You You You

By KristnaJuekov

707K 18.8K 118K

NOT MY WORK "Infamous boybander leaves club together with unknown," read the headline. Underneath were pictu... More

An extra follower
What tickles your pickle
Banana Pants (or as straight as a flexible ruler)
Game on
You're both in the wrong
Bad damage control
Not that kind of follower
It's a very gay heaven
Harvey and Karma
Mean girls
A rough time
Field day
Step along the way
6 upset people
I'm yours
Sucker punch
Because it's you
As we make up our minds, we come falling down

Well how do you know Harry Styles?

30.3K 874 3.8K
By KristnaJuekov

It was warm. Like, really warm. Louis grunted as his eyelids begun to open and he tried to shift his position where he was lying. It didn't go well. There was an impossible weight on top of him and he was lying in uncomfortably on his back. He finally got his eyes to flutter open and when took the scene in front of him in, he had to take a moment to calm his nerves. Louis was lying on his back on the sofa, head on a pillow by the armrest. Harry had somehow crawled on top of him, arms clasped around his waist and head resting on his chest. Louis studied him for a second before he mentally slapped himself for being a creep. You did not watch somebody sleep!
Harry's hair was everywhere, sticking up from every side, and his cheek was mushed up against Louis' body, eyelids dropped closed lightly and he was snoozing peacefully. It was an intense and very intimate feeling, lying there so close, practically plastered to a boy he barely knew. But it felt right. Harry's long and heavy body was melting into him like he belonged there and Louis couldn't help but love the feeling.
Slowly Louis reached out a hand, wondering if he really should be doing this or not, and let it carefully comb through Harry's locks. He'd always fancied curls and Harry's were perfect. They were ruffled but not too frizzy, just soft and absolutely lovely.
Louis kept running his fingers through and through, wishing this moment could last a little longer. But Harry soon groaned and Louis sighed, readying himself for Harry's reaction to their positions around each other. He muttered something intelligible and Louis suspected his mind wasn't quite there yet. Louis let his hand comb through the soft locks once more, pouting over the fact that it would probably be the last time in a while, but to his surprise Harry seemed to lean into the touch. He smiled to himself. Maybe Harry enjoyed this just as much as he did only he wasn't quite as aware of it.

"Don't stop," Harry's deep, deep voice mumbled against his chest. Louis hand stilled for just a moment and a slow smile crept onto his face. Slowly he continued fiddling with the curls and let his fingertips run softly over Harry's scalp. He made a low and agonizingly beautiful sound of appreciation, and the fact that he was lying literally on top of Louis wasn't exactly a turn-off either. Louis felt his dick twitch and his head went crimson.
SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. He begged to the lords that Harry had not felt that and scrunched his eyebrows together, desperately trying to make his little friend down there understand that now was not the time.

"You stopped," Harry groaned and lifted his head. He looked up at him with big, green eyes and wrinkled forehead. Louis couldn't help it but the words "cute" and "adorable" popped to mind. Thankfully the color of Louis' face had gone down a shade and his dick had stopped being inappropriate.

"Sorry," he murmured, staring back into the depths of green. They were silent for a moment, just taking in the look of the other.

"You're really beautiful in the morning," Harry whispered. Louis' heart beat like a drum. It was rapid, his pulse staggering quicker and quicker. His cheeks reddened several shades again and he swallowed. Harry had just called him beautiful. He had just stared him in the eye and told him he was beautiful, like it was the simplest of things.
Harry bit his lip and Louis couldn't stop staring at it. He wanted to do that. He let a weak hand slip into Harry's curls again, the bland hairs, running through his fingers once more. Harry was leaning on his elbows now on either side of his upper body. If Louis leaned in, would Harry kiss him? Test theory. Slowly he lowered his head and–

"You're not that beautiful. Your face is all swollen." The voice startled them and Louis glared at a casually-walking-by-the-couch-Niall, and he was reminded of his freaking abscess-looking cheek. God, he had planned to kiss Harry with the unicorn! "It's all purple and shit."

Harry turned to face Louis again and examined his wound. A fingertip to his cheek, lightly brushing over it, had Louis in faint mode again. "It's not that bad...but you probably should have kept the ice on a bit longer last night."

"What does it look like? No, wait. Don't tell me." Louis groaned. "I don't want to see it."

"It's all purple and yellow and your cheekbone looks a bit misshaped, like a deformity."

"Niall! I told you I didn't want to know!" Louis leaned up and glanced over the back of the couch. Niall was sitting there eating from a bowl of cereal. "And why are you sitting there? You're bothering us."

"Actually you are bothering me. You are the one with a boy on top of you and I am not in the mood to watch my best friend having sexual interactions on my couch."

"Um..."The sound came from Harry and it was like the two suddenly realized in what kind of position they were in. Yes. Way to make it awkward, Niall. Thanks. "I should get up," Harry said and pushed himself off Louis.

"Yeah," he muttered back and they both awkwardly got up from the couch, Louis glaring at Niall behind Harry's back. He just smirked back. Then he seemed to realize something and turned to Harry with his big, pleading eyes. Oh no.

"Harry?" he asked, a great big favor to be asked. "Can you please –"

"He's not going to follow you on twitter." Louis decided. Niall glared at him.

"That was not what I was going to ask! And you don't decide that! So if very nice and very cool Harry here would tap a few buttons on his phone then it would have nothing to do with you..." Niall gave Harry big smile, totally sucking up. Louis rolled his eyes. Harry only laughed where he was leaning on the breakfast bar.

"Back to what I was saying," Niall continued. "Since very nice and very cool Harry is here, and last time was such a delight, then I was going to nicely ask dear Harry if he could maybe, maybe be a sweetheart and make some waffles?"

Harry laughed at the hopefulness in Niall's voice and smiled. "Of course."

"Yay!" Niall cheered.

"You are eating breakfast right now." Louis pointed at the bowl of cereal in front of his friend.

"Shut up."

"And may I add that you're taking advantage of poor Harry."

"Well poor Harry offered."

Louis gave him a "wtf are you saying" face. "He did not!"

"Whatever. I'm not having this conversation with you anymore. Dismissed." Niall waved him away. Louis just stared at him exasperatedly. There was something seriously wrong with this kid.
Harry was smirking over by the sink where he was mixing together the ingredients for waffles, and Louis highly disapproved.

"Don't laugh, Harold. You're taking his side." He complained and rested on his elbows beside Harry.

"His side on what? You want my waffles too." Louis couldn't deny that. This kid really knew what to do in the kitchen.


After that Harry continued making waffles and Louis tried to help by whisking but nearly spilled half the contents of the bowl all over himself, and then was strictly ordered to go sit by Niall and not touch anything.
Louis watched Harry making himself at home in his home. He seemed to remember where everything was from last time and Louis smiled at the idea of Harry knowing his way around his flat. He could easily get used to the sight. He wanted Harry to make him breakfast every day...

Niall snapped his fingers in his face. "Stop staring," he whispered. "It's creepy." Louis shrugged out of it just as Harry placed the food on the table and Louis inhaled the scent of syrup and his eyes caught on the kettle Harry was handling.

"You're an angel, you know that?" he smiled as Harry poured up some hot water in cups and put teabags in them. He noticed the way the corners of Harry's mouth tilted up at the comment and immediately the butterflies in his gut made him known of their presence.

"What are you guys doing today?" Harry asked and sat down next to Louis.

"Well, it's a Friday so we are skipping classes," Louis answered. Well, "already missed our classes" was probably a better way to put it. Louis had slept really long and really well last night...

"But you've got work at three, which is in three hours by the way and after that we're going to Stan's. He's having a party," Niall added as he picked up a few waffles and poured a heavy amount of syrup on top.

"Work, huh? Does that mean what I think it means?" Harry smirked and tilted his head at him.

"Oh, god."

"What?" Niall wondered.

"Because of a little bet I'm going to have to wear certain accessories to work."

"What bet?"

"Harry wore yellow pants at his concert last night and now I have to go through with my part of the deal." Harry nodded and smiled down at Louis.

"I will be looking forward to seeing it..." His look at Louis almost had him melt in his seat. He wanted to lean up and press his lips to Harry's and... He felt a hand on his thigh. Oh god. This was too overwhelming. Harry squeezed his thigh and then let it rest there, just smiling innocently back at Louis' a little breath taken appearance.

"Oh, I bet you will..." Louis said lowly, almost to himself. That one dimple showed up as Harry stared back at him. Louis thought he was going to lose control of himself. If Harry kept staring at him like that he was going to pounce.

"Can you please not do that? I'm trying to eat." Louis head whipped to face Niall.

"Doing what?" he asked innocently as Harry squeezed his thigh again and he had to deliberately force his body not to squirm at the contact.

"Have eye-sex all over the innocent waffles. Have some respect. They could catch something." Louis rolled his eyes though his cheeks immediately turned red at the comment. He dared to sneak a glance at Harry and found him smiling fondly down at him. His blush brightened even more.

"We're not," Louis declared while giving Niall a look that told him he was so dead.

"Maybe a little bit," Harry interfered. Oh. Okay. Maybe a little bit. Oh. He was smirking down at him with "that" look that was a fond little smirk that Louis had picked up on recently.

"If you don't stop I'm leaving and taking the food with me." Niall threatened.

"We'll stop," Harry chuckled, but his hand on Louis' thigh just got a firmer grip. Breathe, Louis. Breathe.

"Good. So what are you doing today, rock star-Harry?" Niall asked.

"Not much. I've got some writing I need to do with the lads later. Other than that, nothing really."

"So you're not going to run out in the middle of breakfast?" Louis smiled. Harry gave them an embarrassed smile.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. But no, I'm staying. If you'll have me...?" his eyes flickered to Louis, for the first time looking a little nervous.

"Oh I don't know... I mean he made us breakfast and all...maybe we should kick him out." He discussed with Niall who smirked.

"Yeah. I think the waffles tastes just a tad too good."

"And the tea water was way too hot for a while there." Louis smirked at Harry who rolled his eyes. "No, I think we'll let him stay," he decided and picked up a piece of waffle with his fork and smilingly put it in his mouth. He kept smiling with a full mouth, looking like and idiot and Harry just grinned back. There was some sugar left on his lip and when Harry slowly brushed it off with his thumb, he thought he was going to die.

"You're ugly when you do that." Niall. Why. Why did he always have to ruin their little moments? Louis determinedly vowed that he was not allowed near them when he was trying to be cute.

"I'll have you know that my mom thinks I'm very beautiful," he glared with a high chin. Niall and Harry snickered.

"Are you guys finished?" Harry asked after a while and they nodded. Harry cleaned off the table and Niall sneakily went to his room to escape the painful manual labor of doing dishes. On other occasions Louis would have run after him and dragged him back by his teeth, but at the chance of being alone with Harry, he didn't mind at all.

"I wash, you dry?" Louis suggested. Quietly they did so and worked through most of the dishes. Having Harry closely by his side, doing normal things like this was nice. After finding out he was a famous celebrity, Louis had thought it would be weird hanging out with him again. Of course they had actually met before he knew, so he guessed maybe that sort of made the situation easier. He had been with Harry before he knew and that obviously made their relationship different then it would have been if he had known. Louis suspected Harry liked that they'd met before too, because then he knew that Louis actually liked him for him and not for his fame or money. And honestly he couldn't care less about those things. To him Harry was Harry, the extremely gorgeous guy from the bathroom, the guy who had made him writhe under his touch and kissed him so passionately he saw stars. That was the Harry that made his insides flutter, and made him think and use words like a teenage love struck girl.

Louis sneaked a glance at Harry and found him frowning slightly. "What?" he asked.

"Is it weird that I mention you on twitter? I mean I put our bet on Vine and all... I don't want to drag you into something like, you know..."

Louis considered this as he thought about it all for a moment. Did he mind? "Well, my account is anonymous so I guess it's okay." Yeah, it was alright, he decided. "Plus you got me hundreds of new followers." Harry smirked at him. "Yeah, I know. You've got like millions and you're all famous and shit, but I'm up to eight thousand without really doing anything. Take that. But don't worry," he sighed. "I'm not letting it go to my head. I know they're just following me so that I'll DM you for them."

"Not true!" Harry shook his head. "You're twitter is actually really funny."

"Really?" Harry thought he was funny? Well then...

"Yeah," he said softly. "Your tweets are really cute."

"Cute?!" Louis gasped. He was mortified! His tweets were anything but cute. No. "That's an insult Harold!" He splashed water from his fingers in his face. One did not simply call the Tommo cute.

"Hey!" Harry smacked his bum with the towel in his hands.

"Oi! Don't touch that! It's my most valuable asset. You've got to earn that." Harry just laughed and flicked his shoulder with the towel again. "Hey! Stop!" Louis protested. He did it again.

"You started it!"

Louis glared, but cupped his hand under the running water and threw a handful in his face. He raised an eyebrow. Take that.
Louis was ready for Harry smacking him again, but what he wasn't prepared for was Harry rushing up to the sink, trying to get to the water. Louis realized what he was planning and physically tried to stop him from getting through. He clutched at his muscled shoulders and pressed his hip into his side and tried to block the area as much as possible. But Harry was strong. He made his way forward, fighting off Louis' protesting arms and reached for the water. And then Louis found himself against the sink with Harry's body pressing into him from behind, one arm wrapped around his waist, holding tightly onto his arms and the other burying his face in water.

"Harry!" he gasped breathlessly. "Stop!"

"What's the magic word?" he said into his ear. God, he was close. His crotch was practically pressing into his arse.


"What's the magic word?!" he demanded.

"Please, pretty, please," Louis gave in. Harry stopped shoving water in his face and turned the water off. Louis had expected him to let go of him, but he didn't. He swirled him around in his arms, so that Louis now was pressed closer to him, but now face to face. Harry smirked down at him, where he was glaring, water dripping from his face. Slowly he picked up the towel and softly dried his cheeks and forehead. Louis' heart pounded heavily in his chest. Was this when Harry would finally kiss him?

"You know, Niall's a bit of a cock block." Harry smiled and let the towel drop onto the sink next to them.

"I know. It's his Irish genes," Louis breathed. Harry, a little hesitant in his moves, let his fingers slide along Louis' jaw, his thumb stroking his cheek sweetly. His other hand was at the small of his back, lightly holding Louis to him.

"Maybe..." Harry leaned in. God. This was it. This was it. It wasn't like they hadn't done it before it was just... It meant something now. Now it wasn't just some random hookup in a bathroom at a club. This was real. He stood on his tiptoes, reaching up to meet Harry's lips half way.

"LOUIS! Darren's on your phone!!" Niall's voice echoed through the flat. Louis groaned and slumped back down on his heels. For fuck sake!

"Fuck you, Niall." He groaned.

"LOUIS!" he yelled and stuck his head out of Louis' room. "Oh. Sorry. I'll just tell him you're busy...yeah, I'll do that." He said when he saw the position they were in.

Louis face was dead. "Well, the moment's over so..." He was so going to kill Niall.

"Definitely a cock block," Harry whispered with a grin. Louis just shook his head as they came apart.

"Hand me that phone, Ni." He called for him. Niall came strolling out of Louis' room and held the out the device.

"Why the hell are you in my room?" Louis asked before answering.

"I got invited to a costume party and I thought I'd dress as gay." He shrugged.

"How do you dress as gay? You're all stereotypes Niall." Louis highly disapproved. Then he realized something. "So you went to my room..." Louis he glared.

"What, you have a lot of colorful things. I was going to borrow one of your pairs of red trousers and then do the striped shirt and then the scarf –"

"So really you're just doing me two years ago?"


"I'm going to kill you." Louis announced flatly. Niall ran to his room. He turned to Harry and he pointed to the phone in Louis hand. Right.

"Hey, Tommo Tomlinson Tom Tommo Tom here," he sighed and Harry smirked.

"Huh?" the other person on the line said.

"It's me." He rolled his eyes. "Louis."

"Oh, hey Louis!"

"Hi." He answered as he watched Harry lean against the breakfast bar.

"I was just calling to... you know..."

"To ask me out?" Louis smirked when Harry's head snapped up. He heard the loud gulp Darren made on the other side of the line. "Don't worry mate, I'm only joking." There was silence. Harry visibly seemed to relax again. Louis smirked. After this morning he was fairly sure Harry wanted him just as much Louis wanted him in return.

"Oh." Darren said. Harry watched Louis intently.

"So...uh..." Louis said, watching Harry bite his lip. Could he not? It was so distracting...

"Yeah I was just wondering when you wanted to meet up."

"Meet up?" he wondered. God, those lips... A godsend. And Jesus... dimples.

"We were supposed to plan out how Niall was going to get Shauna back."

"Right..." Harry got up and placed himself near Louis. Both of their hips were resting against the bar and Harry let two fingers trail at his other hip. Louis heartbeat picked up.

"So?" Darren asked.

"So?" Focus Louis. And breathe.

"When can we meet?"

"Uh, tomorrow?" God, he didn't even remember what he was doing tomorrow. Harry's eyes were really deep...

"Okay. Starbucks at two?" Harry's fingers were now tugging at a loop of Louis' trousers. Louis nodded. Oh god, he didn't even listen to what Darren was saying. Harry was too close. Could they just kiss now please? "Lou...uh... Do you mind if it's a date?" He didn't even understand the words that came from the line. All he could see was the how Harry licked his lip and...

"Okay," he answered. Could they hang up now?

"Really? Wow. Okay. I'll see you then!" Darren said lightly and Louis didn't listen at all because Harry was drawing circles on Louis' bare skin of his hip underneath his shirt.

"Bye, Darren." He breathed.

"Bye, Lou. See ya on our date." He hung up.

"Yeah, see you on our...WHAT?!" Harry was startled and he flinched back at Louis' loud voice. His leg hooked back in one of the stools, and as Louis was linked to him by his fingers in the loop of his pants, he lost his balance and tumbled into him. They fell to the floor in a loud crash, dragging a chair with them and Louis landed painfully on top of Harry.

"Ughf." Harry's breath escaped his lungs.

"Sorry," Louis smirked at him where he was lying quite comfortably actually.

"Why would you yell like that?" Harry complained, wincing as he rubbed the back of his head. Louis rolled off him and landed on the floor by his side.

"I...uh... I think I accidentally agreed to a date with a dude that is definitely not my type." Louis confessed.

"Accidentally?" Harry asked.

"It's your fault!" Louis accused. "You're the one who was all up on me. It's safe to say I was a little distracted."

"What, by this?" Harry smirked. He rolled over so that he was resting on his elbow and his hand reached out to draw on Louis' arm. He pulled his arm away.

"Yes! And you don't get to touch me like that. You've already caused one very awkward and very uncomfortable situation to be bound to happen in the nearest future. That little thing you're doing with your hand is off limits." He seriously did not want to go on a date with Darren. He already knew he wasn't a good kisser and why in the world would he even if he was? He was not his type and as far as he had known Darren wasn't even gay. Plus he kind of had Harry, didn't he? And hello!?! Why wasn't Harry more bothered by this?

"But you like it..." Harry argued and continued the gesture. He shifted closer. Okay maybe the reason he wasn't very bothered was because Louis was practically forcing himself not to squirm in pleasure at the touch.

"But it causes trouble. See we're lying on the floor."

"I think I have a dint in my head after that."

"Now you're just as injured as I am," Louis smiled.

"But yours is uglier." Harry smirked. Louis narrowed his eyes.

"Is not!"

"Have you even seen it?" Louis shook his head. He hadn't gotten a chance to look in a mirror in a while, and he was reminded of the fact that he had slept on a couch and still looked like shit. Harry picked up Louis' phone from where it was lying on the floor and held it over Louis' face.

"No. No photos!" Louis protested. Harry snapped the picture and held it out for him. The picture was luckily only of the wound, because frankly Louis had no desire to see what he looked like. It would be too painful. To his surprise the wound wasn't as bad as he'd thought. It was mostly yellow but with some purple and the skin in the edges looked a bit green but other than that it wasn't too bad...

"Ugh," Louis groaned. ...but it still looked like shit.

"What are you doing?" Harry wondered.

"Posting it on twitter. I need some sympathy." Harry chuckled.

"You live on that thing."

"Says you, who do nothing else than post on Vine."

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
I was physically abused.... by a door.

He posted the picture. Harry snorted when he read it.

"You're honestly so clumsy."

"I'm not clumsy!"

"Since I've known you have run into a door, almost spilt all of the waffle mixture and made us end up on the floor like this. You are kind of clumsy."

"Not clumsy! I just don't really focus on what I'm doing."

"I bet I could get you to focus." Harry smiled innocently, but Louis knew there was nothing innocent about what he'd said at all. Louis smacked his arm.

"Young Harold, you're being inappropriate. I'm trying to interact with my dear followers mind you." Harry sighed and settled to lay next Louis on his back.

"What are they saying then?" he asked. They scrolled through Louis' mentions and laughed at some responses. It was nice just lying there, talking softly and just being. Harry's shoulder was touching Louis' and their arms occasionally bumped when Harry pointed at the screen. It was so easy hanging out with him and the fluttery feeling in his gut was sort of just like a bonus. Even if Louis wouldn't have these fluttery feelings for him, then Harry would be a great friend. He was easygoing and funny and really, really cute...

Jane Payne (@LiamLover01)
Please DM Harry for me?? <33

"See what I mean?" Louis raised his eyebrows at Harry. They only did want him for Harry.

"Well, be nice then. Answer."

"But they are using me. I don't want to be nice."

"Louis. Be nice." Harry gave him a false stern face and Louis rolled his eyes.


The Tommo (@TheTommo)
The first and last time I'll ever do this but...@LiamLover01 What do you want me to tell him?

"Happy?" he scowled at Harry.

"I'm very proud of you." The reply came within in the minute.

Jane Payne (@LiamLover01)
@TheTommo OMG thank you!!! Just that I love him and would he follow me? It would mean the world!!

"Fine." Louis sighed and turned to Harry. "Hi Harold. There's a girl that loves you that is inappropriately called 'LiamLover' and she wants you to follow her."

"Well then, my dear Louis, I shall follow her." He smirked and got his own phone out of his pocket. He typed in her username and clicked the follow button.

Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles)
Hi @LiamLover01 I love you too. Now thank dear mr @TheTommo because he's being a gentleman xx

"Why are you so nice to your fans?" Louis asked. Harry frowned at him. "Okay, never mind."

"I love them. They're the reason we are where we are. They're amazing."

"They spam my account. They're not that amazing." Harry just rolled his eyes. Louis continued scrolling through his mentions.

Jane Payne (@LiamLover01)
OMFG!!! This is the best day of my life!! THANK YOU @TheTommo You're amazing!!

The Tommo (@TheTommo)
@LiamLover01 I know right

Lisa Gold (@StylesShowerCurtain)
I guess you really do know Harry

Melissaaaa (@MelissaKay)
Oh god. Who are you?? How do you know Harry???

"Well, how do I know Harry?" Louis smiled at him.

"Yeah, how do you know Harry?" he smiled back.

"Well, I met him in a bathroom and we had a really great snog session."

"And I remember correctly you took him home to your flat and very politely introduced him to your bed." Louis pretended not to feel how his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"It would've been rude not to." Louis breathed. They were lying there, heads resting on the floor and it was so simple. Louis realized there didn't need to be a long build up for the kiss and it didn't have to be a big deal. It didn't have to be all about the romantic stuff. Harry was perfect, not only romantically but also as a friend. Even if they hadn't had sex and just met and hung out at some random party, Louis was sure he'd become friends with Harry right away. It was so simple and easy to be with him. Why couldn't their kiss be just as easy? So Louis simply leaned in and softly pressed his lips to Harry's.

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