Falling For Eric ✔️

By xxinloves

349K 12.2K 356

"That night with you was one of my best Mistakes." - Eric Smith (BOOK 2 OF THE BILLIONAIRE SERIES) ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Fiction Award!!
New Book!!!

Chapter 23 (Finale)

14.5K 452 45
By xxinloves

I promised a new chapter and here I am.

I will love to dedicate this book to all those who waited from the beginning till the end if this book. Thank you.

And also I would love to thank those that are reading. Thank you.

Lots of love❤❤❤❤

Eric's POV


The first word to escape my lips as I groan at the unknown dim place I lay in. The stinking stench of rubber filling my nostrils as I sniff out in disgust.

Sitting up I rest my back on what I could say was a wall as the past vivid event came flashing in my head—bringing along with it an unwanted ache.

Raising my hands to my temple massaging it to relive the pain a little. How hard in the head was I knocked on.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Narrowing my eyes a little I caught sight of a movement making my guide raise up in coming defense. I stood to my heel positioning myself for my escape plan.

'I wasn't just big for nothing!'

Years of joining the guys in gym helped in providing act of defense together with having Caleb as a coach.  Caleb's self-defense tuition was on of a kind—an act only Justin, Sebastian and I know about. If the best them why the hell was he captured.

Snapping at a recollection 'Sebastian! Was he alright?'

"Who's there? Show yourself so I can prove to you never to mess up with a pregnant lady" A familiar female voice filled with delamination echoed around the dim room.

Valentina? What was she doing here?

"Are you daft or what? I said show yourself let me show you I wasn't called a crazy lady for nothing" I resisted the urge to chuckle even at our unwanted predicament.


Through the dark Eric could she her froze—the outline of her curve through could be noticed by the ray of light shinning through an unknown area. Her stomach had gotten bigger, if possible she had gotten fill and bigger in lots of place since the last time he had seen her.

"Eric?" She whispered as if in a flash the room brightened with light shinning from the florescence on the ceiling.

I noticed a tears drop from her eyes as a sob overtook her whole body. Walking slowly towards my frozen body gotten to where was she wrapped me in her warm embrace.

"Oh Eric I thought I'd lost you" She cried out "I'm so sorry"

My unmoved arm embraced her tight as I took in her sweet strawberry scent—still fearing all this could be a dream.

"Don't" I pulled from the embrace holding either sides if her cheek "I'm the one to apologize. I made a fool out of you all because of my pride. I neglected you when you needed me most. I judged you all because of your painful past, behaving like heartbroken puppy I never for once thought how hurt you would feel" I lean in kissing her tempting lips briefly wanting to feel the softness of it once again "When you left I-"

"It okay Eric"

I shook my head wanting to speak it all out once and for all "No let me speak. When you left it was then I realize how much you meant to me. I vowed to get you back no matter what I took. I want all of you Valentina —No, I need all of you. Your presence keep me sane. I don't care what the rest thinks about what we share. I just want you in my life Val" A smile automatically appeared on her face upon me calling her Val "I love you, I-I just hope you do too"

"Falling for you Eric has been the moment I saw your dark tall frame overpowering my height that night Lisa introduced you to me. I've loved you ever since—a part of me was also happy you're the father of my unborn child, I-" A pained expression plastered on her face but I wasn't able to ask what was wrong as an undiscovered door snapped open.

"Really a confession? I couldn't stand the cliché talk I thought it was about time to end it all" The tall recognisable man from the bar stepped in with a noticed gun on his hands.

Protective I gently pushed Valentina behind me "What do you want from us" I snapped at the unwelcome man.

A smirk immediately appeared on his face "To set things right"

I furrow my brow in confusion, I wanted to ask but was cut out by the gun held in his hand pointed directly towards me.

I could feel Valentina's hand tightened on my shirt in fright "Say bye bye" He pulled the trigger as closed my eyes holding Valentina down while I wait for the upcoming pain but non came.

"You've got to be kidding me" Valentina's disbelieving voice made my eyes snapped open at the thought she had taken a bullet for me—like mostly some movie actress did.

But I wasn't welcome with the sight that greeted me. Because there stood, Justin, Victoria, Elsa, Caleb and the one and only Sebastian I was worried sick about.

It wouldn't take a genius to know what really was going on as I analysis the pink stain on my shirt. My gaze shifted to their humor striking eyes along with the fake bad guy by their sides.

"Really you planned it all" I snapped shooting a raging glare at them.

"Phh of course we couldn't bear to see you drinking and killing yourself up in guilt" Victoria rolled her eyes with a happy glittery in her eyes.

"Must you then go to such extent—including also Caleb, I'm high disappointed in you" I averted my gaze Sebastian "And you I thought you were already dead"

Sebastian raised his hands m surrender "It wasn't my plan, it theirs I was only sent to keep you busy but apparently out already were and-"

"Eric!" Valentina startling voice quite to whole room as she fisted the collar of my shirt with her piercing gaze at me "The baby is coming"

The room fell in total silence for a second then immediately chaos began.

"Shit shit shit" Sebastian eyes widen was she pace around the room, while Justin already had the phone to his ear—probably calling an ambulance.

Elsa medical one among them seem to notice something as I held onto Valentina so half seated on the bear floor.

"I don't think the ambulance will make it on time or we will make it to the nearest hospital on time. The baby is coming too fast, we must act fast or we could either lose the baby or her or rather worst—both" Elsa spoke overthrowing Valentina's scream of pain.

"Take him out" Valentina's weak voice spoke as her bone crushing grip held my hand.

"What now?" Sebastian's frightened terrified voice said out.

"Sebastian get here I'll need your help"

His pace stop as she stared at Elsa "What?"

Elsa snapped "I have no time for your foolishness get here now and hold her leg"

Victoria and Elsa putted down Valentina's pantie as she was totally open for everyone to see.

"What the hell your not making them see any of her private" I said glaring at both woman as pointed to the males in the room. The supposed kidnapper dashed from the room not wanting to be any part of it.

Valentina fisted my shirt pulling my face close to hers "Do you think I've time for your nonsense protectiveness, just get this baby out of me!!" She bit back at his actions as her teeth clench in pain bathed with sweat.

"It's not like I haven't seen a pussy before" Sebastian boosted but the minutes he caught sight of her open female part he lost it fainting with a hard thud to the ground.

Justin shook his head at Sebastian fallen body, while Elsa muttered "Useless" As she faced Valentina "I can see the head already get ready to push in the next five seconds. Take a deep breath"

Valentina unconsciously complied "Push" Her painful groan could be heard in the room as she lay on the floor her legs open "Eric I need you to hold her legs to prevent her from closing it"

Guilt and pain filled me as I held onto her hands and leg feeling I was the cause of this I putted her into this pain.

"Justin when will the ambulance get here" Elsa asked

"With the next Eight minutes"

Valentina's groan as she pushed filled the room "I can see the head already keep on pushing Valentina" Elsa's encouraging voice pressed on.

I then stupidly decided to take a peek at the opening and immediately regretted it—for the sight that greeted me made me see total black as a head a noticeable Thud on the concrete floor.

A shake woke me from what so ever darkness I was in "Hey Daddy Eric Meet your son" My body jolted up as Victoria handed bundle wrapped in a cardigan in my shaking hands as I took in the perfect image of the baby. Blond hair like his mother, also with her pale skin. I couldn't see his eyes but I knew he had the signature Smith's eyes.

A tears drop down my eyes as his kissed his petty eyes while his healthy cry filled the room.  The root of all we had passing through this few months—and I couldn't be more happy. I glance up seeing a smiling Valentina who looked exhausted.

"His perfect. Thank you"

And then everywhere disappeared as we three where only present. Forgetting the siren sound of the ambulance.

"I love you" She mouthed with a her body bathed sweat.

"I love you more" With that I sealed it with a kiss know they was more happiness coming to our future.


Thank THE END of Falling For Eric.

Expect an epilogue very soon. This week.

Thanks for reading till the end all you wonderful people.


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