Bad lust - JENLISA

By My_Mysterious_Author

3.4M 88.1K 48.4K

As a senior literature student, Jennie Kim was the girl everyone should know. She is sexy, beautiful, charism... More

Chapter 1 : The Hotty Gang
Chapter 2 : Your new professor
Chapter 3 : My favorite thing
Chapter 4 : The first favor
Chapter 5 : Hating the rules
Chapter 6 : Patience is a vertue
Chapter 7 : Back to the start
Chapter 8 : Only the aperitif
Chapter 9 : I've got you [M]
Chapter 10 : I did it
Chapter 11 : You thought
Chapter 12 : I'm a Kim
Chapter 13 : Teach the lesson
Chapter 14 : I won't stop
Chapter 15 : A day in hell
Chapter 16 : An unexpected arrival
Chapter 17 : The Christmas holiday
Chapter 18 : Only the first day
Chapter 19 : An adventurous princess
Chapter 20 : The adventure goes on
Chapter 21 : Adventurous in bed [M]
Chapter 22 : Back to reality
Chapter 23 : I thought that
Chapter 24 : The new assistant
Chapter 25 : The real enemy
Chapter 26 : The sweetest professor
Chapter 27 : My kinda morning [M]
Chapter 28 : Your real face
Chapter 29 : Past is back
Chapter 30 : Jealousy is bad
Chapter 31 : Our dearest parents
Chapter 32 : I remind you
Chapter 33 : The peaceful land
Chapter 34 : Listen to me
Chapter 35 : No talk tonight [M]
Chapter 37 : Her name's rebellious
Chapter 38 : Find the werewolf
Chapter 39 : She is dangerous
Chapter 40 : Deal for good
Chapter 41 : The final round
Chapter 42 : Congratulations my love [M]

Chapter 36 : Believe in us

71.5K 1.7K 1.4K
By My_Mysterious_Author


I love you so much.

These few words kept playing in my head causing me instant insomnia as I contemplated the ceiling of my room while this tempting creature was sleeping peacefully on my chest. She had decided to drop the bomb and run away, leaving me alone with my mixed-up feelings.

Her breathing and light snores filled the room. My fingers were busy drawing invisible circles on her bare back and then following her spine. Her curls of silky black hair hid part of her pretty face. Her body shuddered every time I massaged the back of her neck. Her body and soul were in perfect harmony, I wouldn't change this moment for anything in the world. 

Outside, the neighborhood was still as quiet as it was a few hours ago, as if someone had stopped time. Still dark with the few streetlights that lit up the alley, there wasn't even a single car passing by. Not a single soul wandering these streets.

Just us in this bed. 

I reached for my watch on the bedside table and managed not to wake Jennie. It said 5:30 in the morning and our train to Tokyo was at 11:00. In a few hours, the students and my friends will wake up. Rosé and Jisoo will probably come over to my house for their coffee and I couldn't let them see that Jennie had spent the night. I just wanted to avoid their questioning if possible. 

I looked at her again, still in a deep sleep that it hurt my heart to have to wake her up. I stroked her back slowly and called out to her where she left growls that were supposed to be scary but it was just the opposite.

"Kim, wake up. You should go back to your place before the others wake up,"

"Mmmh... 10 minutes more," she clung to me as if her life depended on it. She moved her leg into my crotch, putting it dangerously close to my private part. I should have put my shorts back on, it would have prevented a morning erection.

"Wake up, you'll have plenty of time to sleep on the plane. But it's almost 6:00 a.m. and they'll be up soon to pack," 

She raised her head with her eyes half closed. This girl undoubtedly had a secret for staying so radiant when she woke up. Despite the slight trace of drool on the corner of her mouth, she remained beautiful. 

After some time rubbing her eyes with her tiny, baby-size fists, she realized where she was and surely what happened last night. 

"Oh... I-I should g-go," she almost tripped with her head facing the floor, getting out of bed a bit panicked, "Uch," she held her head in her hands, wincing the pain that was being felt. The alcohol had taken its toll.

"Wait here, I'm gonna take a painkiller and a glass of water. Don't move," I made her sit on the bed giving her one of my t-shirt. As for me, I quickly put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and took the emergency kit from above the wardrobe. Then I grabbed one of the glasses from the table and the bottle of water from the mini fridge in the bedroom, "Here. You'll feel better in a few minutes," she let a small 'thank you' and drank it. 

"So... did I do anything stupid last night?" 

"Don't pretend like you don't remember it," 

"Oops?" she let a guilty smile but she quickly lowered her head and looked at her empty glass.

"Did I make you upset last night? Because I don't remember doing you anything to deserve to be treat as a jerk or an asshole," I crossed my arms and looked at her intently. She winced at each insult that she was scared to look at me. 

"I'm sorry. I acted like an immature kid, you didn't do anything wrong,"

"You're lying, Kim. Tell me what happened," I sat next to her and took the glass to put in on the table. Then I placed my hand on hers to reassure her that everything was fine. 

"It's just that... I mean I was... I was mad? No, more like furious but I know I have no right but I can't control it and I-I let that feeling taking over me so-"

"Hey, calm down," I lifted her bare legs to place them on my lap and stroked them to warm her up, "Now, you're going to explain slowly trying to be clear and if you can't form sentences, give key words to illustrate how you feel," she giggled nervously at what I just said.

"Even when you're trying to comfort someone, you have your teacher's side," 

"Sorry," I let a tiny smile. It's true that I wasn't very good at reassurance and when I tried, I couldn't help but sound like a professor.

None of us spoke for a while. Jennie seemed to be looking for the right words and I didn't rush her because I didn't want her to panic. 

"I was jealous," I was really confused this time because I didn't expect her to tell me that. She definitely wanted to surprise me last night and this morning with her confessions. 

"Of what?" 

She raised her head to look me in the eyes that gave me the creeps because she had changed her mood and looked like she wanted to kill someone. It was my turn to panic because I felt I wasn't going to make it out alive if I answered one of her questions wrong.

"Why that bitch was at your place? Why did she look like she just got out of a fuck? Why do you have to let her stay with you alone? Why do I always have to be the bad guy and not her?" she punched me in the chest. For a girl with small fists, she knew very well where to hit and how hard to hit.

"Wait wait wait. When you said that bitch, you mean Suzy?" 

"Of course, Who else would it be?" she took her legs off my lap and turned her back to me with her arms crossed. I got up to stand in front of her, forcing her to talk to me.

"Okay. First I didn't invite her but she invited herself at my place. She proposed for a drink between friends so I didn't refuse. Second, we didn't do anything else beside talking. Later, she got a little bit drunk and tried to kiss me BUT I pushed her away and told her that she should go back to her place. Thirdly, you're always the bad guy because you like being a brat but that doesn't mean I love you less. And don't tell me that's why last night I found you grinding against your ex,"

"You love me?" 


She didn't blink an eye. She looked at me dumbfoundly and repeated the same thing as I had just made her realize she was with her ex last night. 

"You love me?" 

I trapped her on the bed between my arms, placing my hands on both sides. She gave a slight squeal with my abrupt movement, catching her off guard. My gaze pierced her soul and made her understand that I wasn't going to let go of this case with her and her ex-boyfriend because, yes, I was jealous too. I know because I remember how much I have to control myself even when my blood was boiling. 

"Yes, I love you. You've been driving me crazy since I landed in your fucking class, always being there dealing with your little games and then fucking me over," making sure my breath lingers on her lips. She gulped seeing our closeness. 

"You really love me?" she was still in shocked. 

"Yes Kim. How many times do I have to repeat? But I can't promise you that from today everything will be that easy. I'm just asking you to trust me and listen to me, okay?"

"Okay," I pecked her on the lips causing her to make a faint noise, "Now get up. Your friends will freak out if they see you're missing,"


I didn't pass out.

Even if I had fainted, it wouldn't have been because of the alcohol but because of Lisa's confession this morning. As I left her place, I took several minutes to come to my senses at her door, placing my hand on my pounding heart. The cool morning air of Kyoto helped to refresh my mind and relax the muscles of my body. 

A few locals were riding their bikes through our alley. They got up early while the students all looked like they were still asleep. My friends were certainly not an exception, which turned out to be the case as when I stepped into our house, I stepped on a can of Coke making a monstrous noise except that no one had woken up. I found them lying on the living room floor except Daewhi who was half naked on the table. It was a real bloodbath of booze, I can't even imagine Lisa's face when she came back home last night.

I winced as I remembered the moment when I tackled Jinyoung to the wall being slightly molested by me and also the courage I found to swear at Lisa of all names. Alcohol won't be in the plans any time soon.

I tiptoed around all the bombs lying on the ground before successfully reaching my room. I closed the door behind me before falling into bed, smiling from ear to ear.

"Stop smiling like this because it's very scary," Yeeun nudged me while we were lining up to pass the checkpoint. I couldn't help smiling from this very morning even when they asked me what happened last night. Soojin had a vague memory of opening the door to Lisa, which I had to confirm, but quickly reassured her that she didn't have to worry about it.

Because Lisa is a cool prof. 

And soon my girlfriend. 

To be honest, I was quite afraid of her reaction this morning, but as soon as she looked at me, all my worries disappeared. When we were waiting for the train to Tokyo, Lisa discreetly told me that we would talk about it as soon as we got back to Seoul. But this whole confession wasn't the only reason for my good mood, as I had the pleasure of discovering that Ms. Bae had left early supposedly with an important seminar. 

What a pity for her. 

"Why? I can smile if I want, do you have a problem with that?" I shrugged before the policeman nodded at me to step ahead and stand on the drawing on the ground.

"Something happened last time, right?" meeting me near a perfume store after she passed the checkpoint. The others had already left to go shopping as Sana needed to buy some products from her country, she had managed to convince Soojin and Daewhi to take some as well.

"Jennie!" Yeeun and I looked back at the same time to find Jinyoung with his huge pouch containing his camera.

"Hey," I tried to not sound awkward wishing he doesn't remember what happened last night but it was nearly impossible since he was the only one to be sober. 

"Can we talk for a moment?" I understood that he wanted to talk to me, alone. Good thing Yeeun didn't tease him because he would've turned red.

"I'm heading out to check out the perfume, as soon as you're done meeting me there," she tapped my shoulder before leaving me with Jinyoung. 

"Look, I'm sorry for yesterday. It was a very bad idea and I don't want you to-"

"Jennie, it's okay. Honestly, I thought for a moment I had a chance with you, but I saw something yesterday when I followed you and Ms. Manoban because she looked furious so I was a bit worried for you,"

Shit, he saw it. 

"So are you two by any chance a thing?" 

"Promise me you won't say anything," 

"I promise you but you have to explain to me," 

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