The Stars Don't Hold Our Fate...

By simpysnail

178K 6.3K 8K

You (Y/n) find yourself in a dangerous situation when your wish to be in the JoJo Universe comes true. You re... More

1: Introduction
2: The Wish
3: Where are we?
4: I promise
5: Serious Encounters
6: Is that your stand?
7: Shield
8: Broken promises & Goodbyes
9: The letter
10: The plan & meetings
11: Hierophant's defeat
12: Use your words & Interrogations
13: The Journey begins
14: The Trickster & The Tower
15: Hamon & The Chariot
16: Accidents & Pranks
17: Choices & The Moon
18: Strength & Mistakes
19:Yellow Temperance & Girl Trouble
20: Games & Arrangements
I took a break to write, but here are some memes!
21: The Hanged Man & The Stars
22: The Emperor & The Hanged Man
24: Wheel of Fortune
25: Enya's Justice & Revenge
26: Beileve me, please.
27: Goofs & The Lovers
28: Dan of Steel, No More
29: Decisions, Giggles, & Hidden Abilities
30: Training & Learned Abilites
31: New Friends & The Sun
32: Death 13 & Stronger Bonds.
33: Training, New Discoveries, & Judgment
34: Crazy Talk & The High Preistess
Sorry, I'm a nerd...
35: Risky Games, Iggy & N'Doul
36: She's Confirmed It... She Is Mine
37: Game plan
38: Oingo Boingo Brothers & Hol Horse
39: Confessions & Sunsets
40: Anubis
41: Mariah & Hotel Feasts
42: Alessi & Unexpected Reunions...
43: Where is she? What happend?
44: D'Arby & Meili
45: Training and Emeralds
46: Pet Shop & The Mansion
47: The Enemies in The Mansion
48: DIO & Y/n
49: DIO, The Final Battle
50: Last Train Home

23: Awkward Encounters & The Empress

3.4K 116 193
By simpysnail

A loud scream is heard and the sound of someone collapsing and a wooden staff hitting the ground is followed not long after. Enya... she falls to the floor, realizing her son had died.

"My... My precious son! He's died just now. I can sense the poor misfortune that has befallen, Centerfold, through the connection we share as a family."

Suddenly, she has a hard time breathing and she's covered in similar wounds that were given to Centerfold before he died.

"Is this... this sensation is making it hard to breathe. Is it perhaps that wretched breathing apparatus Y/n was wearing in the images on the orb? These wounds... these were given by Polnareff! I can sense it, I can sense it through this pain you felt before you died, Centerfold!" Enya cries out.

"Lady Enya, are you alright? Is there anything I can do?" B/f says as she kneels down to console the crying woman.

"Silence! We must send the next stand user at once! We shall send the Empress before that shit storm leaves! Your dear friend will be punished, once she gets here! She has taken part in the death of my son!" Enya yells in frustration. "Get up! You need to send her now!" Enya grabs B/f by the arm and drags her to their lord. "They will all know pain when the Empress serves them justice!"

"Yes, Lady Enya."


The group starts to walk away from where you were all standing when Hol Horse got away. You all were kind of like a flock of birds in flight, with Joseph leading you all, Polnareff behind him, talking to Nena about her mistakes being with and loving Hol Horse, and Jotaro and Kakyoin just walk side by side behind them. You remain quiet and walk a little behind the entire group. You still needed to process everything. The stand fights, the emotions, and your whole new life... it was real. It still took you by surprise all the time, that this wasn't a dream. You were continuing to stroll behind the group thinking to yourself when a boy around your age walks next to you.

"Hello, I'm Kai. I was just strolling by and I couldn't help but notice you."

'Is this a stand user?'

You mentally call out your stand and he doesn't react to your shield appearing on your arm. You pull out your screen and you don't see his stats. 'He's not a stand user. So what does he want with me?' You put away your stand and talk to him.

"Um, hello...Uh, did you need something from me?" You say trying not to be rude.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I bothering you? I had just wanted to talk to you. I can leave," He says politely.

'Shiz. Now I feel bad.'

"Oh! No, no. I just wasn't sure. We can talk, but I'm kind of traveling with some people, so it may not be for that long."

"Oh really? Where are you headed?" Kai asks.

"To Egypt. We have some business there," You say simply, you weren't about to go into detail.

"Oh, that's cool. But there was something I wanted to ask you."

'Oh no. I knew there was a catch.'

"Oh, sure." You say, now nervous.

"Well you see, I've never had my first kiss, and I saw you. I couldn't bring myself not to talk to you. I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but I did have to ask if you could be my first kiss." You were shocked. He wanted you to be his first kiss? You've had a lady grant you a wish to live in a made-up universe, a vampire give you a special ability, a monkey talk to you and you could understand it. All of that... and this kind of thing STILL managed to catch you off guard. You stop walking and you turn to look at him.

"Uh, hahaha um, but why me? It could be anyone else."

"Because you're beautiful. I really don't mean to be weird but, could you please do me the honor?"

'Oh shit. I don't want to do it. But I also don't know how to tell him no. WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?'  You do your internal panic thing and look for answers.

"Sorry, but she's taken."


Your eyes dart to where the voice came from and you see Kakyoin and Jotaro standing over the two of you. 'HOW THE HELL DO THEY KEEP SNEAKING UP ON ME?'

"Oh? You didn't mention that miss. I apologize. Um, which one of you is her boyfriend? I want to apologize to you too," Kai says in fear of the two gigantic teenagers in front of you.

"I am," Kakyoin and Jotaro say at the same time.

You blush a dark crimson and you feel light-headed.

Kai chuckles nervously and looks at you confused, "Uh... Miss, y-you have t-two boyfriends?"

You look towards Jotaro and Kakyoin and then back at Kai a few times, "I... uh... these are... they're... um. Can you repeat the question?"

Kai looks at you with sweat dripping down his forehead, "I'll take my leave now. I'm sorry to have caused trouble. Have a good trip." He says as he tries to calmly scramble away. You watch him retreat. You don't want to turn around and face your two supposed 'boyfriends'.

"Y/n," Kakyoin calls you. You cringe and turn back to face him and Jotaro. "Are you okay? We heard the conversation and then we heard you stop talking, so we stepped in."

"Mmhm." You hum. You didn't know if you had the strength to be able to answer him in a coherent sentence.

"Are you feeling sick? You're a bit red. Is this an after effect from the rage shield?" Kakyoin asks.

"Rage shield?" Jotaro asks.

"It's a new shield. It sends her into a blind rage and, Hol Horse ended up messing with her and Polnareff a little too much and it was activated. She didn't have control over herself and was overtaken by the blind rage." Kakyoin answers him.

"Yare, yare. Are you okay?" Jotaro asks you.

"Mmhm," you respond.

"What's wrong? You're not talking." Jotaro says.

"Did we do something wrong?" Kakyoin says worriedly.

'Yes! And no... Ah! Why is this so confusing???'

"Huh?" You say still dazed. Jotaro and Kakyoin just look at each other.

"Hey! What're you guys doing? Let's get going. We don't have time to just stand around!" Polnareff says, breaking the weird mood. You all had turned to face him so, you felt relieved to have their eyes off of you. You start walking, with both boys on either side of you. You felt uncomfortable, but not because of them, but because of how awkward you were being when they were completely normal. You all finally get on the bus and you sit next to Joseph to avoid any other similar awkward interactions with Jotaro and Kakyoin.

"Hey, where's your mask? You should put it back on," Joseph says.

"Oh, well... I kind of used it on one of the enemy stand users to get out of a sticky situation, and now it's currently on his corpse."

"Smart move. I guess it was a good idea for me to get back up masks just in case," Joseph says as he pulls one out of his pouch.

"You weren't kidding??" You ask shocked and exasperated.

"Nope." He pops the 'P' when saying it. He immediately puts the mask on you and locks it. He grins when he sees your wide eyes of disbelief.

"Damn it. I only had about an hour or two of freedom from this devil of a device," you say while trying to take it off again. Joseph laughs at your words and actions.

"Let's practice your Hamon now. It's been a while and I'd like to see how far you've progressed on your own."

You and Joseph practice with your Hamon and after a while, you both get tired and he falls asleep on the window, and you fall asleep on his shoulder.


'You are magnificent. Truly a gem in the world Y/n. The perfect match for someone like myself. I think we fit together as well as a puzzle piece. Don't you agree?' He says as he makes a trail of kisses all over you.

DIO was a man of his word, and in this case, it wasn't wanted whatsoever. You close your eyes and scrunch them, waiting for everything to end. You felt such a deep hatred and self-loathing at this moment.

Suddenly, there's a bright light and you can't feel DIO anymore. You open your eyes, only to be blinded.

'What the hell is this?'

"Hello?" You call out.

"Y/n, what is going on?"

'Hold on... this voice. It was a woman's voice. It sounded vaguely familiar. Wait! It couldn't be!'

"WISH LADY?" You yell.

"So you do remember me? I guess that would only make sense."

You were so confused. You no longer felt this was a dream. You felt conscious, and you could freely communicate, and not just watch yourself interact like you would in a dream or nightmare. Were you lucid dreaming?

"What the heck is going on? Am I dreaming? Why am I dreaming of you?"

"You are not in fact dreaming. We are currently in a place between Dream and Reality. Mind and Matter. You're not dreaming and you're not awake, it's like a semi-neutral space where we can communicate."

'What the heck does this all mean?'

"I thought after the wish was granted you were done with us. What is happening? Did you bring me here?'

"I was curious to see what you and your friend were up to, and I come to find this. I already understood both of your situations when I looked into your futures here, but it seems like your friend is under the influence of another."


"Is that why you're here?" You ask. "Do you know if she's okay? Have you spoken to her?"

"I'm here because you need to be honest with yourself and your comrades. The path you're taking now will only land you with unsatisfactory results. If you truly wish to change fate, then be true...It appears our time here is up. Someone in the mortal and reality realm is waking you. We shall meet again soon, Y/n."

"Why? What is the meaning of this? What's going to happen?"


"Y/n," Joseph shakes you.

"Huh? What?" You ask as you instantly wake, looking around.

"We're here. We gotta get off the bus."

"Oh, sorry." You get up and start to get off with the rest of your group. You were still sort of dazed from sleeping, so you stand next to Kakyoin and lean on him.

'Was that thing earlier really not a dream? Did the wish lady really summon me to that place? Why?'

"Are you still sleepy?" Kakyoin grins down at you. You nod ever so slightly.

"In that case, you guys can go find and get us a place to stay. I need to go to a doctor, this bug bite really got infected," Joseph says. With that said, you were once again worried.

"Hey, Mr. Joestar, that bite looks almost as if it has a face. Can I poke it?" Polnareff says as he gets his index finger closer to Joseph's arm.

"That's not funny!" Joseph says exasperated as he pulls his arm away from Polnareff's reach. You would usually laugh at something like this, but you feel off. Kakyoin and Jotaro pick up on your behavior and they keep a close eye on you.

"My bad. Do you want me to go to the doctor's with you?" Polnareff offers.

"Stop treating me like an old man! I'm perfectly capable of going by myself," Joseph exclaims. "Here, take this and go find a hotel. I'll meet up with you all later." He hands Kakyoin his wallet and he sets off to find a clinic.

"I'm gonna go explore the city, with Nena. You guys wanna come?" Polnareff says as he turns towards the rest of you.

"We'll go find a hotel. We'll meet up with you later." Kakyoin says. Jotaro nods his head in agreement. You were still lost in your thoughts, wondering about the 'not' dream, dream.

"You seem worn out Y/n, you should rest up at the hotel while you can, okay?" Polnareff tells you. You nod your head and you smile at him. He and Nena walk away and you're left alone with Kakyoin and Jotaro again.

"Shall we go?" You ask, as you stop leaning on Kakyoin.

"Okay," Kakyoin responds. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and he guides both of you in the opposite direction of the way Polnareff went. Jotaro follows behind you, remaining quiet. You all look around as you walk in the same direction, in hopes of finding a decent place to stay.

"Oi, Kakyoin," Jotaro speaks. Kakyoin peers over his shoulder, and so do you. Jotaro nods his chin in the direction of a place you missed along the way.

"Perfect! Nice one Jotaro," Kakyoin praises. He lets go of your shoulder and he goes to the door of the building. You and Jotaro follow him in.

"What's wrong?" Jotaro says to you.

"What're you talking about, Jojo." You use his preferred name.

"You're quiet. Too quiet. You've been this way ever since we got to India," he says.

'I can't let him know the truth. I've just been having a hard time not helping my friends in need because if I do, my cover is blown and they won't trust me anymore.'

There was also a voice in your head telling you, the exact opposite.

'Come clean to the group. You can change fate and you can help out the group greatly. You can even inform Jotaro of his time stop ability and defeat DIO faster, without the deaths in between.'

You groan and pull on your hair. 'What on earth is going on? Why am I so conflicted? If I tell them the entire truth then surely that would only make things more complicated. No. I'm not going to say anything.'

"I don't know. I think I just miss my best friend is all." You didn't want to lie, but you really had to.

Jotaro squints his eyes at you and then hums. You knew he didn't believe you, but what else could you do? Kakyoin returns with 3 room keys.

"This is all they had. We're gonna have to share rooms again. Hope everyone doesn't mind," Kakyoin says to you two.

"It's okay. Joseph can share with Jojo, You and me, and Polnareff and possibly the girl Nena? I'm not sure if she's staying with us." You tell the both of them.

Jotaro glances at you with squinted eyes, and you knew why. You gave him the boot and chose to room with Kakyoin so he couldn't ask you more questions. You look at them both for their answer and they both nod. Kakyoin passes Jotaro a key and then you all make your way to your rooms, which happened to be next to each other. You and Kakyoin walk into the room, and thankfully there are two beds again. You walk up to one and claim it as your own.

"Hey, do you wanna shower first? I'll rest up a bit, and then take mine." You tell Kakyoin.

"Okay. I'll be out soon then." He says as he turns into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. You sit on the bed and get lost in your thoughts. You eventually lay down and you fall asleep, hoping to get answers from the wish lady, this time.

You wake up. 'Nothing? Not even a nightmare?' You sit up grateful for not having to wake up crying and you look around the room. Kakyoin was sitting on his bed watching tv.

"Hey, Y/n. Sleep well?" He asks with a small smile.

"Yeah. How long have I been out?" You ask.

"Not too long. About 45 minutes I'd say."

You nod and stand up to stretch. You get a very satisfying pop from your back and you smile in satisfaction. "I'll go shower now." Kakyoin nods at you and you walk towards the bathroom to wash up.

Once inside, you check your inventory for clean clothes. You only had one more set, so you decided today was laundry day. You set your clean clothes off to the side and you strip and get your dirty clothes out to wash them. Once scrubbing them clean in the sink, you let them soak in clean water while you showered. After a nice relaxing and much-needed shower, you step out and dry yourself, then get dressed. You wring out your wet clothes and find the blow dryer, first doing your hair and then the clothes. You take the almost dry clothes out of the bathroom with you and you lay them out on the bed to dry on their own.

"Whatcha doing?" Kakyoin asks.

"Ah, I uh, did some laundry. Do you want me to wash your uniform? It's really no trouble." You offer.


"Yeah. Just hand it over."

Kakyoin takes off his jacket and you instantly blush. He had a white button-up underneath, and since it was hot, it clings to him, defining his well-built torso and arms. He holds the jacket out to you and you take it.

"Anything else? You can always hide under the covers and I can wash the rest." Kakyoin nods and gets under the covers and he hands you his shirt and pants. You blush even more and try not to think about it. "I'll be back with these." You say and you quickly escape into the bathroom.

You take his clothes to the bathtub because they were too big to fit under the sink. You scrub them down well and rinse them, making sure to get all the dirt and sweat out. Once finished, you take the blow dryer and dry his clothes as best you could. You take the uniform and hang them in the closet in hangers. "Hey, Nori. Your clothes are almost done drying in here, okay?" You tell him pointing to the closet.

He nods, "Thanks Y/n. I appreciate it." He says smiling at you. You feel your heart clench every time he smiled.

"No problem, Nori." You say as you walk up to your bed. You pat on your clothes and feel that they've dried. You open your inventory and put your clothes away.

"Hey, do you have any food? I'm hungry" Kakyoin says with a pout. You giggle at his cute puppy eyes and look through your inventory.

"Sorry Kak, I'm out. Maybe after your uniform is done drying, we can go find a store so I can restock." Kakyoin nods.

"I'll go ask Jotaro if he wants to join later." You say. Kakyoin nods and puts his hands behind his head. His blanket falls down and you can see his bare chest.

"I'll be waiting here just watching TV." He says with a pretty boy grin. You blush even more and your heart rate exceeds. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Kakyoin asks. You hadn't realized you were staring.

"Oh, uh. Nothing! I'll go now," you say as you make your way to the door. You had a key this time, you learned your lesson from last time. You go to Jotaro's door and knock. After a few seconds, you hear a shuffle and he opens the door slightly. He peers out and looks down to see you, he leaves the door open for you and walks away without saying anything. You walk in and close the door behind you.

"Did you need something?" He asks lowly.

"Um, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the market later with Kakyoin and me. We want to restock on food and see the city."

"Sure. When are we leaving?"

'Oh shoot. Kakyoin's clothes are still drying. Should I ask if Jotaro wants his uniform washed too? It'd be rude if I didn't ask since I did mine and Kakyoin's clothes.'

"We'll be leaving once his uniform dries. I washed it for him. If you'd like I can do yours too, I don't mind. But be aware, I do charge by the second, so the cost is really expensive, BUT you get a clean uniform out of it." You joke. You started to feel better and more like yourself, but only because you were ignoring your conflicting thoughts.

"Yare, Yare. Maybe a nap and shower were all you needed. You had us worried for nothing, stupid. I still have to shower." He sighs.

'What? He was worried? Everyone else was worried? Why?'

"Soooo. What'll it be stinky? On one hand, you'll have a clean uniform, but the ladies will flock to you, but on the other hand, if you remain stinky, the ladies will still flock to you, so really there's no difference, but then it's up to you and preference." You tease. It was funny to tease Jotaro because he always gave funny reactions.

"Yare, Yare. Fine, but stop saying I stink." He groans. You giggle at him and you see him perk up.

"I can wash your uniform as you shower and I'll be back with them when they're done." You say. He nods and he takes off his hat and throws it on the bed. He takes off his jacket and holds it out to you, you take it and hold it in your arms looking at it, wondering how you were gonna wash it without rusting the chain. You glance back up and he was taking off his undershirt, which was a purple tank top.

"W-WAAAHHH!!! T-Take it off in the bathroom and hand it to me through there!" You say as you feel the heat rise to your face. He grins and just ignores you as he takes off his undershirt and throws it at your face. Your heart rate was already elevated and you panic. "Jotaro! G-Go in there!" You say as you get behind him and push him towards the bathroom, hoping he wouldn't just take off his pants in front of you. This was all too much for you, you were touching this tall muscular guy's bareback and you were in danger of blood not flowing anywhere but your face. You feel a small rumble coming from him as you were pushing him. Was he laughing? You would be shocked and happy that he was laughing for once, but you pout as you realize it was at your expense. "Stop laughing!" You say as you made it to the bathroom. He closes the door, and after a few seconds, he reaches his arm out with his pants and a key.

"Take the key to the room too, so you can get back in here later." He says. You take them, and he closes the door. You hear the shower turn on not long after and you quickly leave the room before you start to think about a very inappropriate Jotaro.

You get your key from your pocket and unlock the door to your room. You walk in and see Kakyoin out of bed, barely slipping on his pants. He was still shirtless and he didn't seem to mind that he was half-naked with you there.

"Hey. What did he say?" Kakyoin asks looking at you as he buttoned his pants.

'Why? Why? Why? Did the gods really want to end me here and now?'

It was getting harder to breathe with the damned breathing apparatus and you choke on your saliva a bit before you can answer him.

"He, uh, he's coming with us later, but I offered to wash his uniform first," you say holding up the items of clothes in your arms, trying not to look at the shirtless hottie in front of you. You hear some shuffling and he's in front of you, still shirtless, and he touches a hand to your forehead.

"You're really red. Are you sick? Or are you just happy to see me?" He jokes. You nervously giggle and step back.

"Very funny. It's just hot is all," You say with heavy breathing, to get him off your back.

"Oh really? I didn't know you thought I was hot. Thank you!" He teases. You now could not handle this anymore.

"Sh-Shut up Nori! Stop teasing me, I'm already embarrassed enough!" You say as you hide your face in the dirty clothes you were holding.

"Okay, okay. I'll get dressed and then after you're done we can do something while we wait for the uniform to be done." He says as he pats your head. You glance up at him and he gives you a closed-eye smile.

"Okay. I'll go do these now then," you say as you walk to the bathroom. You sit on the floor near the tub and you take off the chain of Jotaro's uniform. You wash the uniform as best you could just as you did for yours and Kakyoin's. You ring the uniform out and blowdry it. After putting it on a hanger, you put the uniform near the window, where the sun would hit it and dry it faster. You flop yourself on your bed and groan into the mattress.

'Don't fall asleep. I have to give Jotaro his uniform soon.' You repeat in your head. You hear sirens go off and it reminds you that the police were probably looking for Joseph by now, because of Nena's stand killing the doctor. Kakyoin comes to sit next to you on your bed and you make room.

"Do you wanna take a quick nap? I'll keep watch of the time and the uniform dryness so we can leave sooner," Kakyoin says as he looks down at you. You nod and scoot closer to him. You got quite used to cuddling now, so you felt the need to be closer to him. He didn't seem to mind, and he lifts your head so it was on his lap. You close your eyes and he begins to play with your hair. You fall asleep slowly, while you were being pampered by Kakyoin.


After about 30 minutes Kakyoin decides to wake you up. You wake to a nice sensation coming from your shoulders, he was massaging you awake. "Wake up. It looks like the uniform is dry and you've napped for a while."

"Thanks, Nori." You say as you get off of him, and stretch again. You didn't realize how stiff you were till he touched your shoulders. You stand up and walk to the window where the uniform was hanging, and grab it. It was dry. "I'm gonna take this to Jotaro, are you ready to go?"

"I need to redo my hair, then I'll meet you guys over there," Kakyoin says.

"Okay, see ya then." You walk out of the door and head to Jotaro's room. You get the key from your pocket and knock before you open it. You step in and Jotaro was just standing in his boxers.

'Why am I always walking in at the wrong times? I do have his clothes, but that doesn't excuse this...'

"WAAAHHH! Why are you just standing there? Here!" You yell as he you hand him his clothes.

"Calm down. Did you not see Kakyoin like this too? It's not a big deal," he says as he takes his clothes from you. You were about to tell him that you hadn't seen Kakyoin like this, but you technically did when you walked in on him getting dressed. "Thank you for washing these."

"I, uh. It was no problem. Kakyoin said he'd meet us here once he was done getting ready."

"Okay. You can wait over there while I get ready too." Jotaro says as he points to the bed. You nod and sit down on the bed that had Jotaro's hat on it. He walks into the bathroom to get ready, and you pick up his hat and examine it. It looked new, but also worn out and distressed due to the big rip on the back of it. The pins even looked pretty new, they were still shiny. There was nothing else to do, so you just continue to look at the hat. You had half a mind to put it on, but you ultimately decide against it. Jotaro walks out of the bathroom, and he sits down on the bed next to you.

"Here. Your head must be cold due to the lack of hat," you joke as you hand it to him.

He hums and takes it from you, his fingers brushing against yours, making you stop breathing for a second. He puts on his hat, and you hear a knock at the door. "That must be Kakyoin, let's go." You say as you stand up. You open the door to see the cherry boy, and the three of you walk out of the hotel to explore the city.

Nothing really happened on the outing, just all of you buying food and snacks for the road and get to know each other even more as you walk around. Kakyoin and Jotaro would occasionally drag you somewhere to show you something they found interesting.

You saw Joseph run by you guys once, but the boys didn't notice. He had his arm covered with a rag, so you knew the fight would be over soon. You turn your attention back to the boys and see a group of women surrounding, not only Jotaro but Kakyoin as well. Jotaro looked angry, while Kakyoin had a nervous smile on his face.

'Geez. These girls are hopelessly horny for them and these boys don't even know how to deal with it... I better go help diffuse the situation.'

You walk up to the group, "Hey..."


"Come on Pol, it's okay. Don't think about it too much," you say trying to comfort the sad baguette. It was now nighttime and Polnareff was sitting on the curb with a sad pout, while Jotaro and Kakyoin talk among themselves. Joseph was talking to the Speedwagon Foundation, and he would return to the group after.

"I can't believe I fell for it. She could've been the one..." He says lowly.

'Dude. You only knew her for less than a day. Calm down.'

"Stop sulking, Polnareff! I was the one attacked by the stand user remember?" Joseph says as he walks back to the group.

"I'd have rather gone through that," Polnareff says as he lowers his head.

Joseph tosses the car key towards Polnareff and it lands in his hair. You let out a small snicker, at the way it stayed perfectly still in his cylinder-like hair. "You can drive first, I'm tired after everything that's happened today."

"You could've rested in the hotel if the police weren't looking for you old man. That's on you," Jotaro grumbles.

"It wasn't my fault! The stand user was the one that caused all the problems!" Joseph defends himself. You giggle and you stand up.

"Let's go, we have a long drive," you say. They all give a sign of agreement and everyone heads towards the car. Tomorrow was going to be quite an eventful day... as per usual.

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