Good omens one shots

By Crowleyizcool

56.8K 1.7K 475

Plz give me suggestions for what one shots I want! Slowish updates More

Angel (fluff)
Crowley is secretly soft
Yellow, snakey eyes
*not chapter*
Crowley is stuck as a snake
Crowley stuck as a snake pt2
Crowley is stuck as a snek pt3
Body swap
A demon and an angel get MARRIED
Crowley sings to his plants :))
The gardener and the nanny (2 stories)
Crowley wakes up sith long ass hair (writing based on fanart)
Good omens reverse au
Female crowley
Falling and rising
Smol Crowley
Requests?(also update soon)
Look at me.
Crowley cant read.
Innefable bureaucracy
Freddie mercury
True form
Monster AU
Crowley's soft spot
Long hair
Oscar wilde
Fire (not really angst)
Freckles (corona)
Staring contest- two storys
Quarentine (ineffable bureaucracy)

Grave (angst)

878 35 45
By Crowleyizcool

Ok this is very important so this is based on Rayne_Or_Shine s amazing fan fiction it's good omens one shots and I love it so much. I haven't written angst before so I needed some inspiration anyway and this was going to have a sad ending to avoid it being more similar but I couldn't do that to u guys lol😂 (or my self tbh).I'm very sorry that this is similar but I thought about it and then I read urs about a day later and realised how similar it was. I was going to not write this but I decided I should do some angst and this is an ok starting point. If you want this removed please let me know❤️. So please please please go and check out theirs before this as it's very similar to the one shot. I didn't mean for it to be so similar lol 😂 sorry about this😂 enjoy~
The cold winters wind lapped against the demons pale, tear stricken face. He solemnly trudged to the grave stone with the golden words "aziraphale" encrusted into the shimmering and well kept gravestone. It shone like diamonds in the midst of dozens of rundown and crumbling gravestones. Crowley of course visited everyday, as time was infinite for him- something he now saw as a curse. He had tried many times to get hold of holy water but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He was weak. The only thing that kept him from doing it was that he didn't deserve death. That would deprive him from this pain that he felt he needed to have. He needed punishment- if only he hadn't left that night then he could have stopped Gabriel from smiting him mercilessly with a hell blade- which it's a known fact that it is one of the rare few items that don't just discorporate angels- but completely obliterate them. Remove them from existence. No more 'angel'.

"Happy valentines." He croaked, his voice hoarse. A stifled sob escaped from his lips. "I'm so sorry- this was all my fault." He said braking into tears. "There where so many things we could have done." He sighed sadly, slumping down next to the grave. He placed a huge array of exotic flowers he had now started growing in memory of aziraphale. He gently placed an intricate heart shape flower bunch in front of the stone, which was over flowing with flowers- he loved to spoil his angel. "I just need you here with me-" he said breaking into tears. "I can't handle this!" He cried rhetorically. "I deserve it." He said, a complete change of tone to now a stony expressionless one. "My angel, is- gone." He stuttered removing his glasses to reveal his tear stained eyes. "WHY!" He cried at the top of his lungs until his voice broke. "Why..." he whispered. "Is this all part of your stupid plan? Huh!" He now said shouting at the sky. God, was in fact listening. And only she knew what was going on beneath the dirt.

As Crowley continued to cry, aziraphale, sat fully conscious as he had been for days now under neath the ground in his tight constricting coffin. "Crowley!" He would cry every time he heard the distinctive sound of the Bentley. If only Crowley could hear him. Crying and shouting. "I just need to build up my strength, heal- soon I can miracle out and find you Crowley." He whispered caressing the top of the oak coffin as if reaching for his love. "I bought you chocolates-" Crowley said offering as he gathered him self together. How the angel wished he could endure the luxury of chocolate again. But as you know, angels and demons don't need to eat, sleep, or breath- and so he could survive under there as long as he wanted. But unlike other angels he loved human treats and longed for them. But what he longed for most was to see his demon. It hurt so much to hear him so broken. He was devastated. "Please come back to my, my angel." Whispered Crowley. "I'm not sure how much longer I can last. I might- I might." Be broke into tears. He placed many more delights onto the icy grass in front, along with a valentines card.


My angel

I miss you every second of everyday. Nothing can fill the void in my heart that you filled- but now you are gone. I hope that you know that I have always and will always love you. And I should have said that to you while you where alive. But I didn't. I love you more than anything in this world, which I now cannot bare. I see you everywhere, in the corner of my eye. Yet turn around to see, something that is simply a shadow of you. I'm not sure how much loner I can take the pain but I deserve it. I know you can't see this but I love you more than anything in the world and I miss you with all of my black heart.

Yours truly, Crowley 🖤.

He placed the elegantly written and decorated card down- he knew he couldn't see him, but it was almost therapeutic to write all of his 'feelings' down. He sniffled and grabbed his glasses, placing a snarl on his face. He wiped his eyes and hopped up. He wiped himself down and got into the Bentley. Clearing his throat, he froze and just stared at the steering wheel. He hit it forcefully and let out a defeated cry. He took a deep breath and gently spoke, "sorry darling." To the car and drove back to the book shop, where he spent most of his days now.

~three months later~

Crowley had just been at the grave again, he had placed miracles on all of the things he had placed there to keep them in mint condition for his angel. He was once again crouching down by the grave. "Remember Eden." He whispered smiling. "When we first met. I loved you the second I saw you." He laughed, which turned to a sigh. "My slice of heaven.". Heavy rain began to fall, he aloud his wings to sprout from his back and he carefully shielded the grave from the wet, smiling at him as he had done at Eden.

Aziraphale aloud a tear to trickle down his face. He it was only a matter of hours that he would be strong enough to miracle out. He heard the Bentley roar into the distance as he let out a heavy sigh.

A few hours later, the angel saw a spark down by his hand. His hands glee as he raised them. His angelic magic was returning. He closed his eyes and exhaled, before he snapped his fingers. He found himself standing, dazed in a peaceful cemetery. Light rain pattered against the marble of his grave- it was beautiful. The rain bounced off due to Crowley's miracle to keep his grave perfect. It was an odd feeling, seeing your own grave. He came to full consciousness and soon noticed the bounds of colours and beautiful flowers intricately placed around his grave. He traced his finger along the scar the blade had made, and continued to inspect the demons kind efforts. He opened the valentines card and read the message Crowley had left. By the end, he was sobbing. "That was beautiful Crowley."he said to seemingly no one. But he knew that god was listening some where. He placed it down, took some of the generous food offerings, as he hadn't ate in almost a year, and headed off to the book shop- brushing off his jacket as he went.

The familiar bells on the book shop door jingled as he entered the ancient shop he had missed so dearly. He took in the wonderful sight- it looked just as it did the day he- well- left. Even cleaner and more shiny than it had ever been. But Crowley had made sure to keep everything the same as it had been. "W-where closed." Croaked a voice from the back room. It was a sad, and hollow voice- and the angel knew who it belonged to. He tip toed in to where Crowley was sprawled out across the sofa- glasses discarded to reveal his red, puffy eyes with tear stains all down his face. Empty bottles of wine and vodka lingered around the room and even the recognisable flask of holy water, carefully placed on the table in the middle of the carnage, as if on a plaque. Crowley had one of aziraphales shirts across him, he loved his scent. He let out more sobs. The angel had never seen him so vulnerable before. He didn't even think demons could feel like this. "Crowley?" He said cautiously as he stepped closer. "Angel." He said sitting up. "Y- your alive!" He cried, his face lighting up. He dashed towards him and embraced him. "Ho- how are you here? You died! I morned! It was a hell blade? You should be dead!" He cried, desperate for answers. "I'm not one hundred percent sure, my dear- but I do believe it was because when we switched body's, a little bit of you was left in me. And that must be why I was immune to hell blades, and he'll fire!" He said. "So that's why the holy water didn't work." Crowley grumbled quietly. "What." Said Aziraphale, eyes wide. "Nothing angel." He said smiling "I'm just glad to see you." He said hopefully. Aziraphale hugged him tight "my dear boy, I will never leave you. You mustn't ever do things like that, do you understand?" He said sternly. "B- but I thought you where gone." He said quietly, beginning to cry. "I'll never leave you." He whispered. "Wait!" Crowley cried. "Why didn't you miracle out?" He asked. "I was too weak." He said simply. "You where conscious for the whole time?!" Hissed the demon sadly. Aziraphale nodded. Crowley opened his mouth to say something but then stopped- wait, could you- hear me?" He asked embarrassed. Aziraphale smiled and nodded. "I love you so much." He whispered. "I have loved you since we first met." Crowley said, finally happy.

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