By NurulDnySham

63.2K 3.3K 275

This is the short stories of Shivika... On this book had 4 types of Short stories that I write on Shivika... More

PART 2 - ANIKA.......
[New] - Part 1 [Shivaay Throw Anika out the House]
[New] - Part 2 [Shivaay Engagement Day!]
[New] - Part 3 [Anika Stop OmRu!]
[New] - Part 4 [The Truth Is Out!]
[New] - Part 5 [Final Goodbye!] LAST PART
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 1] πŸ’˜
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 2] πŸ’˜


1.8K 118 15
By NurulDnySham

New Delhi, Anika House...
[Anika gets hard to breathe... She then quickly takes the glass of water and the medicine in her bags... Her legs were shaking and her hands too... her head feels dizzy...]
Anika - Come on Anika... Hmmm... 😵
[She takes the pills and eat itand drink the water slowly... Then she takes a deep breath... Tears coming out from her eyes... Her chest that feels pain reduce it pain slowly then she collapsed and faint at the floor...]

[Shivaay that were at his chopper feels pain immediately at his chest...]
Shivaay - Arrrh... 😵 My chest... Is there is something that happened to her? What's going on with me? Why it's hurt so much... Aaah! I already take the medicine but... Why I still feel this kind of pain at my heart...
Khanna - Sir we will reach to New Delhi in 15 minutes...
Shivaay - Okay... We straight to hotel after that... I need to eat and take my medicine there...
Khanna - Okay sir...

Anika House...
[Around 2 hour later Doctor Siddharth and his wife Nisha comes to Anika house.... Around 6pm...]
Nisha - Anika? Are you at home? Open the door sweetie...
Dr. Sid - Anika? Open the door we bring food for you...
[They both knocking on the door... A few minutes no answer her neighbors past through and they stop her...]
Dr. Sid - Rupali Maam is Anika at home? Or she going out somewhere?
Rupali - She at home because I saw her walking inside her house around 2 and half hours past in a dizzy condition... She didn't gone out anywhere after that...
Dr. Sid - Dizzy?
Rupali - Yes she a biylt dizzy holding her head...
Dr. Sid - Okay thank you maam... Nisha hold this food I think we need to break the door...
Nisha - Okay...

Oberoi Mansion...
Omkara - Is everything ready?
Tiwari - Yes sir!
Rudra - Come we all will go there by our private plane...
Gauri - I know where Anika bhabhi lives... She stays at somewhere near RML Hospital... Near Sacred Heart Cathedral Church... We had to search there... She rent a small house there... She usually will go to Ayush Hospital and Dr RML Hospital and DML hospital for treatment...
Omkara - Okay Gauri... Maa and Dad come you all go with the first car with Choti maa, Chote papa and Dadi... Me, Gauri, Tiwari and Rudra will go by second car at the airport we all will meet...
Shakti - Okay O...
Pinky - Oh My Maata Shivaay please don't do anything stupid to Anika...
Tej - Let's pray that he won't done something like that...
Dadi - What is Anika condition now... I'm worried about her more now...

Khanna - Sir we arrived at the place...
Shivaay - Okay let's go to the nearest Hotel where she lives...
Khanna - Okay sir!
[A few minutes later they both reach at the hotel... And Khanna bring all of Shivaay stuff to the hotel...]
Khanna - Sir all is set...
Shivaay - Good... I need to refresh first after this we eat at the restaurant in this hotel...
Khanna - Okay sir...

Anika House...
[Doctor Sid bagging at the door and Nisha tries to open the window... Then he kick the door harder and the door swung open they both runs inside and sees Anika were laying down at the floor...]

Dr. Sid - Anika!
Nisha - Oh god Anika!
Dr. Sid - Anika wake up! Nisha get me water...
Nisha - Haan... Paani...
[Then Nisha bring the water and he sprinkles the water to Anika face... And then Anika open her eyes... She saw Shivaay face looking at her...]
Anika - Shivaay... You here? How? How did you find me?
Nisha - Who is this Shivaay...
Dr. Sid - Her fiancee... Would to be husband... The Shivaay Singh Oberoi, our country famous businessman and also around the world by now...
Nisha - Oh My god! Don't tell me that Shivaay Singh Oberoi! The famous bachelor and businessman that the country had! The one that the bride run away from the wedding functions is her fiance?
Dr. Sid - Yes Nisha... If you don't believe me go towards Anika room... Look at her drawer table who's picture with her and her working table full his wedding pictures and at her room wall too...
Nisha - What? Okay I wanna see it... You carry her inside the room...
[Nisah takes the lead and then she open the door and Doctor Siddharth put Anika at her bed.. And Nisha look around the room full of Anika and Shivaay picture until the purposing picture... With the whole family pictures too...]

Nisha - That's is... The... I love you purposing right...
Dr. Sid - Yes...
Nisha - How romantic he is... But when I look at him he is not this romantic type... Or it's because he was hurt...
Dr. Sid - Yes he's hurt...

Dr. Sid - First I didn't believe it but after I saw the video on her phone that she keeps makes me believe it...
Nisha - Where the video I wanna see it... Please...
Dr. Sid - At Anika working table on her phone tablet...
[Nisha then run and play the video...]

Scene in the video
Shivaay - Aaj ki raat humare raat hain... Kyun ki aaj... Main kehna chahta hoon ki... (Tonight is our night... Because tonight... I just wanna say that's...) Anika... When you come in my life you being my problem solvers which is until now you become my strength and slowly become my pride... I had falling in love with you since that time, now and maybe forever I wanna be with you... I love you Anika... I want to always love you until the last breath of mine and you will always be mine...
Anika - Shiv... Shivaay..... 😍💓
Shivaay - Anika will you marry me? I will do anything for you and protect you from everything that harm you and for trying to touch you... Because no one can touch you except me... My life is all yours...
Anika - Shivaay please don't talk about death... I cannot imagine how my life would be without you... I will die slowly and a very painful death that I will face if we broke apart...
Shivaay - No! I won't allowed you to leave me... That's never gonna happen to us okay... Marry me Anika? Be my queen...
Anika - Yes.... I'm ready...
[They both hug each other...]

The video ends...
Nisha - Oh god this is so sweet... I never seen a sweet proposal like this... I love it...
Dr. Sid - Nisha... Everything that happened was the past now more important for Anika is she needs to be fine... We had to help her...
Nisha - Yes... I understand now...
[Anika murmurs in her sleep...]
Anika - Shiv... Shivaay I'm sorry... I'm sorry for hurting you Shivaay... I cannot let you lived with me when I'm like this... I had to go... Shivaay!
[Anika awake and she sees Dr Sid and Nisha at her room...]
Anika - You both here?
Dr. Sid - Yes and you fainted at the hall...
Anika - I'm a bit tired and I fall asleep there... (Lying)
Dr. Sid - You were sleeping?
Anika - Yes... I need to fresh up now my working shift is near...
Dr. Sid - Okay we bring the dinner food for you..  Let me sent you to your restaurant then we both will go home...
Anika - Okay...
[A few minutes later Anika were ready... And they Siddharth sent Nisha towards his house first then he goes to the hotel restaurant with Anika... When Anika arrived there her nose started bleeding...]
Dr. Sid - Anika? Your nose... Did take your medicine on time?
Anika - What happened? My nose... Oh god blood...
Dr. Sid - Here the tissue... Come let me wipe it sit Anika here...
Anika - Okay...
Dr. Sid - See the blood...

[Shivaay walking inside the door and saw Anika with another guys... They were in opposite side and it's were like he kissing her and then he burned in jealous...]
Khanna - Sir you can sit here...
Shivaay - You sit Khanna... I wanna go meet her now...
[Shivaay walks towards her and then the doctor finished his work and wipe on her nose...]
Dr. Sid - Now you are fine and okay Anika...
Anika - Yes...
Shivaay - Sure she is fine now... When you be with her she is fine! Other then with me!
Anika - You were here?
Shivaay - Anika Vardhan Trivedi! What a coincidence we meet at last... Why you didn't expect to see me?
Anika - Shivaay... It wasn't what...
Shivaay - What did you just said! Shivaay? I'm Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi Anika! I have nothing related to you don't you remember? You left me alone at mandap of our marriage! On our marriage day!
Anika - I'm sorry... Everything that happened on that day I can't explain to you... And the guy here is...
Dr. Sid - Anika? Are you okay?
Anika - Yeah... I'm fine Sid...
Shivaay - So this is the person why you leave me? The one that you kiss just now?
Dr. Sid - Better watch your mouth! Kiss? We...
Anika - Sid no... Sid please...
Shivaay - You better back off it's between me and her...
Anika - Sid you wait there I will meet you there...
[Sid walk away from the place...]
Anika - Shiv... I mean Mr Oberoi... Everything that happened on that day I had my own reason and I don't want you to think about it... Look you had to move on in life forget about me... I can't be with you...
Shivaay - Easy for you to said all of that hah! You! You had to come with me!
Anika - Shivaay leave me! Leave my hand! I don't want go!
Shivaay - Shivaay Singh Oberoi naa sune ki Aadat nahi hai! (Shivaay Singh Oberoi can't hear NO from anyone!)

[Khanna comes with the black car... Shivaay pull her towards the black car that arrived infont of them...]
Dr. Sid - Anika!
Shivaay - Go inside!
Anika - Shivaay! Please don't do like this...
[Shivaay push her inside then Shivaay and Anika arrived at the warehouse and he tied her towards the chair and hanging it a bit higher...]
Shivaay - You know! I hate you Anika! Why did you betrayed me? You having affair with someone else! How could you done like that to me? What is my mistakes? And is something lack in the love that I give to you? Hah! Say it!
Anika - Hmmm..... You didn't Mr. Oberoi... I did..
Shivaay - Yes you did! You betrayed me! You make me like a fool! A fool that loving you with full heart and you do like this to me! Why Anika! I need my answer! Answer me why!
Anika mind - I can't tell you the real reason Shivaay... I'm dying... I'm sick! I have a lung cancer and now it on third stage! 😭😭
Shivaay - Tell me Anika why! Why you did it? Why you done like that to me! If you don't even love me you should just tell me! Not leave me at mandap like that hah! 😠😠 I hate you Anika...
Anika - If you really do hate me then... Then... Just kill me Shivaay maybe that will fulfill your desires on the things that I'm not ready to be yours... I cannot be Mrs Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi..
Shivaay - Why you not ready? I never forced you on our relationship Anika... If you not ready you can tell me and why all of thus things you had done! Having an affair! I thought I know you better than anyone else but no... It's my fault! My fault trusting and believing you! We had nothing now...
Anika - Yes like you said we had nothing now you made everything clear so I don't want to be with you anymore... I want your heart to love someone else... Not me... Because I can't be with you!
Shivaay - My happiness and my life is being with you Anika... And who is that guy hah? Your new lover? When did you meet him hah?
Anika mind - He is my doctor Shivaay the one that treat me and my sickness... 😭😭
[Anika were crying....]
Anika - I thought we had nothing why you asking me about him? Leave me Shivaay let me down... You know I'm scared of water and also darkness right... I can't swim... I will drown!
Shivaay - Yes I know but I don't care! I just don't care anymore! I need my answer Anika! If you get down from there or jump you will get drowning because of the water pressure control is in my hand... And your hand is tight with the rope! Surely you will drown!
Anika - I can't be with you and if you really want to kill me then I'm ready... I ready to die rather then says everything you want to hear!
Shivaay - Anika! I'm serious!
Anika - Just do whatever you want I don't care anymore! Kill me Shivaay! Just kill me!!!
[Then the door of the warehouse swung open shock Shivaay and Anika...]

[Omruri, Shakti, Tej, Pinky and Jhanvi comes towards the warehouse area where Khanna told them...]
Omkara - Shivaay stop! Are you crazy?
Shivaay - Yes I am... Because of her I'm mad and crazy like this! I become like this because of her! I hate her! Now not anymore! She had to due for what she did to me!
Rudra - Bhaiyya stop! You killing her... You can't do like this!
Shivaay - She had done to much towards me! She betrayed me Omru by having an affair with that guy... She kissed him at the restaurant! I saw her with him...
Pinky -That's not the truth... That guy is not her boyfriend...
Shivaay - It is maa I saw her with him...
Omkara - No! She is dying Shivaay! She had lung cancer! That's why she leaves you at the marriage functions...
Shivaay - What! 😲😨
[Accidently the remote controller is been switched ON by Shivaay hand... And Anika fall down to the water in tide hand and legs... She's drowning deeper in the water... She can't breathe properly...]
Shivaay - Anika!!! 😱
[Shivaay then jumps in the water... Omkara takes the remote and stop the pressure of the water and then Shivaay swim deep down and he catch Anika hand... And he hold her bring her up...
Shivaay - Anika open your eyes jaan... I'm sorry... Come on baby... Come on! Breathe jaan! Breathe! Anika... Anika!
[Her lungs fills with water... And then Shivaay bring her to hospital when she split some water from her mouth...]
Rudra - Come let's bring her to the hospital!

At Hospital...
Dr. Sid - Anika! Oh god! I thought you came here and will make her agree on the treatment but I was wrong you come just want to kill her! Each and every second in her life she keep on wondering and thinking about you! But you takes some revenge to her! Mark my words! Anika is like my little sister! I love her as my little sister not more then that... If I not marry yet yes I will marry her... But I don't know that I can save her or not! She loves you dammit if you don't believe go to her house just near around here see at her room... Whose picture on the wall and see her diary what she writes for you... How much deep her feelings for you... Then maybe you will have some regret in everything that you did just now! She tries everyday to earn money for treatment... By sacrifice her eating food everyday... Eat some leftover food from that shit restaurant that she works! Did you know that!
Pinky - Oh My Maata! Anika eat some leftover food Doctor?
Dr. Sid - Yes and I saw it that's why each and everyday I come to her house with my wife Nisha to give her some food that we cook... Sometimes we force her to eat for the medicine that she takes...
Shakti - Oh god! She's way more suffer that we thought...
[Shivaay lost in his thought about her words before...]

*What will happen to Anika? Will Shivaay lived in guilt after Anika death or will they live happily after that? Everything happens is on next part...
*Do vote and comment what will happen on next part that you want... Do tell me?

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