Mexico Headcanons


10.9K 441 91

Da motherland. Honestly I hope Hima makes Mexico because Mexico has been referenced before by America and Br... More

Personality + (Dis)Likes
Loyal Companions
Lovely Garden
Drunk Mexico
NAFTA's Early Years
Arab Blood
Ultimate Weapons
Swimming Lessons
Mañana & Ahorita
Languages Spoken
Imperialism & Influence
Mexican-American War
Conference Meetings
War Weapons
Couch Potatoe or Outdoors Explorer
Stamina & Pain Tolerance
Germany, Japan, & Mexico
Lazy Stereotype
Taco Tuesday (+ Friday)
Tiger to Kitten
Who's the Birthday Boy?!
The Prince of Song
His Singing Icons
Flirty Boi
Gifts of Gratitude
Hierarchy & Respect
Reinforcing Friendship
North American Trio
What a Hetalia Character Does at a Party
World Academy
Peak of Rebellion
Clean Freak
Seme or Uke?


175 12 0

Because Mexico learned English from Britain, he uses a lot of the terms that are not common or mean the same in the US like chips = fries, rubber = eraser, biscuits = cookies, etc. Mexico also uses a lot of British slang like twit, chap, wanker, bloody hell, bullocks, blimey, rubbish, grockel, etc.

Britain usually gets cocky and a huge ego boost that Mexico uses his terms instead of America's. On the other hand, America is rather pissed that Mexico doesn't speak his English and teaches him the "correct" way of saying a certain word.

Mexico gets confused about this as he thinks all English is the same and that there is no different dialect for English-speaking countries. Nonetheless, the other nations think it's endearing that he imitates Britain's way of speaking.



The meeting continued on with Germany yelling at everyone like 99.9% of the meetings. Mexico dozing off on the table half-heartedly listened to the German's words not fully basking the meanings. He watched the other nations chime in here and there when it came to finding solutions to some of the world problems discussed in this month's meeting.

Soon, the infamous North American country, America chimed in with probably another weird scheme. "How about we put a bunch of towels by the shore to absorb all the water to prevent rising sea levels!?"

Silence engulfed the room. Mexico lifted his head up from his palm that was previously perched on top. Blinking his brown eyes with curiosity and cocking his eyebrows in astonishment he spoke.

"You lost your bloody mind! Your rubbish solution is doomed to fail! What kind of bloke do you have to be to be this dumb?!" Mexico exclaimed furiously in English, his accent lacing around his words like silk.

America glared at his southern neighbor. "Speak normally!"


Needless to say, he hates Mexico's British style of English and Britain loves it.

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