Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

Por aegis1st

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The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... Más

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
Rescue Mission
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

The Program

2.1K 47 10
Por aegis1st

Region Of Elis, Greece
(Y,N) PoV

I was really worried about Raven, getting her to come with us was the easy part...now the hardest part is to get her to work together with the others operators. Back when she first appeared it was a pain in the ass to get her to work together with the rest of my soldiers, she gets the job done but in her own terms.

It took me a whole year to convince her to work together with the rest now I wonder how many time would it take me to get her to work together with Rainbow. Now we were heading to Greece, while we were making our way to England, Six told our pilot to take us to Greece instead. We were taken to an abandoned stadium, why would Six want us here?

"I thought Rainbow was an anti-terrorist organization" Raven said then she sighed

"Is this a bad time to say that I'm not good at sports?" Yun said

"I was expecting to rest today..." I said

"Let's head inside and see what's this all about" Yumiko said

We headed inside through a massive gate, as we reached the end of the hallway we found a building right in the middle of the stadium, the rest of the stadium was still a mess.

"I'm glad you guys could make it here safe and sound, I'm guessing you must be Raven" Six said looking the woman who just leaned on a wall but then she groaned and headed towards Six

"Yes that's me, nice to meet you" She said as she extended her hand to Six. My eyes widened in surprise to see her shaking hand with someone she doesn't know...she usually would give you the cold shoulder. April approached me confused while we were following Six inside

"Are you sure you got the right person?" April said

"Yes, I am. She punched me as hard as she could back in Japan" I said rubbing my jaw.

Six took us to the place where all the operators were, I could see they were divided in Attackers and Defenders, I saw Ela and when she noticed me she smiled, she was sitting a little bit far from her group just like Caveira was...but I don't care about her. Six asked us to take a sit in the middle of the two teams.

"I wanted to try a special project I'm working on and I wanted (y,n) to be the leader of the attacking team and another one to be the defender team" Six said and Raven raised her hand

"Ok, guys pick up your team, once you are ready defenders head to the map" Six said

"I want Ela on my team and the rest, if you think you are tough, join me" Raven said as she left right to the building in the middle of the stadium

Six PoV

"You were right, Raven would challenge (y,n)" I said

"Raven, just like (y,n), they are what you guys call 'perfect soldiers' Raven is the only person who was able to defeat the Captain, still she hasn't been able to caught up with him, whenever Raven beats (y,n). He will beat her like ten times in a row" April said

"I wonder what kind of match we are going to see..." I thought. I was more worried about their teammates but also this could be good for them because they will gain experience.

"Raven is clever...she took Ela with her hoping that would get to (y,n)" April said

"This will be the first fight between them, I wonder if it will be like Pulse and Hibana..." I said 

(Y,N) PoV 

I was using my drone to locate the area where the bombs are, my team is: Blitz, Kali, Thermite, and Maverick. I found the bomb on the second floor, in an office and a target room, I saw Bandit, Ela, Tachanka, Raven, and Caveira. The preparation phase ended and I saw the big screen showing us the round and the amount of people each team has. The attacking phase began and I was on the west side of the building. 

I had the defuser so I went inside alone because my team decided to rush in, when I entered the building I heard shots so I took cover, those rounds sound exactly like Ela's gun, when I decided to fight her I got shot in the back by Raven...We lost that round and my team was blaming me.

"Weren't you the perfect soldier?" Ash said complaining

"WHY YOU ARE SO AFRAID!" Kali said as she pushed me  

Ela PoV 

"That was a nice strategy Bosak, if we managed to get rid of (y,n) first we win the round" Raven said 

"Good game ladies" Bandit tried to approach Raven 

"Touch me and I'll use you as a meat shield" Raven said and I chuckled 

I like Raven, because we both hate Bandit and we want to be better than (y,n). I was setting up my traps and then my reinforcements then the attacking phase started. I rushed with Raven hoping to get someone before they could get into the building, so we left the bombs to lord tachanka. I was looking at the stairs waiting for (y,n) to appear when suddenly the window behind me exploded and when I turned around (y,n) shot us both down. I saw (y,n) eyes and he was different from before... he was so serious. We lost this round.

"Did you see that look in his eyes?" Raven was smirking. Raven noticed too, those cold eyes were piercing through me and left me with the sensation of not feeling safe. 

"Things are just getting started..." Raven smiled 

Time Skip 

We were just one point to win the match, I was very tired and Raven was too. (y,n) has given us a lot of trouble, they weren't coordinated so it was easy to pick the rest of his team one by one. The last round I grabbed Bandit's C4 and threw it at him winning the match but I noticed it exploded right on his right eye and that side of his face was bleeding. 

(Y,N) PoV 

I was far away from my team because they wanted to do what they want,  I'll do that too, I was currently waiting for the preparation phase to end so I can get over with all this and check my eye. everything here is non-lethal but that doesn't mean it won't hurt someone, for my bad luck a C4 was blown right in my face, I tried to jump off the window but they still got me. 

Raven and Ela have been giving me a hard time, and my team is not helping at all, I finally had the chance to get the defuser, I cannot take them head on, the blood was already making it difficult for me to see through my eye. The action phase began and I rappel down, when I touched the ground I took one grenade and tossed it at the window overlooking the bulletproof window.

"Four defenders remaining" I heard the system said and I smiled. Maverick has been shooting many times to that window, so I took care of the problem. I went inside through that same window. The bombs were located in the first floor, in the living room. I was holding my rifle and aiming it at every corner someone could hide, The defenders were eliminating  my team but my team was also eliminating them. The system told us there were only three defenders and two attackers remaining. Blitz was the other one left so I regrouped with him and we headed to the bomb in the living room.

"I'll distract them, you head to the other bomb." I said and he nodded. I gave him the defuser so he could plant it and when I entered the room to start the distraction I was stunned one of Ela's mine.

"Defuser is planted, protect it!" I heard the system said then it said Blitz was eliminated. I ran towards the defuser...I knew Raven would be waiting for me and that explains why I didn't see anyone on the other bomb. I slide inside and shot but ended up missing.

It was me and Ela, they both came to me and I got distracted by bandit heading to the defuser. I took my pistol but Ela kicked it off my hand, I blocked the kick Raven threw at me and then the punch Ela threw at me. I counter attack by punching Raven on her stomach and then I dodged Ela and kicked her leg making her lose her balance. I ran towards Bandit but Raven grabbed my feet and Ela grabbed me and threw me to the wall.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!" Raven yelled at bandit

"That was an amazing strategy but you missed something" I smirked and they both looked at me 

I stomped in Blitz shield and I grabbed it with my hand then blind them all. I pushed Ela out of the way and jumped because I knew Raven would try to stop me, when I was about to reach bandit I got shot in the back multiple times, I lost my footing as I groaned but I wasted time...Bandit defused the bomb and I lost...

Ela PoV 

My vision cleared and then Raven tackled me and hugged me yelling that we won, I couldn't believe I managed to land those shots, Raven dropped me but I still was in surprise. That annoying voice said the bomb was defused and then (y,n) looked at us from over his shoulder and sighed then he turned around to face us.

"That was an amazing match!" He happily said 

"Aren't you angry?" I asked him and he moved his head from side to side letting me now that he wasn't.

"You are lying! I could tell by just looking you in the eyes" I yelled and he chuckled 

"I was focused" He said as he got closer and put his hand on my cheek
"I was going against you and I knew you would be angry if I didn't give you my all" He added with a smile  on his face and I couldn't help but to kiss him.

"Oh my god, I forgot about your eye, let's see doc right now!" I said dragging him all the way to where doc was. It was my fault because I threw the c4 but then Doc he will be fine so I sighed in relief.

"Are you sure nothing else is hurting you?" I asked him 

"My back hurts..." He said then Raven laughed 

"You were carrying them but the rest of the attackers didn't let themselves be carried" Raven said 

"I apologize for the incident (y,n). I'll make sure it won't happen again" Six said and (y,n) nodded 

"Everything here is taken care of, I saw what I wanted to see so now we can go back to England. Cerberus organization will have two days off. You too Ela, I want you to keep an eye on the guy who thought it was a good idea to jump off a window. Everyone laughed even (y,n) but I hit him with my elbow.

"It's not funny, I was really worried about you idiot" I said and he rubbed his side because that's where I hit him.

Today I got to see a side I didn't know about my boyfriend and I must say he was kinda hot, I was very happy that our team won but I also felt sad that it wasn't fair because (y,n) was alone no wonder why we hang around nerds...I hate to be around nerds but I'm started to get along with them more, specially Grace. I'm also very tired so I have the feeling I'll sleep during the entire fly, and even more when we reach home.  

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