Memory Loss

By SunrisexCamren

71.6K 2.2K 180

Loss of memory after a tragic accident More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Authors Note


6.7K 126 3
By SunrisexCamren

4:30 am...

Lauren paces around the hospital's lobby waiting for Sinuhe and Alejandro to come out of Camila's hospital room. The door opens and she stops. "How is she?" Lauren asks worriedly.

"In a coma," Sinu whispers.

"What?" Lauren tries not to over voice.

Alejandro places a comforting hand on the younger Cuban. "You can go in and see her Lauren," Alejandro murmurs.

Lauren nods and opens the door. She steps inside, closing the door behind her. Lauren brings her hand up to her mouth silencing a sob. She walks over to her girlfriend's side, taking her cold hand in her warm hand.

"Camila..." Lauren trails off. She sobs resting her head gently on Camila's patched-up arm.

5 hours earlier...

Lauren helps her drunk girlfriend sit down in the passenger's seat. She puts the belt on and tucks the loose strands covering her face behind her ear.

"Baby!" Camila drunkenly giggles.

Lauren smiles towards her adorable girlfriend. "Yes beautiful?" She asks once she's done and kisses her forehead.

Camila rests her head on Lauren's shoulder giggling again. "I love you!"

Lauren laughs adorably, extremely amused by her girlfriend. "I love you too baby," Lauren says and carefully pulls away from her girlfriend.

Lauren rubs Camila's cheek and finally closes the car door. Lauren gets inside the car and starts it. Right before she can pull out one of her college friends comes over.

"You're leaving now huh?" Dinah smiles.

"It's late and yeah my girlfriend is kinda too drunk," Lauren chuckles.

"Too drunk," Dinah laughs, "See you tomorrow." She touches Lauren's arm as a goodbye and walks away.

Lauren finally pulls out and starts driving to hers and Camila's apartment. She takes quick glances at Camila every once in a while. Halfway through the drive, Camila lowers the window and sticks her head out like a dog.

"Baby," Lauren says worriedly.

Lauren just needs to head straight and she will finally arrive at the apartment complex. She tries to get Camila to sit back down and in the corner of her eyes, she saw a light turn green. She thought it was hers and goes but she thought wrong.

The other car beeps hard stepping on the breaks. The wheels screech and Lauren was too late to swerve past the car and collide with each other.

Lauren's car swerves off the road and Lauren tries to gain control of it. She couldn't and ends up crashing with a light pole. Her head hits the window breaking it and everything blackouts.

Lauren slowly opens and closes her eyes gaining her conscious back. She hears sirens all around her. She sees paramedics over her strapping her. She was able to look a little to see another pair of paramedics taking an unconscious Camila to the ambulance.

~flashback off~

Now they are in the hospital. Lauren bites her lower letting out whimpers. She's not blaming anyone but herself. Lauren interlaces her fingers with Camila's and looks at her bruised and stitched up face.

"I'm so sorry baby girl," Lauren whimpers. She feels comforting hands massaging her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay Lauren," Sinu comforts the raven-haired girl. 

"It's not..." Lauren whimpers, more tears falling.

Sinu caresses Lauren's arm comfortably, showing she's there for the younger girl.

The door opens to reveal Camila's doctor. "Oh, I'm sorry visiting hours are over, " He says.

"It's okay Lauren, head home with Sinu. I'll stay here," Alejandro tells the younger Cuban.

Lauren stands up and wraps an arm around the shorter woman. Both women bid goodbye to Alejandro and exit.

"I'm so sorry," Lauren whispered to Camila's mother.

"It's okay Lauren, it's not your fault or hers," Sinu assures the younger girl.

Lauren sees her college friend Dinah leaning against her car. "Hi D," Lauren says.

"I'm so sorry Laur, Ms.Cabello." Dinah pulls both of them in a hug and Lauren tries not to cry.

Sinuhe sobs hard, Lauren and Dinah hug the shorter woman comfortably trying to get her to calm down.

"Come on let's take her home," Lauren whispers rubbing Sinu's arm smoothly.

Dinah and Lauren help her in and finally leave the hospital's parking lot. Lauren leans her head on the cold window sighing.

"She's going to be okay..." Lauren whispers to herself.

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