Gift of the Goddess

By Heroicwings

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For a millennia the mysterious twelve beings have watched over, and observed humanity. Goddesses, witches, al... More

Chapter 1- Our heroes journey begins
Chapter 2-Reunions
Chapter 3- I become a clown
Chapter 4- I beat up some thugs.
Chapter 5- We see a ghost
Chapter 6- The cursed child
Chapter 7 - I gain a blessing
Chapter 8 - Let's be Heroes
Chapter 9 - The boss battle
Chapter 10 - A walk down memory lane
Chapter 11 - The Princess of the flowers
Chapter 12- Stryder Vs Zack
Chapter 13 - The Zombie Effect
Chapter 14- The dodge ball of death
Chapter-15 Storytime with Stryder
Chapter 16 - The Alley of justice
Chapter-17 A new challenger arrives
Chapter-18 Friend or foe?
Chapter- 19 The fall of Icarus
Chapter- 20 The Game
Chapter 21- The Alley of justice VS Jack Frost
Chapter 22- Leap of faith
Chapter 23- Flying too close to the sun
Chapter 24- Melted wings pt.1
Chapter 24- Melted wings pt.2
Chapter 25 - Sorry
chapter 26 - Melancholy
Chapter 27 - Breaking chains
Chapter 28 - Fallen petals
Chapter 30 - The knight and the Dragon
Chapter 31 - Hero's payday
Chapter 32 - The girl with the scarlet hair
Chapter 33 - The White Dragon
Chapter 34 - A girl and her ship
Chapter 35 - The black Knight
Chapter 36 - The blood on my hands
Chapter 37 - The rattling of chains
Chapter 38 - Reaching Nirvana
Chapter 39 - Cutting loose
Chapter 40 - Looking ahead
Chapter 41 - When does the blood wash off?
Chapter 42 - Two Heroes
Chapter 43 - The Flying Dutchman
Chapter 44 - The heart of Ares
Chapter 45 - Davey Jones Locker
Chapter 46 - The petals in the wind
Chapter 47 - The wilting flower
Halloween special!!
Chapter 48 - Looking up
Chapter 49 - Loves in the air!
Chapter 50 - Weislung vs Stryder
Chapter 51 - The winds of change
Chapter 52 - A kiss goodbye
Chapter 53 - Notice me
Zacks origins, a christmas Special
Chapter 56 - The knight in the tower
Chapter 57 - The way things should be
Chapter 58 - Homecoming
Chapter 59 - The Azure flames
Chapter 60 - Aeolus's gift
Chapter 61 - Daedalus's workshop
Chapter 62 - Icarus's curse
Annuals love, a valentines special.
Chapter 63 - Jormungand
The Destroyer of Worlds
The honor student
Chapter 64 - A falling star
Chapter - 65 Leo Vs Elo
Chapter 66 - The twin dragons
Chapter 67 - Wings made of Wax
Chapter 68 - Feathers in the sea
Chapter 69 - The Vulture
Chapter 70 - Looking to the sky
Chapter 71 - Repent
Chapter 72 - The Flying Dutchmans return!
Chapter 73 - Elizabeth set sails!
Chapter 74 - Alley of Justice international!!
Chapter 75 - Princess Annual
Chapter 76 - Challenge accepted!
Chapter 77 - Into the hole like Alice
Chapter 78 - Territory wars and enchiladas!
Chapter 79 - The gap between
Chapter 80 - The Alley of justice vs Rex...again
Chapter 81 - Journey to the west
Chapter 82 - A new arc begins!
Chapter 83 - Stryders gifts
Chapter 84 - When in rome...
Chapter 85 - Zack's curse
Chapter 86 - Grendels Tears
Chapter 87 - The Dragon's Lair
Chapter 88 - Sharpening blades
Chapter 89 - Magic Tricks
Chapter 90 - The Knight and Wizard
Chapter 91 - Blood, guns, and Mimes!
Chapter 92 - The Mors Game
Chapter 93 - Joes World
Chapter 94 - Broken Scales
Chapter 95 - The Last Supper
Chapter 96 - This is war
Chapter 97 -Gehenna
Chapter 98 - Hell's Garden pt.1
Chapter 98 - Hells Gardens thorns, pt.2
Chapter 99 - You'll be greater than me
Chapter 100 - You're only human
Chapter 101 - I am Leo
Chapter 102 - The curtain falls
Chapter 103 - The sun is shining
Chapter 104 - Yin
Chapter 105 - Yang
Chapter 106 - Balance
Chapter 107 - Cain Vs Abel
The blue hoodie, A Christmas special
The vest, A Christmas special
Chapter 108 - The Bad Sibling Club
Chapter 109 - Stryder Vs Zack, this is the end.
Chapter 110 - The forgotten hero
Chapter 111 - The hero
Chapter 112 - The Trickster

Chapter 29 - Trouble in Paradise

29 4 9
By Heroicwings

The doctors said that we wouldn't be able to see Annual for another day or so. Zack decided he was gonna camp out at the hospital. I wanted to join him, but the doctors advised me to leave to get some fresh air. I knew they were only telling me that so I would calm down. And I'll be honest, I wasn't doing so hot anyways. So I begrudgingly agreed to go home.

I didn't immediately go home though. I was still shaking for a bit after I got back. I took a walk through the park to calm my nerves and then headed back home. I was walking up the fire escape when I heard my sister's voice.

"You're annoying, you know that?" She whined.

I stopped under the second story of the fire escape and moved myself against the wall.

"And you're dodging the question." Jack hummed.

"Wow! It's almost like I don't want to talk about it. Crazy right?" Lux sarcastically replied.

Jack groaned.

"Would telling you something personal about myself make you feel more comfortable?" He asked.

"Why are you so interested? I told you I'm fine!"

"I guess Icarus is just rubbing off on me." Jack chuckled. "But is it a deal?"

"No promises."

"You know, you're pretty cold. And that's coming from a guy with ice powers."

"Losing interest frost."

Jack sighed.

"Ever heard of a town called oblitus?"


"And you never will. Because I killed everyone there."

I felt this cold shiver wash over me as he said that. Flashes of that giant wave of ice came into my mind. There was silence between them for a moment. Then Jack spoke up again.

"I was part of the first generation. Getting superpowers worked a bit differently back then."

I looked up and I could see Jack looking over his hands. He looked disgusted with himself. Like he just did something wrong.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I couldn't control it. My sister got mad at me one day and... I just exploded, and so did everything else."

"Y-your joking right? Does that mean that-"

"Your knight in shining armor is fine. His generation has limits and levels. A lot more controlled than us. I was only twelve when It all happened. Everyone I know was dead, so I was alone. And I did terrible things when I was alone. That's when Arthur found me."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. You didn't have to-"

"Arthur once told me that our true strengths lie within our weaknesses. I thought he was full of crap." Jack chuckled. "But now I'm starting to see what he was talking about."

Lux groaned smacked her face. "That sounds like something Stryder would say."

"Well him and Arthur are both annoying hero types." He sighed.

I grumbled.

"When our mom died. I think that's when I realized how much I really disliked him. I remember he never got mad at me when we were kids. No matter how mean I was to him. I felt like mom loved him more than me. They were always together. So when I heard what happened, I just wanted him to disappear, to suffer. He took her away from me for so long. And now it was forever." She stopped talking for a moment.

I felt like an intruder listening to this. These were Lux's private thoughts. But even so, I couldn't afford to leave. This was my only chance to know what was wrong. To see if there was something I could fix!

"I hated him, I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to feel as alone as I did. But as I watched him suffer. I just felt terrible. I felt like it was my fault that he got hurt, that he experienced so much pain." She started hitting the railing. " I hate that I just can't love Stryder! I hate that I can't just accept Donum!"

"Then stop running." Jack spat out.


"You're running. The only way you can move past this is to face it. Time doesn't heal wounds. What you do in that time does. And avoiding both of them isn't gonna solve anything now is it?"

She sniffled and slowly turned back to face him.

"I'm scared Jack. Everytime I look at Donum I just think about everything that happened. And Stryder..."

"One of the things I like about you Lux, is that You're brave. I know you can do this." I could see Jack moving closer to her."Just be honest with them. And you won't have to do this alone. I know I'm fairly new to the gang. But I'm here for you."

"Why? I've blown you off every time! Why are you doing so much for me?"

"I already told you didn't I? If Arthur hadn't believed in me, I wouldn't be here. And if I hadn't seen Icarus persevere through so much. Just to see people smile. I wouldn't know what being a hero really means. So I guess I want to be a hero too! Plus your kinda hot. That helps too."

"Oh my gosh!" I heard lux chuckled as she punched his shoulder. "And here I thought you were maybe an adult."

"Only physically."

"Thanks Jack, really. I think I'll take your advice. When I'm ready."

"Great, in the meantime. How about snow cones?"

"I'd like that." Lux replied.

"Technical first date?"

"Fine, I guess you can call it that."

"Yes!" Jack cheered.

I leaned against the concrete wall and just took it in. She's still beating herself up over this. I felt bad for eavesdropping, and I couldn't help but feel guilty for this either. No, I needed to stop this. I'm gonna be a hero people can believe in right? I'm gonna help save Annual right? There was no time for hating myself. My mom gave me this life. She gave me this chance. Annual sacrificed so I can be happy right? Then there's no reason I shouldn't be standing tall right now.

"I'm just not the hero for her right now." I whispered to myself.

I guess I'm not meant to fix everything. I looked up where they were standing. I guess I needed to do something else with my night.

The door slowly opened up to a surprised Valentina. I have to say. She looked really cute in her panda bear Pajamas.

"S-stryder? What are you doing here?" She inquired.

She folded her arms and leaned against her door frame.
"It's kinda late I know. But I wanted to know if you wanted to join me for a walk in the park. My sister's on a date and I don't want to interrupt. Plus Zack's out doing..."

She snickered.

"Probably illegal, and delinquent things?"


"Well, I'm not exactly happy to be a second choice. But I could use a break." She chimed.

"Great! I-I mean I'm sorry! Your not a second choice or anything. It's just I'm not used to hanging out with girls. Well wait, I mean I hang with Lux all the time but she doesn't count. She's not like a girly girl. I don't think I can handle that. Not to say your not!-"

I wanted to shut up. I really, really wanted to shut up. But the word vomit kept pouring out.

She giggled. "You haven't been on many dates have you?"

Suddenly I stopped talking. Only to feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"I-I've been on a date before. Wait do you think this is a-!"

"Relax, I'm only teasing. Let me get my sweater and we can go."

The moon was in full bloom tonight, illuminating the way as we walked. Me and Valentina walked quietly for a bit down the road.

"It's crazy to think a month or two ago we couldn't walk outside like this."

I smiled slightly at that.

"I know what you mean. I don't think I've been able to enjoy the moonlight like this in awhile." I sighed happily.

"Ya know, I think seeing you show up at my door tonight is the most unexpected thing to happen to me. And we have superheroes running around here."
"Come on, it can't be that weird."

"You know, I think I know why I never noticed you before."

"Why's that?"

"Because you're not looking at the ground anymore." She smiled. " I can actually see your face."

I smiled slightly.

"And I don't think I've seen you when you're not chastising Zack." I chuckled.

She sighed.

"Somedays I feel like I'm that kid's mom. Can't you knock some sense into him!?" She growled.

"Your preaching to the choir. I've given him speeches, I've beaten him. Even tried a pavlov experiment. Dude just does what he wants."

"Honestly, how are you two even friends."

"Opposites attract?" I suggested. "I don't know. I guess you can say we compliment each other well. I stop him from getting arrested, and he pushes me to have fun. I wouldn't be able to look up like I am now without him."

"So I guess it's like me and Alexis then. She gets me out of the house when I want to read, or study all day. She's probably the only reason I somewhat have a social life."

I chuckled.

"I don't think introverts make friends. We just get adopted by extroverts."

She laughed.

"What do I need a social life for when I have books to keep me company?"

"Have you read the Percy Jackson series?"

"Yes! I love that series! Annabeth is my favorite. I am totally a child of Athena!"

"Hmmm. I don't know what I'd be honestly."

"Definitely Zeus."

"Isn't he like, the king of the gods? I don't think I'm fit for all that."

"You just don't see it. But I definitely can see it."

I raised my brow. "I can see Ares before Zeus."

"Pppft." She snickered. "Ares? You're like an adorable puppy."

"Isn't that what Alexis called me?"

"After talking to you I definitely don't disagree. Just not a misunderstood poetry puppy. More like a....fluffy pup who says fight me."

I just rolled my eyes at her.

"I can be tough."

"Ergo the fight me line. I didn't forget your dodgeball fight. Which reminds me we need to tal-"

She suddenly stopped talking. I could see a fearful gleam in her eyes as she looked forward. I looked ahead and I could see what stopped her. There was a man in a red hoodie just standing there waiting on us. I guess we spoke too soon about the ed steel gang.

"Let's turn around." I suggested.

Valentina nodded and I moved my hand on her shoulder. Slowly turning us around. However as soon as I did, I heard rapid stomping coming from behind us. I quickly turned around and that guy in a hood was just a few steps away from me!

I activated my eyes and pushed Valentina away.

"Run!" I roared back to her.

I was speechless as I saw what was hidden under the hood. I could see blonde hair and a dark red scaly skin with bold blue eyes.

He went to slash at my face. I caught the glimpse of his sharp claws. Even with my eyes. It was like he was moving at normal speed!

I barely blocked his slash with my forearm. I looked up into his face and I saw a spark of fire come from his lips.

Crap! I used my strength and shot my handout as fast as I could at his face. I summoned the most fire resistant gauntlet I had and grabbed his jaw. I came in close and swept his feet and slammed his head into the ground.

He immediately grabbed my hand and wrapped his legs around my arm. I could feel him biting into my gauntlet! I summoned another gauntlet sleeve out over my arm and his grip and slipped out. He dropped back down onto the ground and I dispelled the armor immediately.

His eyes seemed to be wide in shock. My mind was running a mile a minute. I need to make sure Vals safe, while also not using too much of my power. I already gave away too much to this guy that I was the Knight. Then my brain short circuited. Valentina was coming around from behind the guy!

She held out pepper spray to the thing and sprayed it into his eyes. The creature wailed loudly like a monster.

"Yes officer were in Dudlen park!" I heard Valentina yell into the phone.

I didn't waste time and picked her up princess style and ran out of the park. He must've been a gifted. That pepper spray won't keep him down for long.

Valentina told the 911 operator that we were heading away from the scene. I just ran as fast as I could without my super strength. I looked down to Valentina. She looked petrified. She was breathing heavily and trying to calm herself down.

It didn't take me long to get her back home. Just who the hell was that!? Was it some new challenger? How does he know my identity? And did Valentina see anything when I fought him? I wasn't thinking when I started the attack. I acted on instinct.

I looked down to Valentina. She looked petrified. She was breathing heavily and trying to calm herself down.

Just what the hell is going on here?

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