Royal Renegade

By xXTheBelieverXx

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"Let me have your throat again," he beckons, and despite how airy and thin his voice is, it's still powerful... More

Chapter 1: What Are You Waiting For?
Chapter 2: Reap and Sow
Chapter 3: Trigger
Chapter 4: Royal Pains
Chapter 5: Your What?
Chapter 6: Opportunity
Chapter 7: First Embrace
Chapter 8: Pressure
Chapter 9: Am I Not the Prince?
Chapter 10: Roots
Chapter 11: Target Practice
Chapter 12: Worthy Opponent
Chapter 13: Blood or Wine?
Chapter 15: Good Night
Chapter 16: Vulnerable
Chapter 17: His Name
Chapter 18: Let Her Go
Chapter 19: Prince Charming
Chapter 20: Leave Me Alone
Chapter 21: Pure
Chapter 22: Where Would I Go?
Chapter 23: Nightmare
Chapter 24: Dark Knight
Chapter 25: Need
Chapter 26: Reckless Embrace
Chapter 27: Humble My Pride
Chapter 28: Do Dreams Come True?
Chapter 29: First
Chapter 30: Yes, Please
Chapter 31: None of Your Business
Chapter 32: Sweet Potato Pie
Chapter 33: Monsters
Chapter 34: Why'd You Let Him Go?
Chapter 35: To Know You
Chapter 36: Axelia or Xeli
Chapter 37: Too Far
Chapter 38: Game of Chess
Chapter 39: How Did I Get These?
Chapter 40: Missing Pieces
Chapter 41: Prince in Mourning
Chapter 42: This is Love
Chapter 43: Innocent
Chapter 44: Royal Renegade
Chapter 45: I'm Here
Chapter 46: He Understands?
Chapter 47: Freesia Flowers
Chapter 48: From Enemy to Ally
Chapter 49: Power in Relationship
Chapter 50: Incredible
Chapter 51: Checkmate
Chapter 52: I Belong Here
Chapter 53: This is the One
Chapter 54: Human?
Chapter 55: What You Want
Chapter 56: I Do
Chapter 57: We Are Family
Chapter 58: Frustration {Mature}
Chapter 59: Together {Mature}
Chapter 60: Matters to Discuss {Mature}

Chapter 14: Follow Me

4.7K 261 35
By xXTheBelieverXx

Prince Leonidas

"No?" I challenge.

All evening she has been uncharacteristically insecure. I don't think I have ever seen her this apologetic and frail before. If it was simply a growth in humility then it would make things different, but she almost seems afraid.

I just want to protect her.

"It's none of your business," she frowns and the shadow of makeup above her eyelashes deepens the penetrating glare of her chestnut brown eyes.

Well, at least she's still characteristically stubborn.

"I know you want to protect people, but if you're protecting the ones hurting you it seems a bit absurd."

It's not like I said I was going to kill the person she would name. It's just likely they're Cadomian and I wouldn't mind a quality snack before my return to Rerimas.

"You don't know anything," she grumbles under her breath before reaching to grab a ladle of mashed potatoes. It plops onto her plate which she pulls close as she begins to attack it with her spoon.

I know so much about her it hurts.

I know how she always brings up something random during dinners. How she's incapable of containing her curiosities. I know she isn't afraid to ask questions others only contemplate in their thoughts.

Every dinner we attended together as kids was memorable. Conversations with her are my greatest treasure. Tonight is the first time in a decade she's acted like her past self in my presence. Reminding me of my youthful best friend, Xeli. Now, her guards are flying back up because someone is in her head and under her skin.

Sighing, I watch as me scoops other food items onto her plate. Long, green, string-like things, fruit, other meaty substances and finishing with fluffy, sponge-like delicacies topped with a cream that melts.

Watching humans eat is always so peculiar. I don't usually pay it any attention because I find the way they chew tediously annoying. However, I've not heard a human produce sounds of satisfaction the way Axelia does.

That resonant moan she made eating her steak sent the blood in my veins racing down my body with the force of a tornado, but it was the way she licked and swallowed the blood off her lips that made me hard as stone in an instant.

It took a series of focused breaths to calm myself back down.

I guess the other royalty maintain their poise better when it comes to their dining habits. I tend to be quite a vocal feeder myself, so I kind of respect her for it.

"If the guilty person were to go missing tonight--" I try to joke.

"You don't even know who it is," she murmurs between bites.

"It's someone close to you. In the way that they are around you often which means they probably dwell in your castle," I begin to unravel the mystery. Spending time with Elytis does me good. "That means they're someone important and since you compared yourself to the other Princesses--"

"Stop," she cuts me off with anger steaming through her tone. "Stop acting like you know me. You don't."

"I know you got your feelings hurt and I know you want to protect the person who did it."

"My feelings aren't hurt," she denies, meeting my gaze with cold eyes. "There isn't any one person I'm protecting. I have an entire Kingdom same as you."

Although I don't want to have to bring them up while we're here, I can't help but acknowledge an elephant in the room to end our banter.

"Then tell me who's responsible for the scars on your back."

Her breathing hitches as her eyes widen and she quickly pulls a shawl over her shoulders. A deep shade of pink bleeds through her dark skin tone, drawing my eyes to her cheeks. I too easily pick up on the sound of her heart rate increase.

Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up.


I had to.

I need to know.

It seems as though she forgot they were even there, which at least means she isn't in pain.

The back of her dress only sits low enough for me to catch a glimpse at ragged tips of three flesh toned lash marks discoloring the smooth plateau across her shoulder blades. I can't allow myself to imagine there are more.

She was flogged.

Somehow this happened and I didn't know about it until now. Her wounds look as though they've been healing for months.

How could she have been fighting me in the woods without me catching a scent of her blood, or noticing her pain?

I always notice.

Her winces. Her whines. Her little grunts and groans. I can tell when there isn't enough air in her lungs. I notice when she is dehydrated. I'm able to spot the circles under her eyes despite whatever makeup she attempts to use to hide them.

There's no way-- Wait.

I glance over at Cassius just as he looks away from us.

Did he heal her? If so, how are there still scars? His ability is flawless, thorough and precise.

"Axelia, only your father would've had the authority to--" my words fall short as she slaps a hand across my face hard enough to make my skin tingle, but soft enough that it doesn't draw much attention.

Only the Princes and Princesses at our table turn their heads but before anyone can react further, she rises from her and rushes from the room.

Closing my eyes, I follow her heartbeat until it seems to steady in pace. She didn't run far.

"I'm not sure what you said, but there is no other way a conversation between the two of you should end," Herakles turns to face me with a lopsided smirk. "I mean unless she kills you."

I release a long sigh and meet his eyes, hoping he isn't foolish enough to press the matter. Tonight I'm in no mood to argue or entertain him.

He delights in it, getting under my skin.

Just when I think I maintain my composure, a slight itch of my cheeks confirms otherwise.


Chuckling, Herakles uses a finger to tug down the collar of his tuxedo. "Wanna bite? Go ahead," he teases, knowing if I took the opportunity the Royal Court would have my head.

Princess Phaedra slaps his shoulder with a scowl, "Stop." The two begin to whisper an argument, so I get up to go after Axelia only to have Herakles grab the sleeve of my suit.

"Leave it alone, you're only going to make things worse for her," his tone is bubbly and expresses amusement rather than warning, which I can't help but find suspicious. "You don't know, do you?" His eyebrows arch. "She got flogged for being caught fighting with you; ten or I think it was maybe twelve lashes of the whip."

The night I was triggered.

Why hasn't she said anything?

As I struggle to process the array of emotions rushing through me, I tug my arm free and make my way into a long hall where I follow the sound of her heartbeat to a tall wooden door marked with a sign to informing it's the women's restroom.

She's alone, but I respect the boundary, slumping against a wall beside the door and allowing regret to drown me at the soft echo of her crying.

Am I the reason?

Lost in my thoughts, I don't notice Queen Aiko approaching until she is standing right in front of me.

"It's not your fault, Prince," she chimes in.

She doesn't have an ability to read minds, but doesn't hide her talent for eavesdropping.

"Herakles is just trying to get under your skin. You're not to blame for her father's decisions and can only respect her choice to protect her people."

Lazily, I slip my hands into the pockets of my trousers.

"Whether you're right or not, I still feel guilty."

Grinning, she clasps her hands in front of her body. "That's because you care," she leans forward and whispers even though we're the only two in the hall. "Want me to get her for you? They're clearing and removing the tables now. The dancing will start soon."

I begin to open my mouth to deny her offer but she holds up a hand before I can speak.

"As Queen of Relabeth, it is my request that you don't leave until the two of you are on good terms. I'll keep King Valerio and Prince Herakles at bay in the meantime," she promises.

Nodding, I step aside as she proceeds into the bathroom. Whatever she does only takes three minutes before she comes back out again with a grin and heads back into the ballroom.

I half expect Axelia to be with her, but she slowly tugs the door open a minute later. Her cheeks are puffy, but not enough for anyone at a distance to tell and I mentally wish myself luck when her delicate eyes find me.

"What are you doing out here?" she quietly rasps as her eyebrows dip above the bridge of her nose.

"Waiting for you."

Her heart fluctuates for just a moment and then resumes to a gentle, steady tempo. I often find myself tuning in to the way it palpitates.

While the rest of her has forgotten me, the way her heart responds is a sign that part of her hasn't.

"Why?" she grumbles, rubbing her arms. "Is it your intention to convince me that my people are the source of my pain?"

Tucking my lower lip under my teeth, I push from the wall to stand in front of her. It takes all of my willpower to keep from lifting her chin, knowing my subtle touches seem overwhelming to her.

"Axelia, I'm sorry for hurting you."

The apology pricks my heart like a needle. Physically and emotionally I would never intentionally to cause her pain. I just forgot that even being near me puts her at risk because of her father.

I can't believe he would punish her like that.

Her eyes drift to the floor as her fingers begin their twiddling. The sound of a live string orchestra causes us to glance down the hall. In a moment, the dancing will commence but she doesn't appear as though she will voice her forgiveness anytimr soon.

Extending a hand, I ask, "Will you dance with me?"

"Leonidas," she sighs in exasperation, "I am mad at you. Don't you see that?"

If she can admit it then perhaps she isn't as mad as before. Right? Her cheeks are returning to normal as though my apology was enough to settle her nerves.

Stepping closer, I capture her fidgeting hands in my own before pulling them from each other.

"Aren't you always?" I point out and when she purses her lips realizing I'm right, I try again. "I understand you're upset. But, you're also my date, no?" I speak low, catching her eyes. "I don't want to dance with anyone else, but I'll return home if you really don't want to dance with me."

Her eyes widen in shock before she clears her throat and releases a silent breath.

"I-I'll dance with you."

It's all she offers so I lead us down the hall maintaining a firm grasp on one of her hands until we find ourselves immersed in a crowd of people swaying and twirling to music under a sea of candle light.

Slowly, we come to a stop and I allow her hands to fall as I turn to face her. For the first time this evening, I feel the nagging twinge of insecurity because I don't know how to make her comfortable enough with me in this way.

As though she can read my mind, she pensively nibbles on her lower lip before wrapping a hand around my wrist to place it upon one of her shoulders before resting her own on one of mine. Then, with a step forward we join our other hands.

"Is this okay?" she asks while a faint blush rises to her cheeks.

Stepping back, I twirl her with enough force that when she faces me again I draw her in causing her body to press flush against my own. She gasps in the collision and attempts to stumble away, but I set the hand she previously placed on her shoulder to her waist instead, keeping her close.


Her pulse rises only to plateau as we begin to step with the rhythm of violins.

I don't do anything to push her further, content with our current position. But, when the music changes to that of a waltz, we take notice of the other royalty gathering in the center of the floor to perform the dance.

"You know it, don't you?" I ask, although I recall us learning together years ago.

"I think so but I can't remember the last time I did it."

Giving her hand a comforting squeeze, I guide her through the crowd. Instead of trying to resist and flee, her heels click against the floor behind me until we are standing amongst our fellow royals. Nervously, she surveys an audience forming around us, so I pull her close until my face is beside her own.

"Follow me, Princess."

I know her muscles will remember for her, so I don't slow the pace of the steps, rotations, lifts, or twirls because if I did she might succumb to the doubts plaguing her mind.

If anything, I ensure we are a half-step ahead of everyone else.

By the end of the piece, delight shines through her illuminating smile, and the room erupts in applause, whistles and cheers. Axelia meets my eyes as her cheeks turn crimson and the slip of a giggle causes her to look down at our feet.

There are a million things I long and ache to say to her, but I refrain when she rests her chin against my shoulder and sways with me to the melody of the next song.

Behind her, I meet eyes with King Valerio. Aiko and Cassius have been flattering his ego to keep him occupied, while Koa has been blocking every attempt of Herakles to interrupt on his behalf.

I don't understand why they're going out of their way to help. This is a party to celebrate them after all. I didn't ask for their involvment, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't grateful.

Initially, Valerio glares, but with a sigh he lifts his glass of wine in a gesture of both acknowledgement and consent before downing every drop of wine as he turns away.

"Leonidas," she softly murmurs as though falling asleep, "you may not know me, but somehow you know things about me; things that I am not aware of."

"Like how your favorite dessert is sweet potato pie, you're a talented ice skater, dancer, fighter, and also have an affection for animals enough to name your horse?" I ramble off a few things that come to mind.

"Not those," her tone expresses the scowl I'm sure she's giving though I can't see her face in our position.

I hum to curb a rising chuckle in my chest. "You mean, how you panic when you're defenseless, fight for those unworthy of your protection and only seem to stutter in my presence."

My last example causes her to pause our motion.

"I-I don't," she pulls away with a frown. I quirk a brow at the fact that she just stuttered again, and her eyes widen. "It happens when I'm nervous!" she exclaims.

"How is it then," I mutter, drawing her close enough our noses touch, "that I am the only one who makes you feel such a way?"

"Y-you're n-not," she stammers.

Intertwining our fingers, I step away to twirl her again. Aware we are being watched and that her father is murdering me a hundred times over with his glares.

"I am," I say as I settle my other hand just above her left hip, "and it's probably because you're aware I know a few other things as well."

"Like what?" she challenges.

Smirking, I spin her again but with her return my hand meets her upper hip only for a moment before I slip it to rest beside her stomach. There is a hard material barely protruding from the design of her gown that I press against.

"How you're hiding your dagger here," I murmur beside her ear, tapping the steel with a finger. She stiffens until I return my hand above her hip.

"Wh-what else?"

Leaning back, I meet her eyes.

"How you won't use it to kill me."


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