By zencrela

17.8K 437 98

[ ABANDONED ] "Living or dying. Which is better?" [ KOL MIKAELSON X OC ] [ TVD SEASON 3-4 ] More



2.8K 65 22
By zencrela


In the gym of Mystic Falls High School, a girl is struggling to stay on one foot while standing upright. An older man looks her way, indifference on his face.

"Keep it up," the man says offhandedly, eyes watching the girl struggle some more, letting out a sob.

"Where's Stefan?" A brunette asks from beside him, keeping her eyes off the struggling girl and looking at the man beside her. "What did you do to him?"

"Stefan's on a time out," is all the man says. Then, the doors to the gym open, a dark skinned girl and a white boy walking through towards the others in the gym, not realizing what they are walking into.

"Bonnie, get out of here!" The brunette yells, stepping forward while staring with fear at the dark skinned girl. Before any of them can blink, the man speeds over to Bonnie, standing in front of her and blocking her way.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up," the man says with a sinister smile on his face. "Now we can get started."

"Ah, Dana," the man says, looking at the girl with one for in the air. "Why don't you relax? You and Chad sit tight."

The girl falls backward into Chad's arms as she continues to cry softly, the two students sitting on the ground quickly, but they do not move any further.

"I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive?" The man continues while looking back at Bonnie, eyebrows raised as she watches her face go from fearful to defiance.

"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me," Bonnie says, confidence leaking out of her mouth, yet the man could still hear the fear in her voice.

"Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." As the man talks, a blonde woman throws the gym doors open, walking in with confidence as she drags a boy with her. The boy is visibly struggling as the woman is too strong for him to free himself.

"Get off of me!" The black haired boy yells, attempting again to free himself from her grasp, but is unsuccessful.

"Hush now," the blonde says, annoyed, as if the black haired boy should be okay with her dragging him around against his will.

"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah," the man introduces the blonde, putting a hand out to motion to her. "Word of warning, she can be quite mean."

"Don't be an ass," is all Rebekah says as she throws the boy into her brother's arms, who grips onto the boy so he cannot leave.

"Leave him alone!" The brunette yells, but she doesn't make a move to try and help. She knows she is no match for the two siblings.

"I'm going to make this very simple," the man starts to voice loudly turning himself around in a circle and bringing the boy along with him. "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually."

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie," the man says as he bites into his wrist and shoves it into the boy's mouth, filling it with the man's blood. "And for Tyler's sake, you better hurry."

Once the man takes his wrist away from the struggling Tyler, he wraps his hands around Tyler's head, but before the man can snap his neck, Tyler let's out a painful howl into the night, louder than anyone had ever heard before. Vibrating off of the walls and flowing out of the school, The man lets the howl last for 5 seconds before he twists his wrists and snaps Tyler's neck, letting him fall to the ground.

"What did he just do?" Rebekah asks, eyes wide as she looks from the dead wolf on the ground to her brother, who simply has a smirk on his face.

"He called for his alpha."

"When a member of your pack calls out to you, it'll vibrate in your bones until you can't take it anymore," Richard had told Felicity, once. It was something he had said out of the blue, while they were baking a cake for Carol's birthday. Felicity had been smoothing down the white frosting onto the heart shaped cake while Richard mixed together blue frosting.

"What do you mean?" She had asked him, but he only smiled and handed her the blue frosting, leaving the question unanswered. The information he had given her was then pushed into the back of her mind, bopping around in her subconscious, waiting to become present. And the knowledge finally became useful today.

Felicity had been laying on her bed, reading Harry Potter when she felt a chill go up her spine. It made her pause her reading, putting the book to her side as she sat up on her bed. Then, even though she knew he was no where near her, she heard her brother's howl as if he was screaming in her ear. His fear, his pain filled her entire body, flowing from her head to toes as her eyes widened drastically. She shot up, climbing off her bed at an inhuman speed to stand up, his howl still vibrating through her body, making her feel sick to her stomach.

"Tyler's in trouble," a voice kept saying in her head as she bolted out of her house at top speed, running faster than ever towards the high school. She couldn't stop the panic searing through her chest as she could still feel his pained howl rushing through her blood. "Tyler needs you," the voice said on a loop as her hair whipped around her face from the speed she was sprinting.

The way to the gym was familiar to her as she rushed through the halls of Mystic Falls High, not giving two seconds thought on slowing down in case a human was nearby and witnessed her inhuman speed. Within seconds, she burst through the gym doors, eyes wildly moving from corner to corner as she looked for her brother.

Elena's shouting voice telling her to leave was deaf to her ears as a pained cry left her mouth, seeing Tyler Lockwood dead on the floor. As she moved to him, a figure stepped in her way, blocking her brother from her view. Immediately she looked up to the man, glaring so hard it would make the devil himself cringe away. She siphoned magic from herself and started giving him an aneurysm, but the little magic she took from herself made it so weak the hybrid barely felt it. He went to grab her, but she was quick to dodge him, gripping his arm with her hand as he grabbed her shoulder with his other hand. She started to try and twist herself out of his grasp, but what she didn't know was he had a thousand year's on her. She would not have been able to fight him in this state.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back to his chest as he shoved his bleeding wrist into her mouth, and once she had enough blood in her system, he snapped her neck, just like he did her brother.

It took longer for Felicity to wake up than it did Tyler, and the young blonde vampire and newly turned hybrid had to convince themselves that it was just because she was killed after Tyler, not because she wasn't just a wolf before Klaus killed her. Tyler was sat at Felicity's head, hand running through her hair as he, Caroline, Rebekah and Klaus waited for the Lockwood girl to wake up.

5 minutes later Felicity's eyes opened, mouth opening slightly to take in a breath of air. She sat up, disoriented, falling off the table she was previously on and slamming into the ground on her hands and knees. Tyler went, ready to help her, but with one look from Klaus, he stopped. Rebekah immediately grabbed Caroline again as her brother went with another vile of blood to the transforming girl.

"Drink," is all Klaus said, squatting down and pushing the vile towards Felicity, who just looked at him. "Or you'll die."

"And if I would rather die, than become a vampire?" Felicity said softly, but her brother heard it, and made a noise of protest. Klaus just smirked before shoving the blood down her throat as he did when he killed her. Felicity starts coughing it back up, screaming in pain as she grips her head. After a few moments, Klaus puts his hands on either side of her face, bringing it up to look into her eyes, which glow amber as the veins beneath them grow dark and pulsate. He smiles in delight, but then gasps out in pain as the area of her he is touching starts to glow orange, Felicity unconsciously siphoning from him. He immediately lets her go, and she stands up with fear in her eyes, looking towards the others in the room before speeding out of the room. Caroline is the first one to break the silence before the Mikaelson siblings leave.

"She's - she's not a hybrid, she's a tribrid."

Hello! If you've been on my profile, you'll have seen that this account has only been active for about a week, but I have actually been a ghost on Wattpad for about two years, now, reading stories. I actually decided on making an account because I had this story idea, and wanted to share it with people.

Anyways, I think that this version of a tribrid is one that makes the most sense? Because siphoning witches, when turned become heretics - part witch, part vampire, and when werewolves get turned they become hybrids - part wolf, part vampire. Being a siphon-werewolf hybrid from the start, then being turned into a vampire would mean she would still have her witch abilities when turned, because she was born a siphon. Does that make sense?

Anyways, if you're reading this, thank you for taking the time to do so! I'm most likely going to try to do updates once a week, because I have a hectic schedule and don't always have time to sit down and write out a whole chapter in one sitting.

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