Touch of Hellfire (Original V...

By princess_leah_organa

618K 13.9K 2.9K

Heather Gilmore is Rory Gilmore's twin sister, who is one of Stars Hollow's most loved along with her sister... More



35.4K 386 336
By princess_leah_organa

" are the eggs?" Rory asked our mother. "They're good," Mom smirked.

Mom looked up to find the two of us staring at her. "They're still good," she told us. "Well, we're still glad, aren't we Ror?" I spoke up. "Yep," Rory grumbled popping the p.

"We're not going to be late," Mom reassured us. "It's the first day back, we don't wanna be late," Rory protested. "Heather, back me up?"

"We want to get there early, Mom," I agreed with Rory. "Heather, Rory, we will be early, I promise," Mom sighed.

"Well, both of our classes are different, so we haven't found the quickest paths yet and they moved my locker," Rory ranted. "They didn't move mine," I told Rory.

"Lucky," Rory pouted. I smirked at my sister. "Looking for my locker could send the entire day into chaos," Rory panicked. "Oh, you guys haven't left yet," Lane breathed a sigh of relief as she ran into the diner with Tessa.

"Hey, Tess," I greeted her. "School..again," Tessa moaned. "Yeah, but think about it, two years from now, college," I tried to be optimistic.

"You don't have to worry, you're in Chilton," Tessa reminded me. "I mean you want to be making films out there in Hollywood."

"And you will be by my side," I laughed. "Gotta go, just thought I'd bug you before going into that cesspool," Tessa rolled her eyes. "Focus on the big game," I advised her. "Got it, thank you," Tessa beamed and dashed out.

"Heather, she's stalling!" Rory called over to me. "Mom!" I whined. "Donuts," Mom simply said.

I rejoined Rory. "How's Lane?"

"She's excited about this new record store in Hartford," Rory told me. "And Tessa?"

"Dreading school, like always," I told her. "I'm sorry we didn't get to see Dartmouth or Columbia," Rory sighed. "It's okay, there are open days coming up, Tess and I might take a look," I told her. "Just promise me a shoutout in the Oscars speech," Rory said to me. "I promise," I smirked.

"You can't order crispy fries without first ordering fries," Luke told a boy scout, one of Taylor's. "This should be fun," I whispered to Rory.

"Uh, why not?" the boy piped up. "You can't make something crispy that doesn't exist," Luke argued. "Why not?" the boy repeated.

"Get him away from me, Taylor," Luke grumbled.

Luke and Taylor bickering is something to live for in this town. It's just so funny. I turned back to Rory for a second. "You and Paris still on good terms?"

"I don't know," Rory muttered. "That stuff with Tristan last year.."

"The guy cannot take a hint, it's fact," I told her. Everyone started moaning as soon as the diner phone started to ring. "Oh, pipe down!" Luke scolded them.

"What about you and Andrea?" Rory asked me. "She's confident that she can beat me at cards," I explained. "Time to crush that."

"You horrible person," Rory laughed. "Well, what can I do?" I shrugged. "Let Andrea win?" Rory suggested. I acted as if Rory had just shot me.

"Hey, Mr Doose, she's not supposed to do that!" one of the boys piped up. I turned around to see Mom go behind the counter for donuts. "That's right," Taylor told him. "She's breaking the rules and rule breakers end up lonely with no friends because they are outcasts to society."

Luke angrily hung up the phone. "Do you have a sister?"

"I do!" Rory and I piped up in unison. "My sympathies," Luke sighed. Rory and I smirked at each other.


"You got the cards?" Andrea asked me as we were walking down the halls. "Swarbrick, who do you think I am?" I asked her. "Sorry, Gilmore," she rolled her eyes. "So, how was your summer?"

"Eventful, in some aspects," I told her. "How about you?"

"I went to London, it rained for the better part of two months," she pouted. "Ooh, London! Tell me everything!" I demanded. "Well, they opened up this huge Ferris wheel right by the Thames called the London Eye, last year," she told me. "I went on it and it was amazing!"

"That sounds cool," I beamed. "Still doing Dartmouth?"

"Most likely, you still doing Columbia?" Andrea asked me as we walked into the classroom. "Juggling between Columbia and Dartmouth, they're both far but one is more expensive," I pouted.

We grabbed the forms, pink, yellow and blue, from the desk. "Yikes, Rory and Paris part two," Andrea whispered to me. "Tell me about it," I sat down beside her near the back. "You doing the Franklin?" Andrea asked me. "Nope, you?"

"Definitely not," she muttered. Paris nodded at me as she walked by. I nodded back and gave Rory a piteous look. "Start planning the funeral," Andrea mumbled. "More like the five year anniversary," I replied.

"Did you hear they're making the Harry Potter books into movies?" Andrea asked me. "The first one is out in November," I cheered.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "You know you'll be home before me right?" Rory asked me. "Franklin?" I assumed. She nodded. "So what flowers would you like on your casket?" I joked. "Shush," Rory rolled her eyes.


I got the bus back home, angry at my teachers. I suddenly collided with someone and I dropped a few of my books. "Oh God, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," I rambled. "It's okay," the poor guy I collided into told me.

He was pretty cute, he had dark hair and he was only a tiny bit taller than me. He had a book sticking out of his back pocket. "I wasn't really paying attention either."

"You new here?" I asked him. "That obvious huh?" he asked me. "Just never seen you before," I pointed out. "Where you headed?" he asked me. "Uh, Luke's, need to drown my rage in caffeine," I explained. "Might as well walk with you then," he told me and he bent down to pick up my books. "Thank you," I muttered. "I'm Jess by the way," he introduced himself. "Heather," I told him.

We walked into Luke's and I sat down at a stool. "Can I have a coffee please?" I asked Luke. "You're worse than your mother," Luke grumbled. "I see you met my nephew."

"Jess is your nephew?" I asked him. "Yup," Luke sighed. "I bashed into him on the street, he picked up my books for me," I explained. "Is this the same Jess we're talking about?" Luke asked me as I sipped my coffee.

The door opened and Mom came in. "Hey hon, first day back okay?"

"My teachers are horrible people," I moaned. Mom gave me a piteous look, just like the one I gave Rory earlier. "I mean, who gives out that much homework on the first day?!" I exclaimed.

"Did you meet Luke's nephew?" Mom asked me. "Yeah, I literally collided with him, not my proudest moment," I admitted. Jess emerged from upstairs. "Hey, Jess, I'd like you to meet someone, this is Lorelai," Luke piped up. "Hi," Jess muttered before going back upstairs. "He's very chatty," Mom noted. "He'll adjust," Luke told her. "Are you guys doing anything tomorrow?" Mom asked him. "You and Jess can come over, Rory will be there and Sookie will cook."

"Aw Mom, I've got.."

"Oh yeah, when does that end?" Mom asked me. I usually take guitar lessons in Hartford every Tuesday. "I should be home at seven, seven thirty latest," I muttered. "I'll save some for you, I promise," Mom reassured me. "Thanks, we'll be there," Luke told her.

"I actually hate her!" Rory moaned as she walked into the diner. She walked straight up to me. "She's trying to torture me off the paper!"

"What did Little Miss Satan do?" I asked Rory. "She told me the wrong time and gave me a crap assignment due to the Tristan incident," Rory groaned. "Ouch," I muttered. "Any awkward encounters with Mr Medina?"

"Brief, you?"

"Nothing," I said to her. "How's Andrea?"

"Picking flowers for the wake," I joked. "Meanie," Rory stuck her tongue out at me.

"Ah, you love me," I smirked.


"Alright everyone, astounding work today, I'll see you all next Tuesday, six o clock sharp!" Ms Murphy announced. I zipped my guitar up in my case and headed to the bus stop.

I headed back home or as dubbed by Mom, the Crap Shack. "Hi! Sorry I'm late!" I called. "Hey, Sookie. Hey Jackson!"

"Heya, sweetie," Sookie gave me a big hug. "How was guitar?"

"Nearly mastered Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm getting there," I told her. "Hey hon, did you show everyone in the room you were better?" Mom asked me as she greeted me.

"Nearly everyone, some of the chord transitions were tricky so I messed up on the bridge," I admitted. "My little Keith Richards here," Mom laughed. I chuckled a little. "I'm just gonna put my stuff in my room," I told her.

Rory and I didn't share a room, hers was downstairs while mine was upstairs. Mine was full of movies and books and rock music posters. My wallpaper and carpet were purple while all my furniture was white. I had a cushioned windowsill too which is Rory's seat in my room.

I rested my guitar against my closet and put my notes back. "So..guitar?"

I looked in the doorway to find Jess. "Yeah, I'm okay at it," I told him. He walked into my room. "Well, your sister has more books than you do."

"Well, I'm more of the movie buff than Rory is," I told him. "You have your own TV?" Jess frowned. "My friend Tessa, her parents hate TV and love me so they gave it to me, my mom is surprised that I leave my room," I told him.

"Do these windows open?" Jess asked me. "Bored already?" I wondered. "Dinner parties aren't my thing," he admitted. "Well, it's Tuesday, everything is shut so you're wasting your time," I pointed out.

He picked up A Clash of Kings. "It's good, you wanna borrow it?" I asked him. "I'm good," he muttered. "Right, well, I'm starving, so let's eat," I told him.

I walked downstairs with Jess behind me. "I'm just gonna grab a soda," he muttered and walked off.

I sat down at the table and Sookie handed me a plate. "Hey, once you master that song, you're gonna play it," Rory told me. "Without the falsetto," I told her. "I'm not committing vocal suicide."


"Mom, come on!"

"You're being childish!"

Mom and Luke had a fight last night, now she won't go in and me and Rory want our Danishes.

"Mom, think about the Danishes, don't let the fight get in the way of Danish day," I pleaded with her.

"Okay, you and Rory go in and order a coffee and a Danish for me," Mom compromised. "Not it!" I exclaimed. "Evil!" Rory grumbled. "Luke is not stupid."

"Let's get over with it," I mumbled and me and Rory walked in.

"I'll have a coffee and a cherry Danish to go please," I said to Luke. "Two coffees and two cherry Danishes please," Rory added. "Two?" Luke looked skeptically at Rory. "One of them is for her, isn't it?"

"No, all for me," Rory told him. "Tell you what, one Danish, one coffee, you and Heather can sit over there and eat them where I can see you then I'll bring the second," Luke grumbled.

"What if I told you that one of them is for Tessa?" I piped up. "I'd say that's poppycock," Luke told me. "You guys had a fight, you'll make up, no better day than Danish Day," Rory told him. "One Danish, one coffee each, take it or leave it," Luke gave us his final offer.

"Just cave Rory, we lost," I muttered. "Fine," Rory pouted.

We went outside to see a sad Mom that there was no coffee or Danish. "He'd only sell me one, Heather tried to tell him it was for Tessa," Rory told her. "You can have my Danish."

"I'll split mine with you," I offered to Rory as she made a valiant sacrifice. "Angel!" she exclaimed and hugged me and we walked across the road. "So depending on homework..wanna watch a movie in your room tonight?"

"Yeah, sure," I agreed. "Good luck with that interview."

"Thank you," she smiled as we got onto the bus.


"So, new boy in town?" Andrea asked me. "Yeah," I muttered. "He hot?" she wiggled her eyebrows. "Dude!" I exclaimed. "Come on, you show like no romantic interest in anyone," Andrea pointed out. "Once I graduate I will," I told her.

We sat down at lunch together and dug into the pasta. "You think they just reheat this from leftovers?" Andrea asked me. "Dude! Seriously?! I'm eating," I complained. "Sorry," she laughed. "Hey, Heather, Andrea," one of our classmates came over. "Hey, Brad," we greeted him.

"You guys have Mr Remmy last class right?" he asked us. "Yeah, why?" Andrea wondered. "Well, he got food poisoning from his lunch so they're letting his class go home early," he explained.

I smirked. No Mr Remmy, that made my day. "That's our only class after lunch," Andrea pointed out. "Does that mean we can leave now?" I asked Brad. "Yeah," he told us. "Let's go!" Andrea cheered and we leapt out of our seats and ran for the door.

"See you tomorrow!" I yelled. "Adios Gilmore!" Andrea called back. I jumped on the bus back to Stars Hollow, glad I'd be able to catch Tessa after school.

I waited at the front of Stars Hollow High and Tessa came out. "Hey, basket case!" I called to her. "Well, well, well," she smirked. "What you doing in my little neck of the woods?"

"Well just thought I'd come and say hi," I told her. "I survived day three," she sighed. "Yeah, I wanted to check if you were still alive or not," I laughed. "I am, I'll probably sneak through your window later though, too much math to do."

"Call if you need help," I told her. "I will, see ya," I waved at her before she ran home. I started walking towards the bridge and I heard some people arguing.

"Stop talking to me, stop following me, stop asking me questions, just stop!"

"That's what you want?!"


"That's really what you want?"


"You got it!"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome!"

I peeked to see Luke and Jess fuming. They started walking on a bridge but Luke suddenly pushed Jess in. I couldn't help myself and I burst out laughing. I walked over to see Jess resurface and he was pretty startled. "What the hell?!"

"You were kind of asking for it," I laughed. "Here, give me a hand," he muttered. "You're gonna pull me in, I'm not falling for that," I told him.

"I'm not gonna pull you in," he told me. "You still don't trust me?"

"Give me one good reason why I should?" I tested him. "I'll owe you one," he told me.

I stuck out my arm and he grabbed onto it. I pulled him up onto the bridge. "You're strong," he noted. "Well, if you ever hear Chuck Presby complaining about how a girl 'accidentally elbowed him in the eye' three years ago, one that was me, two it was on purpose and three it was my fist."

"Noted," Jess smirked. "So..why did Luke push you in?"

"He thinks I stole money from Taylor," he told me. "Did you?" I muttered. He didn't answer the question. "Okay, well I played my part, saving you from drowning, goodbye Jess."

"Bye," he muttered as I walked away.


"Okay, so we got popcorn," I muttered. "Check," Rory muttered. I started muttering the checklist in my head. "Heather," Rory mumbled. "There's no Twinkies!"

"Crud! Is Doose's still open?" I asked her. "Should be," she told me. "I'll be back," I muttered. "Pick a movie! Any movie!"

I grabbed my jacket and ran down the stairs. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mom asked me. "No Twinkies," I explained. "Run Forrest run!" she ordered.

I ran out the door and towards Doose's. Thank God it was still open. I bought two boxes, knowing one wouldn't be enough for me and Rory.

"Hey," I heard Jess pop up next to me. "Hey, yourself," I greeted him. "What you doing out here?" he asked me. "Uh, just grabbing some supplies, movie night," I told him. "You?"

"Same thing, just no movie," he replied. "So, you pulled quite the disappearing act last night," I pointed out. "Like I said, not my thing," he pointed out. "Ah, so too cool for school, is that you?" I wondered. "Yep," he muttered. He started messing with a quarter. "Watch this."

He made it disappear in his hand. "You'd better not pull that out of my ear, or anywhere coins aren't naturally found."

"Got it," he chuckled. "What are you doing now?"

"Going to watch a movie with my sister and friend," I told him. "Just one last trick," he said and pulled out A Clash of Kings. "I said I'd let you borrow mine," I told him. "It is yours," he said.

"You stole my book?"

"I borrowed it, I wanted to put some notes in the margins," he told me. "So, you've read it before," I assumed. "Like twenty times," he told me. "So, you read a lot," I added. "Yeah, I'm a sucker for 1980s movies too," he told me. "Goodnight Heather."

"Goodnight Bender," I said. "Bender? Breakfast Club!"

I looked back and smiled at him before walking home.

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