Always In My Heart (Sequel To...

By Zarrys_tightrope

107K 4.3K 3.3K

It's all about keeping up with the Styles, daily struggles with parenthood while keeping their love alive. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
chapter 55
Not an update🤡
Chapter 56
chapter 57- part 1
Chapter 57- part 2
Chapter 58: Epilogue
Chapter 59.

Chapter 46

1.5K 51 12
By Zarrys_tightrope

Zayn stopped outside the gates seeing Niall's car coming up. His dogs barked like crazy he had to pull them back by their leashes until the car stopped and it was safe.

Niall smiled stepping out of the car, "Zee, how are you?" He greeted coming in for a hug..

Zayn hugged back then pulled back smiling at him, "I'm fine thanks how about you? Man of the moment.."

"I'm good thanks."

"Do I dare ask how is Brooklyn? Is he still craving sweet and salty popcorn?" Zayn chuckled.

Niall chuckled, "You know it, I've just been to shops and stock on them. So, how about you?"

Zayn frowned, "What does that suppose to mean? How about me?

"Things comes in threes isn't it, Zee. Could you be the third person to be pregnant?" Niall teased.

"At a risk of sounding like a parrot, Niall, I'll ask again. What does that suppose to mean? There's only person I know of, your Brooklyn who is pregnant."

"Sophia is pregnant as well. Could you be the third one perhaps?" Niall asked.

Zayn scoffed, "Are you reaching, mate? Why would I be the third one not Louis who is expecting?"

"Louis is expecting?" Niall asked him confused.

"You don't know? Louis didn't tell you? Oh man." Zayn sighed, "Looks like I've stuck my nose where it don't belong. So can you pretend you know nothing about that when you see Louis? How come you don't know anyway Haz knows. And if you fail to look surprised when Louis tells you he's with child, just blame it on Harry, say he told you alright?"

Niall laughed nodding, "Alright, I will blame your hubby I'm sure he won't mind.."

"Shouldn't you be at work not that I'm chasing you away or something?" Zayn said, "Let's go inside."

"Actually I can't." Niall said. "I've just came from the shops for Brooklyn so I need to go back before he go FBI and find my phone me.." they laughed it because Brooklyn would do that possibly. "I'm here to ask you a favour"

"Okay.." Zayn opened the gates, let his dogs loose to run toward the house then focused on Niall. "What do you need?"

"My brother Greg is coming to visit for few days_"

"Any reason he's coming. All okay with family?" Zayn asked worried.

"Everyone is okay. He's just visiting." Niall sighed, "I told the family about the baby and Brooklyn. My mom was not happy cause she liked Cheryl,.but she's over the moon about the baby. She knows how much that means to me. I'll see her over Christmas, Brooklyn is coming with me"

"Ooh..meeting inlaws, look at you baby daddy being all serious and putting a ring on it.." Zayn wiggled his brows.

Niall chuckled blushing, "I haven't put a ring on it-"

"Not put a ring on it yet." Zayn smiled, he was teasing him, "If Brooklyn is meeting your mom and family that means you're thinking of putting a ring on it, bro."

"You know how mom is like. Family is everything and she's been down my throat about grandkids so she's super excited about the baby. She's been in contact with Brooklyn more than me.." Niall said.

"I'm glad for you, mate. And why's your mom acting like Theo your nephew doesn't exist. Shout out to him yeah_"

"Why are you talking as if I don't have a daughter. Our Amelia?" Niall raised a brow.

"How could I forget that." Zayn frowned, "Your mom will go crazy if she knew there's not only one but two grand kids from you then."

"Um, she knows." Niall bit his lip looking at Zayn, he was quiet. "I told them about Amelia.."

"Shouldn't you have asked me about that. What if they want to see her and for her to go to Ireland. What then, Niall?" Zayn asked because, he'll never be ready to let go of Amelia.

"Em," Niall scratched the back of his head, "Greg is here to see Amelia.."

"Just out of curiosity you don't expect to have Amelia over Christmas do you?" Zayn asked his heart beating fast. "Like taking her to Ireland?'"

"Course not, Zee. I wanted her to meet Greg that's all.."

"That's fine. No problems." Zayn sighed in relief, "You both come here for dinner and he can meet her. When does he arrive?"

"Today, an hour's time. I'll pick him at the airport"

"That soon, okay. He wants to see her today, okay.." Zayn wanted to sit down to settle his nerves, so he lowered himself down and sat on the kerb.

Niall looked at him, chewed on his lip. "The favour I want to ask is. Well, um, I want to take Amelia for the night.."

"Oh no, no way. She has never spent not even an hour alone with you, no. She's known you since she was a baby but no I'm not going to allow that, no.." Zayn stood up shaking his head furiously. It's like Amelia was being taken away from him.

"You know that will have to happen one day, why can't we start now huh? This is a perfect time with Brooklyn having a baby. She is going to be a big sister.."

"She's already a big sister, Niall." Zayn said, "We've talked about this she can't know the truth about you until older and able to understand what that means.."

"That doesn't mean she can't visit me for weekend in the meantime. She is my daughter, Zayn and I want a father-daughter relationship with her, not when she's a teenager who can't stand adults. That's not fair.."

"You pulling a rug under my legs is not fair, Niall. You want her to meet Greg, fine. Introduced them, but she is not staying the night at your flat.."

"Brooklyn will be there-"

"I should be comforted by that, why?" Zayn huffed.

"Brooklyn loves you, Zayn. He will look after her to impress you.."

"I don't care about your hunger games you and yours have about me. She can come with you for few hours and I'm throwing in my baby girls to go along with Amelia for my own peace of mind.."

"Otherwise to make sure Greg doesn't take her back to Ireland?" Niall joked.

"Keep talking like that you're not seeing her outside this house.." Zayn huffed annoyed sitting down on the kerb again.

"Sorry." Niall laughed, "Can I ask_"

Zayn groaned not waiting for him to finish, "no.."

"You don't know what I'm going to ask, Zee.." Niall laughed.

"I do know, Niall." Zayn grunted, "You want to take my Amelia now, don't you?"

"Just few hours, Zee. I'll bring her back by eight. I promise.."

Zayn stared at him, he didn't like that either. "Greg is not here yet though."

"I thought Amelia and I should wait for him at the airport. She won't get bored we'll watch the planes.."

"If you lose her at the airport, Niall, and I get a call from the police, forget it.."

"Thats not going to happen.." Niall laughed, "I'll be making the call not the police..sorry" he said when Zayn glared at him.

"That's not funny.." Zayn got up unamused and with a frozen bum, "Amelia is at Louis's. Pick her up from there." he then walked towards his house leaving Niall standing outside the gates.

"Zayn, you never told me what she likes to eat?"Niall called out after him.


"What type of food?"

"Any type as long it's edible." Zayn replied turning around to face him, "You've looked after Amelia before stop testing my patience, Niall"

"Has she got any allergies?"

Zayn huffed, "Really, Niall?"

"Brooklyn gave me a list of things to ask I'm sorry.."

"You've babysat for us, Niall. You know her can't you answer yourself.."

"I can, but Brooklyn went all super nanny on me about the types of food and confused the shit out of me. So_"

"You've cooked for my kids enough with the fucking questions. You want me to give you Amelia or not?"

"Look at this and just tick, please" Niall said giving him the list.

Zayn looked at the list of questions on the paper that were written on Brooklyn's near hand writing, "What the hell? Can she drink water? What kind of a question is that, of course she can drink water."

"Tick, please" Niall said handing him a pen.

"Really?" Zayn yanked the pen off Niall and ticked.

"Not all kids like water, Zee. Just tick or cross off whatever-"

"Shut up I get it.." squinting his eyes Zayn read down the list. Some of the things made sense and were legit, allergies is important. is it okay to braid her hair was just, no. So he crossed that for his own amusement.

"It is a stupid list, isn't it?" Niall said seeing the amused smirk on Zayn's face.

"There's nothing stupid about knowing a child's allergies, Niall. I mean some questions are ridiculous but I can sigh in relief knowing my baby will be safe at yours, Brooklyn did good. I'm impressed.."

"Good, he said to make sure you noticed the little colored hearts he draw. They're for you.." Niall said.

"I've noticed." Zayn smiled handing him back the list, "How is Brooklyn? Is his sickness settling now?"

"Not really." Niall said. "I doubt the incest candles he insists on lighting up helps but he's happy doing that."

"As long as my Amelia is away from those candles, I'll be happy.." Zayn leaned against the door, "When are you meeting Brooklyn's family? Your in laws?"

"Can you stop saying in laws?" Niall groaned, "I've been there before, I'm not even thinking about doing that again_like getting married, in few years maybe.."

Zayn laughed at Niall stuttered, "I like how you think Brooklyn is not going to arrange your wedding day, you won't even remember when you proposed but you'll be married. You are gone for him, Niall."

Niall smiled as there was truth in that, he was gone for Brooklyn, "Normally I would be scared if things were coming this fast in a relationship but I'm happy, Zayn. I'm in a relationship with him and its working out."

"I'm happy for you. Brooklyn is good for you.."

"Yeah?" Niall smiled to himself, "You know the other night we were sort of were telling each other secrets and he was like, he did something but he couldn't tell me. Its like, why bring it up in the first place? Now I want to know. I know we've all done things in the past, but they stay in the past isn't it? Like us.."

"We never happened, Niall. We are the bestest friends and I'll be the best man at your wedding.."

"You can be my best man as long you don't wear a suit confusing my groom and he ends up marrying you."

Zayn laughed, "You do know I could wear a tank top and shorts at your wedding Brooklyn will still say yes to me."

"Don't make me uninvite you, Zayn."

"Didn't just say marriage is off the cards Niall, are you confused mate?" Zayn laughed, "maybe wait till Amelia's is older she'll make a beautiful flowergirl"

"Can I pick her up Louis's then?"

Zayn groaned when their conversation didn't distract Niall from wanting to take Amelia. He closed the door behind him and Niall didn't hear the answer. Zayn was not ready to let go.


After the shocker with Niall seeking potential co parenting with Zayn, he was ready to let loose. Pushing the fact that Amelia went with Niall with no hassles to the back of his mind, Zayn arranged a date night with Harry.

Why not, as Brooklyn arranged his own impromptu sleepover with the kids. Except for their baby girls all his kids were with Niall, Greg and Brooklyn. It's a good thing it was a Friday. The only day when the kids don't have after school clubs kind of a night. So there he was on his own at the bar nursing a drink waiting patiently for Harry who told him he'll be few minutes late.

On the only day they could find time to escape their dirty dozen, one would think Harry would toss work aside to focus on that, but on the contrary. What was even funny was in the two weeks Harry took off work to focus on his mom Anne no work emergencies came up. Zayn understood work was also important but that didn't stop him reeling, how dare something come up on Friday on all days_

"Excuse me, you're Yasmeen's dad isn't it?" Someone's voice barged into Zayn's thoughts. He breathed in his drink before turning to face the daredevil..

"Mr Jones?" A face he knows. "I'm Yasmeen's dad. Sorry don't know your son's name.."

"Kevin, that's my name.." Mr Jones smiled extending his hand for a handshake.

"Zayn, that's my name.." Zayn said leaning back after they shook hands.

Kevin chuckled, "You're funny. Anyways nice to meet you again, Zayn."

"I would say the same, Kevin, but our first meeting was, you blinked and missed it moment.."

"You were in a rush to leave after you dropped your daughter at the party."

"A rush sounds better than being chased away by my daughter at your son's birthday party" Zayn chuckled because it was funny how Yazz didn't want him and Harry stepping foot inside the Jones's house. To say Harry was not happy, well, he wasn't and may have stalked the house till Zayn said they had to go having seen a police car went passed them twice.

"You're a comedian, talk about hidden talent." Kevin smiled, keeping eye contact with Zayn as he drank his whisky.

"You don't know me, Kevin, my talent may not be as hidden as you might think.." Zayn smirked not losing the eyes contact, he's a terrible flirt he can't help it.

"I hear you and I raised you a pint. Your next round is on me.." Kevin was the first one to break eye contact , "the Mrs told me you are a regular football dad"

"If you think buying me a pint means I'll feel obligated to take your son to football games every Saturday after our brief encounter, quit while you're still behind.." Zayn joked and watched him shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"That never crossed my mind but if you're offering then yes, Zayn."

"I wasn't offering, Kevin."

"Shame.." Kevin cocked his eyebrow and looked him up and down. "I would take you on the offer. The Mrs wouldn't mind joining in."

Zayn frowned turning his body around to properly face him, crossing his legs at his knees not suggestively. Did Kevin just hinted to a threesome?  "What's going on right now? Is this, a me and Mr Jones's moment?"

Kevin laughed, a kinda eyes crinkling and cover your mouth with your fist laugh. He was older, hair greying just at the edges. "If it were then Mrs Jones would definitely feel left out. She likes being involved."

"I don't like being involved with anyone not Harry, my husband." Zayn looked at his drink and twirled the liquid around the glass, "I'm waiting for him, unless you want to meet him to discuss our kids next football game, he won't appreciate the offer you dishing out."

"I never said the offer was extended to him, Zayn. I'm a businessman I don't believe in buy one get one free offers."

"I would say you're missing out cause I love a bargain me." Zayn said, "But in this case I'm happy to overlook the offer and frankly I'm offended, Mr Jones."

"Offending you was not my intention I apologise. I'm a businessman and don't take personally not securing a deal.." Kevin stood up and extended his hand to Zayn again, he held on to it for a second longer than needed, "Nice to meet you, Zayn. And I'm paying for your drink and thats not a me and Mr Jones's inclination. Take care" he nodded to the waiter as he let go of Zayn's hand.

Zayn couldn't help notice how big the hand was. No pun intended there just an observation. The waiter served him the drink as Kevin left.

"Your drink sir.." the waiter said giving him the drink.

"Thank you." Zayn smiled.

The waiter nodded, "You handled that well, sir."

Zayn cocked his head to one side, what was happening to everyone? Being chatty and shit. It's not like he's antisocial or something but does he have a 'talk to me sign' on his back that would explain why are people literally up in his business.

"I'm sorry, not my business.." the waiter trailed off.

"That's okay.." Zayn smiled easing his tense shoulders, "so..I handled it well?"


"Question.." Zayn held his hand up,"Do I look lonely to you?"

The waiter shook his head, "Um, not at all."

"Why do I feel like I'm emitting come and talk to me hormones in the air then? Except for you obviously it's path of bartending habits to talk with punters. But I would like to know why's everyone in my business?"

The bartender looked around the customers, "Most of the people here are regulars, and you're not. So you've sparked an interest. Everyone wants to talk to you, try their luck maybe?"

"Maybe they should leave me alone I don't want to spark nothing. I'm waiting for my husband." Zayn said glancing around the room, "Can they not see my ring?"

"Like that's gonna stop them.." the bartender laughed, "some of them are what you call.." he leaned forward, "swingers.."

Zayn raised a brow. "They're what?"

"You don't know what that means-"

"I bloody knows what that means and I'm not swinging anyone's way thank you.." the bartender's laughter made everyone look at them, "Stop it you all eyes are on us now." Zayn smiled at him and.."I don't know your name. Aren't you supposed to wear a badge?"

"I had one but lost it somehow, but no one ever wants to know my name so.." the bartender shrugged.

"I just asked and still waiting.." Zayn said still with a smile on his face. He should get out more, besides his close friends and family this is the most he's really comfortable just chatting with a stranger.

"With a smile like yours you're wonder why everyone keeps looking your way?" the bartender smiled back at him, "I'm Jackson, but I get called Jack.."

"My godson is Jackson, that's a lovely name." Zayn said.

"Are you not returning the favour? Telling me your name?"

"Fill my glass up I'll think about it" Jack laughed when Zayn slided his glass to him. He knows he's drinking faster than he normally would, but with no kids to rush to he could relax a bit. Technically there's still his two baby girls at home but the nanny's got his back, there's no harm in having a bottoms up every now and then. With everyone chatting to him he feels like he's been stood up and they feel sorry for him. Meaning he needs to emit different types of hormones. I'm happy get the fuck off my back attitude.

"Okay, I see how this works. But I sense a shift in the air, I wonder if the man who's just came through the door is emitting his own hormones" Jack walked away,

Zayn turned around to see what's he on about. He wanted their date night perfect not for Harry to come through the doors with the top button of his shirt undone and his tie hanging loose. Harry looked rough, like he's been pulling his tie frustrated. He watched him take long strides towards him, like he was ready with an apology on his tongue and looked sexy as hell as he ran his fingers through his hair.

After having eyes on him all night, everyone buying him drinks, Zayn felt it best to make a statement. So, swivelling around on the barstool he opened his legs invitingly at Harry and smiled when Harry got the memo, stood between them his hands automatically on Zayn's hips.

"I'm sorry-" Harry moaned quietly in his mouth when Zayn kissed his apology away.

After the kiss Zayn stared at him, eyes glazed with lust and alcohol, "Is that a gray hair, Haz?"

"You kissed me and then bite me the next thanks. I didn't know I had gray hair."

"I love look sexxyyy, old man" Zayn combed Harrys hair with his fingers, it was thicker and curlier. He tugged it a bit smiling when Harry squeezed his hips,

"You're older than me.." Harry said.

"That should sting but I love having a younger man by my side. I feel like a cougar, that applies to men as well I think. Anyhoo, you are my sugarbaby"

"Your sugar baby?" Harry scoffed sitting down and Jack came closer to take his order. He didn't stay long however Zayn's smile was for someone else. "You're older by two years.."

"Two years older but not a sliver of silver in sight.." Zayn teased, "worry not silver fox I still love you.." he kissed him again because alcohol had finally made it's way to his brain. "Jack thought you stood me up you know. He's been chatting me up.." Zayn looked up at Jack as he brought Harry's drink.

Harry puffed his chest hating the bartender whatever the fuck his name was, "Is chatting married customers allowed?"

"No, I wasn't.." Jack shook his head.

"No he wasn't babe, he's been a young gentleman like you.." Zayn smiled fondly at Harry. "Jack, do you like gray hair. It looks good on him doesn't it?"

"Looks good on George Clooney.." Jack replied.

"And not me, thanks Jock.." Harry said humming as the drink went down his throat, soothing. After his crappy day he needed it and was happy when Zayn called for a date.

"My name is Jack, sir. I'm saying gray hair looks good on everyone. Yours is not visible from a distance, but it's part of aging, isn't it? I'm sure your turn will come too.." Jack said to Zayn.

"I'm older.." Zayn pointed with his eyes then giggled.

Harry groaned, "Jock, get my husband some water please."

"Who's biting now, huh?" Zayn kissed Harry's scowl away. "You're late don't blame him for keeping me company. How are you by the way? Busy day? We can go home if you're tired, Haz"

"I am tired, yeah. I'll have a drink or two and we'll go, I need to unwind a bit, it's been a horrible day dealing with small businesses. The economy is hitting them hard I don't know where to start advising them. It's closures everywhere and I do feel bad, it's their family businesses their livelihood. So, just I need a minute to drink that away.."

"Oh, my caring baby. You've got such a big heart." Zayn kissed him on the cheek, "How about your car? I'm in no position to drive, neither will you, Haz."

"I took a taxi here baby, I left the car at work. I couldn't be bothered to drive, so we're good.."

"We are good, babe" Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders, "I'm sorry about the people who lost their business. Are you sure nothing can be done? I can make an anonymous donation.."

"That's kind of you baby, but I don't think that would help. Liquidation is their best option..but come here" Harry sat him on his lap cause why not, "I missed you" he said arms around Zayn's body.

Zayn squirmed giggling as Harry licked his ear. "Stop Haz.."

"I missed you, baby." Harry kissed him on the neck, "Didn't you miss me?"

"Why else would I sit here for an hour and half waiting for your ass? If you were any one else would have gone by now." Zayn said, "I miss you too."

"You had what's his name entertain you isn't it and I see how everyone is eyeing you, I don't like it.." Harry said eyes on a particular punter, who had been eyeing Zayn like a lion to a steak. The person did look familiar. "Zee, why is Mr Jones looking at us?"

"Because he's an idiot and our Yazz cant be friends with his son anymore I'm putting a stop to that.."

"I second that, baby. He hasn't said anything to you, has he?"

"Like what?" Zayn asked avoiding eyes contact.

"Don't know," Harry shrugged, he was getting a vibe from the man, "He's just_"

"Creepy." Zayn said, "That's why our daughter needs to cut whatever ties with their son. Oh, you know who came to visit today?"

"No." Harry shook his head, "Who?"


"Niall visit everyday why's he getting a special shout out today?"

"He wanted to take Amelia to see Greg.."

"Greg as in his brother Greg? Why would he want to see her? Wait.." Harry looked at him, "Niall told him he's Amelia's dad?"


"So whats Greg doing here? He wants to take Amelia home back to Ireland? You better have you said no that."

"Greg is just visiting and wanted to see her so she spent the afternoon in Niall's flat. I told him I have to check with you first about spending the night there_" Zayn bit his bottom lip, cause he forgot to tell Harry about the kids sleep over.

"What you done?" Harry asked as he signaled for a top up of his drink and Jack has one ready in a second as if he'd been waiting or watching them.

"She's having a sleepover at Niall's_" Zayn said, "Well, the sleepover is for Yazz and the boys. Amelia wanted to go she was clinging on Yazz as Niall came for them. Can I say the sleepover wasn't my idea. Brooklyn, it's all him.."

"Of course it's Brooklyn's fault, you could have said no, Zayn"

"I know, sorry. Are you mad at me?"

Harry kissed away the frown on Zayn's face, he can't have him have wrinkles Brooklyn would blame him.
"Im not mad. You should have told me. Was she okay spending the afternoon with Niall and Greg without us there?"

"Her little sisters went along with her, Harry."

"And you had the afternoon child free. I love how you always think ahead, get in" Harry high fived him. "What if she enjoys these day visits to Niall's. He is the father, we have to let her go. You thought about that?"

"Niall and I spoke about that. For now she's my baby. Of course she enjoys going out wherever that is, why do you think we're always at Louis's..she drags me there.."

Harry chuckled, "She's a Niall child. A socialite-"

"Unlike me. Go ahead and say it.." Zayn  said pouting and sneakily drank Harry's hard whisky when Harry cuddled him rubbing his nose on his neck.

"She loves you as your antisocial self, baby. Amelia is yours. She'll enjoy day outs but she doesn't sleep till you read her bed time story.."

"Or Yazz does. What's up with that?" Zayn said, "Am I being overtaken by my own daughter?"

"Yazz looks like you, baby.." Harry snuggled on Zayn's neck again feeling tired, "Would you mind if we go home?"

"Thought you never ask, Haz. I'm knackered. Let go, my old man." Zayn teased playing with Harry's hair.

"You're still older."

"Said who, your gray hair?" Zayn laughed getting off his lap. "Bye, Jack" he waved as Harry paid their bill.

Jack stopped him, "It's on the house" he said smiling at them.

"Thanks, Jack." Zayn said.

It would have been rude for Harry to scoff at the kind gesture but he did seeing Jack's eyes were on Zayn who was trying to zip up a jacket but failed. Harry did however smirk at Jack, pulling Zayn closer to him and zipped up the jacket for him. He may have kissed Zayn just because he's the one who get to do that.

"Bye Jock" he said as Zayn dragged him out of the bar.



"Don't stop.." Harry moaned.

"You like that, Haz?"

"I love it.." Harry let out the longest moan cause fuck, Zayn's hands, "I don't know where you learned to do this or why, but I thank you. It's the best massage I've ever had."

"What if I say Brooklyn taught me?" Zayn teased him.

"Its still the best massage I've ever had, baby, so come on move further down my back is killing.."

"You need to stop carrying the twins on your back.."

"They're two years old Zayn and weigh less than you. I don't see you complaining when I lift you up.." Harry said.

Zayn scoffed, "I never asked you to carry me, you do it for your own pleasure and alpha feels.."

Harry just hummed as Zayn gently kneaded the knots on his back, he could feel his muscles unwinding, "This is better than yoga.."

"You know what happened to me today? Niall had the nerve to ask if I'm pregnant. I know I've gained weight and my belly is a little podgy but, do I look pregnant?" Zayn's hands stopped moving for a minute.

"Of course not, baby" Harry wiggled his back egging Zayn to continue massaging and the latter did, "Why would he think you're pregnant?"

"He was on about pregnancy happening in threes.."

"I'm suing the NHS if you become pregnant with that implant, just saying" Harry smiled when Zayn laughed and he could feel the vibrations from it.

"Mmm.." Zayn continued moving his hands all the way down to Harry's bum.

"What are you doing?" Harry's body froze feeling Zayn's finger slowly moving where its never been. It never crossed his mind to try bottoming with Zayn not that he's never tried it, he done that and never liked it for the only reason he's a top and likes being in charge.

"Sorry. I was just_" Zayn shrugged. "Sorry."

"Do you wanna try that?" Harry asked looking over his shoulder at him.

"Not really, no. I thought teasing your prostate will relax you." Zayn said, "I know it does me."

"Okay. You can do that for me then." Harry said even though unsure.

Zayn sighed, he could hear the hesitation on Harry's voice, "You don't have to agree on my account, Haz. I get it it's not your territory, doing bottom things."

"I've bottomed once or twice before. I'm hesitant cause of your dry finger. It's making me nervous. It makes sense you have oils, isn't it." Harry said, "So I give consent for you to do it. But take it easy, be gentle it's been a while you know."

"I'll be gentle." Zayn assured, "And just so you know I'd never go in with a dry finger, and there's oil in them from the massage, but I should have ask your consent sorry about that."

"It's alright, baby. I know you meant well." Harry closed his eyes and tried to relax as Zayn kissed him, he focused on Zayn's lips moving along his neck all the way to the shoulders. Then he felt it, a warm finger on his rim, his body shivered he moaned out loud when Zayn tapped on him. Gently. Blood hell that was good.

"Do you want me to stop?" Zayn asked drawing little circles along the rim.

"No." Harry whispered, what Zayn was doing teasing him felt weird and wonderful.

"Okay.." Zayn said then climbed out of bed made his way to the bathroom.

Harry frowned turning his head to look at him, "Zee, where are you going?"

Zayn didn't reply till he returned to bed, "I needed to get a towel, babe."he smiled showing him, "up" he tapped Harry's hips putting the towel underneath him, "I changed the sheets today, I'm not doing it again."

"You know we have condoms now, you could have given me one of those.." Harry settled back on top of the towel resting his head on his arms.

Zayn flinched at mention of condoms. Thing is, since getting contraceptive implant they don't use them but Harry bought them not long after Louis talked to them about safe sex after the Brooklyn-gate when the three had a well, a threesome. He doesn't think Harry wants to do that again, three-someing, but he just don't like the implication of having them and feels guilty cause has he been having nightmares about being the father of Brooklyn's unborn child.

"You okay, baby?" Harry asked noticing Zayn gone quiet and not started doing what he proposed.

"Im okay. Relax okay?"

Harry took a deep breath feeling Zayn's oily finger on him again. He closed his eyes focused on what Zayn was doing as if memorizing it for later. He loved the gentle rubbing, Zayn teasing the rim by tapping but not pushed the finger. "Fuuuuck.." he moaned on the pillow when Zayn licked his rim, pushed the tongue in and the unfamiliarity of it all had him nearly busting his nuts in seconds, he squeezed them to stop himself cumming. "Oh god.." he bit the pillow with his teeth when Zayn pushed the finger in, moving it back and forth alongside his tongue. It was wet and felt good.

"Zayn!" he breathed out when Zayn pressed on his prostate and he came body shaking with no control of his orgasm. It hit him unexpectedly. Little kisses on his spine were a nice touch as he calmed down from his high. Turning on his back, he smiled when Zayn kissed him as pumping himself against Harry's thigh. With his hand on Zayn's neck he pulled him closer and deepened the kiss. Zayn grunted pulling back and said time climaxed, squirting white cum on Harry's thigh.

"That was.." Zayn breathed heavily his head on Harry's chest.

"Fucking brilliant, baby." Harry said then smiled when Zayn sat up, cleaned them off and toss the dirty towel on the floor. He then pulled Zayn to lie on top of him, wrapped his arms around him feeling relaxed. "You were right. Being fingered is relaxing." He chuckled.

So did Zayn, he chuckled kissing him on the chest, "I can do it again for you anytime."

"Baby, there are some things that don't need a sequel because they are just that good. You get me?"

Zayn rolled his eyes but smiled, "I got you."

"And I got you, baby." Harry kissed Zayn's fluffy soft hair before inhaling the smell of the strawberry hair conditioner, "I love you, Zee."

"Love you, Haz" Zayn sighed contentedly when Harry pulled the covers on top of them.




Zayn groaned feeling someone shaking him from sleep and his wonderful dream of him and Harry chasing each other naked in a field filled with sunflowers.

"Zayn!" The voice persisted.

"He's not going to wake up, is he?" Another voice said.

Fact is Zayn was trying to wake up but Harry was like a heater next to him, so nice and warm making it harder for him to tear himself from the wonderful dream.

"Baba.." Amelia whispered quietly.

Zayn jolted up so fast hearing his Amelia whimpering. "Milly?" He looked around and Amelia was already crawling to him eyes and cheeks red. Thankfully he was decent and him and Harry had their boxers on. He immediately took her in his arms, she was still in her pyjamas and cradled her in his arms like he did when she was a baby. "What happened?"

"She couldn't stop crying. Yazz tried reading to her that didn't help." Niall said his own face red with frustration.

"I think she had too much ice cream." Brooklyn said.

"What time is it?" Zayn asked.

"Three in the morning.." Niall replied.

"It's still night then. Let's all go to sleep yeah." Zayn laid Amelia down gently on the bed between him and Harry who, not shaken from sleep by the noise, didn't even stir.

"You're welcomed, Zayn. It was my idea to bring her back.." Brooklyn said.

"Thanks for bringing her home. Please now go." Zayn said as Amelia was dozing off already.

"How did you do that? Get her to sleep to quickly with no hassle." Brooklyn asked, "I'm writing a journal on parenting just so you know." he said showing Zayn the said journal.

"Niall, I'm going to say this once.." Zayn said looking at him eyes half closed, "get the fuck out of my house. Take him with you, will ya."

Niall pulled Brooklyn, who was sitting on the bed next to Zayn, up on his feet. "I know its not the right time to bring this up, Zayn, you were right about taking her for the night. I should have listened to you. Amelia wasn't ready for that. Greg told me off big time about that."

"I hear you Niall, but fuck off. We'll talk tomorrow.." Zayn grunted.

"It's tomorrow now, Zayn." Brooklyn said, "Or do you mean Sunday?"

"The two of you fuck off before I blow your heads off.." Harry groaned.

Niall dragged Brooklyn out of the room. Harry did own a gun and he knows he doesn't mean it but he can't chance it, "Bye guys." he mumbled from the corridor.

"Don't pull me Niall, I'm coming.." Brooklyn whined.

"You know it's your fault, right?" Niall said loudly he could be heard from the room.

"Can they be any louder?" Harry grumbled.

"You older and clearly not wiser.."

Harry heard Brooklyn shouting down the stairs.

"I swear I will kill them.." Harry hissed climbing out of bed, stormed out of the room.

Zayn had to laugh hearing rushed footsteps and the door slammed shut. Harry chased them off, probably.

He got up to put sweats and tshirt on, settled back on bed next to his baby girl. He kissed her forehead gently not to wake her. He's not ready to let Amelia go and it looked like she's not ready to let go of him either. In her sleep, she grabbed tightly holding on to his T-shirt.

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