MegaMan Revolution Concerto

Від DreamersWriters

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In Nihon, technology is growing and evolving rapidly! The internet is connecting everyone and everything to e... Більше

Note for this Story!
Prologue: The Hidden Files
Chapter 1: The New Age
Chapter 2: Star Idol
Chapter 3: A Trio?!
Chapter 5: Let's Work Together Please!
Chapter 6: Dr. Wily's Standing Strong
Chapter 7: For Everyone!
Chapter 8: The Electronic Convention
Chapter 9: Fleeting Peace
Chapter 10: Meetings in North America
Chapter 11: Running Late
Chapter 12: Frosty Family Relations
Chapter 13: A Short, Death Match
Chapter 14: An Assassin or Friend?
Chapter 15: A Cold Wind
Chapter 16: The Professor and Cache
Chapter 17: Separate for a Few Weeks
Chapter 18: A Thaw
Chapter 19: An Unpleasant Meeting
Chapter 20: To The High Mountain
Chapter 21: A Talent Show for the World
Chapter 22: Return Together
Chapter 23: Start Searching
Chapter 24: Miracle Medicine
Chapter 25: A Red Knight and A Yellow Pilot
Chapter 26: Special Effects are Special
Chapter 27: Synchro Chips and Resolutions
Chapter 28: Running Around Part 1
Chapter 29: Running Around Part 2
Chapter 30: Code E.A.R.T.H
Chapter 31: Not Here Yet
Chapter 32: The Crests and Duo
-Thank You!-
Chapter 33: Countdown to Destruction
Chapter 34: Coming Back
Chapter 35: Revolution Concerto Finale!
Bonus Chapter 1: An Eventful Party
Bonus Chapter 2: A Cross Fusion Test
Author's Note

Chapter 4: Special Training

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Від DreamersWriters

(I honestly see Lan, Chaud, and Maylu as a trio. In the anime, they even team up a lot of the times. If the creator does go back to the game series, I really hope we get to see the three of them team up. I honestly love their dynamic as well. So, this story will mainly focus on their bonds as friends (including Miku) and as well as their teammates! Enjoy!)

Music Themes 

ACDC Town and Places 

Chaud's Theme 

SciLab's Theme

Hub's Theme 

Net Saviors' Theme 

Yahoot + MagicMan's Theme 

Miku's Theme 

                "Alright, are you ready Roll?" Maylu asked as she noticed how damaged ProtoMan and MegaMan were.

"Are you sure about this?" Dr. Hikari asked, "It will drain Roll and you"

"Since an ambulance is coming, I'll be fine. Roll is quick to recover. As for those two fools, they will need all the help they can get to recover" Maylu reassured Dr. Hikari, "I will also not be fighting, so this shouldn't hurt me too much. Let's do this, Roll!"

The two of them synched up as Maylu inserted three 200 heal chips. Roll created a blue sphere and then slammed the sphere on the ground to heal most of the injuries done to them and herself. However, the attack did take a lot of energy from the chips and short circuited a few lights around them. The two of them sat down and were very tired. The ambulance arrived and took everyone to the hospital to rest from this attack. Lan woke up in a hospital bed, panting heavily. He looked at the blanket and recalled what happened. He was fighting Chaud and ProtoMan with MegaMan using this new power. He then saw a blue moon and felt very weak. He wondered about that new power until he heard the doors open to reveal Maylu and his dad. Lan was relieved it was his dad instead of his mom. He would get a lecture from her.

"How are you feeling?" Maylu asked with concern as his father sat down with relief on his face.

"I'm fine, but what happened? And is MegaMan ok?" Lan asked with worry.

"He's fine. He's recovering along with Roll and ProtoMan after the fight you three had" his father said seriously.

Lan let out a nervous chuckle as Maylu sighed at him.

"Regardless, I was not hoping for you and Chaud to fight. If anything, I was hoping you two would get along. I did call him in from North America" Dr. Hikari said with a sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Lan shouted in disbelief, "Papa are you serious?! Chaud is a jerk! Heck! He insulted Maylu, MegaMan, and Roll! What gives him the right to be mean to us when we were able to handle the situation just fine?!"

"Enough!" Dr. Hikari snapped at him and then calmed down, "Chaud did not have to say that, but you don't know his full story! Now, Chaud is going to be with us until this whole World 3 situation is over. Please try and get to know him. He doesn't have any friends besides ProtoMan"

Lan and Maylu were a bit surprised at his statement about Chaud.

"Now, if you wish to know more about him, you will have to talk to him about it. Also, after the stunt you three have pulled, I have made your PETs linked to mine. If you NetBattle, I will be notified. You three will not be allowed to NetBattle for a week. You and your Navis need time to rest" Dr. Hikari said seriously.

Lan was a bit disappointed while Malyu asked, "Speaking of our Navis, are they ok? Where are they?"

"Resting. Don't worry, you'll be with them shortly. I just have to run a few tests. Also, linking the PETs to mine was not my idea. I gave you the soft warning. Now, I have to go and check on Chaud" Dr. Hikari said with a grin as he stood up and left.

Lan mumbled to Maylu, "The soft one?"

The doors burst open to reveal Haruka Hikari looking very mad with Mr. Sakurai on her PET.

"LAN! MAYLU! You two are in so much trouble!" she shouted as the two parents gave their children a lecture.

Dr. Hikari smirked as he walked to the other room. He saw Chaud looking out the window and being quiet. Dr. Hikari pulled a chair up and grinned at him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm alright, but I am so sorry about that Dr. Hikari. I wasn't aware that he was your son, but he was acting so arrogant. I wanted to prove myself to you as the new Net Savior of North America. I let you down, my father down, and being a Net Savior down" Chaud admitted as he lowered his head.

Dr. Hikari was a bit saddened by him. He read Chaud's file and felt sad for the young boy. He had been through so much.

"Don't worry about it. You did save their friend, stopped a member of World 3, and protected the town. I am grateful you were there to help my son and his friends. Although, you, Lan, and Maylu did cause a lot of damage by using Synchro. My team is fixing up the damages, so the area should be fixed up soon" Dr. Hikari informed Chaud gently.

Chaud felt relieved as he then recalled something important, "Is ProtoMan ok? He looks after me... He was trying to advise me not to be rude to your son and his friends"

"He's going to be fine. However, he, MegaMan, and Roll do need some rest. You cannot Netbattle for a week to make sure they recover just fine. Also, do you have your schedule ready?" Dr. Hikari asked calmly.

"Thank you for looking after ProtoMan. Yes, I do have my schedule ready. I'll be attending school for the morning and then met the officials for Enzan Company" Chaud said seriously.

Dr. Hikari grinned at him.

"Well, when you are with us, you can always ask anything from us. We will be here to help you. In fact, your hotel is near our house. My wife will want you to come over and have dinner with us. Chaud, you can relax here as well as do your best. Now, I will check on your Navis" Dr. Hikari said softly as he walked to the door, "Oh, and my wife will make sure you are fine and come to our house for dinner"

He left just as his wife burst into the room! Chaud was surprised as Mrs. Hikari began to lecture him about picking fights, his attitude, and to relax. Dr. Hikari just grinned as he walked back to SciLab. As for the Navis, MegaMan woke up and looked around to see himself in a healing chamber. He sat up and looked to his right to see Roll recovering her own healing chamber. He looked to the left, but there was no one in the other healing chamber.

"I'm sorry about that" ProtoMan said as he stood away from them, "I will try to warn Chaud about letting his temper get the better of him as well as his attitude"

MegaMan shook his head as he said in a friendly manner, "I should apologize too. Lan can be a short tempered and lunge into a situation without thinking. He should also learn to be kind to others he just met. I should too. I'm sorry"

He extended his hand to ProtoMan. The two of them shook their hands as Roll let out a yawn. She looked up and grinned at them in delight. She was happy they were getting along.

"Ah, it looks like you three are awake" Dr. Hikari said with a smile as he walked into his lab, "And getting along much better than the other two"

MegaMan let out a nervous laugh as ProtoMan made his quiet expression return.

Roll walked up to Dr. Hikari as she asked, "So, are our NetOps ok?"

"They're fine. They will come here to pick you all up shortly. However, I have told them that the three of you are not allowed to NetBattle for a week. I want to make sure you all make a full recovery without any issues. I've linked their PETs to mine. In case they attempt to NetBattle, I will be notified and shut down the jack in section. Please stop them if they try this"

The three Navis nodded as Dr. Hikari hocked up their PETs to the screen and took the Navis out. He picked up MegaMan's and walked to his office room.

"So, is Lan ok?" MegaMan asked nervously.

"Oh, he's fine" Dr. Hikari reassured him, "Well, mom isn't too happy with you either"

MegaMan gulped as he heard his mother shout, "Hub Hikari! You are in so much trouble!"

After the lecture, the three children arrived at SciLab and took their PETs. Then, they went home to rest up for school tomorrow. However, Dr. Hikari rubbed his brow. He was not expecting these children to fight with each other like this. He needed to find a way to bring them together. He snapped his fingers as he recalled the Net Saviors currently watching over Nihon. He decided to give them a call and invite them here to help train the new Net Saviors.

"I told you to get up, but you wouldn't listen to me" MegaMan said with a sigh as Lan was skating to school as fast as he could.

"Shut up! I don't need your sass right now!" Lan shouted as he skated to school.

When they arrived at school, the two of them were surprised to see a crowd.

"What's going on?" Lan asked curiously as he skated up to Maylu, Dex, and Tory.

Before they could answer him, a fancy sports car drove in front of the school. A butler stepped out of the car and then opened the door of the car to reveal Chaud.

"Chaud?!" Lan and Mayl exclaimed in shock as he approached them.

"Hi you two. It is nice to see you again. I will be your classmate" he said seriously.

The two of them were surprised as he walked pass them and went to the classroom.

"YOU KNOW HIM?!" Dex and Tory shouted in shock just as a pink limo pulled while the crowd disappeared.

Yai stepped out and looked at her friends angrily.

She pulled Lan's and Maylu's ears as she shouted at them angrily, "How dare you be friends with him?!"

The two close friends were in a daze at her loud voice as she then shoved them away and stormed into the school. They were very confused at Yai's word.

"You two really don't know who he is?" Dex asked surprised.

"He's Chaud Enzan. The son of the Enzan Company. His company rivals that of Yai. In fact, he was being homeschooled and trained to be the best NetBattler. How do you two know him?" Tory asked surprised.

"He was sent here by my dad's request" Lan said surprised.

As the day went on, the students had a break in between their lessons. Lan and Maylu were chatting with Dex, Tory, and Yai happily and calmly until Chaud turned his head towards Lan and Maylu.

"So, what do you all talk about for fun?" he asked unsure as they remained quiet.

Yai turned her head away from him as Lan said, "Oh! We were thinking about meeting up at Yai's place after school on Friday to drive to Miku's concert! Want to come?"

Chaud was surprised at Lan's kindness, but Chaud wasn't entirely sure if he should go with them. He didn't think his father would approve of this either... He wasn't here though...

"I don't think I can" Chaud said hesitantly as a guard walked into the classroom, "I have to go now. Goodbye everyone"

He took ProtoMan with him and collected his belongings. Lan and Maylu shared a look as Yai scowled. Lan took out his PET and let Maylu look at it with him.

"Hey, MegaMan, is Chaud ok?" Lan asked curiously.

"I am not sure. I'll send ProtoMan a message to ask him about this" MegaMan replied as he went to work writing an email.

Meanwhile, Chaud was in the car and looking through his PET to check his homework and the assignments his father sent him.

"Chaud are you ok?" ProtoMan asked as he appeared on screen.

"Yes. Why?" Chaud asked surprised.

"Lan and Maylu sent an email asking if you were ok" ProtoMan reported, "Chaud, your father isn't here to control your schedule fully"

Chaud remained quiet until the car stopped at SciLab. Chaud took his notebook and pen as he went into building. He saw Dr. Hikari and his wife chatting together happily. Chaud felt a little sad and then shook his head.

"Chaud, Maylu sent you another email asking if you want to come to Yai's house on Friday" ProtoMan said calmly to distract his NetOp from his sad thoughts.

Before Chaud could answer, Dr. Hikari said, "Why not? As I recall, you don't have any meetings and you have free time. I suggest you go and spend the day with them!"

Chaud was surprised as Mrs. Hikari added, "If you want, you can even stay at our place afterwards! Lan and MegaMan wouldn't mind having some company!"

He was speechless as ProtoMan answered with a grin, "Thank you. We will be glad to come along"

Chaud gasped at his partner, but the Hikaris urged him to go and have a good time with his new friends. Late that night, Lan, Maylu, and Tory were working on their homework while Dex and Yai. Their Navis were together in the Net Café and chatting amongst themselves.

"Seriously! How do you not understand commas?" Yai mocked a frustrated Lan.

"I'm sorry, but I prefer numbers oppose to letters!" Lan snapped back at the younger girl.

"Ah, but what came first? The numbers or letters?" Tory asked in a fake philosophical manner.

Everyone burst into a fit of laughter as their Navis chatted with each other.

"Honestly, you did have us quite worried about you two! Running off and fighting villains!" Glide commented.

"And now, you can't NetBattle?" IceMan asked surprised.

"Just for a bit. Doctor's orders!" Roll informed them with a smile.

"Ah, this is where you all are" ProtoMan said with a grin as he approached the group.

"Oh, hey ProtoMan! What's up? Want to stay with us?" MegaMan asked politely.

"Maybe another time. I am just here to deliver Chaud's message. He's coming" ProtoMan informed the group of friends.

Everyone gasped in shock and delight at this. They couldn't wait to hang out together on Friday. Lucky for them, the day arrived quickly. Chaud decided to arrive at Lan's house and then make his way to Yai's with him. He was about to knock on the door when Mrs. Hikari opened it before him.

"Oh! Chaud! You're here for Lan, right? He's getting ready! Come in" Mrs. Hikari said with a smile as Chaud stepped in.

He was surprised to see how clean the house was as he took his seat at the kitchen. He heard a loud thud and a door opening. He turned his head to see Lan putting on his orange vest and then tumbling down the stairs. Luckly, MegaMan was in Lan's hand tightly.

"Oh! Chaud! Sorry about that! Are you ready to go?" Lan asked with a nervous laugh.

"You're fine. So, do we leave now?" Chaud asked unsure.

"Yep! Let's go!" Lan said in delight as he gestured them to the door and said goodbye to his mother.

Chaud was a bit envious of Lan, but he followed Lan out of the house. The two of them walked in silence though. Lan wasn't sure what he could talk about while MegaMan and ProtoMan were chatting together.

"Do you think those two will warm up?" MegaMan asked curiously.

"I hope so. I hope he will open up with his friends. I don't want him to be alone anymore" ProtoMan confessed to MegaMan.

He was surprised to hear this from ProtoMan, but the two of them did arrive at Yai's house. However, they saw Miku and Haku there as well!

"What are you two doing here?!" Lan asked surprised.

"There was no concert. These two just wanted to hang out with us!" Yai exclaimed in delight.

Lan was excited along with MegaMan. They were happily chatting with each other as Chaud stood on the sidelines unsure of what to do. Lan and Maylu noticed this, took his hands, and pulled him into their conversation. Chaud was so taken back by their kindness, but he was happy to be with friends for once. He felt very happy too. The group of friends chatted and had a lot of fun together throughout the night.

"Ok! Favorite Miku song!" MegaMan shouted from the screen eagerly.

"Really?" ProtoMan asked with slight head tilt.

"Mega is a huge Miku fanboy. It is kind of annoying at times" Lan admitted with a nod.

"You're just saying that, because you like Kagamine Rin" MegaMan replied with a smirk as Lan shouted at him.

Chaud pondered on this as he said, "I prefer Meiko's music, but I do like Ghost Rule"

Everyone gasped in delight as they burst into a friendly chorus of delight as they talked about their favorite Miku song as she began to sing their tunes to them. MegaMan was dancing along as the other Navis joined him except for ProtoMan. He was focused on Chaud who was smiling and enjoying himself as a child instead of focusing on the work his father had assigned him. After wards, the group of friends had to head home. Dex and Tory went home together while Miku and Haku had to head to Melody office building together. Chaud decided to walk with Lan and Maylu back to the hotel as Yai bid everyone farewell. The trio began to laugh and joke with each other as ProtoMan grinned from watching his NetOp getting along with these two. However, they arrived at Lan's and Maylu's houses, so Chaud was silent.

"You ok, Chaud?" Lan asked curiously as him and Maylu turned to him.

He was surprised and then shook his head as he regained his serious composure.

"Of course, I am" he said seriously.

"Oh, then I am sorry for asking" Lan said with a shook of his head as he turned his head away from him.

MegaMan and ProtoMan sighed at them as Roll and Maylu puffed up their cheeks in annoyance. Maylu then took their hands and placed them with hers together.

"Seriously, you two! We are a team! We are going to have to work together and become friends! So, let's work together! Let's be friends, Chaud" Maylu said as she smiled at him.

Chaud was speechless as Lan and MegaMan added with a grin, "We are friends. So, let's stay and work together. We are friends for life"

"Even if I have to go back because of my father? Even if he is the reason I can't be a part of this team anymore? Will you two still consider me a friend?" Chaud asked sadly as he turned his head away from them.

Lan, MegaMan, Maylu, and Roll finally understood Chaud's hesitant nature and why he was closed off from them.

"Of course!" Maylu and Roll shouted in delight as they grinned at Chaud and ProtoMan.

"We are friends for life! Also, it sounds like it is your father's fault, not yours. We are friends with you, not your father. No matter what happens, we will always be friends!" Lan and MegaMan said as they grinned at them.

Chaud felt so relieved by this that he was shaking with relief. The three of them shared a hug as MegaMan and Roll hugged ProtoMan with delight. Outside of the Hikari household, Mrs. Hikari watched the trio of friends with a smile on her face. She called them to come in and spend the night at her house. Chaud wasn't sure if he should, but Lan and Maylu pulled him along. The three of them spent the night together and chatted with their Navis until they tired themselves out. Mrs. Hikari grinned as she sipped a cup of tea and her husband walked into the house with a grin on his face.

"So, how are they?" he asked as he took his seat next his wife and held her close.

"Very well. Lan and Maylu did accept Chaud as their friend along with Hub and Roll with ProtoMan. Now, do you have what you need for tomorrow?" she asked as she grinned at her husband.

"That's wonderful! And, yes, I did it. They'll be here tomorrow and ready to go" he said with a grin as he held his wife close.

The next day, Chaud and Maylu woke up and ate breakfast as Lan joined them later. Their Navis were chatting about their operator's plans until Dr. Hikari greeted them.

"So, who's ready for today?!" he shouted in delight.

The three of them were confused until the door to their house opened to reveal four people.

"WHAT?! THE NET SAVIORS OF NIHON?!" the three of them shouted in disbelief as they saw them here.

"That's right! Eat your calcium and work with your Navi partner!" a dark-skinned man wearing blue and gray clothing shouted in delight as he laughed.

Lan gasped in awe as he said in disbelief, "You're the leader of the team, Masa!"

Masa was surprised Lan recognized him as Maylu grinned in delight at the young two ladies in the room.

"That's Miyu and Sal! The two deadly women of the team!" Malyu said in delight.

"Aw, we are just doing our job!" Sal, a girl wearing a blue dress and headband holding her green hair, said with a bit of embarrassment as she smiled at them.

"We are just doing our job" Miyu, a girl wearing dark purple and black clothing, answered with a serious expression on her face.

"And you're Dave. The quickest and sharpest member of the team" Chaud said impressed.

"Hehe! I can see that my title is strong as ever!" Dave, a young teen wearing a red jacket, yellow shirt, and black pants, said with a grin as he adjusted his glasses.

"Why are they here, papa?" Lan asked curiously.

"After our recent World 3 attacks, I have asked them to come here and train the three of us while Miyu remains alert in the town" Dr. Hikari said with a grin as he tapped a few icons on his PET, "I've paired Lan with Masa, Chaud with Sal, and Maylu with Dave! Get going!"

The Net Saviors took Lan, Chaud, and Maylu out of the house and in different locations. Miyu waited in the house as Dr. Hikari requested her to go to the new stadium to watch over it during Miku's concert.

"Where are we?" Lan asked as Masa put the boy down in the beach.

"The home of me and SharkMan! This will also be the place where I will be training you to be a leader!" Masa said in delight as he pressed a button on his PET.

Then, a dimension area opened around them as Lan and MegaMan gasped in amazement.

"This is the dimensional area papa was working on! He finished it?!" Lan exclaimed in shock.

"That's right! Thought, this is a secret to the public! Now, let's get to training! SharkMan! Transmission!" Masa said as he waved his PET towards Lan.

SharkMan appeared before him as Lan held his PET.

"Alright, MegaMan! Transmission!" Lan shouted as he waved his PET at SharkMan to make MegaMan appear.

Chaud found himself in the mountains. He was a bit disappointed he would not be trained under Dave, but he was still pretty pleased that he would be trained by someone from the Net Saviors. Just then, a dimensional area appeared around him as he felt a thump. He gasped as ProtoMan told him to dodge. Chaud moved away from an incoming seed and gasped to see WoodMan towering before him!

"Haha! Pretty good! You are fast!" Sal said in delight, "Now, let's get to training!"

"Understood! ProtoMan transmission!" Chaud shouted as he waved his PET as ProtoMan appeared before him.

As for Maylu, she was surprised to be with Dave and not with Sal. She was even more surprised to be at the forest.

"Uh, Dave? What are we doing here?" Maylu asked as a dimensional area appeared around her.

"Training! Your Navi is quicker than Mega and Proto! So, let's work on that!" Dave said as he waved his PET to make QuickMan appear.

He sped around Maylu as she held her PET. She casted Roll out of her PET. They began to fight each other. As Miyu, she went to the stadium and meet with Gumi, Haku, and Miku.

"Ah, how have you been, Misteriyu?" Gumi asked as she flashed a knowing smile at her.

"Not too bad, Number 8" Miyu replied back as they shared a secret smile, "So, how is your team doing?"

"Good. The spy you've loaned us is doing well. He's undercover. My team is currently around the world and ensuring World 3 hasn't influenced anyone besides a few individuals. How about your team?" Gumi asked as Miku was talking to Haku about her new song.

"My teammates are training a new team of Net Saviors. Dr. Hikari has full faith in them. I just hope they can handle the challenges coming. However, I did take a peek into their future" Miyu confessed as she recalled the vision when she saw the three of them.

"What did you see?" Gumi asked with interest in her voice.

"Them together with nineteen others. They were bright and hopeful as they faced a strong darkness together" Miyu answered with a bright smile, "They will be the light against the upcoming darkness"

The two of them were very relieved about this as Yahoot took his seat in the stadium and jacked in MagicMan into the virtual stadium.

"Get ready. Once she starts singing, cast your spell over everyone in your stadium" Yahoot said with a dark grin, "We won't let everyone laugh at us anymore. We will be feared and respected! A nice new change!"

Meanwhile, Chaud and ProtoMan were having a hard time avoiding Sal and WoodMan's attack. WoodMan kept slamming his fists on the ground to make multiple trees sprout up from the ground to strike ProtoMan. However, ProtoMan tried his best to avoid the strikes, but he was cut up a bit. Chaud could feel his partner's pain, but they couldn't find a way to pierce her defensives.

"Come on! You're the smart one between the three of you! Find the solution! Look at things differently!" Sal shouted as she downloaded another chip to make seeds rain from the sky!

Chaud realized her words and who she was on their team. He looked through his chips and solved the problem they were in!

"Fire sword, Elec sword, and Aqua sword! Program Advance, Elemental Blade!" Chaud shouted as ProtoMan raised his hands to create a sword of light.

He jumped in the air and waved it downward to unleash a wave of fire, electric, and water to knock back the attack and WoodMan! Sal took cover as WoodMan lost his balance.

"Bamboo sword, Air sword, and Wide sword! Program Advance, Aerial Blade!" Chaud shouted as he downloaded the three chips into his PET.

The Elemental Blade vanished from ProtoMan's hands as a sword of wind appeared. He lunged at WoodMan and swiftly swung the blade downward to defeat WoodMan in one hit! Sal was amazed at how quickly Chaud was able to defeat her and WoodMan once he was able to think through the situation. Sal walked to WoodMan as ProtoMan landed in front of Chaud. The two of them stopped synching up as they faced their trainer.

"Not bad. You used the elemental blades to cancel out the elements. I knew you could figure it out" Sal said with a grin as she returned WoodMan back to his PET, "You're smarter than you appear. Even smarter than the grade you are in"

"So, you've noticed" Chaud said with a smirk as he faced ProtoMan, "As you attacked, I couldn't find a pattern. That is when I realized you were focusing on elements. I knew I had to counter it, but WoodMan has one of the highest defense states I have ever seen. Then I recalled the Program Advances could cancel out the effects of the elements. ProtoMan and I have trained with swords before because of my father's strict requirements. Take it with that and learning how to use the Program Advances with the elemental swords. It was an easy combo I recalled learning from the training studies I used to do"

Sal placed her hands on her hips as Chaud returned ProtoMan back to his PET. She shook her head with a grin on her face at him. Chaud grinned at ProtoMan as he felt relieved about this. He was able to think through this intense situation and now, he was ready to work together with his two teammates.

"Although, you can could open up to your team more. Your teammates are going to be your best friends. Almost like family" Sal said with a grin as she handed Chaud a chip, "This is the WoodMan chip. If you ever need some muscle, let me now"

Chaud nodded and thanked her. Meanwhile, Roll was knocked off her feet as QuickMan stood over her. Maylu let out a scream of pain as Dave looked at her closely.

"Roll wasn't originally built to be a fighter. You weren't into NetBattling either. What changed?" Dave asked seriously as he inserted another chip into his PET.

Roll picked herself up as QuickMan appeared behind her and knocked Roll down! Roll and Maylu got hurt, but Maylu encourage Roll to get up. She stood up as Maylu inserted two Aqua Towers into her PET. Roll slammed her hands on the ground to unleash a row of Aqua Towers around herself to keep QuickMan away from her.

"You're right. Roll and I are not made for battle, but we have to do something. Our friends are fighting hard and giving it their all. We can't just stand by as people get hurt!" Maylu shouted as Roll used her antennas to knock the towers towards QuickMan.

However, he glided over the water and then kicked Roll back! She hit the trees as she and her NetOp felt nothing but pain!

"That's not enough! You're holding back! Don't hold back!" Dave shouted determinedly, "I joined the team just like you. Unsure and confused as well as not with a Navi who could properly fight. I joined because of her. You joined because Lan and your friends who couldn't fight nearly as well as you two! Admit it! You want adventure and something different from your normal life! Take it and embrace it!"

QuickMan then elbowed Roll down as the two of them screamed out in pain. However, they picked themselves up and faced him.

"You're right" Maylu and Roll said calmly as they faced him, "We were not meant to fight, but we do not want to see someone we care about get hurt when we clearly do something to help! We won't give up! We will make sure we can help Lan and the others protect our world!"

The two of them synched up as they faced Dave and QuickMan. The two of them were caught off guard as Maylu inserted a few chips into her PET.

"Roll, Program Advance! Zeta Arrow!" Maylu shouted as Roll quickly ran around as her right arm transformed into a pink bow with an arrow.

The arrow gained a lot of power as they combined their powers. They released the arrow as it struck QuickMan down! Dave gasped as he saw QuickMan blasted away by them. Maylu let out a relief yell as she sat down. Roll grinned at her Operator as Dave sighed in relief. He didn't have to worry about them. He returned QuickMan to his PET as the dimensional area disappeared. Roll went back to hers as Maylu thanked her partner.

"Good job, you two. I am grateful for this. You two are going to be quiet the force of power" Dave said as he held his hand out to her.

"It was thanks to you. You helped Roll and me do our best! Thank you, Dave" Maylu said with a satisfied smile.

"As a gift, here. If you ever need a boost, QuickMan can help you" he said with a grin as he gave her a chip.

Roll and Maylu were excited as they looked at the chip in awe. Dave just smiled at them along with QuickMan. As for Lan, he and MegaMan were avoiding SharkMan's slashes. However, Lan wasn't sure how he could beat SharkMan like this. He didn't have a plan! He couldn't see a way out!

"Lan! I need a chip!" MegaMan shouted to gain his partner's attention.

Lan gasped as he looked up and saw MegaMan jumping up and avoiding SharkMan's slashes. Lan hesitated. He wasn't sure how he could help! He couldn't find the right way to beat Masa and SharkMan!

"Rip them to shreds!" Masa cheered in delight as SharkMan lunged at MegaMan, "Come on, boy! You just need to lead and think! Think about how others feel and see everything!"

MegaMan quickly jumped away as Lan let Masa's words sink in. Lan has to look at everything. Not just one thing. Lan ran behind MegaMan and looked at SharkMan. Lan discovered that SharkMan hide his entire body underwater, but not his fin!

"Elec Sword, battle chip in!" Lan shouted with a grin, "Get ready to jump on my command, MegaMan!"

"Got it, Lan! I trust you!" MegaMan exclaimed loudly.

The two of them watched SharkMan closely as MegaMan's right hand transformed into an electric sword. Masa was worried about them, but he allowed SharkMan to continue his attack. SharkMan was closing in on them.

"Now!" Lan shouted as he synched up with MegaMan.

"Got it!" MegaMan shouted as he jumped up and then sliced the fin in one swing!

SharkMan jumped up from the water and turned his fin away from them.

"Alright! Program Advance time! Quick Crust in! Now, Zeta Cannon!" Lan shouted determinedly.

"Let's do this!" MegaMan shouted as his right arm changed into a cannon.

The two of them let out a scream as they unleashed the full power of the cannon at SharkMan! He was blasted away as Masa let out a scream of shock. He couldn't believe Lan figured out how to beat him and SharkMan. MegaMan and Lan high fived each other in triumph as their victory.

"Not bad, but how did you figure out that was SharkMan's weakness?" Masa asked impressed.

The two of them faced Masa as he took SharkMan back to his PET.

"After you told me to be my Navi's position, I looked at it. I noticed whenever MegaMan fought with his buster, SharkMan would always dive away. I figured if we could attack the fin, we could force SharkMan to jump from the water. Then, he would be exposed and that would be our chance to attack!" Lan explained with pride as MegaMan laughed at him.

Masa just laughed as the dimensional area vanished and MegaMan returned to the PET. Masa was amazed at how Lan was able to lead and fight with ease as well as calculate the odds of their victory.

"Well, it looks like I don't have to worry. Here, Lan. Take this. If you need SharkMan to fight at your side, then use this" Masa said with a grin as he gave Lan a SharkMan chip.

The groups were making their way back to the city as Miku was performing in the new stadium.

"Now, MagicMan. Turn this stage into your stand" Yahoot said to his Navi as he interested a few chips.

"Of course!" he said as he waved his arms to make the lights in the Internet flicker.

Miku noticed this in the internet, but she continued to perform while the Navis were confused.

IA reported to Gumi, "Something is happening around the Internet. We need to act"

Gumi nodded as she looked at the situation. IA transformed her hand into a pistol and looked around as she shouted for others to escape. MagicMan raised his hands as he finished powering up and unleashed a wave energy which began to disrupt the entire stadium! People and Navis began to flee screaming as IA rushed to the stands to see MagicMan!

"What is he doing?!" IA asked seriously as Gumi looked at the readings.

The energy readings were off the charts! Gumi quickly sent out a distress signal and asked for help on the matter. Miyu quickly jacked SkullMan into the internet to help with this matter as Miku got herself out of the internet.

"We have to delay him!" Gumi shouted at Miyu.

"I know, but we will have the favor soon enough" Miyu said seriously.

The two of them faced MagicMan as the spell awakened some kind of energy! As for Masa, Dave, and Sal, they received the signal as Lan, Maylu, and Chaud heard it.

"There's trouble in the new stadium!" the three Net Saviors said surprised as Lan, Maylu, and Chaud rushed towards the new stadium!

"What are you doing?!" Masa shouted in shock.

"You and SharkMan can't fight! You're out of hit points! MegaMan and I are not! We can do this!" Lan shouted seriously as he continued to run to the stadium.

Lan, Maylu, and Chaud arrived at the stadium to aid Gumi and Miyu.

"Be careful! He's strong!" Gumi advised them as they jacked in their Navis.

The five Navis surrounded MagicMan as Yahoot laughed.

"Do you really think you can stop us?" Yahoot asked with a grin, "I am Yahoot! Second to Dr. Wily himself! You will not last! MagicMan do it!"

Lan was surprised to hear about Dr. Wily's name again as ProtoMan lunged forward and swung his sword at MagicMan.

"No! Stop him!" Miyu shouted as SkullMan summoned a bone and knocked ProtoMan back as MagicMan pointed his hand at SkullMan.

MagicMan cast a beam and froze SkullMan in place! He turned to stone! ProtoMan gasped at the site as MegaMan, Roll, and IA blasted MagicMan!

"We got him!" Roll exclaimed in delight as she landed away from him.

However, MagicMan absorb their attacks and slammed it on the ground! MegaMan and Roll jumped away as IA tried to escape. The wave hit her and turned her into a statue! They were shocked as Lan looked at the damage the attack did. He had to find a way to stop MagicMan.

"Lu li la, lu li la!" Miku sang calmly as she appeared in the Internet and suddenly stunned MagicMan.

"What?!" everyone shouted surprised as they saw Miku.

She continued to sing the melody calmly as MagicMan froze in place.

"How is this possible?" Chaud asked surprised.

Haku answered, "Miku has always had this ability to calm, drain, and stop others with her singing. She's always had this power! Now, please stop him"

Lan nodded as he, Maylu, and Chaud ordered MegaMan, Roll, and ProtoMan to attack MagicMan. ProtoMan sliced MagicMan's hand as MegaMan and Roll blasted MagicMan away! Yahoot growled as he took MagicMan away. Gumi tried to catch him, but he escaped by using his teleportation code. Gumi was frustrated as Miku appeared before Lan, Maylu, and Chaud.

"Are you ok, Miku?" Haku asked with worry as Miku reassured her she was fine.

"Lan, are you ok?" MegaMan and Maylu asked with concern.

"Dr. Wily... He was a professor who worked with my grandfather" Lan said hesitantly as he wondered what the old scientist was up too.

As Yahoot arrived at the base with a growl. He couldn't believe he was defeated so easily by them! He was grateful that he did set up the next stage in their plan.

"So, he did crack through the stadium's system! Not bad!" Maddy said with a grin.

"Yeah, well, I could've done better" Mr. Match said with scoff as Dr. Wily entered the room.

The screen showed the stadium and a crack underneath the stands where MagicMan stood. The World 3 cast burst into a fit of laughter as their plan was coming together. The crack unleashed a data wave which held power. The power is washing into the stadium slowly and covering everything. 

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