously surprised. Alyssa, not being able to handle her lack of attention, bats her fake eyelashes at Colton.

"Baby, why can't you come over tonight? What is so important you can't be with me?" She pouts. Duncan and Brody roll their eyes at her. Leah nudges me. I raise an eyebrow, 'what'. She rolls her eyes, 'idiot'. I huff, 'just tell me'. Leah smiles and takes out her phone.

Beep beep

I shoot her a questioning look and take out mine.

Soul Sister😈💖-

Want to follow them? U brought

Ur car today. And the boys can

Pick up Damien.


R u suggesting following the

Boys who, as rumor has it, may be

In a gang?

Soul Sister😈💖-

Yes, yes I am.


Ur insane!

Soul Sister😈💖-

So, that's a yes?


Well duh

We pocket our phones and shoot each other mischievous smiles. "What was that all about?" Duncan asks her. Leah smirks. "Nothing you need to worry about." She lies, shooting me a wink. I laugh.

Knowing what's going to happen, I am excited and nervous when the bell for last class finally rings. Leah is waiting at my locker with a big ass grin on her face. "Ready?" She squeals. I laugh and nod. "Definitely." I reply. "What's going on?" Henry asks. Nick is trailing behind him, nose in his book.

"Just a little girl's day." I lie easily. Henry nods. "Nick." Leah says. My brother finally looks up. "Yeah?" He asks. She smiles sheepishly and widens her eyes in an innocent way. "Could you please pick up Damien today for us?" She pleads. Nick hesitates before nodding.

Leah claps her hands happily. "Great. Thanks so much Nicky. C'mon Naomi!" She exclaims. Leah grabs my arm and pulls me away. Luckily enough, I notice their motorcycles parked right beside my car. Perfect. "Hi Colton. Duncan. Brody, right?" I greet when we walk over.

The boys stop their whispering and turn to us. "Hey ladies." Colton says, smirking. His eyes look impatient and annoyed though. Hm. Wonder what's happening. "What are you fellas doing tonight?" Leah asks innocently.

Duncan avoids her eyes for a minute. When he speaks, he actually looks back into them. "Guys night." He lies. Yes lies.

I'm not an idiot. I've been trained to know when people are lying. My father took an interest in teaching us this stuff. Like I said, combat and guns. But he also taught us to know when people are lying and how to follow someone without being noticed.

Basically stuff that makes us seem like a super suspicious family. We aren't though. My family just has major trust issues and taught us this for protection. Uncle Jackson, being a doctor, also helped us learn some stuff.

"That's cool. We're having a girl's night in. Movies, junk food, forts. It'll be a blast. Hey! Maybe you guys can join us? We can merge our guys and girl's night!"
My best friend exclaims. Brody glances at his watch and shoots Colton a look. Nervousness and impatience.

Colton laughs. "Maybe another time, Leah right? See you guys later." They wave and get on their bikes. I smirk. No you won't. But we'll see you later.

I slide into my car, Leah following. We watch and wait until the boys get to the end of the parking lot before following. We trail behind on the busy road before they turn onto a dirt path. Where are they going? I slow the car and let them get farther ahead of me.

"Apparently this road doesn't turn." Leah informs me. I notice the guys slow. I think they're suspicious. I turn the car and back out, back onto the busy road. "What are you doing?" My friend whines. "Pretending to not be following them. Now that I'm aware they cannot turn, we can catch up." I explain.


I watch them speed back up and take off. When they round the corner, I start driving after them. After a few minutes, we reach some deserted dirt parking lot thing. There are a lot of boxes, filled with who knows what, and the guy's bikes. I notice a few darker cars parked further down. Almost unnoticeable. Probably abandoned.

I turn off my vehicle and slide out. Leah does the same. We quietly follow the sound of voices, hiding behind the tall boxes. "Is this all of it?" I hear Colton ask. "Everything you asked for." Another voice says, the hint of nervousness isn't hidden.

"Galvin." Duncan's voice says. The sound of a box being opened is the next sound we hear. I motion for Leah to follow me, and inch closer to the men.

Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of gunshots ring through the air. Leah jumps and turns to me in fear. "I told you to keep lookout!" One of the guys yell. I can't tell who. My ears are ringing and I'm trying to pull Leah back to my car.

"What are pretty ladies like you doing here?" A voice asks. We slowly turn. An older man with yellow teeth is smiling wickedly at us. "Get to my car. Start it. Gun in my glove box if needed." I order Leah. She shakes her head. "Now!" I order. Jumping into action, my best friend takes off.

The guy raises his gun in my friend's direction. I clench my jaw. My fist is brought up and hits the guy square in the jaw. His attention is on me. "Bad move baby." He sneers. I narrow my eyes at him and bring my knee up. He falls down in pain. Taking the chance, I steal the gun from him and point it at his head.

"Don't you ever point a gun at my best friend again." I say. "Not that you'll be able to." I add on second thought. My finger pulls the trigger and the bullet goes straight through his forehead.

I release a breath and start running back to my car. Leah is no where to be found. I anxiously look around. Fear seeps into my body. Where is she? "Let the girl go!" Someone yells. I turn in the direction. Not thinking twice, I sprint over to the voices and hide myself behind a box.

Leah is squirming in another man's arms, a gun held to her head. A malicious grin is on the guy's face. Colton and Duncan have their guns pointed at the man. I don't think they have the shot. Either that, or they think talking will get them somewhere.

I raise my gun. My mind is on survival mode. Leah's face is streaked with tears, mascara is running down her face. My friend is shaking. Gritting my teeth, I let my body take over my rational thinking and squeeze the trigger. The guy falls down with a thump.

Three surprised faces turn in my direction. I run over to Leah. "Naomi!" She says. Her arms wrap around me tightly, sobbing. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" Duncan asks. Colton is staring at me in confusion, awe and something else.

"Where'd you learn to shoot?" Duncan clears his throat. "Boss! We have bigger things to worry about. Why the hell are the girl's here?" He asks. I look at my shaking friend. "Curiosity. Seriously guys, let me get her back to my car." I say evenly. I'm not letting my sliver of fear show.

Colton clears his throat and nods. "Right. I'll walk you back, make sure you're safe. Duncan, you, Galvin and Brody need to secure the area. Make sure no other wolves are here." He orders. Duncan nods.

Colton then grabs my arm and starts pulling me in the direction of my car. Along the way, he sees the dead guy I shot earlier. "Damn." He whistles softly. I blush.

When we finally reach my car, I help Leah into the passenger seat and shut the door. "You shouldn't have followed us." Colton says. I nod. "I'm aware. But we're curious girls." I reply. He scoffs. "We said we were having a guys night." He tells me.

I walk over to my side of the car, he follows. I nod. "I know. You lied." I point out. Colton frowns. "How'd you know?" He asks. I turn to him with a glare. "Let me take her home Colton! She's tired, in shock and terrified." I growl. He nods.

"Right. Um, here." He leans over and grabs a receipt and pen from my cup holder.

I watch as he writes an address and phone number. "Go here. It's my house. It's very safe, promise. And that's my number." I take the paper. "Fine. But only because I want answers." I say sternly. He nods.


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