Reign Of Cthulhu

By CrosbyVandemon

703 40 2

The second to last book in the Crosby series. The heroes will face their greatest threat yet, one unlike anyt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter V
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter X
Chapter 11
Drew II
Ella II
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter XX
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Julia II
Ella III
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32


17 1 0
By CrosbyVandemon

For life as a monster hunter, I'd never expected to be fighting anything more than a dragon. But life sometimes becomes complicated, and that's why I was in the Sydney, Australia; hunting a creature I'd never even heard of before. Usually as a monster hunter, I tried to avoid the city due to issues with civilians intervening on missions. Civilians would interfere thinking that the monster would be a human as only certain humans are able to see a monsters true form. Anyways, we were currently in a Hawkei, Australia's answer to the Hummer. It didn't look as boxy as the Hummer did, as had a sloped hood and its strange rear end was a bit differently sized from the rest of the vehicle. My girlfriend sat next to me as we were in the backseats. I sat in the middle of seat, while she sat next to the door. On my other side was a low ranking soldier who had his helmet off, fixing his hair. It was hot inside the Hawkei to say the least so all the soldiers had their helmets off. They were all around 22 or so, except the driver, he was clearly much wiser and more experienced than them. I turned back to my girl who was looking out the small window out towards the city. We weren't moving fast as there was an extreme amount of traffic because an evacuation had been executed due to the severity of the monster we were going to face. This was a worrying fact to say the least as that meant this creature must've been strong. On top of that, I hadn't been told much about the creature which didn't help soothe my nerves at all. All I knew that it's name was Cthulhu and what it looked like from a picture. I looked through the windshield and I could see there was a huge line of traffic out front of us. To our right the line of cars in the other direction weren't moving at all.
We were stuck in gridlock and the driver looked to the little tablet that was to his right and sighed. He turned to us, "You two are going to have to walk to the Opera House because this traffic ain't movin' anytime soon. You should be fine though as it's only a mile or two straight down this road." I'd never been to opera house and I doubted Tralee had ever been there either. I did know what it looked like from pictures though.
She smiled politely, her fangs showing, "Thanks for the lift." She opened the door and climbed out, looking around at where we were. I climbed out a few seconds after her. I closed the door behind me and walked along side her down the street. The smell of smoke filled the air as grey clouds loomed overhead, blocking out the sun in its entirety. The sidewalk was strangely empty. I figured some people would've just ditched their cars and walked but there was no one. As I looked around at our new surroundings, She turned to me and looked me in the eyes, a concerned look plastered across her face, the smile she just had faded away, "Is there something wrong?"
I usually wasn't too worried about anything, especially monster hunting. But this creature struck fear into my heart since I saw the picture earlier. I felt slightly sick to my stomach suddenly, more nervous than I had ever been in my entire life, "No, it's just I don't like the fact that we have no clue what we're going up against, especially the fact that they didn't even tell us if it has a weakness." She looked down at the ground after I said that, her long blonde hair nearly falling into her face. I didn't think she had realized that they hadn't told us that until pointed it out. We kept walking though, not speaking to each other until the opera house was in sight. As we approached, gun fire could be heard and the sound of tanks moving. We turned the corner around the skyscrapers and now we could see it clearly. It was way taller than I thought it was based on the pictures. Anyways, it was standing half submerged in the water as the military threw all the had at it. Rockets soared through the air, exploding upon contact but doing no damage to the creature. Tralee picked up the pace, her eyes glowing red due to her vampire side. I followed her closely, my trusty falchion sword at the ready. The soldiers kept laying down fire with their rifles and pistols, the bullets just ricocheting off the creatures skin as we moved forward. As we ran by I could hear a soldier scream at us to stop. Little did he know we were their only hope to take this thing down as the creature disregarded the soldiers locking onto to us. It raised an arm as we approached, bringing it down quickly on the ground shaking everything as I rolled out of the way. Tralee did the same and locked to me as she got onto the creatures massive hand, "Whats the plan?"
     It began to raise its hand up again slowly as I got on it, "We should test common weaknesses first, like going for its neck or heart." She nodded and began to make her way up the creatures slippery rubber arm. She drew the two curved daggers I gave her a while back which were designed for an agile warrior with great strength. She was the perfect match for them. My decronite armor weighed me down as I scaled up the creatures arm with her. The shadow of its hand loomed over us and grew smaller, it was going to crush us, "MOVE!"
     I couldn't push her out of the way as I was too far away from her. She looked back to me, hesitating. With that, a nearly fatal mistake was made, the creatures hand landed directly on top of her but she managed to catch it at the last second, bent down on her knees; barely able to stop it from crushing her, "Help me you idiot!" I was astonished how strong she had become, she was catching up to me now as she had begun to master her vampire side. The creature kept pressing down with its hand, I could see her strength dwindling as she shook. I got onto the creatures arm and stabbed into the creatures arm, my sword piercing its flesh as it let out a roar of pain. It's hand rose up off of her suddenly as she her breathing was spiked. But regardless of that, she kept moving up the creatures arm, reaching its elbow just like I knew she would. The essence of the fallen star fused inside the sword causing it to glow a bright white as it got a taste of the creatures blood. As I withdrew the sword, out of nowhere, the creatures hand came and swatted me off into the water below, my sword following suit. As I plummeted towards the water from hundreds of feet in the air, Tralee jumped off the creature diving after me, closing in fast. Within seconds, she had caught up to me and rotated us in the air so she would take the brunt of the force as we hit the water below. A stupid move in my opinion but I understood that her vampiric body would be able to take the impact unlike my human body. Regardless of her being there, I still blacked out from the sheer force upon impact.

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