Royal Renegade

By xXTheBelieverXx

318K 15.3K 3.1K

"Let me have your throat again," he beckons, and despite how airy and thin his voice is, it's still powerful... More

Chapter 1: What Are You Waiting For?
Chapter 2: Reap and Sow
Chapter 3: Trigger
Chapter 4: Royal Pains
Chapter 5: Your What?
Chapter 6: Opportunity
Chapter 7: First Embrace
Chapter 8: Pressure
Chapter 9: Am I Not the Prince?
Chapter 10: Roots
Chapter 11: Target Practice
Chapter 12: Worthy Opponent
Chapter 14: Follow Me
Chapter 15: Good Night
Chapter 16: Vulnerable
Chapter 17: His Name
Chapter 18: Let Her Go
Chapter 19: Prince Charming
Chapter 20: Leave Me Alone
Chapter 21: Pure
Chapter 22: Where Would I Go?
Chapter 23: Nightmare
Chapter 24: Dark Knight
Chapter 25: Need
Chapter 26: Reckless Embrace
Chapter 27: Humble My Pride
Chapter 28: Do Dreams Come True?
Chapter 29: First
Chapter 30: Yes, Please
Chapter 31: None of Your Business
Chapter 32: Sweet Potato Pie
Chapter 33: Monsters
Chapter 34: Why'd You Let Him Go?
Chapter 35: To Know You
Chapter 36: Axelia or Xeli
Chapter 37: Too Far
Chapter 38: Game of Chess
Chapter 39: How Did I Get These?
Chapter 40: Missing Pieces
Chapter 41: Prince in Mourning
Chapter 42: This is Love
Chapter 43: Innocent
Chapter 44: Royal Renegade
Chapter 45: I'm Here
Chapter 46: He Understands?
Chapter 47: Freesia Flowers
Chapter 48: From Enemy to Ally
Chapter 49: Power in Relationship
Chapter 50: Incredible
Chapter 51: Checkmate
Chapter 52: I Belong Here
Chapter 53: This is the One
Chapter 54: Human?
Chapter 55: What You Want
Chapter 56: I Do
Chapter 57: We Are Family
Chapter 58: Frustration {Mature}
Chapter 59: Together {Mature}
Chapter 60: Matters to Discuss {Mature}

Chapter 13: Blood or Wine?

5.1K 219 58
By xXTheBelieverXx

Princess Axelia

Gargantuan silver chandeliers suspend from a mountain high ceiling in the main ballroom of the Relabeth castle. They're the first things to catch my eyes as my father escorts me in a descent of a white imperial staircase with glossy purple ribbons weaving along the beams.

Nearly twenty circular tables display a bouche of purple and white roses and are wide enough to seat a dozen people each. My eyes widen as I take in the mass of guests mingling about on the main floor that is glistening silver as though we are walking upon an ocean of glitter.

My father offers a hand to me once we reach the bottom and guides us to the front of the room. There are two tables set before a grand stage with silver table cloths and little name tags poking up for the seating arrangement.

I barely catch sight of the placement of my name beside Leonidas' before my father continues rushing us to where Princess Aiko is laughing and sharing a story with Princess Phaedra and her father.

"Princess, your décor is sumptuous," my father praises as he bows at the waist and kisses the top of her hand.

It isn't until he steps aside for me to offer a greeting that I get a full view of her lavender mermaid gown with white lace bodice and a ruffled skirt. Her deep brown hair is half up in a braid while the rest cascades down her back in curls intertwined with a crystal and pearl beaded hair vine.

"You look absolutely stunning," I gape.

Her pale cheeks redden as she grins and before I can offer her my bow, she yanks me into an embrace.

"Thank you!" she exclaims as she restrains from using too much force in her hug to spare me from broken bones.

Of all the vampire royalty in our region, she is the one I feel least threatened by. She's always been so kind, gentle and compassionate towards me. The woman is pure beauty inside and out.

Even my vampire-hating father can't help but adore her. A simple smile is contagious and when she laughs it makes you feel as though flowers are blossoming around you.

"You look quite gorgeous yourself," she smiles as she leans away from me still keeping my shoulders hostage in her firm grip.

My gown is a tannish-gold with a strapless top that flaunts my form while the waist poufs out under a transparent veil. A long and layered necklace accents my neck while my hair is pulled back into a ponytail full of thick, dark brown waves and curls. A single curly strand from my bangs hangs loose beside my left eye, and my makeup is subtle.

"There is someone who hasn't taken his eyes off of you since the moment you began down the staircase," she leans in a whispers with a soft giggle.

I assume it is Prince Herakles she speaks of. So, I scan the room for a hall with intention to hide away in a bathroom.

That is, until a pair of gracious amber brown eyes hold me captive.

Leonidas stands amongst the other three Princes who are engaging in conversation. His black tuxedo makes his chestnut hair stand out against his lightly tan skin. A white collared undershirt presents a simple black tie that runs down to the button securing the outfit.

To say he looks handsome, wouldn't be much of a compliment to offer. I don't think Leonidas is capable of looking anything less.

My thoughts silence as my father places a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm heading over to congratulate the new King," he says before his gaze also lands upon Leonidas.

To my surprise, he doesn't warn me to have my guard up or mention he will be keeping a close eye on me before he makes his way over. I study the way he approaches the group of Princes, offering handshakes to each and my heart seems to stall as he stands face to face with Leonidas.

The men seem to engage in a conversation through their stares before my father finally extends a hand. I notice the way Leonidas' eyes squint for a fraction of a second before he slips his hand into my father's grasp.

Behind them, standing at the only table with a purple cloth, Queen Ida and Cassius are intently watching the brief interaction. I can almost hear their exhales of relief when the two part ways as my father turns to Prince Koa and Leonidas begins making his way to me.




Yes, where is the bathroom?

I catch sight of a hall to my left, but just as I turn to head off I almost collide into the chest of my date, receiving a pleasant whiff of his cologne as my hands lean against him to prevent nose diving into his body.

"It's much too soon for a dance, Princess," he says as his hands lightly grasp my elbows to steady me, "don't you think?"

This will be the second time this week his arms have managed to balance me.

Embarrassment paints my cheeks as I quickly attempt to withdraw my hands, but he catches one of them in his own.

It's a formality to greet a Princess by kissing the back of her hand, but for some reason the thought of his lips touching any part of my skin leaves my heart galloping.

Although, I can't tell if it's from fear or excitement.

Regardless, if I yank my hand away, word will get to Miss Isidora and she will never let me live it down.

Unaware of my inner conflict Leonidas leans forward. Squeezing my eyes shut, I stiffen every muscle in my body. A whisper of his breath grazes my knuckles and my heart beats at such a pace that I know every vampire in the room is probably staring at me.

"Axelia," his voice cuts through the air causing me to hold my breath, "relax, please."

Peeking open an eye, I find his face level with my own in a mere bow. His beige skin, glowing. Complexion clear. Eyes shimmering. They're a bright, crisp shade of amber at the center mixed with flakes of brown that blend into a warm, dark chocolate brim.

Behind him, Princess Aiko look as though she is holding her breath watching us, and I notice a few other guests nearby are observing with expressions of concern.

Leonidas allows my hand to fall as he stands to an upright posture, eyebrows tight and jawline sharp as if he is also anxious to breathe. It dawns on me that this must be even more bizzare for him.

I'm his biggest threat and this was my idea to begin with.

"I-I'm sorry," I murmur, taking a small step back as I clasp my hands together in front of my stomach.

Goodness gracious. If Miss Isidora were here to witness this moment she would probably die.

Enemy to my father or not, Leonidas is a Prince of our region and my date to this ball. It's already bad enough he wasn't allowed to escort me here. Now, I am denying him of following another custom.

What a mess.

All I can hear are Miss Isidora's words from the other day telling me that it's a miracle a Prince even looks at me.

She has a point. Leonidas hasn't even extended a compliment.

Is it true? Am I even unworthy of a vampire Prince's attention? I receive some from Herakles but only because he worships my father. I'm nothing more to him than a garauntee to our throne.

"Princess," the voice of Leonidas once again interrupts my whirlpool of thoughts. I lift my eyes to meet his own which are staring with a troubled look. "Will you come with me?"

If following him gets me out of here. I'll go.

Nodding, I stumble along behind him until we reach our seats. The chairs are cushioned, with backs that tower above our heads when we sit. I'm grateful to be off of my feet as my emotions and thoughts continue to overwhelm and afflict me.

"Want to share what's on your mind?" he asks as he scoots his chair up to the table and nearer to my own.

"It's nothing."

Pursing his lips, he braids his arms across what I imagine is a chistled scultpture of a chest beneath his suit.

"Clearly it's something because it's upsetting you." My eyes drop to the table top as I quickly try to think of a way to change the subject. "I hear talking it out helps, so if that's what you need I'm here to listen."

Frowning, I hesitate to meet his eyes again.

"Don't talk too much," Miss Isidora's teaching warns.

With a deep sigh, I slide my hands into my lap and twiddle my fingers.

It's just Leonidas. Who cares if he proves her right? I'm going to kill him one day anyway. If anything, his reaction will only add fuel to the fire.

"I don't belong here," I murmur so low it's a mere whisper. Yet, I can tell from the way he gazes intently that he heard me. "Being a Princess is something for women of elegance and the pressures that come with royalty aren't something I can handle." My eyes survey the other Princesses mingling joyfully with the Queens. "I'm not like them."

"Surely being a Princess entails more than elegance," he speaks up, glancing over his shoulder to follow my gaze. "You serve and protect, too, which is something the citizens of our region place high value upon."

I shrug, "Yeah, well it's not enough."

My words draw his eyes to me again.

"The duties will never be enough, but they also don't need to be, Axelia," he speaks tenaciously as he rests his forearms on the table and folds his hands together. "You put your life on a line and avenge the fallen. You try taking me down on your own. Cadomia doesn't know it's you under that helmet because you don'tfight for praise. You're more than enough."

Nerves in my arms tingle, and a chill sends goosebumps crawling up to my neck.

Leonidas releases a short sigh as he drags his arms down to his lap. "As a warrior Princess you're even more than that," he adds in a gentle mutter as his eyes scan the décor of our table setting.

Warrior Princess?

Maynard and I spoke of this title recently, but something about the way it rolls off Leonidas' tongue with conviction brings a feeling of familiarity almost as though he has always referred to me as such.

For a moment, I can almost hear him saying it in a memory, but the voice seems pubescent and whimsical; and memory as out of reach as a forgotten dream.

"I don't try to take you down, Prince," I correct his prior statement, clearing my throat and straightening my posture as I meet his eyes. "I do and will continue to until--"

Suddenly, Cassius' voice fills the room. "We gather in honor of the marriage that has come between Prince Koa and Princess Aiko. Please find your seats as they join me on the stage for their crowning," he instructs. Soon, the tapping of heels and chair legs echo along the walls until every seat is taken.

All eyes shift to two throne-like seats set at the center of the stage where the Prince and Princess are smiling wide. The moment Cassius places their crowns upon their heads, cheers and a thunderous applause are almost deafening.

Servants in purple suits and silver bow ties begin to flow like a stream alongside the tables as they fill everyone's glasses for a toast.

"Wine or blood, your Grace?" one asks as he stands beside me with two different pitchers. By the question, I can affirm the servants are human and of an adolescent age. I have never been offered blood to drink before.


He fills my glass and carries on to ask Leonidas the same thing. Amusement flares in his expression as he lifts his glass from the table and turns to the boy.

"You decide," he whispers before a trickle of veins begin to crawl down his cheek bones.

My eyes widen in fascination of the way his skin withers like an autumn leaf.

It looks like it should tickle.

"Whoa," the boy gapes as his eyes fill with enthrallment. "Blood, your Majesty," he says as he pours the thick; sauce-like fluid into the glass. Although he should continue onwards to the next guest, who happens to be Prince Herakles, he hesitates. "Can I see your fangs?"

I admire his audacity.

Corners of Leonidas' lips tug into a small smile but he shakes his head. Surprisingly, the young servant simply offers a little bow before continuing on with his work.

I'll admit I'm disappointed he didn't flash those miniature daggers.

A minute passes before more servants set wide plates of food in front of every human guest. Meanwhile, the vampires continue to mingle and feast their eyes upon the extravagant archways and the new rulers of Relabeth.

My own eyes stare widely in adoration of my favorite meal. It consists of a meaty lasagna, mashed potatoes, corn, and-

"No way!" I exclaim, as my taste buds begin to tingle.

Beside me, Leonidas quirks a brow as his gaze darts between me and the plate.

"It's just food, isn't it?"

His eyes swirl with curiosity as he slightly tilts his head to the left and assesses my meal. Although his hair rests with height and poise atop his head; the bangs almost curled back, a few strands sway and he glances from one item to the next with an innocent ignorance.

It's almost adorable.

"Everything here is my favorite," I gleam and then point a finger to one particular item, "and sweet potato pie is incomparable to anything I've ever tasted."

There is a slight twitch of his nose, like he tries to focus his sense of smell upon the dessert, but with all the food begin set out on display I would be impressed if he could hone in on the odorless delight. My pie slices are served cold, just how I like them, so they aren't emitting a distinguishable smell.

"Can you describe it?" he asks, leaning closer and hovering over my plate, eye dilating like a cat when it plays. "All of it," he adds.

He seems so... human.

Wait, all of it?!

Does he not eat?

Now that I think about it, I've never seen a vampire take a single bite of anything except of other people.

Could he describe that?

No, I shouldn't fire back. We aren't on a battlefield. This is a formal dinner.

Breathe Axelia.

Right now he isn't an enemy. He's our date.

Clearing my thoughts, I begin to point and describe each food on my plate. I try my best to give as much detail as possible, but find myself expressing the sounds of delight I make after eating them more than actually putting words to the flavors.

"Corn is really chewy, but the salt and pepper make every bite worth it. Although it's strange because after digestion, it come out whole again."

"After digestion," he repeats to himself softly, confusion dancing on his tongue as though he's never heard of or spoken the term before.

"Yeah, it goes through our digestive system and then comes out when we poop like everything else except somehow even though we chew the corn to mush, it comes back out whole," I explain, perplexed by how that's possible as I shovel another spoonful into my mouth.

His silence doesn't even register to me until I playback the process I just shared with him. Then, my jaw freezes and a half swallow lodges in my throat.

I did not just say poop at the dinner table in front of a Prince.

Clenching my teeth, I sneak a glance over to find his cheeks inflating with air and lips quivering from holding back a laugh.

"I- I--" Oh for the love of God. Why me? "Do you even know what that is?" I scowl, referring to said feces. "Vampires probably don't even have a need to use bathrooms."

"You're asking me if I've ever used a toilet?"

Heaven help.

In attempt to avoid revealing my embarrassment, I narrow my eyes into a glare but the amusement bubbling in his eyes deflates my will to lash out.

"No, I'm asking if you've ever had to poo."

No going back now.

His lips curve up in a small grin as he softly chuckles. "No, Princess, I can't say that I have."

My heart flutters, pleasantly surprised he isn't completely disgusted by the topic. He's entertained. Amused. Now, I'm even more curious than before. My mind swelling with questions, I lean closer to him.

"So you've never even peed before?" I whisper so low I doubt even another vampire nearby could even make out my words.

His cloud-white cheeks dash a pink hue as his plump lower lip slides under his front teeth. Another small laugh makes his shoulders shake until he exhales a breath and leans back against his seat.

"Yes, I have," he answers, humor glowing in his gaze as he watches my mind combust before his eyes.

Does he urinate blood, then? Vampires don't drink water.

Clearing my throat, I decide not to ask. "Mashed potatoes are creamy. There are all kinds of meats but my favorite is steak. Even that comes in different forms," I continue rambling. "Some people like theirs really tough and chewy but I like mine soft. Medium rare. The meat is still a little red." I cut a slice to show him. "Looks like this one is more on the rare side because of the blood--" I trail off glancing over at him, expecting some kind of reaction but finding none.

He's just listening and watching, completely unbothered by the blood pooling onto my plate.

"I-its not so bad," I carry on, jabbing a piece with my fork and lifting the succulent meat to my lips, moaning from how the seasonings blend and melt into my taste buds.

Beside me, I hear his breath catch and open my eyes the same time he averts his gaze. A darker blush rises over the bridge of his nose and his posture goes rigid. Still, no veins paint his skin but I do notice a subtle withering of his cheeks when he squirms in his seat.

Shaking his head, he distracts himself by toying with his unused silverware. "Interesting," he mutters, keeping his eyes fixated on the table cloth.

"Do you want to try any of it?" I hesitate to ask.

His rose pink lips part slightly as his eyebrows tug in every direction. I don't think I've ever seen his composure so conflicted.

"Can you even eat human food?" I ask aloud before I have a chance to swallow back my curiosity.

Pressing his lips together, he shakes his head. "I don't know," he murmurs. "I've never tried, or seen another vampire do it." As he speaks, he glances up where his mother sits with the other higher royalty. It's as though he seeks to ask her, but she is busy laughing at something Queen Aiko has just shared.

"You could be the first," I say with a shrug, ready for him to decide if he wants any before I devour it in a single breath.

What's the point of a vampire having any other teeth than their fangs if they can't eat food? It's a waste of teeth.

Do they even really need stomachs? Stomachs don't distribute blood. Right?

If he has never eaten before and eats something now, won't it give him diarrhea? Or is he completely incabale of having bowel movements?

Does he even have a bumhole?

"I shouldn't do something so bizarre," he finally decides. "The night is young and my presence has enough people on edge as it is."

I don't have to ask to know who he is speaking of. My father's handshake was a sure message and the fact that they have Herakles sitting beside him isn't a coincidence.

So, I let it go as I pick up a fork and dig into my meal as affably as possible. There is some point between gulps that I think I feel his eyes on me, but I'm far too fixated on consuming every bite to stop and check.
It's taking intentional effort for me just to wipe my mouth every few swallows and resist releasing a slew of moans from the flavorful banquet.

After I've finished, I glance his way again to find he is gazing off into the ballroom at nothing in particular as he absentmindedly swirls his glass of blood a few inches under his nose.

There is no withering or appearance of veins under his eyes. It doesn't even look as though he intends to drink it.

"Are you hungry at all?" I ask and then grimace at my choice of words. "I mean, thirsty?"

The liquid stills before he lowers the glass to the table.

"I prefer not to dine amongst company," he shares, then shrugs. "Also, events like this have a tendency to impede my appetite."

Oh no, it must be because I ate my food like a savage. No. I asked him about pooing and peeing! At dinner! On our first ever date.

Miss Isidora is right. I'm going to deter every Prince to ever set their eyes upon me.

Heat floods my cheeks and I begin to twiddle my thumbs in my lap. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to eat so fast, or messy. I tried my best to eat with poise, but it's so good. And the conversation before-- a ghastly topic. I can leave if that will be better for you. It wasn't my intention to disgust you. Although, blood in cups is also pretty gross. But, who am I to judge when I'm so barbaric," I blurt out so quickly that I forget to breathe.

Confusion shines through his bright eyes as he stares at me, and I worry my explanation only adds more proof to Miss Isidora's opinions of me. It's as though I'm doing everything she inherently told me not to do all at once.

"That's not--"

"Really, I can go," I interrupt, rising from my seat.

One of his hands reaches out to my shoulder, and with the most subtle pull, forces me back into my seat.

"I want to know the name of who has filled you with such angst." The ominous tone of his voice is enough to silence me and I find myself at a loss for words as his eyes seem to harden and his posture becomes rigid. "For their blood," Veins arise a dark blue under the skin of his cheeks in a flurry before gradually fading away, "I can make an exception to my preference."

"Angst? What angst?"

Sliding my plate further onto the table, I allow my arms to rest in its prior place and intertwine my fingers to keep from twiddling them.

"You're so quick to assume something is wrong with you all of a sudden," his eyebrows furrow and a genuine concern bleeds through his tone. "It's not befitting of the warrior Princess I know."

I just sit and stare; directly at his cheeks if I'm being honest, unsure of how to respond.

"Tell me who hurt you."

Despite the command, his tone is gentle and gives an illusion he may not mind if I don't answer.

Evidently, he is making a threat, but I'm not sure why it matters to him. I also don't feel comfortable throwing a Cadomian out like a chicken to a fox. It's my duty to protect, whether I like it or not.



Image of: Princess Axelia in her ballgown

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