The Miraculous Marichat

By hpluvrsec311

198K 4.5K 1.7K

All of Paris thinks Marinette is Chat Noir's girlfriend after the hero publicly rescued her during an akuma a... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen

Part Ten

12.6K 311 135
By hpluvrsec311

Adrien stayed in the bathroom of the school long after he had detransformed.
Plagg munched noisily on his cheese as Adrien held his head in his hands.
Marinette kissed him. Twice!
He knew it was just because of the love spell from the akuma, but still.
Technically, it wasn't his first kiss. Ladybug had kissed him twice before, once to free him from Dark Cupid's spell, and once after they defeated Oblivio. The difference was, he didn't remember either of those instances.
He definitely remembered how Marinette kissed him.
It was so different than the time he woke her from her sleeping spell. That had barely been a kiss at all, just a tiny peck that Adrien had resolutely decided not to think about. Adrien didn't even bother to count when he performed CPR on her either. Despite having fantasized about it, the real thing had been anything but romantic.
Then Fangirl happened.
Why had Marinette taken that hit for him? She managed to escape her chains (seriously, that girl was a wizard!). She could have just run away, but instead, she put herself in danger to protect him. She was too brave for her own good. And now Adrien would have to face her with the precise knowledge of just how soft her lips were and how sweetly they had moved against his. He hadn't kissed her back, a product of shock mostly, but that didn't stop her. Her breath tasted like chocolate croissants.
Adrien groaned and clutched his head tighter. He could still feel her fingers burning against his skin and intertwining with his hair.
He had been so distracted the entire battle, even after Ladybug showed up. It was all a blur.
"What's the matter?" Plagg snickered as he finished chewing his Camembert. "Embarrassed about a little smooch?"
Adrien sighed and sat up. He couldn't hide out in the bathroom forever. He would have to face Marinette eventually.
Butterflies tickled his stomach as he made his way back to the classroom. He just hoped he didn't make a complete fool of himself.


Marinette had her head buried in her arms on her desk as her entire class loomed over her.
"It's so romantic!" Rose squeaked.
"So awesome," Juleka muttered.
"Are you two going to start dating now?" Mylene asked.
"We're just friends," Marinette breathed weakly.
"Considering all the evidence to the contrary, that seems unlikely," Max responded.
"I don't know what that alley cat sees in her," Chloe huffed as she tossed her ponytail.
Marinette groaned and let her head fall back against her desk.
"Alright everyone, give the girl some space," Alya said with a breath of a laugh in her voice. "She's been through a lot just this morning."
Marinette raised her eyes to give her best friend a silent thank you and watched in horror as Adrien entered the classroom.
"Dude! Where were you?" Nino asked.
Adrien caught Marinette's eye. The young designer squeaked in terror and buried her head in her arms again.
"Settle down, class!" Ms. Bustier called from the front of the room. "I know it's been an exciting morning, but we're behind on our lesson plan now so we need to focus. Turn your books to page 35 please."
Marinette lifted her head in resignation and saw to her surprise that a dusting of pink fell across Adrien's cheeks as he took his seat.
What in the world did he have to be embarrassed about?

Marinette was disappointed when Chat Noir didn't come that night. Was he just as embarrassed about what happened as she was? Did he no longer want to be her friend after everything?
"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Marinette," Tikki said as the young girl finally laid down to go to sleep.
"Yeah. I'm sure I'll see him soon," Marinette yawned.
"Goodnight, Tikki."

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