Transformers Prime/Animated C...

By Frenzy-of-G1

63.2K 1.1K 531

Ratchet sends a groundbridge to Detroit not knowing that somewhere in the distant future there would again be... More

Tfp tfa Prowl crossover.
He wakes!
You're Who?!
Where DID You Come From?!?
Meeting the Kids...
Maybe Sarri wasn't so Bad...
Sorry! I didn't Know...
Getting better
(Author's note)
So... We're in Disguise!
Could it Work?!
Thank You
Commemorative Art & Announcements!!
Sequel Teaser

Back to the Future!! Hopefully...

2.1K 44 14
By Frenzy-of-G1

Omg I'm on the last chapter!!! 😀😭


"Will you be able to modify our present groundbridge to accommodate the time rift?" Optimus asked Ratchet, who was busy at the computer.

"If I send a groundbridge to the same coordinates as the initial incident, the same anomaly may occur, however there is a chance it could also send Prowl backwards in time to first groundbridge we sent," Ratchet said.

"Okay, stop, I have absolutely no idea the logic behind this," Arcee said.

"Imagine, Arcee, if groundbridges could not tell apart different times," Ratchet said.

"Well, that would mean every time we send a groundbridge to the same spot, one of these time portal things would happen," Arcee replied.

"Precisely. And if more than two groundbridges were sent to the same coordinates, either a time loop would occur, or the destination of the traveler would be completely random among the different times," Ratchet said.

Arcee stared at him. "Okay, you've lost me again..."

Ratchet scoffed frustrated. "I don't know why I'm trying to explain this. I should be trying to solve this and then send Prowl back."

Bulkhead and Bumblebee watched and listened. They didn't even try to wrap their processors around the time travel phenomenon.

Optimus seemed to understand it though. "Would it be possible to alter our groundbridge to match specifically to the spacebridge from 50 years in the future?" he asked Ratchet.

"Now, that's a suggestion!" Ratchet replied and descended into another spiral of wild calculations.

Prowl waited anxiously. He didn't fully understand the time travel theory, but he understood enough to know that they were close to a solution, and he would likely be going home soon.

After a few minutes of Ratchet running simulations, he broke the silence. "Ha! Finished!" he said with an air of accomplishment. 

"You found a way for the groundbridge to work as a time portal?" Prowl asked him.

"That I did," Ratchet said, proudly, but the computer lit up with notice of a Decepticon attack. They were hitting a nuclear power plant.

"Of all the times!!" Ratchet yelled angrily.

"They never let up..." Bulkhead said and cracked his knuckles.

"Ratchet, send us there immediately, then alter the groundbridge for the time portal, for Prowl," Optimus said.

"No. I can't modify the groundbridge while you are in the midst of a battle. Once I modify the groundbridge, it will be inoperable for a good while. It must remain functional for emergencies while you are facing the Decepticons!" Ratchet said.

Optimus nodded then turned to Prowl. "I am sorry. You will have to wait a little longer before we can return you home," he said.

"I understand," Prowl replied.

"Ratchet open the groundbridge for us, and await further instruction," Optimus said.

Ratchet nodded and set the coordinates.

"I will go with you and aid in defending the humans," Prowl told Optimus who was about to argue this when Ratchet spoke.

"Optimus... Megatron is with them," Ratchet said.

Optimus's optics darkened. "Very well. Prowl, you may join us." The groundbridge swirled into action. "Autobots, transform and roll out!"

The sound of shifting gears, then spinning tires soon disappeared into the buzz of the groundbridge, and Ratchet was left alone to wait for any news.


It was nighttime rather than the Decepticon's usual daytime attacks.

"You have called for help?" Megatron asked the small quivering human who was working the power plant that night. The man nodded quickly. "Good," Megatron said and blew him away with a single blast from his fusion cannon.

Megatron faced the other Decepticons. "Be ready! The Autobots shall soon arrive."

Dreadwing and Breakdown and looked around at the still environment. Only the sound of powering up blasters was heard.

Soundwave was the first to spot the Autobot's groundbridge that opened a good distance from the plant. He then left from the group of 'cons into the darkness.

"Optimus Prime!!" Megatron yelled. "What a pleasant surprise! Terminate them!!" he commanded the Decepticons who were there.

A swarm of Vehicons charged forwards.

"Quickly! Take cover!" Optimus said, and the Autobots ran to safety. Optimus commed Ratchet and told him to make sure the power plant had been evacuated of all humans.

Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Arcee fired at the approaching Vehicons from behind the cover of a wall.

"Be careful when firing. The buildings have not been evacuated," Optimus said, and the others nodded.

"I can slip past the Decepticons and get the humans to safely," Prowl offered.

"A wise suggestion. We will draw the Decepticon's attention away from you. Go!" Optimus said.

Prowl nodded and left to enter the plant at a different place. The entire facility was surrounded by a thick forest which made for good cover. Prowl easily disappeared into the trees.

Megatron watched the Autobots, his optics searching for Prowl but widened when he saw Optimus and Bulkhead running forward. Each was holding the end of a long strip of chain link fence like a it was a rope. The oncoming vehicons were caught in it and with a tug on both ends of the "rope," the Vehicons were swept to the ground.

"Yeah!! Take that!" Bulkhead yelled.

Optimus fired on a second wave of Vehicons but saw that Megatron was watching him.
"Keep the battle away from the buildings. I will face Megatron," Optimus told Arcee who had run out to join them.


One of the perks of transforming into such a small vehicle as a motorcycle, was being able to enter buildings easily; at least that's what Prowl thought as he drove through a window.

The lights were mostly off for the night and the halls of the building were empty. Prowl drove down the halls and checked room after room for any humans that were still there.

He spotted a security guard a little ways away. There was a strict rule on no contact with humans, but this man's life was at stake so Prowl approached him.

The man heard the engine noise and faced Prowl quickly, shining a flashlight at him. "No, no! Get away!" the man cried.

Prowl stopped. A riderless motorcycle probably wasn't very reassuring to this man. "It's alright. I'm here to get you out of the building," Prowl said.

The man backed away. He didn't look like he was going to trust Prowl.

Prowl sighed. "Please know that I am not going to hurt you," he said then transformed, grabbed the man, and booked it back to the window that he had entered in by.

The man yelled and tried to get free, but Prowl got him to the forest and let him go.

"Is there anyone else inside the building?" Prowl asked, but the man was already running into the forest, away from the power plant.

"I guess I'll find that out myself," Prowl said quietly and turned back towards the building, but he saw a shadow sweeping across the ground like a raptor. (Not a velociraptor... a bird of prey). By the time he heard the faint engine's hum, it was too late. Prowl watched the ground drop away from him as he was carried high into the sky.

Soundwave had him in his clutches and carried him off in drone mode.

Prowl reached for a ninja star but was met with a rush of electricity and fell unconscious.


(Is this really how it is going to end??? With Prowl captured by the Decepticons, and only moments from being able to go Back to the Future???

Ehhehehe course not. This is a double chapter!!!!!! Surprise!!!!! Oh yeah!!!!!


Sleek Cybertronian metal graced the sky that night.

Soundwave transformed just above the Nemesis and let Prowl's unconscious frame crash to the deck in a heap. Soundwave landed lightly a few feet away and let the Vehicons gather Prowl to take him to the med-bay.

Soundwave's slender figure turned the corner and was lost to the interior of the Nemesis.


Blaster fire shredded the night. The Autobots worked hard to fight the Decepticons back and away from the nuclear power plant, but Megatron had the battle at his mercy. With a swipe of his sword, a building came down, chasing away the smaller Autobots.

Arcee transformed to her alt mode and drove up through the wreckage in an attempt to get a better shot at Megatron who had turned his attention towards Optimus.

"Always ready to protect the weakest creatures you can find!" Megatron spat mockingly at his nemesis.

"And you are always seeking innocents to destroy," Optimus responded, firing at Megatron who deflected the blast with his sword.

"Though it seems one of us leads a successful life," Megatron said with a sharp smirk, "while the other is too busy chasing after his pitiful comrades!" and turning quickly, he grabbed Arcee as she was about to shoot him from behind.

Optimus' optics widened, seeing Megatron hold Arcee in the grip of one hand. She groaned and gasped as he crushed her slowly.

Megatron paused, though, as he listened to something. Arcee heard the faint sound of the warlord's com-link but couldn't make out what had been said.

Optimus aimed both his blasters at Megatron, ready to fire the instant he could, without hitting Arcee.

Megatron grinned. "You misjudge me, Optimus. I too, can be merciful," he said and tossed Arcee, roughly, aside. With a whirring of gears, he flew into the sky in his alt mode.

Optimus frowned and fired at him then went to check on Arcee.

The remaining Decepticons quickly retreated after their leader.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee came running over. "What happened? They just took off?" Bulkhead asked as he joined them.

Arcee coughed. "I'm fine," she said, but Optimus still helped her up.

Bumblebee buzzed worriedly.

"He could have killed me. Why retreat with that kind of advantage?" Arcee questioned.

"Maybe Bucket-head knew Optimus was going to blow his bucket off if he didn't let you go," Bulkhead said.

Optimus frowned with thought. "It is unlikely Megatron would retreat while the battle was still in his favor..."

"I guess the 'cons got whatever they were after. I thought I heard Megatron's com go off right before he let me go," Arcee said.

"Well, who cares! They left! Now, we can send Prowl back through the 'bridge," Bulkhead said and Bumblebee beeped in agreement.

"I will inform Ratchet to make the necessary modifications to the groundbridge," Optimus said, walking off while the others talked.

"Hey, where is Prowl at?" Bulkhead asked.

"Probably still evacuating the buildings," Arcee said. "Come on, let's go look for him." She walked towards the buildings that were still standing. They all transformed and drove into the buildings.

Bumblebee beeped and buzzed.

"You'd think Ratchet could've gotten him a comlink," Arcee said and Bumblebee buzzed again. "Yeah, I know. I know he's not gonna be here much longer," she said.

Bulkhead sighed sadly. "I'm really gonna miss him. He's part of the team now, ya know?"

"No, Bulkhead, he's not. He has his own team in the future, and he belongs with them," Arcee said. "We were never supposed to get attached to him."

"Well, I guess I'm sentimental," Bulkhead said solemnly.

Bumblebee buzzed sadly, a reply.

Arcee sighed. "We all are, Bulk..." she said then pulled to a stop and transformed. Her brow furrowed. "We've been looking for him a while," she said.

Bumblebee transformed but hit his head on the ceiling and Bulkhead chuckled. Bumblebee buzzed angrily then beeped light-heartedly.

"Quiet, you two!" Arcee snapped and listened carefully.

"What is it?" Bulkhead asked.

"Nothing... not a sound," Arcee said. She turned the final corner of the building which was just as empty as the rest. "Prowl!" she called.

Bumblebee looked back and forth nervously.

There was no reply.


"I suggest opening the time portal in an unpopulated area, just in case the results are... explosive," Ratchet told Optimus over the com.

"I understand," Optimus replied. "There is a large clearing close to our current location."

"That would work well. The original anomaly in our base was completely uncontrolled, and it's blast radius wasn't more than about 40 feet. This time, it should run more smoothly. However, I want to proceed with the necessary precautions," Ratchet explained.

Optimus walked to the large clearing in the forest. It was a good distance from the plant and far from any human dwellings.

"Just so we're clear, you won't be needing the groundbridge for transport for at least a few hours, correct? These modifications will take time to reverse, plus any repairs I may have to make if something goes wrong," Ratchet said over the com.

"Though the threat of attack is always present with the Decepticons near, this must be done. And at present, the circumstances are ideal," Optimus said.

"Very well," Ratchet said, "as of this moment we are in control of the first time traveling groundbridge. Now let's get Prowl back to his time before something disastrous happens!"

"Optimus!!" came Arcee's voice from a distance. The three Autobots came racing from the nuclear power plant.

"Prowl's missing!!!" Bulkhead added with a panicked tone.

"I better not have heard what I thought I just heard!!" Ratchet's voice rang from Optimus' comlink.


(Do I sense a triple chapter??? Hehehehehehhehe yes, yes I do!! Surprise kiddos!!! It's even longer!!!)


Prowl's visor flickered back online. He groaned softly and took in his new surroundings. The room was dimly lit and had a sense of doom hanging in the air. A faint hum and quiet clicking came from two large computer screens with Vehicon troopers operating them.

Prowl tried to move but found he was held in place by energy cuffs. He was positioned lying on a partly inclined medical slab. His only advantage was a good view of the room.

The doors to the room slid open with a hiss, and the Decepticon medic, Knockout, walked through.

"My, my, the patient is awake," Knockout said, walking closer to the medical slab. "Just wait till I tell you what we have in store for you," he teased.

Prowl shifted uncomfortably, but the restrains kept him from moving much. "What is it you want from me?" he asked.

"Oh, not much, really," Knockout said. "You're name would be nice, and also how in Cybertron you got here?!" he snapped.

Prowl froze. If it was one thing he couldn't tell the Decepticons, it was how he got there. "My name is Prowl," he said, in an attempt to stall the other question.

Knockout raised a brow. "Cooperating are we?" he said a bit surprised, "so tell me, Prowl, how did you get here?"

That was the question Prowl couldn't answer. He glanced around but there was no relief in sight. "I'm just... passing through," he said, again trying to work around the question.

Knockout grinned. "Might I add that should you not cooperate, you will undergo a Cortical Psychic Patch: a procedure I've been dying to practice! I assure you, there will be no secret safe in your head that we won't be able to extract."

Prowls arms tightened against the restraints. This situation was getting rapidly worse.

"As soon as Megatron returns, we'll begin," Knockout added.

This gave Prowl a slight glimmer of hope. At least he had some time to think of a way out. But how?! He calmed his mind, letting the answer come to him. There had to be an answer.

Knockout, temporarily running out of things to say, walked around the room. He adjusted some tools then looked at the computer screens and Vehicons. "Any word from Megatron?" Knockout asked, impatiently.

"Not yet," one of the Vehicons said.

Prowl watched Knockout fidgeting anxiously. Surely Megatron would be there soon. Time was running out. Prowl looked at the energy cuffs once more then it dawned on him: processor over matter!!

Knockout faced Prowl, hearing him start humming strangely. "What in the world?" he said, watching Prowl in annoyance. "Would you stop that?!"

Prowl continued to hum and held his servos in a rock-paper-scissor position.

"Megatron has arrived onboard," the Vehicon said. Knockout jumped then took off, out of the room, presumably to meet Megatron.

A small smile appeared on Prowl's face; now there was one less 'con in the room. With a soft hiss, the energy cuffs retracted, and Prowl leaped from the medical slab quietly. The Vehicon troopers hadn't noticed his escape, so with utmost stealth, he made his way out of the room.

The long hallway stretched in both directions, once Prowl got out of the room. He knew he had to find controls for a groundbridge if he was going to make it back to the Autobots. With Megatron on board now though, he knew he didn't have much time. It was only a matter of time before every Decepticon on the ship would be hunting him.

Prowl transformed to save time and raced off down the hall. Closed doors passed by, but Prowl reasoned that the groundbridge controls would be in a much larger room with, hopefully, an open doorway. This wasn't a lot to go by, but it was a chance, a chance that happened to go Prowl's way.

Prowl skidded to a halt once he saw a large room with computer screens. This had to be it! He transformed and ran inside then froze. A Vehicon trooper stood at the controls, and Prowl suddenly felt very alone. Taking on a Decepticon with his entire team was daunting. But he was by himself.

His team... they were all waiting for him somewhere in the future. If he didn't get back to the Autobots of this time, he'd never see his his team again.

Prowl took his ninja stars in each hand then ran forwards towards the lone Vehicon trooper.


"Okay-okay, where did we see him last?" Bulkhead asked the others, anxiously.

"He left to clear the buildings of all remaining humans," Optimus answered.

"No one saw him after that?" Bulkhead asked.

Everyone just shook their helms.

"I suggest we fan out and search the whole area again," Arcee said.

"It is most likely that Prowl was taken captive by the Decepticons. It would also explain Megatron's sudden retreat. In fact, it would stand to reason this whole incident could have been a setup solely to lure Prowl to them and then capture him," Optimus said in a grave tone.

Bumblebee's optic rims spun worriedly. He beeped a question.

"No, Bumblebee, we cannot use the groundbridge. Ratchet has already altered it in preparation for the time portal," Optimus said, "though, even if we had its use, we still would be unable to pinpoint the location of the Decepticon Warship."

"Why did we let him go out there alone?!" Bulkhead said despairingly.

"It's a risk we all take..." Arcee said sadly. "And pay for it too often," she added quietly.

"A risk, well worth while if it saves the lives of others," came a voice suddenly, and the Autobots turned quickly to see.

Prowl walked towards them from the nuclear power plant. He was battered but in one piece, and wore a well deserved smile.

"You're okay!!" Bulkhead cheered, running towards him. Bumblebee ran over too, beeping excitedly.

"No! Please!" Prowl cried as Bulkhead crushed him in a hug.

"How-how are you here?" Arcee asked, optics still wide.

Bulkhead released Prowl who groaned. "I escaped from the Decepticons' capture and managed to commandeer a groundbridge back here," Prowl explained.

"A brave feat," Optimus said. "We are glad to know you are safe. I am sorry for allowing the Decepticons to capture you."

"Don't feel at fault. I was simply doing what I had chosen to do when I was taken,"Prowl said.

Optimus nodded. "Now. I suppose you would like to go home," he said.

"The groundbridge is ready?" Prowl asked.

"It is. And I suggest you use it soon, as the Decepticons will likely be returning once they realize you have gone," Optimus said. The team saddened at this though.

"I didn't think this would be so sudden. But I guess this is it," Arcee said.

Prowl wore neither a smile nor a happy expression. He nodded, and the team silently walked to the clearing where Ratchet would send the time portal.

"Ratchet, Prowl has made it back to us. But he must return to his own time before the Decepticons have another opportunity to capture him," Optimus said through the com.

Optimus heard Ratchet sigh with relief, hearing Prowl was okay. "Well, we mustn't waste any time then," Ratchet said quickly.

The Autobots all stood waiting then a groundbridge appeared. It looked just like a normal groundbridge would except for being slightly more swirly.

"Hurry up, I can't keep it open for too long!" Ratchet said through the com.

Prowl watched the groundbridge. The moment was too sudden for him to fully grasp it, but he turned to say a final goodbye to team Prime.

Optimus shook his servo. "It is a great peace knowing that Autobots such as yourself are alive in the future," he said, his tone full of respect, and Prowl nodded.

Bulkhead gave Prowl another spine crushing hug. "Take care of yourself out there," he said.

"Will do," Prowl wheezed till Bulkhead let him go.

Bumblebee watched with sad optics. He looked like he would burst into tears at any moment. He waved slowly, and Prowl nodded in response.

Arcee stood, unsure of how to say goodbye.

Prowl took her servo and shook it. "You'll have the mountain top to yourself again," he said and smiled. Arcee let out a sad laugh and nodded.

Prowl took his servo back but felt a small device in it now.

"If you take any longer, this thing is going to explode!!!" Ratchet yelled, angrily through the com.

Prowl flinched and nodded one last time to the team then turned and walked towards the groundbridge. The sun was coming up now and cast an orange glow to the surroundings. It contrasted against the green light of the 'bridge.

Prowl's thin figure was slowly lost in the swirling portal. And then he was gone.

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