
Por guardian_ace1

46.3K 2.5K 943

Shen Wei the most handsome man in their village was sacrifice to Nian the lion monster who live in the sea a... Más

The Sacrifice
A Sudden Marriage
The Wedding
The Banquet
The Fight
Being Normal
Finding The Truth
The Abduction
Yunlan's Dilemma
The Turning Of Yunlan
Fixing You Up
Protecting My Wife
Becoming Human
The Mayor's Plan
Shen Wei's Power
The Fight Start
The Sudden Thing
Meeting You Again
Why You
Life Without My Sight
A New Life
The Twins
His Sight
His Young, Energetic Husband
Yunlan's Dramatic Moment
Protecting My Wife
The Sudden Attack
Till In The End

It Talks

1.4K 92 42
Por guardian_ace1

      "Get behind me!" Shout Yunlan as he felt the power  of the stranger. Still the stranger walk toward them.

    As he took off his hood.  The young man with with the same age as them revealed. "Look! Just give me your companion behind you and I will let you live!" Shout the man.   Yunlan smirk,  "And why would I give my wife  to you!" As he stand to fight. But in no time at all the man use his power and easily thrown Yunlan at a tree thrunk.

   "Ah Lan!"  Shout Shen Wei.  As the man tried to hold Shen Wei. But something  prevented him, his yellow jade that Yunlan gave. Yunlan spit blood as he almost  fall on his knees, but as he saw his wife being threaten by the man to leave witg him. Yunlan got angry and furious.  As  sudden  power erupted in him. He suddenly  punch the man with a force making the  man back away .

   The  man spit blood as well, "Your not an ordinary guy I see!" His claws suddenly  emerge  and fangs. "A demon?! What's  it's  doing here? In the human world?" Yunlan thinking is interrupted  as the demon lunged  it's  claw on him. Yunlan forgot he is not a deity anymore and confront him with  his fist. "Yunlan no!!!" Shout Shen Wei.  As his already too late to stop him.

    But luckily  a fuzzy black hair ball thrown himself at the demon and claw it's face it hiss in pain. "You know they  don't  call me king of the cat for nothing!" It suddenly  said. "It talks!" Shout Shen Wei. But Yunlan still punch the demon, it only laugh at him. As it wipes the blood that came out by the scratches of Da quing.

    " My name is Sang, I don't  know who you  really are?! But I will come back to get him weather you like it or not!" As he left in smoke and disappeared. That's  the time Yunlan almost fall from the pain of the power of the demon. "Yunlan! Don't lose concious!" As Shen Wei  carried him back in the house with Da quing.

    "My stupid master! Why does he fight a demon! As he knows he have no power!" Shout Da quing  whose phasing left and right while chatting  non stop.
When Shen Wei  laid Yunlan on the bed and wipe the wounds of Yunlan with a damp towel. "Tell me how come you talk?!" Ask Shen Wei.

    "To tell you the  truth I'm Da quing  king of the cats! And my master gave me a power to transform  into a beautiful  lion! But in exchange my talking is gone! But now as he lost his power! I'm free again to talk!" That made Shen Wei  sweat. "What's  good your talking if you have no more power   to defend your master?"

    That made Da quing  think, "Your right on that?! But at least now you have a chatty companion than your husband here! No offense! But Shen Wei  what's  that demon wanted with you?!" As both think. "I don't  know?"
     Suddenly  Yunlan woke up, "What happened?! But still his body aches."Master! My pitiful master! It is I Da quing! I can talk again!" He said. "It means my spell on you is broken! Oh! Great!" Said Yunlan as he tried to sit with the help of his wifey.

    "What is the demon want with you?" Yunlan ask Shen Wei.  "I don't  know? I never offended anyone only Zhuiji." As Shen Wei  think. "That man again!" As he reminded that man almost rape Shen Wei.

     He suddenly  hugged  his wife, "I won't let anyone harm you!" Shen Wei  smile on it and hugged  back his husband. But as Shen Wei  laid his head on Yunlan's  neck he can't  stop himself for smelling him. Yunlan scent is very sweet like wine. His hand unconciously  caressed  Yunlan's  back when suddenly he kiss and lick his neck. His eyes suddenly  change without him noticing from dark to red.

    Yunlan on the other hand  was having fun on Shen Wei's  embrace never noticing it. His lovely wife is very sweet in this past few days. When suddenly  Shen Wei  bite him on the neck. "Ouch!" What's  that for!" As he push lightly Shen Wei,  "I'm sorry! I didn't  mean too!" As he rubbed  his neck. Shen Wei  smile seeing his bite mark on Yunlan.

    And reach for it as he caress it. Yunlan on the other hand feeling Shen Wei  soft fingers running on his neck, making him moan unconciously. "Your very sensative to my touch this day my dear husband?" While he pulled Yunlan for  a passionate kiss.

     Yunlan was having fun that his wife is initiating  to kiss him and before he knew what is happening.  He was laid on the bed while his shirt is been discarded. Shen Wei  kiss every part of his body, trying to memorize every sensative part of Yunlan making him a moaning mess.

    While Da quing  seeing what's happening  excuse himself  to leave but notice Shen Wei 's color eyes change. "That's  odd?!" As he quickly left when Shen Wei took off his shirt as well. Reaviling  flawless, lean muscular body. Yunlan reach for his pink nipple rubbing and squeezing  it making Shen Wei hiss and moan. As he dive again to capture Yunlan's lips in a series of kiss.

     "Xiao.....Wei!" Let me be one with you!" As he whispered  to his ears while nibbling it. And  flipping  him up at his back. He quickly pulled  Shen Wei's  remaining clothes as well as him and suddenly  thrust into him. Shen Wei  scream and moan, while Yunlan rocking his body unto him.

     Until it hit his soft spot making Shen Wei  moan loudly. Shen Wei  suddenly kneeled  up to make Yunlan thrust to him deeper.  Yunlan quickly hold his hips up while stroking his hard prize that is waking up. " Your so beautiful  my wife!" As Yunlan kiss him on the nape and back. "Ah Lan......! Aaaaah......" As he burst on his hand. Yunlan shiver hearing Shen Wei  moan like that as he also scream Shen Wei's  name and released  inside of him.

     But still Yunlan didn't  stop as he kept thrusting to Shen Wei  for more. Shen Wei  sweet scent is driving Yunlan into madness as he wanted to be with Shen Wei  forever. He suddenly  flipped  him up again. As he devoured his lips while still rocking his body unto him. As he burst inside of him, still he thrust more. Until it's  already midnight that Yunlan collapsed  at Shen Wei's flustered  body. Shen Wei  embraced Yunlan onto him.While whispering  sweet endless words before sleeping  took over him as well.

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