
By guardian_ace1

46.3K 2.5K 943

Shen Wei the most handsome man in their village was sacrifice to Nian the lion monster who live in the sea a... More

The Sacrifice
A Sudden Marriage
The Wedding
The Banquet
The Fight
Being Normal
It Talks
Finding The Truth
Yunlan's Dilemma
The Turning Of Yunlan
Fixing You Up
Protecting My Wife
Becoming Human
The Mayor's Plan
Shen Wei's Power
The Fight Start
The Sudden Thing
Meeting You Again
Why You
Life Without My Sight
A New Life
The Twins
His Sight
His Young, Energetic Husband
Yunlan's Dramatic Moment
Protecting My Wife
The Sudden Attack
Till In The End

The Abduction

1.4K 82 18
By guardian_ace1

     Yunlan pulled  Shen Wei  behind him. Yezun smell him, "Your just a human? That Sang he told me your a powerful one and where's your cat?!" He ask.

    "Sh_t! Da quing  left for a mission!" As he curse Yunlan forgetting  the demons that wanted his wife. "Don't  come any closer!" Yunlan shout.  "Pitiful brat!" As he shoved  Yunlan with a force.  Yunlan stumble and fall. "Ah Lan!" Shen Wei  was about to help his husband but Yezun grip his wrist.

    "You'll  come with me my son!" As Yezun pulled  Shen Wei  to him. "I'm not your son!" That made Yezun laugh, "Really? I saw how shock you are when you saw my face!" Suddenly  something electrified Yezun. The yellow pendant around Shen Wei's neck. "Who gave you that thing?! Only a deity can make a yellow jade pendant!" As he look suddenly  at Yunlan.

    Shen Wei  run toward his husband, "Don't  you dare harm him!" As Shen Wei  hugged  Yunlan. Suddenly  flashback coming back from Yezun as Xi Shi have done the same.

*Flashback *

     When Mazu came, "Please don't  kill Yezun! I love him!" Begged  Xi Shi as Yezun was badly hurt by Mazu. "Get away from him! He enchanted you Xi Shi! His a demon we need to eliminate  him!" But Xi Shi begged on her knee. "My queen please! I'm pregnant with his child!" That made Mazu shock as well the other deities.

    But thats the chance of  Yezun to blind Mazu with  his power and took Xi Shi with him. But it didn't  take long to Mazu to find Xi Shi and took her away from Yezun. In a few days Yezun was badly wounded again, while carrying his son. "My little  boy don't  worry your father is here to protect you! From that bad deity!" Shen Wei  just giggle to his father.

   But then Mazu came with the other deities upon knowing that Xi Shi have bore a child. "Yezun! Give me that child! But Yezun refuse as he call his other minions to fight Mazu and his deities.  While fighting Yezun hide his child but a mortal found Shen Wei  and took him away. Yezun scream as he saw his son missing, all of his soldiers tried to find him.

    But his child power automatic shutdown  so no deity nor other demon might find him until now.

*End Of Flashback *

     He has no choice as he heard the deities are coming. He suddenly  make a spell to make them both fell asleep.
As Lin Jing and Da quing came,  the two of them are no where to be found.

    In the demon's liar, as Shen Wei  woke up seeing Yunlan laid beside him. He quickly  hugged  him. "Your safe!" Suddenly  someone laugh his father Yezun, "They say like father like son? You married a deity as well just like me? Do you know who is your mother?" He ask.

    Shen Wei  shake his head, "Xi Shi! We should have been happy! If only that queen Mazu never came! She took  away your mother!" As he look at Yunlan. "My son! If Mazu knew who is your father! Your precious  husband wil also be taken from you!" As he tried to touch Yunlan.

    But Shen Wei  swat his hand. "Possessive  mate  aren't  you?" As he ruffled  Shen Wei's  hair. "Stop it! Let us go home!" Shen Wei  shout. "No! Not until your powers comeback or you will be at the mercy of Mazu!" That made Shen Wei's  pop up, "Power? But I'm just an ordinary human!"

    Yezun smirk he suddenly  pulled the amulet easily and place it in a box. "Now we taken care of that! In a few days your power will come back and I will teach you how to do that!" Suddenly  Yunlan cute  brown eyes fluttered  open, "You! As he tried to sit but it's  quite hard the atmosphere  in the demon realm are making a deity or human grow weak.

     Shen Wei  help him up, "The atmosphere  in here is not good for us!" Said Yunlan. "But Mazu can't  come here to get you!" Said Yezun as he smirk. "So son if I were you make your power strong  so you can go out quickly or your lover will die !"  As he was about to leave. Shen Wei  grip his arms, "Teach me how! Father!" That put a smile on Yezun.

    Everyday Yezun thought him his magic and everyday Shen Wei grew stronger and closer to his father. That made Yunlan  jealous  and worried  because he prove Shen Wei  is indeed a demon. And that means Yunlan must leave his side or Mazu might killed him.

    But for now he can only watch as his body still weak to move. He only laid at the bed and  being given food by Shen Wei . "Don't  worry Ah Lan I think I'm getting  to know my power! One day we could get out of here! Father said that!" While caressing his cheek.

     Yunlan suddenly  notice Shen Wei's  eyes is getting red he suddenly  reach for his face in which Shen Wei  hold his hand as well. "Xiao Wei  no matter what happen you know I will always love you! Eventhough  one day will be apart!" That made Shen Wei  widen his eyes, "What do you mean?"

     Suddenly  Yezun came, "That won't  be happening  son in law! Did you tell Shen Wei  what will happened  as you two step outside in the world. Mazu will be waiting for the two of you! And she will seperate the two of you! Just like Xi Shi and I!" That made Shen Wei  widen his eyes, "Mother?! Mazu did that?!" Yezun nod. "Xi Shi is your mother  Xiao Wei?!" Yunlan ask.

    "Yes! Did you see her?!" He ask. How can Yunlan said that Xi Shi is in the ice coffin which in underbeneath their house. Because Yunlan is the one that  guarding it.

*Flashback *

    When Yunlan was  still young Mazu gave him that task guarding the ice human in the coffin. "Who is she my queen? She is beautiful!" He ask. Mazu raffled  Yunlan's brown hair. One of us whose fallen for a demon and that is her punishment forever she will sleep!"

     As he got near him, "So I hope young one you won't  do the same! Demon is evil and not one of us! If you do that! That will be your faith as well!" That made  Yunlan frightened  as he swallowed  hard.

*End Of Flashback *

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