Attendings and Residents: Lov...

By caitlinneil7

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Lexie Grey was new to Seattle, she'd always wanted to be a doctor and when she was accepted to do her residen... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten

Chapter Nine

589 10 3
By caitlinneil7

Felicity woke up in Sara's arms. She yawned, rubbing her eyes. Sitting up, she looked at Sara.

"Hi." Sara said, smiling.

"Hi." Felicity said.

Sara pulled Felicity into a kiss and Felicity found herself kissing Sara back.

Shifting, Sara cups her cheek and slowly deepens the kiss.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed.

Tilting her head, the older blonde opens her mouth slightly and runs her tongue along Felicity's bottom lip.

Felicity opened her mouth slowly. She didn't understand why, but she felt comfortable with this.

A soft moan escapes Sara as she slips her tongue into Felicity's mouth.

Felicity wrapped her arms around Sara's neck.

After a few minutes, Sara's pager goes off and she pulls away to look at it.

"I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened. Oliver is going to hate me when he finds out." Felicity muttered under her breath, reaching for her own pager.

"Hey, Oliver's been cheating on you for like five years. He deserves this. You deserve to get him back." Sara said.

"I don't want to lose him." Felicity said.

Sara shifts and looks into Felicity's eyes. "You won't."

Felicity bit her lower lip.

"Just, think about it." Sara whispers, kissing her before getting up and leaving the on call room.

Felicity watched her leave. She leaned back against the wall behind the bed and sighed.


Oliver looks up from his phone when Felicity walks into their room. "Hey, how was work?"

"Hmm?" Felicity hummed. She hadn't heard what he had said.

"How was work?" Oliver repeats.

"Long." Felicity said.

Putting his phone down, Oliver stands up and moves over to her.

Felicity looked up at Oliver.

Wrapping his arms around her, Oliver leans in and kisses her.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed.

Pulling her close, Oliver deepens the kiss.

Felicity tilted her head to the side.

Shifting, Oliver reaches down and grabs her thighs before lifting her up.

Felicity giggled against Oliver's lips.

Moving over to the couch, Oliver lays her down and climbs over her.

Felicity pulled out of the kiss. "What's inspired this?"

"I can't want my wife?" Oliver asks in confusion.

"That's not what I meant." Felicity said.

The blue eyed man shifts above her. "Nothing inspired this, I just saw you and wanted you."

Felicity blushed.

Leaning down, Oliver kisses her.

Felicity wrapped her arms around his neck.

Deepening the kiss, the blue eyed man begins grinding down against her.

Felicity moaned softly, tangling her fingers through his hair.

It wasn't long before Oliver was stripping their clothes.

Felicity smiled as she watched Oliver pull his clothes off.

The blue eyed man finishes stripping their clothes before moving over to Felicity and stripping her.

Felicity helped him pull her shirt over her head.

Leaning down, Oliver instantly connects their lips.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed.

Reaching between them, Oliver grabs his erection and thrusts into her.

Felicity moaned.

It didn't take long before they had a rhythm going.

Felicity gently tugged on his hair.

Picking up speed, Oliver grips onto her hips.

Felicity moaned loudly.

It wasn't long before they both crashed over the edge, Oliver giving one final thrust as he released deep inside her.

Felicity relaxed against the couch.

Pulling out of her, Oliver leans down and kisses her forehead.

Felicity opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"I love you." Oliver whispers.

"I love you too." Felicity breathed.

The blue eyed man gets up and starts pulling his clothes on.

Felicity reached for her shirt.

Oliver reaches for his phone as it starts going off. "I gotta go."

"What? Where?" Felicity frowned.

The blue eyed man swallowed thickly. "I promised Nyssa I'd help her set up the nursery for our son."

"So you're fucking me then leaving me." Felicity said.

Oliver rubs the back of his head. "I didn't intend on having sex with you when you got home." he admits.

Felicity looked down at her hands. "Just go." She muttered.

Moving over to her, Oliver crouches down in front of her. "Hey, I'll be back. I just have to set up the nursery. That's it."

"I said, just go." Felicity said.

Sighing, Oliver gets up and leaves.

Felicity picks up her phone and takes a deep breath, deciding that maybe Sara was right. She closed her eyes briefly as her thumb hovered over the call button on Sara's number.

After a moment she pushed the call button and lifted the phone to her ear.

The phone rang for a few minutes before Sara answered. "Hey babes what's up?"

Felicity swallowed. "Hi."

"You okay?" Sara asks softly.

"Oliver... he... he had sex with me and then left." Felicity said quietly.

"I'm on my way." Sara says immediately, Felicity could already hear the front door to Sara's apartment open and close.

Felicity swallowed. "Thank you." She got up and pulled on a pair of underwear and shorts.

"Always, I'm going to hang up and call you from my car." Sara says softly.

"Okay." Felicity said.

Sara hung up the phone before Felicity was being called.

Felicity answered the call. "Hey."

"Hey, do you want me to get anything before I come over?" Sara asks softly.

"No." Felicity said. "It's okay."

"You sure?" Sara asks.

"I'm sure." Felicity said.

"Okay. I'm on my way." The older girl says softly.

"Okay." Felicity said.

Ten minutes later

"I'm going to hang up, I'm in your driveway." Sara says softly.

"Okay." Felicity said.

Sara hung up and it wasn't long before the blonde was walking into the room.

Felicity looked up at Sara. "Hi."

"Hi, um did you guys clean up where you had sex?" Sara asks softly.

"I knew there was something I had to do." Felicity said.

Chuckling, Sara moves over to her. "Why don't you shower and I'll clean up for you."

Felicity nodded. "Thank you." She moved to stand up. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sara asks in confusion.

Felicity shrugged. "I just feel like I've been a bit mean to you."

Sara shrugs and grabs the cleaning stuff from the table. "I mean you've been dealing with a lot."

"I don't mean to take it out on you. I'm used to bottling it up." Felicity said.

The older blonde moves closer to Felicity. "There are other ways for you to take it out on me."

Felicity furrowed her brows in confusion, tilting her head to the side.

"Shower first, then we'll talk more." Sara says as she moves toward the couch.

Felicity nodded and made her way into the ensuite bathroom.


Arizona sighs as she reads over a chart, her and Lexie had been in yet another argument and she was exhausted. She filled out the chart and handed it to a nurse.

"Can you make sure Susie in room eight gets the lime jello she wants when she wakes up?" She asks a different nurse.

The nurse nodded. "Yes."

Arizona turns to walk away, almost walking straight into Lexie.

Lexie stumbled out of the way.

The blonde stabilizes her before beginning to walk away.

Lexie frowned and watched her walk away. She had been coming over to apologize for their fight.

"Arizona!" Lexie turned to follow her.

Sighing, Arizona stops and turns to face her. "What is it? I have patients."

"I want to apologize." Lexie said.

Arizona closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I have patients."

"I'm sorry for accusing you of something you didn't do. I wasn't thinking." Lexie said.

Arizona sighs and looks at her. "This isn't the first time you've accused me."

"I'm sorry." Lexie said.

"Just, for once admit that you don't trust me." Arizona responds before turning to walk away.

"I do trust you!" Lexie said. "I trust you with my life. That's why I let you help me when I had my breakdown... because I trust you."

Arizona spins around and looks at her. "If you trusted me then you wouldn't always think I'm cheating when I get home late."

"I'm sorry." Lexie said.

"We're at work and I really don't want to talk about this anymore." Arizona mumbles.

Lexie just stared at Arizona. "When will we talk? You don't want to see me outside of work."

"I don't know." Arizona mumbles.

"You don't know?" Lexie asked.

Arizona looks down as her pager goes off. "I gotta go"."

Lexie nodded and watched Arizona walk away.


"You okay Little Grey?" Mark asks, walking up to her.

"Stop calling me Little Grey." Lexie said.

Mark chuckles and leans against the nurses' desk. "Nope. What's up?"

"Nothing." Lexie shook her head. She'd taken to bottling up her feelings again. She began writing on a patient's chart.

"Don't bottle it up." Mark says softly.

"I'm not bottling anything up." Lexie said.

Mark sighs. "You can talk with me."

"I'm fine." Lexie said.

"If you're sure." Mark responds with a sigh.

Lexie nodded.

"Well, I'm here for you." Mark says after a moment.

Lexie doesn't respond, her eyes on the chart. She was dealing with a patient who had a history of self harming just like she did.

Arizona walks over and nudges Mark, shaking her head and sending him away.

Lexie glanced up at Arizona and then back at the chart. She had that aching feeling in her chest again that she hadn't felt in a long time and gripped onto her pen tighter.

Arizona reaches out and gently grabs her hand. "Come with me." she says softly.

Lexie looked up properly. "I'm fine."
She said slowly.

Shaking her head, Arizona gently pulls her away. "Come on."

Lexie reluctantly followed Arizona. 

The blonde leads her into an on call room. "Let me see the case."

Lexie reluctantly let Arizona take the chart from her hands. She moved over to the bed and sat down. She began subtly scratching her right arm over her lab coat with her left hand.

Looking through the chart, Arizona sighs and looks at the brunette. "You shouldn't be on this case."

Lexie shrugged.

"Lex, you need to ask someone else to take over." Arizona says softly.

"I can't. Bailey asked me specifically to take this case. It's part of our assessment to make sure we are working as hard as we can. I can't switch." Lexie said.

Arizona shifts and cups her cheek. "I'll talk to her."

"You can't." Lexie said. "It's for my assessment."

"I don't care, you can't do this one." Arizona responds immediately.

Lexie looked up at Arizona. "Why do you care? You won't even give me five minutes to fix us."

Dropping the file, Arizona turns and pulls Lexie into a passionate kiss.

Lexie's eyes fluttered closed and the breath left her lungs from surprise.

Shifting, Arizona moves to straddle Lexie's lap.

Lexie tilted her head to the side.

Their kiss quickly grew heated and Arizona began trying to remove the younger girl's lab coat.

Lexie let her, despite the fact that she didn't want Arizona to know she had been scratching her arm and causing it to bleed a little bit.

The blonde begins to remove her own lab coat.

Lexie swallowed.

Arizona lays Lexie down on the bed, deepening the kiss.

Lexie wrapped her arms around Arizona's neck and tangled a hand through her blonde hair.

Moaning, Arizona slips her tongue into Lexie's mouth.

Lexie moaned softly.

The blonde slips her hands under Lexie's scrub top.

Lexie shivered.

Leaning up, Arizona lifts Lexie's shirt higher before leaning down and kissing along her stomach. 

Lexie moaned softly.

The blonde pushes Lexie's bra up and attaches her lips to her nipple.

Lexie's grip on Arizona's hair tightened.

Arizona runs her tongue along the already hardening bud.

Lexie shifted beneath Arizona.

Pretty soon they were both completely naked and struggling to catch their breath after an intense orgasm.

Arizona let herself fall against Lexie gently. She took Lexie's hands and tangled their fingers together.

The brunette was trying to catch her breath as she gripped onto Arizona's hands gently.

Arizona smiled softly, leaning their foreheads together. "I'm sorry for being so stubborn."

Lexie kisses Arizona's cheek.

Shifting, Arizona buries her face in Lexie's neck and places a gentle kiss.

Lexie closed her eyes.

After a few minutes, Arizona forces herself to pull away. "I need to speak with Bailey."

"Don't. Just leave it. I can handle it." Lexie said.

"You sure?" Arizona asks softly.

Lexie nodded.

Nodding her head, Arizona lays back down beside Lexie and runs her fingers along bare skin.

Lexie shivered.

"My next surgery isn't until seven." The blonde says softly.

"I don't have surgery. Just rounds." Lexie shrugged.

Nodding her head, Arizona pulls her close.

Lexie leaned into Arizona's touch.

Smiling softly, Arizona kisses her gently.

Lexie closed her eyes, she yawned.

"Sleep." Arizona says softly.

Lexie began drifting off to sleep.

Smiling softly, Arizona curls around her and began falling asleep too.


Sara frowns as she sits down in the cafeteria, she had been on her phone almost all day talking with her sister.

When Sara did look up from her phone. She saw Felicity across the room collecting her lunch. Sara wanted to see her but at the same time she couldn't be around her. Not with the news her and Laurel had just gotten about their father.

Felicity didn't seem to notice her. She collected her food and sat in the far corner of the room. 

Closing her eyes, Sara takes a deep breath. She covered her face with her hands. The blonde didn't know how to deal with her emotions. She was trying so hard not to cry. She took another deep breath.

After a moment she gets up and rushes out of the cafeteria, bumping into Callie and Arizona on her way out "I'm sorry." She barely gets out before rushing off.

"What was that all about?" Arizona said, watching Sara run off.

Callie shrugs. "No idea."

"Maybe Felicity knows." Arizona said.

"She's over there." Callie says, nodding toward the other blonde.

Arizona nodded.

The two of them made their way over to Felicity who was eating in silence.

"Hey." Arizona said as she sat down. "Do you know what's up with Sara?"

Felicity looked up. "No."

"She just rushed out of here looking like she was going to cry." Callie says, sitting down.

"I haven't seen her all day." Felicity said.

Callie frowns. "Well she ran right into us on her way out and was shaking."

"Are you accusing me of doing something to her? I haven't done anything. She's had solo surgeries all day. I haven't seen her." Felicity said, frowning.

Callie shakes her head. "No, we just thought you would know."

"Well I don't." Felicity said.


Felicity was frustrated, suddenly she was doing all of Sara's surgeries and the blonde was nowhere to be found. She turned on the sink in the scrub room and sighed before moving to wash her hands.

"So, I heard her dad died and that's why she disappeared." One of the interns mumbles to another.

Felicity looked up at the interns. "What?"

The brunette that had spoken frowns. "I overheard her and Doctor Bailey talking."

Felicity dried her hands and left the scrub room.

The intern frowns and watches Felicity leave. "Was it something I said?"

The other intern shrugged. "Guess we aren't operating today."


Sara was curled up on her couch, staring blankly at her sister who was trying to comfort her.

Laurel rested her hand on Sara's back and rubbed softly.

A knock on the door causes her to stand up and move toward it, glancing back at Sara.

Sara sniffed and closed her eyes.

Opening the door, Laurel smiles weakly at Felicity before stepping outside on the porch with her. "She blames herself."

"It's not her fault." Felicity said. "If she'd told me, I wouldn't have given her all those surgeries. I would have given her time off."

"He died this morning." Laurel breathes out, running a hand through her hair. "You know how she is, she'll hold it in until she can't."

Felicity sighed. "And how are you coping?"

Laurel closes her eyes. "I'm trying to be strong for her."

"You can't be strong all the time." Felicity said.

"I have to for now." Laurel responds.

Felicity pulled Laurel into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

Laurel sinks into her arms and lets her tears fall. "Tommy is trying to get back as soon as he can."

Felicity rubbed Laurel's back gently.

After a few minutes, Laurel pulls back. "We should get back in to Sara."

Felicity nodded and followed Laurel into the living room.

Sara was now staring at the TV which was off.

"Sara." Laurel said. "Felicity is here."

Sara glances toward them before going back to staring at the TV.

Felicity sat down beside Sara. "Hi."

The older blonde just stares at her.

"I'm sorry about your dad." Felicity said.

Tears instantly fill Sara's eyes and her lower lip begins to tremble.

Felicity pulled Sara into a hug.

Burying her face in Felicity's neck, Sara breaks down in sobs.

Felicity held Sara close and rubbed her back softly.

After a while of crying, Sara fell asleep in between Felicity and Laurel.

"You should rest. I'll watch her." Felicity said, looking at Laurel.

"You sure?" Laurel asks softly.

Felicity nodded.

"Thank you." Laurel says softly, standing up and making her way toward the guest room.

Felicity kissed the side of Sara's head.

The blonde shifts in her arms and curls into her even more.

Felicity smiled softly.

The older girl shifts and groans softly.

Felicity closed her eyes and breathed slowly, tired from work.

Two hours later

Felicity must've fallen asleep because when she woke up her phone was going off. Groaning softly, she sat up and reached for her phone.

Oliver's picture flashed across the screen.

Felicity answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, where are you?" Oliver asks.

"I'm with Sara and Laurel. Their dad died." Felicity said.

"Do you need me to come over?" Oliver asks.

"Who's got the kids?" Felicity asked.

Oliver sighs. "Thea and Roy wanted to see them yet again."

"Okay." Felicity said. "You can come over if you'd like. They are both sleeping just now."

"I'll be there soon." Oliver responds before hanging up.

Felicity put her phone down and sighed.


"Hey." Oliver says softly, sitting down beside Felicity.

Felicity looked up. "Hey."

"I'm surprised they're both still asleep." He says, leaning over to kiss her cheek.

Felicity shrugged. "They are tired."

Shifting, Oliver wraps an arm around her. "Should I get ahold of Tommy?" he asks, referring to his best friend and Laurel's husband.

"Laurel said he was on his way." Felicity said. 

Just as she said that, the front door opens and Tommy walks in. He kicked off his shoes and entered the living room.

"Where's Laurel?" Tommy asks instantly.

"Guest room." Felicity said.

Nodding his head, Tommy makes his way toward the room.

"You look exhausted." Oliver said to Felicity.

"I took on the majority of her surgeries today." The blonde responds softly.

"Wasn't there someone else who could take some of them?" Oliver asked

Felicity shook her head.

"What about Derek or Amelia?" Oliver asks in confusion.

"They were both off sick." Felicity said. "Plus, Sara is my fellow. She's my responsibility."

Oliver sighs. "I just don't want you overworking yourself."

"I'm fine." Felicity said.

Sara suddenly shifts on the couch, curling further into Felicity's side.

Felicity turned to look at Sara.

The older blonde was still asleep.

"Hungry?" Oliver asked.

Felicity shook her head.

"You sure?" Oliver asks softly.

"Oli, I'm fine." Felicity said.

Sighing, Oliver nods his head. "Okay."

Felicity leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're cute when you're worried."

A soft groan escapes Sara as she begins to wake up.

Felicity turned to look at her.

Sara shifts beside her and releases another groan.

"Sara?" Felicity said softly.

Suddenly the older girl sits up and rushes toward the bathroom, losing what little contents she had in her stomach.

Felicity frowned and got up to follow her.

When she reached the bathroom, Sara released a soft sob.

"Sara?" Felicity bent down beside Sara.

"He's gone." Sara finally sobs out.

Felicity pulled Sara into her arms. "I'm sorry."

The older blonde instantly breaks down in sobs.

Felicity just held her close.

After a few minutes, Sara finally calms down but she could hear Laurel's sobs and Tommy comforting her.

"Let's get you to your bed." Felicity said softly.

Sara slowly stands up with help before brushing her teeth and letting Felicity lead her away.

Felicity led Sara into Sara's room.

The older blonde was leaning against her the whole way.

"Put some comfortable clothes on and lie down." Felicity said softly. She turned around so Sara could change.

Slowly, Sara does what Felicity says before laying down and closing her eyes.

Felicity moved over to the bed and kissed Sara's head before moving to leave.

"Don't go?" Sara begs weakly.

Felicity stopped in the doorway. She turned to look at Sara. 

"Please?" Sara breathes out.

Felicity hesitated, Oliver was here.

The older blonde's eyes were already filling with tears again. "Please."

Felicity made her way over to the bed and sat down.

Shifting, Sara instantly curls into her side.

Felicity wasn't entirely sure what to do.

"I know you don't like me." Sara whispers.

Felicity frowned. "That's not true."

Sara shifts on the bed and closes her eyes.

"I do like you." Felicity whispered.

The older blonde sighs softly. "I love you."

"You... you love me?" Felicity whispered.

Nodding her head, Sara sniffles as tears continue to roll down her cheeks.

Felicity wasn't exactly sure how to react to Sara's statement. Oliver was just outside.

"I know you don't feel the same way." Sara whispers brokenly.

Felicity shook her head. "I do."

Shifting again, Sara looks up at her. "What?"

"I feel the same way." Felicity said.

Sara sits up slightly and searches Felicity's eyes. "You're just saying that."

Felicity shook her head. "No. I don't lie."

Swallowing thickly, Sara takes a deep breath. "You love me?"

Felicity nodded.

Sara bites her bottom lip and looks up at the door.

Felicity turned her head to look at the door. She swallowed and paled when she saw Oliver in the doorway.

"You love her?" Oliver asks weakly.

"Oli," Felicity said. "It's true." She closed her eyes, dropping her head and waiting for Oliver to yell at her.

Swallowing thickly, Oliver looks at them. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Felicity opened her eyes and glanced at him through her hair. "It's only just happened."

Nodding his head, Oliver sighs. "I have to go check on Nyssa, she's due any day now."

"Are you mad?" Felicity asked, swallowing. She was afraid of the answer, she didn't want to lose Oliver.

"No, I'm not mad." Oliver says softly.

Felicity lifted her head. "You're not?"

"Of course not." Oliver responds softly, moving over to her and kissing her gently.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed.

"I'm going to go see Nyssa." He tells her before leaving the room.

Felicity relaxed and flopped back on the bed with a sigh. She looked at Sara and smiled.

The older blonde smiled back weakly, still dealing with the loss of her father.

Felicity leaned up and gently kissed Sara's cheek. "Sleep."

Shifting, Sara moves closer to Felicity and closes her eyes.

Felicity wrapped her arms around Sara and kissed her head.

Slowly, Sara relaxes and begins to fall asleep.

Felicity began drifting off to sleep too.


Nyssa groans softly, shifting on the couch as pain courses through her stomach.

"Nyssa?" Oliver called as he entered the house.

"Oliver," the brunette breathes out.

"Where are you?" Oliver asked.

"Living room." Nyssa responds, groaning softly in pain.

Oliver made his way into the living room. "Hey." He kissed her forehead.

The brunette closes her eyes. "Oliver."

"Are you okay?" Oliver asked.

Shaking her head, the brunette swallows thickly. "The baby is coming."

"What?! We need to get you to a hospital." Oliver said.

Nyssa swallows thickly. "I don't think I'll make it."

"I'll call a doctor then." Oliver said, pulling his phone from his pocket.

Nodding her head, the brunette closes her eyes.

Oliver dialed the doctors number.

Nyssa leaned forward as pain courses through her stomach.

Oliver reaches over to rub her back.

"It hurts." Nyssa breathes out.

"I know." Oliver said.

"Hello?" Someone finally answered Oliver's call.

Oliver shifts and continues to gently rub Nyssa's back. "Addison, can you or Arizona come to Nyssa's? She's in labor and doesn't think she'll make it to the hospital."

"I'll come." Addison said.

"Thank you, I'm going to move her to the guest room and help her get comfortable." Oliver says softly.

Nyssa groans in pain, her head falling onto Oliver's shoulder.

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." Addison said.

"Thank you." Oliver says instantly.

"I'll hang up and let you move her." Addison said before ending the call.

Nyssa closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Oliver, it hurts."

"I know. Addison will be here soon with medicine." Oliver said, lifting Nyssa off the couch.

The brunette instantly curls up in his arms.

Oliver carried her into the guest bedroom.

Tears were filling Nyssa's eyes as Oliver helped her remove her sweatpants.

"Addison will be here soon. You just have to hold on." Oliver said.


Addison frowns when she walks into the house and hears a baby crying. "Oliver." Addison called.

"In here." Oliver calls from the guest room.

Addison followed his voice.

The blue eyed man turns to look at her, holding a new born baby wrapped in a towel. "She passed out." He breathes out worriedly.

Addison moved over quickly to check Nyssa over. "Call an ambulance."

"I did." Oliver responds, rocking the crying baby.

"Good." Addison said.

Oliver swallows thickly. "She tried to wait for you, but she couldn't."

"She'll be okay, I'll make sure of it." Addison said.

Nodding his head, Oliver looks down at his newborn son. "I cleaned him up as best as I could."

Addison nodded. She listened to Nyssa's heart. 

It was faint, but it was there.

Addison moved to check the baby over.

The baby was squirming in Oliver's arms, softly crying.

"Can I see him?" Addison asked.

Nodding his head, Oliver gently passes her the baby.

Addison checked the baby over as the sounds of sirens filled the air.

The little boy was crying so hard that occasionally he would gasp for air.

"What did I do wrong?" Oliver breathes out, panic filling him.

"Nothing." Addison said. "You did everything right."

The blue eyed man looks between Nyssa's unconscious body and their crying new born.

"Go let the paramedics in." Addison said.

Nodding his head, Oliver makes his way toward the front door. He let the paramedics in and led them to where Nyssa was.

Addison had just finished checking the baby over and cleaning him a bit better. "She's got a pulse but it's weak." she tells the paramedics.

The paramedics nodded before moving to set up the gurney.


Oliver was pacing in the waiting room when Felicity showed up.

"Oli?" Felicity asked. "Are you okay?"

"I don't, I don't know what happened." Oliver breathes out, looking up at her. Tears were filling his eyes but he wouldn't let them fall.

"Oli, slow down. Start from the beginning." Felicity said.

Closing his eyes, Oliver tries to get his thoughts in order. "I went to her place and she was in pain, she was convinced the baby was coming and that she wouldn't make it to the hospital. So I called to see if Addison or Arizona could come and help with the delivery." Oliver slowly sits down as he becomes overwhelmed with his emotions. "She was, she was fine but then suddenly she really needed to push and so she did. She pushed until I was holding our son but when I finished cleaning him and turned to show her, she was unconscious." Forcing himself to look up, Oliver searches Felicity's eyes. "She was fine." he barely gets out.

"Addison is the best doctor in the country. She'll make sure Nyssa gets better." Felicity said.

Arizona walks into the waiting room carrying Oliver's son. "He's healthy, and very easily amused."

Oliver moved to take his son. "How is Nyssa?"

"Addison is running some tests but right now she's stable." Arizona responds softly.

The baby boy was falling asleep as he sucked on the pacifier Arizona had given him after cleaning him up more and running some tests.

Oliver looked down at his son.

"He's adorable." Felicity says softly, looking at the sleeping baby.

Oliver glanced at Felicity. "He is."

"He looks like you." Felicity said.

Looking back down at the sleeping baby, Oliver nods. "He's got her hair color though."

Felicity nodded. "Yeah."

"What if she doesn't make it?" Oliver asks softly.

"She will." Felicity said.

Sighing, Oliver turns his attention to his sleeping son.

"I'm going to see if there is any changes." Arizona said.

Felicity nods her head, watching Oliver with the sleeping baby. It reminded her of when Valerie was born.

Oliver's attention was mainly on his son.

"Doctor Smoak to the ER. Doctor Smoak to the ER!" A nurse said through the tannoy system.

"I have to go." Felicity says softly, kissing the top of Oliver's head.

"Go save someone's life." Oliver said.

A few hours later

Oliver stares at Nyssa's sleeping form, praying she'll wake up. Nyssa looked peaceful in her sleep. It broke his heart knowing that she was unconscious.

Felicity appeared in the doorway and watched him silently.

Reaching forward, Oliver runs his hand through Nyssa's hair. "Please wake up. I need you, our kids need you."

Nyssa remained asleep.

Slowly making her way into the room, Felicity places her hand on his shoulder. "She'll wake up, give her time."

Oliver flinched at Felicity's touch before turning to look at her. "You really believe that?" he asked.

"I do." The blonde says softly.

Oliver sighed and leaned against her.

Running her fingers through his hair, Felicity wraps her free arm across his chest. She kissed the top of his head.

Closing his eyes, Oliver takes a deep breath.

"You should go home and rest." Felicity suggested. "I'll stay here."

"I can't leave her." Oliver responds instantly.

"Oli, you need sleep. I'll stay here. I'm a doctor. Remember? I'll call if anything changes." Felicity said

Sighing, Oliver nods his head. "Okay." He moves to get up off the chair.

Felicity kisses him gently before taking his place.

Oliver took one last look at Nyssa before leaving the room. 

"You gotta wake up for him Nyssa." Felicity whispers softly. "He needs you."

Nyssa only breathed in response.

Sighing, Felicity leans back in the chair. She closed her eyes briefly before running her fingers through her hair.

Seeing Oliver so broken up about Nyssa was hard for her. Not because she was jealous, but because it took a lot to hurt him.

"Nyssa, I know we don't get along very well, but I need you to fight to wake up. Oliver needs you." Felicity said.

The brunette's hand twitches on the bed.

"Nyssa? Can you hear me?" Felicity said. She got up and took Nyssa's hand. "Squeeze my hand if you can hear me."

It was faint, but she felt Nyssa squeeze her hand.

Felicity smiled. "Good." She breathed. "I'm going to get Addison." She got up and moved to leave the room to find Addison.

Addison wasn't too far away, having a conversation with Meredith.

"Addison!" Felicity said, running over to Addison and Meredith. She slipped as she stopped in front of them. "Nyssa squeezed my hand."

"Are you sure?" Addison asks softly.

Felicity nodded. "She did. She squeezed my hand."

"Okay, I'll come check." Addison says softly.

Felicity nodded and turned. She began making her way towards Nyssa's room.

When she walked in, Nyssa was shifting on the bed and slowly opening her eyes.

"Nyssa?" Felicity rushed over.

Groaning softly, Nyssa forces her eyes open. "What?"

"Thank god you're okay." Felicity said.

Nyssa groans again and shifts on the bed. "What happened?"

Addison came into the room and began checking Nyssa over.

Nyssa lifts a hand to her head. "What happened?" she repeats.

"You had your baby." Addison said.

Felicity left to call Oliver.

The brunette yawns tiredly.

"How are you feeling?" Addison asked.

"Tired." Nyssa responds. "Can I see him?"

Addison nodded, she moved to pick up Nyssa's son. 

The brunette sits up and smiles warmly. "He's tiny."

Addison nodded. "But he'll grow."

Nyssa gently takes her son and looks down at him. "He looks like Oliver."

Addison nodded.

Closing her eyes tiredly, Nyssa takes a deep breath. "Where is he?"

"Oliver is on his way." Felicity said from the doorway.

Nyssa nods her head and shifts the baby.

Felicity leaned against the doorway and watched Nyssa.

Nyssa was being gentle with the baby.

"Maybe we should give Nyssa some space." Addison suggested, turning to look at Felicity.

Felicity shook her head. She had told Oliver she would stay with Nyssa until he got there.

Nyssa slowly looks up. "Would you like to see him?" she asks Felicity softly.

Felicity bit her lower lip and hesitated. She nodded slowly before entering the room.

Sitting up a bit more, Nyssa moves over slightly so Felicity can sit with her.

Felicity sat on the edge of the bed.

The baby shifts slightly and releases a soft whine.

"He looks like Oliver." Felicity said.

Nyssa instantly nods her head.

Felicity reached out and delicately touched his cheek.

The baby instantly turns his head toward her hand and opens his mouth. 

A small smile crossed Felicity's face as she remembered what Valerie was like when she was just born.

Whining softly, the baby begins sucking on Felicity's finger.

"He's hungry." Felicity said.

Nodding her head, Nyssa sits up more and pulls her gown down, bringing the baby to her nipple.

The baby instantly latches on and begins to roughly suck.

Felicity looked away.

Closing her eyes, Nyssa takes a deep breath.

It wasn't long before Oliver arrived.

The baby was still nursing when Oliver walks in.

"Hey, I'm so glad you're okay." Oliver said, moving over to kiss her head.

Shifting slightly, Nyssa reaches up and cups his cheek, pulling him down into a kiss.

Oliver cupped her cheek and let his eyes flutter closed.

Nyssa slowly deepens the kiss.

Felicity got up and left the room.

After a few minutes, Nyssa pulled away and looked down at their son. "I want to name him Jaxson Robert Queen after your father."

Oliver smiled. "I love it."

Nyssa instantly smiles back, she knew how much Robert meant to Oliver and how hard it was on him when Robert passed.

Oliver kissed Nyssa's forehead.

"I love you." The brunette says softly.

"I love you too." Oliver said.

Jaxson began to softly cry, kicking his feet slightly when Nyssa's nipple slips out of his mouth.

Nyssa moved to help him latch on again.

The baby instantly latches on and relaxes in her arms as he nurses.

"He's beautiful." Oliver said softly.

Nodding her head, Nyssa looks up at him. "He's your clone, just with my hair."

Oliver laughed. "Yeah."


Two weeks later

Oliver kisses Felicity gently. "We need to get a bigger house." he jokes.

Felicity frowned. "Why?"

"Well, I was thinking about asking Nyssa to move in with us." Oliver says softly.

"Why?" Felicity asked.

"We have two kids together, and I don't want her to be alone all the time." Oliver responds.

Felicity wasn't sure about letting Nyssa move in with them. 

"I just feel like it'll be better for her." Oliver asks softly.

"But what about us?" Felicity asked.

Oliver frowns slightly. "I would go back and forth between rooms."

"William won't like it." Felicity said.

"William won't or you won't?" Oliver asks, wrapping his arms around her.

"I wouldn't be comfortable having her here." Felicity said.

Sighing, Oliver closes his eyes. "You wouldn't be comfortable? She just had a baby and she's doing it alone."

"She did it alone before." Felicity said.

"It's not fair on her." Oliver responds.

Felicity shook her head. "Do what you want." She got up and left the room to check on Valerie who was having a nap.

Sighing, Oliver runs a hand through his hair. He didn't want Nyssa to be alone and he didn't understand why Felicity got so upset about the idea of her moving in. Especially since she was now seeing Sara a lot more. He could hear Felicity sniffling softly in the nursery.

Making his way toward the nursery, Oliver walks up to her and gently pulls her into his arms.

Felicity turned her head to look at him.

"Why are you so against her moving in?" Oliver asks softly.

"Because you'll spend more time with her than us." Felicity said.

Oliver frowns. "No I won't."

"You will." Felicity said.

"Felicity, I love you." Oliver says calmly.

"But you love her more. I can see it." Felicity said.

Oliver's frown deepens. "You love Sara."

"Not as much as I love you." Felicity said.

"And I love you and Nyssa equally. Why can't you see that?" Oliver asks in confusion.

Felicity pulled away but didn't look at him.

"Felicity, I'm not going to spend all my time with just her." Oliver says calmly.

Felicity turned and looked up at Oliver. She had tear stains on her cheeks and sniffed. Recently, Felicity had been a lot more emotional than usual.

Stepping forward, Oliver cups her cheek. "What's really going on?"

Felicity sniffed. "I'm pregnant." She said quietly.

"What?" Oliver asks, a smile growing on his lips.

"I'm pregnant." Felicity repeated.

The blue eyed man instantly pulls her into a passionate kiss.

Felicity's eyes fluttered closed.

Cupping her cheek, Oliver slowly deepens the kiss.

Felicity tilted her head to the side.

After a few minutes, Oliver pulls away.

Felicity rested her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you." Oliver says softly.

"I love you too." Felicity mumbled.

Pulling away, Oliver lifts her head. "I love you." he says more firmly. 

Felicity didn't respond.

Oliver frowns and searches her eyes. "Felicity."

Felicity looked up at him.

"I love you." He repeats, letting all of his emotions show in his eyes.

Instead of responding, Felicity took Oliver's hand and placed it on her stomach.

The blue eyed man instantly looks down at his hand, a grin growing on his lips.

Felicity looked down at their hands.

"Do you know how far along?" Oliver asks softly.

"About one month." Felicity shrugged.

Nodding his head, Oliver pulls his hand away before pulling her into his arms.

Felicity curled into him.

Rubbing her back, Oliver kisses her forehead. "Why don't you go lay down?"

Felicity shook her head. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" He asks softly.

Felicity nodded. "I'm sure."

"Okay." Oliver says, kissing her forehead again.

"Mommy," Valerie suddenly says, popping up in her crib.

Felicity pulled away from Oliver and moved to lift her daughter up. "Did you have a nice nap?"

Nodding her head, Valerie instantly pops her thumb into her mouth.

"Hungry?" Felicity asked.

Shaking her head, the little girl just lays her head on Felicity's shoulder.

Felicity kissed Valerie's head.

Oliver steps forward and gently kisses Felicity before kissing the top of Valerie's head.

"Daddy." Valerie said.

"Hi princess." Oliver says, running his fingers through her hair.

Valerie reached out and touched Oliver's cheek with her hand. She giggled.

Smiling, Oliver kisses Valerie's forehead. "Why don't we go to the park?"

Valerie's eyes lit up as she smiled. "Park!"

Oliver and Felicity smiled at their daughter.

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