The Devils' Obsession

By YOLOwriting101

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Lucien Avery never expected to be whisked into the air by an indescribably handsome, but cocky man. He never... More

two | eloquence
three | forbearance
four | scintilla
five | imbroglio
six | metanoia
seven | eros
𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭
nine | paroxysm
ten | Asmodeus
𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 | 𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞
twelve | 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲
thirteen | occhiolism
fourteen | dysphoria
𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
sixteen | kalon
seventeen | nemesis
eighteen | amaranthine
𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭
twenty | 𝐞𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬
twenty one | solivagant
twenty two | mizpah
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 | impregnate
twenty four | mimp
twenty five | denouement
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱 | 𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐫𝐞
twenty seven | demure
twenty eight | 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 | birth
thirty | Mor

one | Erebus

12.2K 291 265
By YOLOwriting101

|Lucien Avery🔝

I inhaled some of the smoke from the cigarette, instantly coughing as I pulled it away from my lips. Staring at the cigarette, caution came to my mind as I glanced around me to see if anyone saw my failure to deal with cigarettes.

Still alone, I chuckled at myself for thinking I could handle cigarettes. Since I'm a nurse I know the dangers of them, curiosity still got to me though. I wondered if this one puff of cigarette smoke would cause any damage.

I believe so, hopefully since I don't plan on going back to these things, I'll be fine. There are much more dangerous things in the world than cigarettes. It's too bad that these have become one of the top things that kill humans.

Here I was trying to try one out.

I was about to throw the cigarette on the ground before I suddenly heard an eerie shriek. Becoming frightened by such a thing, I decide to keep the cigarette so that I could at least come off as slightly threatening.

It was a plus for me that I was a tall 6'4 white man, I'm not shy about how attractive I am. I was supposed to get married...once.

I shook my head, sticking the cigarette between my lips. That's when I head towards the direction of where I heard the shriek. I come to believe that with my knowledge on wounds and injuries, if this person is hurt - I can help them.

I am a nurse after all. People tend to automatically think that females are nurses, not all the time. I love taking care of people and helping the injured, especially when they can't help themselves.

When I save a life, it makes me the most happy.

Pulling the cigarette away from my lips slightly, I look around the corner. I see a partially lit walkway and don't see anything threatening. That's when I stood there in confusion.

Was I hearing things?

I stare at the cigarette in fear, shaking my head. Was the nicotine already getting to me? Please tell me I am mistaken because I'm pretty sure I didn't hear things. The nicotine shouldn't set in that fast, or does it?

I'm so ignorant on cigarettes. What a waste of my money on buying cigarettes because I was curious. Curiosity now has me stumped.

"Help me!"

I look, seeing a woman suddenly rush towards me. My interests were piqued because it was a very beautiful African American woman. Dark brown skin with long silver hair, her eyes a brighter blue than mine, not to mention her body - not to sound like a pervert.

"What's wrong miss?" I ask, and as she came closer I watched...her get taller. Her hair became shorter and her curves disappeared as quickly as I saw them.

That's when I came to find myself staring up at a black man. Short silver hair, piercing blue eyes, dark brown skin... I felt the cigarette fall from my lips and was expecting it to fall on the ground.

Only for to catch it. I knew I saw a I truly missing something right now?

"You almost dropped this." He told me, and placed it between my lips again. Except I began to shake my head.

"Is it the nicotine, please tell me it is." I beg the man, and I found myself tossing the cigarette to the ground. Stomping it out to look up at the man who stared me down.

This man was above seven foot tall. I don't meet lots of people taller than me. For me to see a beautiful woman jog towards me only for her to morph into a handsome man is not okay.

"You think I am handsome? I thought my human form would be too much of an eye-sour. If you think I am handsome, I think I will manage if billions of others think I'm not." He told me in a sultry voice, and he began to step towards me until I shoved him in the middle of his chest.

I stepped back quickly and began to run away. This is insane.

Start with smoking a cigarette for the first time, walk down an alley for the first time alone, tried saving someone's life outside of my own job for the first time! Only for me to meet that crazy! I don't even know!

I begin to get closer towards the public area, only for my foot to slip. Watching as I once staring up to now looking at the ground.

Couldn't help but groan in pain as I felt my face, the places where they felt bruised. Even felt my lip and saw blood, which was expected. I've always been such a klutz, tripping over my own legs. Never thought it would be now when I need to survive.

"Hey, I do not appreciate you running from me like this. I really need your help-."

I found myself throwing the cigarette pack I bought from the gas station at his face. Seeing him just stand there as if it did nothing. But I had no time to watch for his reaction.

I stood and began to run again, reaching for the pole that would lead me out into the public eye. Until suddenly I see this man's hand grab my wrist.

Looking over my shoulder I saw him smirk at me, suddenly witnessing these white wings appear behind him. Except they weren't angel wings like I was sort of hoping, they were humongous, white, bat wings.

At this point I had no words because this was all happening to fast.

"I hope you do not like heights." He said to me mockingly, and I already knew what that meant. With him pulling me into his chest, I watched as I no longer was on the ground.

I was getting farther and farther up until I could see the sun on the side of the horizon. Despite the fact that on land it was pitch dark. The fact that we were that high didn't set in, until now.

"Wait! Wait! Let me go please!" I cry, trying to yank out of his arms as he flew through the air. The man only laughed at me because all I was doing was squirming. It wasn't even a fair match.

My head dangled in the air and so did my legs. I practically felt like death was calling my name at this point.

"God I'm sorry for smoking a cigarette, please!" I shriek, and the man laughs at me even more.

"I am the furthest from God, oh sexy man." He laughed, and I saw him suddenly throw me into the air.

Literally felt like my soul left my body as I fell back into his arms, but my body just dangled. I felt like I was being punished. This had to be a punishment.

"Far from it hot stuff. I in no means mean to punish you. I have been watching you for some time and I can no longer wait." He explained to me, and I shook my head quickly.

"Who are you? It's the nicotine." I cry, and he smiles the most radiant smile.

"What is with you and nicotine pretty lips? I am the real thing. I know, let it set in how sexy I am." He went on to say, flaunting his wings once again. His sliver curls falling into one of his eyes and he blew it away.

"I...I have no comment."

"Yes, my sexiness leaves you speechless." He chuckled, and I was about to disagree until he shushed me. "I once was a cherub. Do you know what that is ocean eyes?"

I just sat in this man's arms as he flew over the city. Honestly if this isn't the nicotine than I might as well make the most of this. If this man isn't killing me than I should be thankful. If I'm rude he may kill me.

"No I don't. May you please inform me on what that it is?" I ask, and he nods.

"Gladly, let me tell you a story."

The man suddenly stopped flapping his wings. Watching as we began to fall in the sky. I was practically screaming except he had a big smile on his face whilst his eyes glowed in entertainment.

Once we were about to hit an empty road, he flew right back into the sky. Though he wasn't as high and I could see everything better. It was now more of the height of a landing plane. It was much more peaceful and relaxing, wasn't as stressful.

"A cherub is an Angel. Have you read the Bible before my dear?" The man asked me, and I nod. "Does Ezekiel 1:5 - 1:11 ring any alarms for you?"

I tried thinking about it, but I wasn't going to lie. I haven't read the Bible since I was a child. At least I can say I've read the whole thing, but I'm a little a rusty.

"No alarms were rung." I say, and he smiles.

"Yes, I get to recount. Listen to this, oh sexy one: And in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved.

"Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle. Such were their faces. They each had two wings spreading out upward, each wing touching that of the creature on either side; and each had two other wings covering its body." He recounted, and he looked at me now. "What does that sound like?"

"Are those supposed to be angels?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, but put my words into a picture." He told me, and I did so. While I did I began to become alarmed, a chill running down my spine. "Do not be alarmed precious, but compare that with a picture of what you imagine an angel should be."

I nod, thinking of a beautiful creature that was too beautiful to set my eyes upon. Soft white wings that glimmered in the sun. All of that good stuff. Not what I just imagine a minute ago.

"Are those images not two different things. Let me tell you pretty lips, the first one is what angels look like. Everyone has this perception that they are beautiful creatures, but they are not. Far from it actually. As a child did it ever resonate to you that since angels are such horrid-looking creatures, that is why when they descended on Earth before humans they said 'do not fear' or 'do not be afraid'?"

Once he said this to me I suddenly felt enlightened, my eyes widened. The man smirked, only for my shock to disappear.

"You could be lying for all I know. Why should I believe you?" I snap, and the man frowns.

"I was an angel, once." The man sung, and I flinched. I looked at him and saw his eyes closed as he hummed to himself. "I was once God's most beautiful angel, look at me now. Much more beautiful than ever before!"

The man laughed loudly, and I found my heart beating way too fast. Fear filled my body as the man laughed and I began to feel nauseous.

"You're..." I flinch when the man looks at me, the most beautiful smile coming to his face.

"If you are going to say Lucifer - the Devil, I prefer the name Erebus. Fits me better, but yes. I am Satan-."

I shove myself out of Erebus' arms, and I found myself falling in the sky and away from him. Forty-thousand feet in the air as I fell fast and wanted to get away from the Devil. This had to be a dream - not real. How did I get caught up with him?

Have I committed such a sin in my life that I deserve this? Am I missing something?

I continued to fall, knowing I was getting closer to the ground, but I couldn't see. All I saw was the dark as my eyes were closed, avoiding to open them. What was the point of opening them? I was falling to my death, I don't want that to be my last sight.


My eyes flew open when I heard someone shout my name, and I looked to see Erebus right above me. His hands reached for me as if he wanted to save me.

Instantly I wondered why he wanted to save me... The Devil wants to save little old me?

That's when I extended my arm towards him and he grabbed it. A smile came to my face and so did his, until I suddenly heard a crack.

My eyes widened, seeing Erebus stare at me with widened eyes as well. Except I could see myself in his eyes, and I saw that I was on the ground.

He slowly set his feet on the earth and his hand still held onto my arm. Except the grip became tighter as he stared at me in silence. This expression of...true and distressing revelations hitting him.

I felt a warm liquid leave my skull, and I began to cough up something as well.

The grip I had on his arm became weak, and he just continued to look at me in shock. I already knew I was dead and it was my fault...not the Devils' fault - Erebus' fault. It was mine.

Why wasn't I blaming the Devil? Isn't he the one who causes all the trouble? Why am I not blaming him...?

Isn't that peculiar?


First chapter done of the book I am excited to release. If I come up with a new story, I'm going for it. 🤯

I hope this is to your liking and don't forget!

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