REMEMBER ME ➸ Poe Dameron X R...

Por myPOTATOscreamed

1.3K 13 5

"Love is known to be the strongest emotion beside determination. Both will cause you to stop at nothing. Unti... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

158 3 0
Por myPOTATOscreamed

~Flower Crown~

"Whhiiriiirrrrrrr!! Whiirirrrriirrrrrr!!"

A low mumble escapes your lips, turning over in your bed. BB8 let's out a soft moan of sadness. Your ears hear him roll a bit, and suddenly something bumps against your leg.

Groaning in defeat, one eye opens. "How did you even get up here?"

BB8 beeps happily beside you on top of the bed. The door doesn't exactly have locks so it's probably simple how he got here.

He chirps excitedly and you narrow your eyes, tilting your head slightly.


He's trying to talk to you. BB8 is trying to talk to you. BB8 beeps a bit slower and even though it is strange and a little bit hard to understand. Something is telling you that there has been some point in the past that you learned how to speak with him. Guess that'll be handy now.

"Yeah! Yeah, I ...actually had an alright sleep."

BB8 beeps excitedly, rolling left and right swiftly.

"I don't think I can help Poe today. I have my own duties to do."

*beeeeeeeeep beep*

"I don't know..." You rub the back of your neck. Much to your unsure lack of motivation, BB8 tries to run over your leg as a way of arguing for you to get up and do it. He continues beeping at you as well. Over and over again until you have no choice but to surrender to the unit and sigh.

"Fine, here's a hug."

You wrap your arms around the little droid and he whines happily, moving his head closer to your arms. The metal of the unit is surprisingly cold. But then again, he must have to have some mechanism to keep his system cool and prevent over-heating. Precious little one.

"And I'll go talk to Poe, if that'll make you happier."

BB8 goes absolutely wild and rolls off the bed with a thud. Then out of the room faster than the speed of light. You giggle to yourself as well as the droid's slight clumsy goofiness, putting your hands on your hips and shaking your head.

You and Poe still have two more days before Kylo comes to attack the village but scaring the villagers isn't part of the plan so word has stayed mute. Nothing has been told except to the village warriors. Maybe talking to Poe, he'll know what to do.

Putting on thin sleeves, as well as a scarf to protect you from the heatwave and some jeans and boots before taking a breath in. And then out. You know you'll be just fine even if you feel like you're baking. It's better than sunburn.

With that, the saber that you keep at all times it put by your side and you exit the hut. You merely glance over and see BB8 talking to Poe again. In that same crouched position to get to the best height, Poe can for BB8. It's cute. So you smile. It's so wholesome to see Poe crouched down to the droid as they communicate. Like BB8 was able to do for you this morning.

It feels so odd that the only person you cannot remember Poe, or BB8. Every so often it just gets on your nerves a little. You can only hope to return to Resistance soon.

Trying to shake the thought off your mind, BB8 says something to Poe which Poe looks over in your direction.

"Violet!! You coming to help me today?"

You're starting to get used to it. Knowing that you and Poe will probably be hanging around each other in Resistance if he's a pilot and you repair. Poe smiles casually, walking over to you in a jolly pace.

"Here, you're gonna need this." He tosses you a canister and you catch it with reflexes. The canister is slightly damp. With water droplets of the cold water in the canister, that might dry up soon. 

"Since Lor San Tekka has usually been making you work in the shade and shelter, either resting or something else. But we're gonna be in the heat today so you're gonna need it."

"Thanks, Poe."

"No problem." He grins. "My X-Wing over there is damaged, it was on my way down. But I heard you can fix ships?"

You nod my head firmly. Before taking a look over at it. Yeah, it definitely looks like it's in bad condition right now. It's not suitable to fly nor is it impossible.

"Yeah, I can repair it. Even though I don't know how to fly ships well."

"Yeah, I know you don't." He says, crossing his arms. "But you were still determined to fly your ship to this planet."

Well, that wasn't quite smart of me. But then again you don't really do smart things.

"Okay, I'll go fix the ship then."

"Wait." He grabs your arm and you look down at it before your eyes meet his own. He seems at a loss for words. You tilt your head slightly, as if to wonder what he wants to tell. "Is there something I should know?"

BB8 beeps and rolls around Poe's ankles, making a little track for himself in the sand. The heat is starting to get stronger with every passing second and Poe let's go of your arm.

"When you're done with the ship, wanna help me with the flowers? Someone's gotta keep em' enchanted. Otherwise, the heat will kill them."

You smirk at him, and he gives that smolder smile. The look of a heartbreaker. But sincerity all around.

"Once we're off Jakku. Everything will be back to normal. Just you wait." Poe says nothing more about that and walks off in the direction of the flowers.

You watch as he walks away, for some reason deep down in the heart. You do not want to tear your eyes away from him.

Something inside you...another rank of determination to be with him...

You shrug it off as nothing and walk in the direction of the X-Wing. Whatever it is. It can wait.

"BB8 you should go to Poe." You say, glancing down at him. BB8 hums and beeps aggressively at you and I take a step back.

"Whoa! Harsh language from you, little lad. I just don't think I would be able to help you since I'm dealing with the ship."

Suddenly, BB8 beeps and beeps loudly, excitement writhing in every little beep as his blue little light flashes with pure light and delight.

"Little lad? It's just a nickname."

*beep beep beep*

"No way. I did not use to call you that. 'Little Lad' was RANDOM!! Right now, actually!"

*roommm roommm beep bep*

"Okay, now that's just offensive. How dare you not believe me."


"Don't laugh!" You say with a wide grin, inching your head forward to the droid, turning to the little lad. You shift my eyes up a bit. Poe standing in the distance, quickly continues to walk. You stand there speechless for a moment. Did he watch you talk to BB8?

"Focus, Y/n. Focus."

I go over to the X-Wing and take a good look at it. "Okay, cockpit. Engine. Boosters. Let's do this. Good to back."

*beep beeeeeeeeeep*

"Okay, you can help but only if I need it. Okay? I want you to have as much energy as you need."

*room room*

"I know my energy counts too, little lad."

* * *

You lie on a board, with wheels because you don't know what those things are called.

Adjusting the boosters. You push it up a bit, and you hear a clang. Confirming it's clicked into place. Great. Apart from it being a bit claustrophobic in here, you seem to be doing just fine.

"Hey, Violet!"

From the peaceful silence and gentle breeze of Jakku, Poe's voice catches you off guard and you're quickly brought back to reality. You jolt from surprise, hitting your head on the underneath of the X-Wing in the process. Your heart is immediately caught in your throat for a second as you cough on dust, and your head hurts a little now. Although Poe draws in a hiss, you push yourself out from under the X-Wing and BB8 is lowered to the ground. 


"Yeah, it would've been better if you warned me. BB8."

"Sorry." Poe chuckles, nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I see you and BB8 learned how to communicate quick."

"Yeah." You nod. "BB8 is delightful. Aside from the fact he laughed at me before."

BB8 whirs excitedly and Poe rolls his eyes. Smirking, before you tilt your head slightly, pursuing your soft pink lips. Unintentionally, this has easily caught Poe's attention. "Whatchu want?"

"That's rude."

He can see you are joking and crosses his arms as he crouches down to you.

"How's it going? It's been a couple of hours."

"Well, I finished fixing the X-Wing an hour ago." You explain, pointing your thumb back to the ship. "I was just checking up on the cockpit, boosters, finished repairing little scratches and cuts along the ship. Your X-Wing is officially in perfect shape. BB8 helped just a little bit with his area I personally couldn't touch."

Poe beams at you happily and goes over to the X-Wing to check it out. "Oh yeah, it's like it's brand new!"

BB8 beeps happily and tries to follow Poe to the ship. You stand up and observe the pair as Poe climbs into the ship. BB8 moan sadly, unable to come into the ship since he was just in.

"Air conditioning is nice." Poe comments.

"Don't waste it!"

"I won't, besides. I fixed up the flower garden a little bit, but I kind of got chased but Wookies."

You shake your head in disapproval although that is hilarious. And BB8 beeps in agreement, rolling around in circles.

"BUDDY!! Don't laugh at me!"

Poe jumps down off the X-Wing ship and goes by your side.

"So, now what do we do?" He asks thoughtfully. But all you do is shrug your shoulders. "I want to try to talk to Lor San Tekka again. It's less than two days before the First Order is coming to the village."

Poe sighs, putting his hands on his side. "Yeah, true. I can try to talk to him if you'd like."

"You don't have to. Maybe I should. I was the one who had to come here."

"And then you got a concussion." He scolds. "Frankly, let's just go together."

"Okay, sure. But first...I need to get out of these clothes." You tell him. He looks down for a moment before agreeing. "Yeah, me and BB8 will wait for you outside."

You smile at him before trotting off to the hut. You push the door close behind, walking into the room. You quickly pull your sleeved top off and crouch down, throwing it to the side. You try to change the clothes and fold them up nicely, standing back to your feet.

But there's a pause.

Sitting in a clay about twenty-seven violets. The clay vase is a bit crumbly, as if through the heat to be too strong. The violets are still so purple, blooming, and bright. You touch them softly and graze them with your fingers.

Frail and soft but gorgeous and strong.


"What's taking so long, are you okay in there?" Poe calls out loudly.

You smile to yourself slightly. Biting your lip a little.


"Don't call me violet x-wing boy!" You shout out, walking over to him, exiting the hut.

"Be more creative." Poe smirks.

More creative? Boy, You got nothing. Except...


"Pookie!?" He asks, facing falling. Poe is confused at you, Pookie wasn't a nickname you would expect to go with a pilot.

"Your name is Poe, and you got harassed by a Wookie." You grin. You pat his shoulder, he blinks his eyes confused.

"Let's go, Pookie."

"Fine, Violet."

You glare at him and he merely smirks at you. "We're gonna get along well."

You roll your eyes unamused and he chuckles. Before turning his body around and moving the direction to Lor San Tekka. You wrap the scarf around your neck, following Poe as quick as you can.

* * *

"First Order is coming, aren't they?"

"We told you that before, Lor San Tekka." Your voice is hushed, as he did not heed your warning when you had first arrived. The week has finally passed and time has run out. You, Poe, and Lor SanTekka sit around a fire in the tent.

"This piece of the map has been with me for a very very long time. But now, my time is up and I cannot hold it any longer."

Lor San Tekka looks over to Poe who is ready to understand anything the man tells him. He has that pride. "I have to trust you now. Open up your hand."

Although his eyes show hope, his words are lost. Broken but wary. The old man lends his out to Poe and puts the chip piece we needed all along. Inside his hand and curls his fingers over it. Holding the chip tightly in his hand.

"This will be the key to make things right.."

Your head turns to Poe. Who is serious and understanding. He nods his head firmly. Toughened up and not screwing around. You keep your face straight and poker, as you both look at the wise man.

"I've traveled too far and seen too much." Lor San Tekka explains. "To ignore all the despair in the galaxy. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force."

Lor San Tekka shifts his glance over to you slowly. You decide to sit upright more, giving him a more tightened-up body language to read as well as trying to be respectful. "We need Jedi like you, Y/n. To give balance to the universe."

You hum, nodding your head although nervousness dances through your body. "I promise I will do my best and whatever I have to in order to give balance to the universe. Because of you, now we have a chance."

Out the corner of your eye, you see Poe giving you an odd glance. Maybe you said the wrong words? As a Jedi, isn't that your job?

"Don't worry about me, Poe."

Poe merely hums in response but does nothing more. You can't tell what he's thinking but he knows that when things go down. There will be two choices and two outcomes. But his attention shifts back to Lor San Tekka as does yours.

"The General's been after this for a long time." Poe says in a soft tone, shaking the little bag slightly.

"The General?" He asks.

"My mother. Leia Organa." You say softly, and the old man smiles. "I know. To me, she is royalty."

Instantly, BB8 rolls through the straw curtains and starts beeping and chirping. You and Poe's heads instantly turn to each other.

"We got company." You say it in sync, you feel my blood run cold and quickly, you run out of the room. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where you going, Violet!?"

"First Order is on their way. Now that Lor San Tekka gave us the chip. We got it sure but we have to protect the village."

His eyes widen but his head moves to the side. Adrenaline runs through your veins as you feel your heels dig into the souls of the shoes. Shouts from the village are indistinct, and you hear them somewhere. So does Poe which makes him bring up binoculars to his eyes. He attempts to take a closer look. In his view, many villagers run but there are also vessel ships coming down. Holding packs and packs of Stormtroopers.

He lowers the binoculars and turns to Tekka. "You have to hide."

"You have to leave." His voice gruff and deep. No sign of kindness or hope in it. As if drained with age in himself.


Poe huffs in defeat, as he can only watch Tekka walk-off elsewhere. The bell tolls in the distance which you can both hear as well as the shouts of the villagers. And laser blasters out of range.

"I don't want you to get hurt. Stay here." He orders. He proceeds to walk off but you glare at him for a moment. Grabbing his arm, he stops walking and turns to you. His eyes dig into you, wondering why you are not going to let him go. He has strength in his eyes, the power to fight, show leadership. And confidence.

You're not letting him go, you make sure he sees that in your eyes. After all, you and him are a team. You can personally see that now, BB8 included.

"No! You are not doing this alone!"

"Y/n." He steps closer to me, his eyes full of aggression at First Order, but concern. "You still have a concussion! And Amnesia!"

"A concussion cannot possibly last for seven days!!" You scoff. "Poe Dameron, if I am as stubborn as I remember I usually am then there is no way in hell you are doing this alone!"

"I just don't want you to get hurt. And you didn't remember me four days ago, I have no idea what else you don't remember!" He says, his voice hushing a bit as we're close together. You are slightly tense with the closeness but his head is on the battlefield so he is unfazed by it.

"I have the lightsaber you have the gun. Trust me, I promise I'll be okay."

"That's what you always say." He grumbles. "Dameron." You deepen your voice best you can without hurting it and he's taken by surprise. Good. This isn't something you normally would do.

"You're not letting me go until you come with, are you?"

"Absolutely not. You'll thank me later." You state, pulling up my saber.

"Dammit, I'm being serious."

"So am I! Leia wouldn't want the best pilot or her own daughter to get hurt so both of our lives are just as important as the other."

A loud explosion goes off and both of your heads whip around in the blink of an eye. The explosion was close as dirt and sand fly into the air. Multiple ship carriers come down from the big Star Destroyer Ships, that hold all Stormtroopers to run onto Jakku. Some get knocked down in seconds, others raise their weapons high and take down some of the village warriors.

"Y/n, run!"

Poe grabs your hand and you feel his grip which you gasp as he tugs you off in the opposite direction. BB8 lets out a scream and rolls quickly after you both deep in the sand.


Poe doesn't care and ignores your yells. He's swift, quite fast in his stamina which forces you to have to catch up to his full speed. You both feel the determination, and the adrenaline lying in your veins. BB8 rolls extremely quickly behind you. At this point, you both are panting and out of breath, approaching the ship.

"Come on BB8! Hurry! Y/n, In the X-Wing, come on." Poe ushers. He lets you get in first but you see only one seat, which is a bit nerving. You hear BB8 get pulled into the ship with a little crane then Poe climbs in and gets into the pilot's seat. BB8 warns him with chirping which you see Stormtroopers going after the X-Wing.

"Clutch my chair. And hold on tight." He orders. He turns his head around to see you behind the chair but your worried expression causes you to hesitate.

"NOW!!" He exclaims, pulling his helmet on his head. He starts up the engine in almost an instance and you grab onto the sides of the chair, digging your head in nervously to the back of it, to look away from all the chaos.

The ship shakes to the pressure of an explosion or gunshot and both of you let out a grunt, soon hearing an alarm go off. You both hear BB8 beep, which you nod your head firmly. Poe gets the same message.

"I see em!" Poe pulls out the gun and turns it a one-eighty degree around, he shoots it at some of the troopers which are flown across the planet from the force of the shot.

"Holy stars! Nice shot!" You exclaim.

"There's more where that came from." Poe groans. He gets out of the chair knowing it won't go anywhere anymore and leaps out. Turning his body to you and lending his hand up. You decide to take it as he assists you back to the sandy desert of Jakku. One hand on your upper arm and the other in your own. He seems to take no notice but instead notices BB8 being lowered back to the ground.

BB8 sits in front of the two of you which Poe takes the little silk bag out. His hand's fumble but he manages to bring out the silver chip and you both crouch down to the droid.

"You take this! It's safer with you than it is with us!"

BB8's head moves down as Poe lowers it, a little draw in the unit and he places the chip inside. BB8 soon closing it tight in.

"You get as far away from here as you can! Do you hear me?"

BB8 chirps unsure, worry in his tone as his head flips between you and Poe. Poe takes a heavy breath, seriousness all over his face. He's on edge, as are you. "It'll be okay, I promise you." You say, putting your hand on the droid's back. "We'll come back for you. We always do! It'll be alright."

"Listen to her BB8! A promise is a promise!" Poe stands up with a gun in his hand, you stand up as well and Poe motions for you to follow him. BB8 hesitates, before rolling off in another direction.

Poe leans against the rock wall, as do you and you quickly peer around it. 

Stormtroopers runoff, as you see them taking villagers as prisoners. Poe's eyes locked on sharply as he cocks and aims his gun. Then fires. One of the troopers fall. He fires again and the shot rings out loudly, another white Stormtrooper falling to his knees. Third and foremost, knocking another to their knees.

But you both pause, slowly watching in mystery as a much bigger ship than them all slowly coming to the ground. Kylo Ren's doubt about that whatsoever. You gulp harshly, Stormtroopers are gathered in the middle as the big ships hanger drops open.

"Poe! Look!" You whisper. You pat his arm and he glances at you before looking over to where you're pointing. His eyes widen, both of you getting blood cold from terror. "No! They're gonna kill him!" He whispers.

The figure of Kylo Ren and special armored officers come out of the ship to Lor San Tekka who is held captive by two troopers. They start to hear a conversation but you hear a psst and look over to Poe.

"Sneak around, come." You do as he says and tend to stay low. Sneaking close by in the village around the side, Stormtroopers not seeing, but villagers who do keep their mouths shut.

"Something far worse has happened to you." You hear Lor San Tekka say to Kylo. Kylo says something about that he knows what he's come for. You want to listen in on it and continue to sneak, but your pace is a bit slower as you focus a bit in between. "I know where you come from. Before you called yourself Kylo Ren."

Poe puts his hand out to you and stops, flipping his head back silently. You sit there in the sand, unable to sneak any further with nothing to cover your figures. So the only thing to do is listen in.

"The map. To Skywalker." Kylo's voice is covered by a modulator, not showing his true identity under a mask either. "We know you found it. And now you're going to give it to the First Order."

"The First Order rose, from the dark side. You did not." Lor San Tekka says gruffly.

"I'll. Show you. The dark side."

"You may try. But you cannot deny the truth, that is your family. Your sister. Mother. Father."

"You're so right."

You hear the anger of an unstable lightsaber being drawn and slashed. Poe's face shows it all and he leaps from his hiding place. You do the same and draw the saber, as Poe brings up the gun. Poe fires the laser beam but is stopped by force. Kylo whips his hand around, freezing your figures in place along with the plasma shot.

You suddenly feel frozen, your body isn't numb but you cannot move, locked in place. You and Poe are shaking though, maybe because of Kylo's unstable power in the force. Your teeth are gritted while Poe shudders, raspy breaths as he struggles to fight it. Chills run down your spine and fear is setting in more than ever.

Four Stormtroopers run over in your direction as you are powerless to do even the slightest thing other than breathing and exchange worried glances. Two Stormtroopers on you each. One sending a fist into Poe's stomach and the other kicks you in the stomach. You both let out a grunt of pain and collapse to the sand dry ground. You sputter a bit and Poe groans loudly before they quickly pull you both back to your feet.

Dragging your forward into the circle of flames, you both look back at the plasma beam still shaking in place as you're both dragged closer.

How the hell did he even do that? Ben...

You are thrown back down to the ground with a groan, sitting beside each other. You keep your eyes locked to the ground for a moment. He knows you are anxious, as he is too. But now there is nothing either of you can do. Kylo crouches down, which you and Poe look up at the masked man in sync. He is staring deep, deep into your heart.

Poe licks his lips. Before saying "So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first? She talks first?"

"The old man gave it to you two." Kylo merely says. Nothing more. You can't quite read him under the mask, knowing that it's Ben. But it also isn't.

"It's just very hard to understand you with all this." Poe states calmly, making hand gestures to the mask.

"Search them. Both of them."

Poe is cut off from talking as we're brought back to your feet. The Stormtroopers pat you down, in some areas, that result in B A D T O U C H, but are unable to find anything. Phew.

"Nothing sir. But the girl has a lightsaber."

"I know." Kylo replies. "She's a Jedi. She might be useful. Both of them, actually. Bring them on board."

You're both shoved forward, forced to go onto the enemy ship. But you and even Poe can't move your gaze away from the village. Kylo requests for the village to be killed by a woman in a metal trooper like armor.


Blasters ring out loudly as well as the haunting screams of villagers. They are all dying. Something you had wanted to avoid when you came here in the first place. But now a huge wave of guilt washes over you and you silently beg to save them. Knowing that you just can't.

"No....No!!!!" You whisper under your breath.

"No...the villagers..." Poe whispers. But the hanger shuts behind you and you are both forced on the ship.

"Sit down!"

You and Poe are forced to sit beside each other, lowering your head with shame. BB8...he's out there all alone. And only God knows what they've done to the X-Wing ship. Maybe blew it up?

Poe moves his gaze down to the floor beside you. You desperately want to comfort him any way you can. So you nudge him and he looks up at you with worry in his eyes.

"The poor villagers..." He whispers. You nod your head silently, not wanting to say much with the Stormtroopers around you.

You shut your eyes and Poe inches a bit closer to try and comfort you. You let a breath out, hoping that First Order doesn't kill you.

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