Why Me?

By pinkangel_101

15.5K 397 197

Ryuuzaki Amano. The popular star athlete in the Senior Class, comes from a well off wealthy family. All the g... More

*New Cover*
Why Me? Movie Timeline
1. Hikaru Yamashita
2. Settling In
3. Ryuuzaki Amano
4. The New Kid
5. Classes Begin
6. Unwanted Attraction
7. What Makes You Happy?
8. Tutoring Begins
9. First Step
10. Partners
11. I Want All of You
12. Until You're Ready
13. Happiness
14. Fresh Start
15. In The Shadows
16. BIG Mistake
17. Who Is He?
18. Unwanted Memories
19. Painful Truth
20. I Love You
21. His Parents
22. He Has It
23. Blood, Poetry and Deals
24. Depression
25. Just One More Cut
26. I Need You!
27. Is it On?
28. Lost
29. Confessions
30. Ryuuzaki's Struggles
31. Home
32. Day From Hell
33. Hell Continues
34. Photo Booth
35. Soft Glow
36. New Life?
38. Relapse
39. Our New Life
40. Why Me?

37. Couldn't Stop Myself

226 7 17
By pinkangel_101

"Just start a new life." Whispering I shove my hands into my sweater pockets, as the sky above me opened up and rain started to fall. "Just start a new life with him." A soft smile formed on my lips. The rain not bothering me as I walked along the street, my hood up over my head. "A new life, I can try.." My hopes were up, and as Ryuu told me. I did feel better for sharing. Like this huge weight was removed from my chest.

"Hika." My body tensed up, as I froze in my place. "I was hoping to see you again." Spinning around, my eyes grow wide in fear seeing him behind me.

Unable to look away from his violet eyes, the rain soaked his entire body. His sandy blonde hair stuck to his face, as I watched a twisted smirk appear on his lips.

"S-stay away from me." Finally finding my voice I whisper out weakly. Now I wish Ryuu was coming to pick me up, but I knew he wouldn't magically show up. Stepping backwards, I could feel how weak my own legs felt as fear crept up my spine. "W-why can't you just leave me alone!" Crying out, tears start to fall down my pale face. My body was soaked from the rain, as I stared at him.

"Hika, because whether you believe it or not. I still love you, I truly do."

Silently I shook my head at his answer, he was sick and twisted. "You never once loved me!" Screaming at him, I tried to calm myself. "If you truly loved me, you would have tried to help me instead of what you did."

"I did help you." In a quick motion his body was up against mine, his arms around my wet form. My eyes went wide as I started to shake in fear. "I showed you how to get the pain to stop."

"You tried to get me to kill myself! Twice now! How is that fucking love in your sick twisted mind!"

"Think about it Hikaru. It would have stopped all of your pain and suffering." Suddenly his wet cold hands lifted up my tear stained face, noticing him leaning in closer to me. "Once I knew you were perfectly free from all the pain of living. I was going to end my own suffering. We would have been together forever Hika."

How was this one guy so fucked up in the head? "You're mental." Slapping his hand away from my face, I managed to scramble out of his grip.

"Our love would have lasted for eternity together, and I am still very much planning on that to happen."

Taking another step backwards I shake my head. "Stay the fuck away from me Hanzu. Can't you see I don't love you!"

"No, you do love me. You and I will be together forever." He stepped closer to me.

"I love Ryuuzaki..."

A scoff leaves his lips as he grabbed my hand tightly in his. "That jock? Please, don't make me laugh. I can give you so much more. And you know that."

Trying to free my hand from his grip, I struggled with the fact on how much stronger he was then me. "I said to stay the fuck away from me!" Raising my other hand, I suddenly slap him across the face as hard as I could. His grip on me loosened, as I pushed him backwards and started to run.

"Hika!" Before I knew what happened, his hands grabbed my body roughly. My back now tight against his chest, he growled out into my ear. "Just let me love you, god how I missed your soft light touches. Your kisses, our bodies as one."

"Let go of me!" I screamed out in fear, hoping maybe Mr Ortaiga would hear me and come help. Though the harsh rain and the wind that was picking up, sadly drowned out my cry for help.

"I will give you my love." Rain dripped down my face, now mixing with my tears. Never once have I been more afraid, than I was this very moment.

"H-hanzu, please don't do this." Begging him, he dragged me off from the sidewalk we stood on.

Trying to free my hand from his grasp, I soon found my back shoved up against the wall of a building. Flinching in pain from the roughness I see us in an alleyway, away from the view of the street.

"You will love me once again Hika. You have only forgotten, so I will remind you."

Staring at him in pure terror his hands made quick work of unbuckling my pants. My fists hit him, hoping he would loosen the grip he had of me. My back was pressed so tightly to the wall though, I could barely move.

"Stop this! Please!"

His lips slammed against mine as I felt his hands push down my jeans. Heavy tears fell from my eyes, knowing full well Hanzu was planning to rape me.

"W-why me.." Whispering weakly through my sobs the moment he removed his lips from mine.

He smiled at me and caressed my wet face as the rain still fell upon us in the alley. "Because I love you, and I will do anything for us to be together forever." His grasp on my body tightened as I suddenly found my face pressed up to the rough scratchy wall. "Hikaru, I love you." His voice scared me, as I felt him pulling down my boxers. Soon just like my pants, they were on the ground, wrapped around my ankles.

Trying to escape from his grasp was impossible. His body was pressed up against mine, not to mention his hands and arms caged me in.

"Don't, p-please." I begged him as I felt his own length rubbing against my bare ass. With the wind and rain, I didn't even hear his jeans getting unzipped. "Hanzu, don't do this." I felt completely worthless and weak.

About to beg him again to stop, a loud scream escaped my lips, as I felt him roughly shoved himself inside of me. "AHH!" The pain was immense, as suddenly Ryuu's smiling face entered my mind. My hands went to his arms as I scratched at him weakly, while crying.

This did nothing to stop him as he started to thrust in and out of me from behind. "H-ah, I Forgot how amazing being inside you felt." Hanzu whispered into my ear as his wet sandy blonde hair stuck to his face.

"H-help.." My cry for help was so quiet and weak. I knew no one would hear it. Squeezing my blue eyes shut, my body shook in terror as my ex boyfriend raped me.

"Hikaru!" My eyes opened as I heard a different voice calling out my name. I couldn't recognize it, as my heart raced. Suddenly I felt Hanzu get pulled out from being inside of me, as well as his body away from my own. With him not holding me to the wall anymore, my body collapsed to the wet dirty ground. Shivering and shaking in fear of what just happened I hear that voice again.

"You asshole! How dare you fucking do this to him!"

Trying to look up, though my vision was so blurred by tears and the rain I had no idea what was happening. Only thing I knew was I heard two men fighting, before I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. My entire body tensed up, as I squeezed my eyes shut. Both my jeans and boxers remained around my ankles. While I pulled my knees to my chest as I hugged them to my chest as I cried weakly.

Hearing the voice, they sounded like they were speaking into a cell phone. "Ryuu yah it's me. You need to get over here ASAP, Hika is in trouble." That was all I could really focus on through my crying.

"Hika, don't worry." The voice that yelled at Hanzu earlier, was softer now in tone. "Ryuu is on the way. Plus I called the cops.

Finally raising my face from my knees, I stared into the green eyes of the familiar brunette. "T-toshi..." I whispered out weakly as the rain poured down onto the two of us.

"I was walking home from shopping, when it started to rain. Then I hurried my steps, only to hear what sounded like someone screaming out. I thought I was losing my mind, until I noticed your bright red hair."

Sniffing, I was so happy Toshi showed up when he did. "T-thank y-you."

In the distance, the sound of cop sirens could be heard. Plus soon another voice cried out.

"Hika! Toshi!"

"Over here!" Toshi yelled back. He was knelt down beside me, before he stood up seeing his best friend running over.

"Hika!" Suddenly strong muscular arms wrapped around my trembling soaking wet body. I didn't even need to see who it was to know. That comforting scent of cologne and cigarettes hit me as I hid my face into his wet chest.

"R-ryuu.." Whispering my tears fall heavy once more, as my hands clutched onto his jacket. "I was s-so a-afraid."

"What happened?" He spoke trying to sound calm as he held me.

Shaking my head, I was unable to form any words.


Ryuuzaki's PoV

When Hika remained silent, I glanced at Toshi. As he told me what he saw, my eyes fell upon that fucking son of a bitch. There Hanzu laid unconscious from my best friend. Fuck did I ever want to murder him. He forced himself onto my boyfriend, he raped him.

About to pull away from Hika to beat the bastard up more, I stopped as I felt Hika's weak grip tighten on me. Not to mention at that moment the alley way was lit up with the glow of blue and red lights from the cop cars.

"I will tell them what I saw." Toshi spoke as he looked from us then to the cops who approached us.

All that mattered to me though, was the trembling crying boy clinging to my body. "Hika, I'm here.." Whispering I push back his soaking wet hair as I kiss his forehead.

"R-ryuu.." He whispered my name as he reached for something. "D-don't let them s-see me."

It was then I realized his lower half was still bare, his knees were covering anything from view. Anger boiled in my blood as I watched cops grab Hanzu, who was starting to wake up. They handcuffed him, but fuck I wanted to kill him.

"I got you..." I whispered to my insanely terrified boyfriend as I helped him get his boxers pulled up slowly.

The cops walked over to us carefully, as they took what Toshi said and noted the surroundings. Everything Toshi told them was clearly true in their eyes.

Helping Hika to stand up, he clung to me to stop himself from collapsing. Toshi watched us from the alley entrance way, as I helped pull back up his jeans. The police needed both Toshi and Hika to come to the station to give statements. Picking up my trembling boyfriend I walked us to the cop cars.

Watching as one drove off that contained Hanzu. We then got into the back of the second squad car. The entire way, Hika remained silent sitting on my lap. His hands clinging to me for dear life and I was scared.

I have never seen him so afraid and terrified before. I was beyond scared and afraid of what this would do to him. Whatever healing he has been doing since before this, would be washed away. He was physically raped, and mentally tormented. I could just only pray it didn't lead to another relapse.

At the police station, Hika refused to leave my side once. Clearly seeing the state he was in, the cops let me sit with him as he eventually whispered out that yes. Hanzu did rape him.

After some time, we were in my car. Toshi was driving it for us, as Hika remained curled up in my lap sleeping.

"Toshi, thank you." Whispering softly to not wake Hika yet, I looked to my best bud.

"Just wish I got there earlier, before that bastard touched him. Least he is locked up in jail for now." Toshi gripped the steering wheel as he drove us towards Hika's home.

"At least you were there, I know Hika will be forever grateful you showed up." Glancing down to him in my arms, his face lay against my chest as he slept.

"Did they manage to contact his mom?" Toshi asked as I nodded.

"She was at work, but yes they managed to. She is most likely rushing her way home now. I don't know if they told her all the details, it will break her heart." Whispering I kissed Hika's wet hair.

Once we got home. Toshi parked the car as he got out and helped me get out as well. Hika remained sleeping and in my arms as we walked to the entrance. Thankfully the rain stopped, as Toshi unlocked the door for me.

"Hey man, you can take my car home if you want. I can get it from you tomorrow." I offered as my friend set down the keys for me on a table inside.

"It's ok, you should have it just in case you need to take him anywhere. The rain stopped, I will walk home. Just make sure you take good care of him."

Smiling at Toshi I nodded. "I will, thank you again."

Watching him walk off, I kicked off my wet shoes and carried Hika up to our bedroom. The moment I placed him down on his bed I felt his grip on me tighten.

"Stay with me!" He cried out weakly as he woke up. "Please Ryuu, d-don't leave me a-alone!"

"Shh Hika, you are safe now. I won't leave you ok? But I just want to go get you some water and a warmed up towel to help dry you." He was scared to release his grip on me. But he nodded as he did.

Hurrying from his room. I grabbed a towel and threw it into the laundry dryer just to heat it up. I then carried it, as well as a water bottle from the fridge back upstairs.

Entering our bedroom, I froze not seeing Hika anywhere. I placed the things down as I looked back out the door and my eyes went to the washroom. Where I saw him slowly emerging from.

"I, I'm s-sorry." He whispered as I saw him gripping his left arm with his hand. Fresh blood ran down his pale skin as I stared at him in fear. "I c-couldn't stop myself. I had to make the pain s-stop. Let me do it one more time. J-just one more cut, p-please."

Instantly I ran to him, and pulled him tightly into my arms. "H-hika." Tears fell from my own eyes as I hold the I love. "Hika please. Come back to me."


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