
By Mickimomo

13.6K 984 2.2K

(Part 5 to Detention) - Drarry Fanfic Based on Harry Potter & The Halfblood Prince More

War Shorts - Bake Off
Guess What!?!?


515 41 133
By Mickimomo


Oh. My. Gosh. TWO UPDATES-?!
yas bish. Two. 😂 Since I was behind by 1 update. Enjoy.
-Mickimomo 😊

Voldemort's POV

The next morning I woke up to the scent of coffee and something else.

Kinda like fire.




The sun.

I think you get my point.

Somebody who didn't know how to cook, was trying to kill us in our sleep by making us a nice hot plate of fire.

I stretched before walking out of my bedroom, uncaring of my loose robe as I fixed my trousers.


I caught the falling mug with a wave of my wand before grabbing it and handing it to the gaping idiot standing in front of me.

"Good morning, Scruffy." I grumbled.

"Could you try making sound!?"

"The kids are sleeping." I sighed. "So. No."

"Where is your shirt!?"

"I'm a man. I don't have breasts." I sighed as I searched the cabinets for something edible. "Grow up."


"What are you cooking at nine in the morning, anyways?" I glanced back at him. "Hell in a skillet?"

"Uh. Well. I was making eggs and toast."

"Why does it smell like you're making a volcano?" I moved past him, eyeing the blackened food in the pan. "By cooking lava rocks?"

He smacked me on the chest. "Ever heard the saying, if you got nothing nice to say, shut the fuck up?"

"I think the saying says, keep your mouth shut. But go off, mutt."

"Do you know how to cook, oh great dark lord?"

"No. That's why I don't."


I rolled my eyes as Draco came into the kitchen with a sleepy Harry behind him. "Oh. Dear. Betrayed by the one I cooked for, the only time I ever tried in my entire life."

"We heard you two bickering like an old married couple." Draco sighed. "Is it because you didn't get laid?"

I snorted. "Do tell. How was it being on the bottom."


"Your souls are tied to mind, Draco." I took Sirius' mug and started drinking his coffee.

"Hi Voldie."

"Good morning Potter." He moved forward and hugged me causing me to stiffen. "Harry. No touching."

"Last night was the best night ever." He mumbled into my chest. "Thank you."

I softly smacked the top of his head. "Don't say that while hugging me. There are Harry x Tom Riddle stans in the muggle world reading this book, and the Author doesn't want them getting the wrong idea."

"Ok." He pouted.

"Also. I had nightmares thanks to you two. Please don't thank me."

Sirius snatched his mug back and took a sip before flipping me off.

"You could at least stop making your tiny bonfire before running away with our coffee."

"You put it out." He muttered before walking away. "AND THIS IS MINE Elphaba Thropp!"

"Who the hell is Elphaba Thropp!?"

"The Wicked Witch Of The West!"

I deadpanned.

I took a deep breath.

I don't even know who that fucking is!?!

Merlin's beard. They really think I'm Albus Dumbledore.

I exhaled after counting to five.








"Cook breakfast, please."

"Mmkay." He pulled away from me with a yawn.

"And where on Earth are your glasses?"

"Draco broke them last night."

Draco choked on a sip of coffee before looking away shyly.

"How did you-"

A memory filled my mind and I- Tom Marvolo Riddle... Junior, the darkest lord of all time... The...lord Voldemort- screamed.


They both cowered as my magic made the room glow an eerie green.

With a wave of my wand a new pair of glasses was on his face.

"Thank you."

"Teenagers." I hissed before retreating to the living room.

I refocused on Sirius who was currently watching tv.

"Why are you watching that muggle box."

"It's a TV old man."

"I'm only 70. That isn't an impossible age, you embryo."

"Still old."

"I'm immortal. It doesn't matter if I'm old."


"Why are you watching that muggle on the screen?"

He looked up at me. "Because muggles are brilliant creatures that can predict weather."

"We have magic. We can control weather."

"It's more exciting when you let the heavens decide."

"Ok. Weasley."

"Arthur is a brilliant man. I'm not offended."


"I'm nothing like you or your stupid followers."

"You really think Albus is a godsend don't you."

"Did I ever mention Albus?"

"I'm the face of my union. Who's the face of yours?"


"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

"Ok. Ok." He put his mug down on the coffee table. "Tell me. What's so horrific about Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore?"

"What's so horrific?"

"Yeah. I mean. Sure I've got my concerns, but what makes you hate him so much?"

"He's two-faced. He uses people for his own benefit and disposes of them when they no longer appease him."

"So do you."

"I'm evil. Not two faced. You know what you're getting unless you're ignorant."


"I was a troubled boy and he immediately suspected that I was wicked."

"You made a horcrux at Hogwarts."

"I feared death."


"My soul has been torn into pieces."


"Being stuck in a void of nothingness... Instead of going to hell or heaven-" I hesitated. "It's worse than hell."


"I no longer fear it after being in the void for years."


"It took me eleven years to scrape myself together and to find a willing  host. It took two to three years after that to restore my form. It's not an easy task coming back."

"You didn't answer my question."







"His past is not cleaner than my own."

"What do you mean?"

"Grindlewald and Dumbledore wrecked havoc together. Only once his sister died did he try to right his wrongs."


"He locked up his wicked ways and eventually they started to fight their way out."

"Wicked ways?"

"But of course. He has relapses of good judgement...Albus is a magical human after all."


"It would be incredibly foolish of us to not think he has a horcrux."

Sirius frowned. "That's not enough to doubt Dumbledore, Voldemort."

"Then what if I showed you a memory?"

"How can I know if it's corrupt or not?"

"Because it's through Harry's perspective."


"Trust me."

I raised a glowing finger and touched his forehead.

Sirius' POV

I was a small baby, sobbing in a crib while a woman with fox red hair and vibrant green eyes whispered softly to me.

"Everything's going to be okay, Harry."


"Everything is going to be fine."

She looked worried and was doing her best to comfort me before picking me up and holding me to her chest.

"Just always know that you are loved and treasured and that no matter what happens, you'll be ok." She whispered before kissing my forehead.

A loud explosion blasted the door off the hinges behind her and she did her best to shield me, tears now streaming down her face.

"Everything's going to be fine, Harry." She whispered before putting me back down in the crib and quickly turning around.

I peered through the crib with wide eyes and watched as the woman fell to the ground, her bright jade eyes dimming with death.

Her now greying skin confirmed that she was nothing more than a empty carcass.

A hooded figure with menacing red eyes peered down at me.

"Your turn, Potter-"

He managed to raise his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

He vanished with a flash of green and his wand fell to the ground, smoking from the abrupt backfire of the spell.

Minutes passed before a man with long black hair came in and held the dead woman close, crying softly as he rocked her in his arms. "Lily... I- He wasn't supposed to..." He sobbed quietly. "I'm sorry..."

My heart ached for him before I looked up at a old wizard watching the man hold the dead woman close. 

"Take her body downstairs, Severus."

"What are you going to do with the child?"


Severus hesitated for a moment before carrying her body downstairs.

"Harry Potter." Albus tilted his head. "How badly do you wish to live?" He whispered as he raised his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA-"

He tried several times and my head felt like it was splitting.

He frowned. "Lily Potter truly is a brilliant witch."


"Well if you won't die, it must be your destiny to live."


"I won't rob you of your earned life, anymore." He picked me up and carried me downstairs.

Severus shot Albus a dark look but quickly left the building.

"Pay him no mind, Harry. He's just mad I had someone leak your location."


"My death is tied to you somehow, so I'll just have to find another way to fix things later."

I woke up from the dream with a loud shout and quickly scrambled away from the dark wizard.


"Ask Severus."

"I wouldn't dare!"

"Ask him. I'm trying to be honest with you, Sirius."




"How can I make you trust me?" His crimson eyes were soft and sincere. "What other evidence can I give you?"

"..." Tears flooded my eyes. "Fine. I'll ask him."


"Does he know?"

"It's in his mind, but he was too young to recall it on his own."



"Why are you telling me now?"

"Because out of everyone who's been lied to, you deserve to know the truth."

"Bullshit. He deserves to know this more than I do." I wiped away my tears furiously. "It's his family-"

"Would you tell him?"







"Exactly." He sighed. "Even if I told him, I'm still no saint. I did the deed. Albus only tried to finish him off and failed."

I got up and stiffened when he grabbed my wrist. "..."

"I'm sorry I made you relive that memory."

I snatched my wrist away. "I just need some space from the man who killed my best friends."

He sighed before getting up. "Fine. I'll leave. I'll be back for Draco tomorrow morning. Feel free to leave him here alone."

"So you're just leaving Draco in my care?"

"I don't want to invade your territory, mutt." He softly pinched my cheek. "Besides. You seem like a good father figure." He muttered before vanishing in a cloud of black smoke.

I felt a tinge of disappointment as I stared at the spot where he was just standing.

"So.....70... and 36..." I muttered.

"That's a 34 year age gap, Sirius." Draco sneered. "Since when did you like Voldemort?"

I ignored him. "Are those pancakes?"

He put the plate down on the center of the dining table.

"Don't dodge the question, old man."

"Who are you calling old man!?! Your dad is older than me!"

Malfoy scoffed. "And?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Careful. His father will hear about this."

Draco scowled. "No he won't!"

"Why? Scared he'll die when he finds out his son got fucked by Harry Potter?" I pursed my lips.

"You think he'll die if I tell him?"

Everyone fell silent.

"On second thought, maybe he will hear about this."

I looked at Harry and Harry looked at me.

"What?" Draco frowned. "I can read your mind Harry!"

"Good." He pecked him on the lips before focusing on setting the table. "I wanted you to."

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