Malicious Intent (Klaus Mikae...

By IThoughtUSaidWeast

435K 11K 7.3K

Klaus Mikaelson was evil, he tortured for fun, killed because he wanted to and pushed everyone away because b... More

Welcome/Welcome Back
Season 3
Season 4
Book 3 of the Nixie Dovers Series


13K 333 69
By IThoughtUSaidWeast

Brave New World


"We don't meet
people by accident.
They are meant
to cross our path
for a reason."

                -Kathryn Perez

By the time Stefan reached the area he last seen Elena and Nixie, the protectress had already bid the human goodbye and disappeared.

"Hey" he greeted his girlfriend for the second time that day, "where'd your, uh, friend Nixie go?"

Elena paused in her decorating and gave him a strange look, "she said she had to go home and get ready.. why?"

"No reason" Stefan smiled while wrapping an arm around her, "just wondering what you were doing over here all alone." Any other time Stefan wouldn't have bothered to keep the secret from Elena, but he didn't want to make any assumptions about her new friend, especially not if they came from Damon. He decided he'd confront her later on at the carnival while she was alone, he didn't want to risk the chance of upsetting Elena.

Elena gave him a grin as she kissed his cheek, "well thank you for checking on me, but I'm actually all finished up here." Nixie told her she'd meet her back at the school around 6:30 so until then she had nothing to worry about.


Nixie pushed her way through the hundreds off teens that were scattered throughout the Carnival, eyes searching for a specific person. She finally recognized the pin straight hair being accompanied by a certain curly haired witch. Also taking notice that the two were currently conversing with one of the carny guys and when she finally made it to them, Bonnie and the random dude had already walked off together.

"Hey" she greeted causing Elena to turn and give her an excited smile.

"Hey! I'm glad you could make it back, cute sweater."

Nixie looked down at the slightly baggy sweater with a snarl, she didn't want to wear the damn thing but with a wild Stefano on the hunt for her she figured she should blend in a little. And by blend in, she means not show off the tattoos littering her skin that would probably catch a lot of eyes. "Thanks" she grumbled while pulling at the fabric with a frown.

Elena laughed at her friends obvious hatred towards her clothing, in all honesty it was a cute sweater but she could tell Nixie wasn't the type of girl who thrived for "modest." "Well, I think you look great" she complemented her tempered friend.

  Nixie nodded in appreciation but didn't speak as her stomach began to twist uncomfortably. She didn't want to admit it, but her body had been  warning her all day about something happening and right as she entered the carnival, it got worse. Whatever was gonna happen, it was gonna happen here and of course, Elena would be a part of it. She couldn't help the way her eyes darted around every so often trying to spot any lurking danger but all she saw were overly hyped up teens riding death traps.

  Her sensitive ears just so happened to pick up on a familiar voice causing her to purse her lips in frustration. She turned towards a patient Elena with a frown, "Do you mind if I hit the bathroom real quick?"

  "No not all" Elena waved her off, "I'm actually gonna go look for Stefan and I'll meet you later okay?" She knew she promised to spend time with the girl in front of her but she just wanted to make sure everything was alright before then. She needed this night to be perfect and she wanted to make sure to keep Nixie out of their vampire drama.

  "Sounds good to me" Nixie nodded and before Elena could even respond the protector disappeared into the crowd of people. She felt slightly rude for leaving Elena but, she'll thank me in the long run she noted while finally spotting the two people she was looking for. "Damon, hey buddy!"

  The vampire who currently had his arm wrapped tightly around the younger Gilbert's neck let out a groan, "you've got to be kidding me." He begrudgingly released Jeremy from his hold and turned around to face the person who interrupted him.

  Jeremy didn't waste any time getting away from the two while Damon was distracted, something he was less than pleased about.

  Nixie didn't want to talk to Damon anymore than he wanted to talk to her, but she could hear the threats he was spewing at Elena's brother all the way from the Ferris wheel. Jeremy may not be her protected but he was important to Elena, which meant he was important to Nixie. "Yeah, hey, how's everything goin'?"

  Damon glared at the girl in front of him and after quickly glancing around, he grabbed her by the front of her sweater and forcefully smacked her into the unoccupied food cart next to them. "I don't know who you think you are princess but I'm getting real sick of seeing you around my town, who the hell are you?"

  Nixie chuckled causing his hold to tighten against her neck but she barely flinched. "Please princess, I'm gonna have to ask you kindly to take a step back, I think I can smell the school girl that you had for lunch still on your breath."  He unknowingly loosened his grip on her in surprise, to which she expertly brought her arms under his and smacked them away. She stepped around the vampire and turned towards him while dusting off any imaginary dirt from her sweater, "you were saying" she grinned.

  Damon was getting ready to throw another snarky comeback when a hand was placed on his shoulder, "everything alright here?" Both of them turned towards the intruder with faces of boredom.

  "Yeah Stefano, everything's great" Nixie nodded while gesturing towards herself and his brother, "Damon and I were just catching up is all, I was thanking him for paying for my meal yesterday."

  Both vampires stared at her, one in confusion and one in interest. "Alright" Stefan nodded even though he knew that wasn't the truth.

  Damon scoffed at his brothers tactics and instead walked towards Nixie and tossed an arm around her shoulders. "Listen" he started, "I don't know who or what you are, and until you decide to spill all your dirty little secrets to me, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to escort you around this carnival, frankly I don't trust you enough to send you out in your own. Our first stop... arm wrestling."

  "Damon" Stefan cautioned while making sure Elena wasn't around, "do you really think....." he stopped mid sentence as he noticed both his brother and Nixie were no longer by him. "..that's a good idea.." The vampire shook his head in exasperation before quickly following behind the two as they made their way to the wrestling club.

The cheers grew louder as the trio got closer, catching the end of the match and watching Tyler Lockwood beat him some random football player with a smirk.

"Cocky little thing, isn't he" Nixie chuckled earning a look from Damon who only gripped her arm tighter.

"He's got strength" Damon noticed.

"He's a triple varsity athlete" Stefan deadpanned, "of course he's got strength. You're reaching."

They watched Mason Lockwood take the seat in front of his nephew, "enter the uncle."

Nixie watched in interest, sure she'd seen plenty of supernatural creatures throughout the years but she always had a fascination with wolves. Werewolves to be exact, something about being driven by the moon was just so bizarre to her. Of course she could end Damon's suffering and let him in on what the Lockwood's were, but where was the fun in that?

  Damon's eyes narrowed as he watched the uncle beat his nephew with no struggles. The older male didn't even break a sweat as Tyler basically threw his entire body weight into it.

  "Who wants to go next" Tyler called while rubbing his sore arm.

  Damon threw his brother a smirk, "uh, Stefan wants a go!"

  Nixie let out a chuckle at the look of betrayal on Stefan's face while the vampire trudged to the table. "Think he's gonna win?"

  Damon shrugged at her question, "guess we'll find out. Get him Stefan!"

  Nixie caught the mumbling between Stefan and Mason and couldn't help but roll her eyes at the wolves cockiness. She watched their hands grip and when the bell rang their hands sat evenly matched until Mason's face began turning slightly red and he managed to slam Stefan's hand down.

  The crowd ooh'ed as the match ended and Damon threw his hands up in defeat glaring at his brother who came back towards them. "You didn't put in any effort at all."

  "Yeah, actually, I did" Stefan informed with his brows furrowed. Both vampires got a look of interest on their faces before turning towards their 3rd party.

  "Where the hell did she go" Damon demanded while looking around to spot their runaway. "Nevermind it doesn't matter, I gotta do something."


  Damon made his way through the halls, a smirk on his face as he felt a familiar presence behind him. He turned around, "oh, hey, blondie. They let you out."

  Caroline was silent for a second and right as Damon went to walk away she spoke, "I remember."

  Damon's head rolled back, "and what do you remember?"

  "I remember how you manipulated me" she informed while moving towards him. "You pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories. Fed on me." With each word Caroline's voice got sharper as she grew angrier.

  Damon ignored her anger, "you're crazy" he retorted.

  "Well, the memories have been coming back in pieces."

  "You can't remember" Damon huffed, "it's impossible. I mean, unless you're becoming a...." he trailed off at the look she was giving him.

  Caroline blinked at him innocently, "I have a message from Katherine." Her heels clicked until she was so close to Damon their faces were almost touching, "she said, game on." Flipping her hair over her shoulder she turned away.

  "Wait" Damon called grabbing her shoulder which ended up being a terrible mistake as his body was sent flying down the hallway. He gave her a surprised look as she snarled at him.

  "You suck" Caroline spat before turning around and making her dramatic exit.

  Damon let out a sigh as he laid his head back onto the ground and groaned.

  "That looked like it hurt" he heard causing another groan to leave him lips.

  "You always come at the worst times" he grumbled as a familiar pair of green orbs met his.

  Nixie shrugged before holding her hand out for him to grab, "I get that a lot."

  Damon wearily eyed her hand before rolling his eyes and grabbing it and allowing her to help him up. "We gotta warn Elena" he sighed before leading the protector out of the school.

  It didn't take long to spot the human girl who was still refilling prizes and stressing over everything. "Elena" Damon called as him and Nixie trailed up behind her.

  Elena gave them a confused look, "what do you want Damon? And what are you doing with Nixie?"

  And this was the part where explanations must come out to play, Nixie silently mourned over the fact that most likely after tonight she was officially part of the Scooby Gang. Elena would most like be pissed, Stefan would follow behind her, Damon will more than likely not care and Bonnie would probably try to fry her brain. Yay.

  "Listen" Damon stressed, "I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but I need you to come with me."

  "Whatever it is I'm not interested" Elena shot down, "and neither is Nixie so leave her out of your diabolical schemes."

  Damon gave Nixie an exasperated look to which she shrugged at. He turned back to the stubborn doppelgänger, "yeah, I need you to come with me right now, Elena" he repeated.

  Finally catching onto the seriousness of the situation she gave Nixie a look of panic, how the hell was she supposed to explain this to her? She knew she shouldn't have brought another person into her life, not matter what they always get dragged into their drama.

  "It's alright Elena" Nixie sighed, "I know what's going on and I really think you should listen to Damon on this one." She couldn't ignore the look of betrayal the girl shot her and Nixie wouldn't admit it, but it kind of stung. Shrugging her shoulders she motioned for her to follow Damon while she stayed in the back at a distance.


  "How did this happen" Stefan quizzed as they all sat around in an empty classroom discussing Caroline's newest transformation.

  "Well I fed her blood" Damon listed, "and Katherine obviously killed her, and "A" plus "B" equals..."

  "But why" Elena shook her head, while trying to understand any hidden meanings.

  Damon gave her a look as if she were stupid, "because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty little slut."

  "And she said game on?" I mean, what does that even mean?"

  Nixie sat in the corner letting the three talk, one because she knew it wasn't her place and two Elena's body language made it perfectly clear. She no longer trusted the girl she befriended and instead of talking it out, she was ignoring Nixie's existence all together. She tuned back into the conversation when an argument about killing the newest vampire came up.

  "You're not gonna kill Caroline" Elena snapped towards the eldest brother.

  "She knows who we are" Damon argued, "she's officially a liability. We gotta get rid of her."

  Elena instantly turned towards Stefan who attempted to comfort her, "Damon, absolutely not" he shot down.

"Listen to me" Damon hissed taking a step closer to Elena which caused Nixie to twitch, something that didn't go unnoticed by the vampire. "Caroline, of all people will not make it as a vampire. Need I remind you of a tragic tale about a girl named Vicki Donovan? Caroline's mother is a vampire hunter! Guys, come on. We all know how this story ends, so let's just flip to the last chapter and—

"It's not an option Damon" Elena snapped before he could finish his gruesome tale. She wasn't gonna let the girl she'd been friends with her whole life get killed just because she got dragged into their supernatural drama. Caroline didn't deserve that.

Damon's blue eyes stared as Elena before trailing to the girl in the corner, "and what do you think about all this princess? Hmm, you seem to know oh so much about everything going on this town, tell me, do you think blondie should be set free to wreak havoc on all things living one Barbie tantrum at a time. Or, should we put her down before she even has the chance?"

Nixie didn't expect to be dragged into their argument so soon and for a moment she was stuck trying to pick a side. She knew Caroline was Elena's friend and that the doppelgänger would rather die then sentence her to death. But on the other hand, Caroline was erratic, she was self obsessed, jealous and was easily triggered and those traits in a vampire were never good. She could understand both points of view, she truly could but at the end of the day, Nixie wasn't here to protect Damon. She had to choose what was right because choosing the wrong option lost Elena's trust forever. So giving the vampire an apologetic frown she looked to Elena.

"If Caroline can be saved, then we should help her. I know if it were me in her shoes, having a friend by my side wouldn't be the worst." Nixie ignored the look of betrayal Damon sent her and instead focused on the smug grin Elena threw at him as she realized he was outnumbered.

Damon thought for sure Nixie would've sided with him due to how she reacted earlier when he confronted Elena. Guess he was wrong though and with that he turned to his brother, "your silence is deafening, Stefan. Wait.. wasn't there a school carnival the night you staked Vicki?" They avoided the question which caused Damon to let out a fake surprised scoff, "talk about a town where history repeats itself. You know I'm right" he aimed at him.

Nixie watched as Stefan stood from his spot on the desk and stepped up to his brother, "we're not gonna kill her" he stated with no room for arguments. Deciding to end the argument Stefan walked out of the room before turning at the last second to look at Elena.

Elena gave Nixie a look and when the protectress only shrugged in response, the human frowned sadly and chased after her boyfriend, leaving Damon and Nixie alone.

"It's the only way" Damon repeated causing Nixie to look at him. She didn't respond, in fact she didn't even know if he were taking to her or trying to reassure himself. Either way, she didn't like the look on his face.


Nixie somehow managed to lose everyone that she'd came for and was angrily stomping around the carnival with a half eaten elephant ear in her hand. "Stupid Scooby Gang, stupid carnival, stupid—." Her rant was cut off by the overwhelming smell of blood that entered her senses causing her to freeze. She tried to listen for anything but all she heard was laughter and excited screams coming from everyone around her. She lowered her food and took a whiff instantly picking out the direction the blood was coming from and she didn't hesitate to start jogging towards it. She was so busy trying to make it that she didn't notice someone in front of her before it was too late and she smacked into them.

Both victims let out grunts at the impact and Nixie ended up losing the grip on her elephant ear as her and the unknown person were sent tumbling. "Son of a bitch!"

"Nixie?" She heard causing her head to snap up towards a confused looking Elena. Nixie gave her a surprised look before looking down at the person she accidentally tackled only to be met with the familiar sight of Stefan Salvatore.

The protectress hurriedly rolled off of him and stood, not even blinking as she reached down and gripped his arm hauling him up with her earning a shocked stare. She didn't care though, her head frantically turning as she tried to pick of the scent of blood again.

"Nixie" Elena cautioned seeing her panicked look and growing worried, "Nixie what's wrong?"

"I think Damon's gonna do something bad" Nixie huffed while still looking around for the vampire.

Stefan stepped towards her and grabbed her should to capture her attention, "what do you mean Damon's gonna do something?"

"Can't you smell it" she whispered towards him so Elena wouldn't hear and that's when Stefan's eyes widened in horror. Both supernatural caught the scent of blood at the same time and Stefan was the first to rush off towards it.

The three raced towards the direction they knew they'd find Caroline, Stefan leading while Nixie trailed behind checking to make sure Elena was still with them every few seconds. They finally managed to make it just in time for Stefan to stop Damon from shoving a stake through Caroline's heart.

"Stefan" Damon exclaimed while angrily glaring at his brother, he was so close to ending the problem.

Elena ran straight for her friend with Nixie not far behind, she tried to sooth a sobbing Caroline who began screaming at her. "Get away from me! You killed me!"

"Woah" Nixie cautioned, pulling Elena back from the hectic vampire and placing herself in between them.

"No, no, no, no Caroline" Elena denied while standing behind Nixie, "that wasn't me. You know that. That was Katherine."

"No" the vampire yelled in denial, "then why does she look like you?! Why- why did she do this to me?" Cries left her lips while she allowed the girl she didn't know to comfort her.

Nixie had no idea what she was doing, the action of comforting people being completely foreign to her. She just allowed the upset teen to bury her snot filled face into her sweater while she rubbed her back. Well, now I have an excuse to get rid of this thing.

"Stefan we have to get her inside" Elena stated while watching Caroline being comforted by Nixie.

"It's alright Caroline" Nixie soothed, "Stefan's gonna get you inside, he's gonna help you" she promised.

Damon watched the scene in front of him while a smirk, "she will die" he stated. "It's only a matter of time."

"Yeah, maybe so" Stefan agreed, "but it's not gonna happen tonight."

"Oh yeah it is" Damon mumbled before picking the stake up and racing towards them.

Nixie noticed Elena's eyes twitch and soon the uncomfortable knot in her stomach lurched and right as the human went to step in front of the stake to save Caroline, Nixie gripped her arm and traded their places.

Damon instantly paused as the protectress stepped in front of him, the stake he was holding pointed right at her chest and slightly scraping the skin beneath her sweater.

"Damon she's my friend" Elena pleaded while staring at them, talking about both Nixie and Caroline. She may not have trusted Nixie after finding out she'd been lying to her, but that was the second time she had stepped in front of her tonight and risked her life. She figured she owed her the benefit of the doubt.

Nixie didn't even flinch as Damon put a little more pressure into the shake allowing it to break the skin on her chest, she simply stared back at him. He finally lowered the stake before looking towards the human Nixie was guarding, "whatever happens" he started aiming his next words at Elena, "it's on you."

Nobody noticed the horrified witch coming up behind them, eyes watering as she glanced away from the body of the boy she was flirting with only a hour ago. Her sad eyes were set solely on her childhood friend who had blood coating her face. "Caroline?"

Stefan tried to sooth the situation by comforting the still crying Caroline, "c'mon it's okay."

"No" Bonnie denied, "you can't be." She stomped towards her and right as she gripped the blondes wrist she got the same feeling of death that every other vampire gave off.

"Bonnie" Caroline squeaked only to let out another cry as her friend backed away from her in fear.

Everyone watched the witch race towards the bed of the truck where Carter's body still lied, bloodied and dead.

Elena sent Caroline towards Stefan and the two raced into the school to get her cleaned up while leaving Elena, Nixie and Damon with the upset witch. "I can't believe this is happening" Bonnie cried while pacing around the truck.

"Come on, don't pout about it" Damon retorted while making his way over with a shovel, "we got a body to bury."

Nixie watched the vampire step next to Elena completely unaware of the death glare Bonnie was sending at his back. She watched him stumble over his steps before letting out an agonized yell while Bonnie's eyes never left him. His groans were muffled by his hands that were covering his face until he smacked the ground.

The hose attached the the building suddenly turned on, the water coating the ground around Damon who was still screaming. "I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt" Bonnie quoted.

"I didn't do this" Damon yelled while squeezing his temples.

"Bonnie it wasn't his fault" Elena argued trying to get her friend to see a little reason.

Bonnie gave her a dumbfounded look, "everything that happens is his fault, Elena."

Nixie took a step closer towards Damon to try and help but halted as Bonnie's head snapped towards her. "Bonnie what are you doing" Elena gasped as she watched the water get closer to the incapacitated vampire. Their eyes widened as the liquid soon turned to flames and they headed right towards Damon.

"Holt shit" Nixie yelled as Damon began screaming as his leg caught on fire.

"Bonnie stop it" Elena yelled while Nixie stopped caring about getting her own aneurysm and tried to aid the burning vampire.

Nixie ripped off her ugly sweater leaving her in just a tank top while she tried to smack the fire out on Damon's legs, "holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." The fire refused to go out though and she was left patting the fire with her hands that soon began blistering.

"Bonnie, stop it! You're gonna kill them!!"

Giving up on trying to put out the fire, Nixie set her eyes on the witch who was in a trance trying to burn Damon alive. She turned towards him as he gave her a pleading look and without hesitating the protector stood up and ran at the witch. She didn't want to hurt Bonnie, so instead of tackling her like she wanted she gave her a hard shove forcing her to snap out of whatever murder haze she was stuck in. The fire began to die and Nixie hastily made her way back towards Damon and helped him put out the rest of the flames on his clothes.

Elena raced towards Bonnie and gripped her by her shoulders, "Bonnie, hey!"

"Why did you stop me" Bonnie yelled while smacking Elena's hands away from her, "why?!"

"Because this isn't us" Elena cried while shaking her, "Bonnie, this can't be us. Come on." The two friends cradled each other while turning away from Damon and making their way out of the carnival.

Damon let out a pained groan before allowing his head to lean back against the cement, he turned towards the girl sitting next to him. He watched her lift her burnt sweater by her finger and give the destroyed fabric a small grin, "thanks" he spoke, turning away as she looked at him.

Any other time Nixie would've teased him for thanking her, but she could already tell he was down and she didn't want to add salt to the wounds. "No problem" she shrugged before throwing her sweater away and holding her hand out for him.

Unlike last time, Damon didn't give her a look of disgust, he simply grabbed her hand and allowed her to help him up. "I think I need a drink."


The two leaned against each other while making their way to the parking lot where Nixie drove them to the boarding house for a glass of bourbon.


Nixie and Damon entered the house and he instantly lead her to the table that was covered in bottles of various alcohol. She was the first to notice a young Jeremy Gilbert sitting in the corner of the room.

"What the hell are you doing here" Damon sighed while pouring Nixie a glass and handing it to her before facing the teen.

"You don't lock your front door" Jeremy retorted.

"Yeah" Damon nodded, while going to take a sip of his drink.

"I wouldn't" Jeremy warned with a frown stopping the vampire from taking a sip, "I uh, I laced it with vervain."

Nixie gave the boy an impressed look before sniffing her drink and giving Damon a nod confirming it. She shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the glass out of his hand and downing it causing him to shake his head.

"Now, why would you do that" Damon asked while ignoring Nixie as she poured herself another glass.

Jeremy held up the makeshift stake he carved, "so I could stake you with this." He gave them a sad look before tossing the weapon at Damon's feet in defeat.

Damon kicked it away from him and raised a brow, "you came here to kill me?"

"Well it's only fair. You killed me first."

Nixie picked up the stake and eyed the carving in disappointment, this wouldn't stake a pillow let alone a vampire, the edge wasn't sharp enough. "What made you wisen up" Damon mumbled while taking the stake out of her hand.

"My father hated vampires" Jeremy informed, "my uncle, too. They were absolute. They knew exactly what they stood for. I figure maybe I should, too. I mean stand for something. But killing you, what's that gonna do?"

Nixie nodded at the boys wisdom, for someone so young he really was wise. She took the seat across from Damon and crossed her legs waiting for his response. She knew he wasn't the touchy feeling kind, truthfully neither was she. Nixie hated sharing her emotions with people, her emotions were the one way ticket right into her thoughts. She didn't like people knowing what she was thinking, she didn't like when people thought they knew her. She didn't like to do what anyone expected of her, why should she live up to other people's expectations instead of her own? (10 Things I Hate About You anyone??😁)

"Look, I don't do the big-brother thing very well" Damon huffed, "sorry I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you."

Jeremy stood from his seat in annoyance, glaring at the vampire, "dick." Nixie raised her glass in salute earning a glare from Damon. "Wait" he begrudgingly stopped the younger boy from leaving and let out a sigh, "my father hated vampires too."

"He did?" Jeremy was actually set back at the vampires admittance, he never really thought back to Damon or Stefan's time as humans. He could only imagine how they are now, it never occurred to him that who they are now wasn't who they always were.

  "Same reason your dad did" he continued, refusing to make eye contact with either people in the room. "Only, it was 1864. People knew how to whittle" he held up Jeremy's poorly crafted stake.

  The human boy actually let out a laugh, earlier thoughts of murdering the vampire in front of him slowly dissipating.

  "Did you make that" Nixie questioned even though she knew the answer she just didn't like the awkward silence.

  Jeremy finally remembered someone else was in the room and he nodded with pink cheeks, "yeah, I tried it's- it's a little harder than it looks" he admitted.

  Nixie smiled at the boys innocence and without thinking about it she reached into her boot and pulled out her own stake. "Here" she offered tossing the perfectly sculpted stake towards him to which he clumsily caught.

  Damon smirked, "so you were planning to kill me huh?"

  Nixie let out a scoff, "please, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. Actually if I remember correctly, I saved your life tonight."

  "Yeah yeah" Damon mumbled, "don't be so modest."

  Jeremy stared at the two in slight confusion, he had no idea who this chick was but every time he's seen her she was with Damon. Deciding he didn't want to interrupt their playful banter he silently slipped out the door while neither noticed.

  "You know" Damon started while getting up to pour himself a glass of nonvervained bourbon and raising it towards her. "I wanted to kill you, quite frankly I still might, but... you did save my life today. And potentially Elena's when I almost staked her, so maybe you're not so bad."

  Nixie raised her glass with a smug little grin, "Yamas."

  "Bless you" Damon retorted before they both downed their glasses, Nixie having to choke hers down due to her laughter.

  Maybe the Scooby Gang weren't so bad.

Yamas - Cheers(Greek)

**Just to clear any confusion, this story is beginning right after the tomb vampires all got killed in the fire, Katherine makes her first appearance and the Scooby gang are trying to figure out what Tyler and Mason Lockwood are. Katherine just turned Caroline into a vampire. Elena is currently mad at Damon for snapping Jeremys neck while wearing the Gilbert ring and the next episode is when Alaric, Damon and Elena go to Duke University to find out more about Isobel and Katherine. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.❤️❤️**

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