Strength and Pride (Rwby x Ab...

By AbysmalCharismal

36.8K 304 262

Abandoned at a young age, you were found by the Rose/Xiao Long family. At first everything was fine, but ever... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
Chapter 1: Life Sucks
Chapter 2: You did this
Bio (Updated)
Chapter 3: An offer
Chapter 3: A late arrival
Chapter 4: A rude awakening
Super Saiyan Level
Chapter 5: New Family, Old Problems
Chapter 7: Pushed to the limit
Chapter 8: Surpressed memories
Chapter 9: A new purpose
Chapter 10: A challenge and a threat
Chapter 11: A score to settle

Chapter 6: Deal with it

1.7K 19 11
By AbysmalCharismal

(F/n POV)

What a crazy day this has been. After Raven apologised, I was hounded with affection and care that I neither asked for, nor wanted. Everyone seemed to forget that my family had just appeared out of nowhere and tipped my world upside down. I didn't really say much after what happened though.
Raven left once I had calmed down and said that she'd return when I was ready. Taiyang and Qrow were asked to leave by Ozpin and they did so. He apparently didn't know about what had happened to me before I left patch and said that for the safety of everyone nearby, they should leave before I lashed out again. As for Summer, she stayed with the two girls and I. She didn't want to leave me until she knew I was okay. She eventually did though but I hadn't said anything to her since the incident.
Goku and Vegeta spent a lot of time talking about how strong I had got and knowing that they were both talking in high praise made me smile. I still wasn't used to calling Chi-Chi mum yet which made her a little upset but she understood and spent her time talking to Summer about how well mannered I was.
Trunks, Gohan and I were off to the side together. I was getting to know Gohan, Trunks was showing off his Super Saiyan form and bragging about his power, and Gohan was teaching me a new technique I could use. Masenko? I think it was called something like that. It wasn't the worse day I had to admit.
My 'team' had mysteriously disappeared after a while. I think they all went to the dorm since no one was really talking to them. I still wasn't happy about Ozpin's choice but I had to suck it up and deal with it for now.


Chi-Chi: "And make sure to study hard."
I had been trying to say goodbye to my family for like an hour now. Chi-Chi just kept going on and on and on. Gohan had sorta drifted off in his seat on the bullhead and Goku was trying his best to pull Chi-Chi away.
F/n: "Don't worry mum, I will. And I'll come visit whenever I can."
Eventually they all left when I promised to visit every other weekend. I said goodbye to the Briefs family as well. It was short and sweet. Trunks and I shared a nice hug together and the same was true for Bulma. Vegeta and I just sorta nodded to each other and I was finally on my way to the dorm room.
It took a hot minute to find it but I eventually did. The time was getting close to 8pm so chances are the others might be in bed. Or at least they should be, school starts early tomorrow. But, of course, everyone was still awake. They looked to be unpacking. I hadn't really brought much myself, just the clothes I was wearing.
I had got a few sweet gifts from everyone though. A pouch of Senzu Beans from Gohan, an orange martial arts gi and undershirt similar to Dad's and a cook book from Mum. So when I walked in I put the pouch on my bedside table and the cookbook on the book shelf. The gi went under my bed after being neatly folded.
Ruby: "So, I guess we're partners now."
F/n: *Turns* "Make no mistake, Ruby. I am not your partner, your teammate and least of all your brother. I am only doing this so I don't get kicked out of Beacon. I will tolerate you for now, but only so the team doesn't fall apart."
Ruby seemed a little upset after what I said and went to the bathroom to get changed. Yang looked like she wanted to start something but one look sent her to the bathroom as well. Blake didn't move and just looked at me with uncertainty.
F/n: "Problem?"
Blake: *Blushes* "No. Why do you seem to hate Ruby so much?"
F/n: "Because of what she did. The rest of them were like that from the beginning. But she did something much worse. She made me love her and then threw that away. She was what made me leave in the end, not Tai, not Qrow, not Raven or Yang."
Blake stepped forward and hugged me. I didn't block this one though and embraced it with a small smile and a slight blush. We stayed like that until the bathroom door opened which made us jump back.
Blake: "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you."
She quickly went to change. I sat in silence as the other two got into and went to bed. I had no pijamas so I just took off my shirt and laid down facing the wall. Blake came out of the bathroom and climbed into her bed too. Soon, we were all asleep and dreading the first day tomorrow.

Timeskip (Morning)

I was the first to rise the next day. I slipped out of bed and ran my hands through my spiky hair while stretching out a few pains in my arms. I popped into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and put on my uniform. I had made a deal with Ozpin yesterday that I would be allowed to wear my new Gi as my uniform which he agreed to.
It was comfortable and loose, yet also fitting. I practised a few kicks and punches and was surprised by the results. I felt heavier and slower than usual. I tried jumping and felt myself getting pulled down as soon as I left the floor. What the hell?
I pulled off the undershirt and tried again. I felt light again. So that's it. Dad gave me weighted clothing. Is the GI weighted too? I checked and sure enough it was. Everything I was now wearing had weight too it. I felt sluggish but in a good way.
I returned everything to where it should be and stepped out of the bathroom. The girls were still asleep which suited me just fine. I attached the Senzu Beans to my belt and headed off to get some breakfast. I wonder what I'll have....a full English? Several dozen pancake? I guess I'll have to see what they've got.
No one was there when I arrived and when I checked the time I realised why. It's 5am??? I guess I'm still used to Vegeta's training routine. Eh, at least I'm first in line. I was served my food by a tired looking woman and took a seat at a table. I had got both a Full English and the pancakes I wanted. This was perfect, all this food to myself.
I scoffed the pancakes in seconds and finished the rest a bit slower so I had something to do while I waited for classes to start. People started coming in about 7ish but by then I had amassed a mountain of bowls and plates from all the food I had had. I got a few odd looks but didn't really care as I got out of my seat.
I noticed a group of dickheads harassing a faunus as I walked past. So I subtly used a Ki blast to knock them all back. The bunny faunus looked at me with a grateful look and I gave her a wink, making her blush. The dickheads got up a little confused and probably went off to get some food.
My first class was Professor Port's. I arrived a little earlier than I probably should have but I arrived none the less. Class would start in about thirty minutes so I started chatting to Port. He seemed like an okay guy I suppose, a little self centred and very dull, but a nice enough guy. When other people started coming in I took my seat and began to meditate. Well, it was less of meditation and more training. Basically, I imagine the foe I want to fight and think of all the possible moves I could do to counter theirs. Vegeta used to call it image training or something. When the class started I opened my eyes to pay attention.

Timeskip (cuz I'm lazy)

Class was just as boring as I imagined. He spent the entire time talking about his childhood and how great he was. He flirted with Yang a little which made me smirk when she was appalled. Ruby was doodling or messing around the whole time and Blake was just doing whatever I guess.
Finally however, something I wanted happened. Port asked for volunteers, probably to fight something. Finally, some action. I eagerly raised my hand and practiaclly sprinted down when he called my name. I bounced on my feet while he drew his axe and opened the cage. A Boarbatusk charged out and straight towards me. Anticipating it's next move, I instant transmissioned behind it.
(Yes I know you can't just have instant transmission but there is a reason for it.I'll reveal it all next chapter, why you're so special and how strong you really are. Just be patient until then.)
I ran at it and took note of my slowed speed. This weighted clothing really made a difference. I threw a slow and hulking punch which made contact with the side of the Boarbatusk. A shock wave came from the impact and it flew towards the students. Panicking, I sped around the other side and ht it back the other way like ping-pong ball. I finished it off by hitting it into the ground and making a small crater in the floor.
Port: "Incredible, we truly are in the presence of a future huntsman. Class dismissed."
I left the class and set my way towards the next when I heard someone chasing me. I sidestepped just in time to see Ruby flying past and into the far wall. I had to stifle a laugh at that one. She seemed unfazed when she detached herself though.
Ruby: "That was so cooooool. The way you teleported around like that and the way you were like kapow, wham and smack."
F/n: "It was nothing."
I started walking off but Ruby sped round in front of me. She had a sad look in her eyes.
Ruby: "I...heard what you said to Blake last night. I didn't realise what I did to you. I'm sorry."
F/n: "Sorry doesn't change anything. I'm going to our next lesson. I suggest you do the same."
I walked past her again but she tried to speed in front of me. I effortlessly stuck my hand out and grabbed her by the hood. She seemed shocked as I let her down and kept walking. I wasn't going to forgive her that easily. Nice try though.

(??? POV)

Unknown to either of them however, a young woman was standing a little bit away. She watched you walk away and smiled. She had finally found the person she was looking for, the person who could give her a real challenge. And it was Goku's son to boot.

That girl however, there is something about her. F/n seemed to have a certain distaste for her, yet also a deep love that was tucked down deep somewhere. The figure smiled and cracked her knuckles.

???: "I know just how to beat you."

OOOOOOOOOOOO A CLIFFHANGER. I know it's rather cliche and all but next chapter has a huge fight going down. No spoilers on what's happening but I will say that some shit is gonna go down. Look forward to that some time in the future. No idea when though. Do you guys want Ruby to be forgiven? I personally am not bothered either way but have would prefer that she is.

I am also putting out a request for OCs. Three to be precise. If you have a Dragon Ball OC then even better but all OCs are welcome. You will be getting your own team down the line so I need characters that can work in the RWBY setting.

That's all for now so I'll catch you later, take care and as always. Peace

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