We got you

By Yuulina_vre

745 24 0

A prequel to 'Little Supersoldiers' How Y/N got to meet Steve and Bucky and comes to life with them. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

80 2 0
By Yuulina_vre

"Bucky? Hey, let me in." Steve stands in front of the soldier's bedroom. The door is closed and locked, and he waits patiently for an answer from the brunette. But Bucky is silent. No answer, not even a sound. Steve sighs, feeling anxiety creep up in him. He knocks again, this time with a bit more force than intended. He winces at his own impatience. "Bucky, please." It remains silent and Steve leans his forehead against the wooden door in defeat. His voice is just a silent, sad and defeated, pleading whisper. "Please. Don't lock me out. Let me help you." He closes his eyes, stands there for a second longer and just, as he makes up his mind to turn around and sit in the living room, he hears the click of the lock. His eyes fly open again, and he takes half a step back before he carefully lays a hand on the doorknob and opens it. He peeks inside. The room is dark, as dark as a room can be at day. The blackout blinds are drawn and shut out almost all light. A ball of blankets lies on the bed. Steve sees it shivering and shaking. He still can't hear a sound but that's not surprising for Bucky. He knows how to be impossible silent, that's what years with HYDRA trained him. Probably the only good thing if he has to choose. Besides being still alive of course. So, he steps in fully and closes the door despite no one being in their apartment, but he still does it to give Bucky the imagination of a secure surrounding. Carefully he sits down next to Bucky on the mattress and lays a careful hand on what he assumes is his back. "Talk to me." The bundle shivers again and shuffles a bit, turns around and then the brunettes head pokes out. His eyes are red rimmed and puffy. Steve can feel his heart drop. It's been a while since he saw Bucky cry and to see it now, after they went through so much, after he went through so much with HYDRA and all, it's just heartbreaking. "Will... Why..." Bucky shakes his head, unable to form at least one full sentence. Then he reaches out with his metal hand and takes Steve's in his, squeezing it just a bit too tight but Steve says nothing. Bucky guides the hand close to his chest. Not to plant it on his heart but just to feel its heat and to have an anchor that grounds him a bit. Steve looks down at his boyfriend before he extracts his hand from Bucky's grip, earning a whimper from him. He shoves Bucky a bit more into the middle of the bed and lies down himself. Quickly, he presses Bucky's front into his and hides the brunettes face in his chest while he embraces him into his arms. He feels his own silent tears at the brink of falling. "She'll make it. She'll wake up. Don't worry, Buck." He leans down and plants a kiss to the top of the brunette's head. "How do you know?"

"Because I saw it once. And this person became something beautiful. He's back in social life, he talks and shows what he feels. He is shy and adorable and the best this world can give and that, even though he suffered through things no one should live through. HYDRA didn't manage to destroy him." He plants a new kiss on the brunette's hair. "So, I know she can make it, because she's as strong as you are." He hears a choked sob from the man in his arms, so he hugs him a bit tighter. "And this is just a medical induced coma, Buck. It's to help her get better and to get the drugs out of her system without putting her though too much more. She survived until now. She's safe. No one will let her down now. Never." He feels Bucky nod and for a brief moment he closes his eyes. He's not really knowing who he tries to calm down. If it's really meant for Bucky to calm down his anxiety and give him comfort or if it's meant for himself to calm his own doubts and give him a bit of peace himself. They lay in silence. Just their breathing fills the room and is the only sound to hear. "How are you doing?" Bucky shrugs before he finally looks up at Steve again. "Not so good. You?" Steve shakes his head. He knows he doesn't need to say that he's not feeling great either because Bucky knows the moment he looks into his eyes. "We have to try to be strong. She'll need us when she wakes up." Bucky nods again before his eyes seem to cloud a bit and for a frightening second Steve thinks he might switch in Winter Soldier mode or something. A few blinks later he looks Steve into the eyes again. "We... I..." He sighs annoyed at his own lack to find the words to says what he wants to say. Steve gives him an encouraging smile and rubs his back. "I... I think I might ...like her?" Steve laughs and Bucky feels his cheeks heat up and for a moment he regrets that he said anything. "I like her, too, Buck. I would be surprised if here's one person that doesn't."

"No. What I mean is I... I really like her. Like I like... you."

"Hm." Steve hums and looks down at Bucky as the older man bites his bottom lip with a look of uneasiness. He sees how nervous Bucky is but Steve smiles and gives him a long and loving kiss. "You want to say you're in love?" Bucky nods. Steve thinks if he keeps on biting his lower lip he will bleed soon, so he lays his thumb on Bucky's bottom lip and extracts it from his teeth. His thumb wanders over it as he whispers. "Don't worry your handsome head. I like her, too."

"You're... You're not mad? I thought you would be-"

"Of what? Of you liking someone? Never. Besides I like her, too and I never knew how to tell you because I never knew if you would run back into the old habits you had and just came out of and regret being with me. I love her for a while now. I'm relieved that you said you like her." He smiles again and brushes his hand through Bucky's hair and over his cheek. Bucky sighs and closes his eyes. He lets the warm and comfort wash over him and feels content and safe for a while. Neither of them says something. They just return to lying there again, silent and comforting the other. But soon Bucky shivers again and presses himself against Steve's chest again. "What's wrong?"

"I... I don't know. It's all so much. I don't feel so good, Stevie."

"It's okay. I got you."

"N-no..." Bucky gasps and the shivering intensifies. His grip on Steve turns tighter and gets painful. "Bucky? Buck." But Bucky doesn't hear anything. A few hard shivers run over his body, and then he feels something change. Something shifts and he suddenly feels really small. He hears the blood rush through his ears and a slight panic settles in. Cold sweat covers his body. He thinks of a panic attack. But this... This feels different. His breathing quickens a bit, and he presses his eyes close. Steve watches as Bucky shivers, and he tries to get away just a bit to have a better look at him but Bucky's strong grip just gets tighter again. Small bruises form on his upper arms. His fearful eyes dart through the room, and he calls for Bucky a few times, but he doesn't seem to hear him. "FRIDAY? FRIDAY, get Tony or Bruce, please! Just somebody! Something is wrong with Bucky." Steve feels frantic and overwhelmed with the whole situation as he watches Bucky gasp and shiver, and then he feels... something. He searches for any sign but sees nothing. "Buck?"

"S-Stevie." Bucky gasps again and then Steve sees it. The shirt. It was a tight fit as he gave it to Bucky a few days ago but now... Now it's almost a size too big. The door slams open and both, Tony and Bruce come running in. "Steve! What's wrong?"

"What's up with him?" Tony stays in the door and looks at Bucky as Bruce all but runs past Tony to get a better look at the man. "I-I don't know. He said he doesn't feel good, and then he started shivering and gasping and now... now he's getting... smaller?" A sob gets their attention back to Bucky who's now a lot smaller than before. They can just watch for the next few minutes until it stops. Steve rubs desperately on his back trying to ease him but to no use. They all stare at the man. Or more at the boy. He's now lying in Steve's arms, almost drowning in the shirt that's now definitely too big. "Mommy!" Bucky cries out and tries to push away from Steve before he takes a closer look at him. As his eyes meet the figures of Bruce and Tony. He presses back against Steve and tries to hide in his arms. "Bucky?" Steve looks confused at the child that's crying and hiding in his arms. He looks back at Tony and Bruce, but they mirror is confusion. The blonde sits up, pulling Bucky with him as the boy whines at the loss of contact. He's now crying full on and clings to him like a lifeline. As if on instinct he rubs circles on the boys back and makes silent shushing noises at him. He sees how Tony and Bruce share a look before they motion for him to follow them. Carefully he slips out of bed, still trying to calm the boy down. He looks around for a second before his eyes settle on the closet. He walks over quickly and grabs a blanket from one of the bottom shelves. Carefully he drapes it around Bucky and follows his two teammates down to Bruce's lab. Steve tries to set Bucky down on one of Bruce's tables but Bucky clings to him. He starts screaming in fear as soon as Steve loosens his grip or gets more than a few inches away from him. "No. No! Mommy! Where's mommy?"

"Shh, Bucky. It's okay."

"Mommy..." Bucky whines and a new flood of tears streams down his cheeks. "Hey, Buck. Do you know who I am?" Bucky nods slowly before he hugs Steve on his neck. "Steve."

"That's right. Good. And do you know who they are?" He points at Tony and Bruce, who whisper silently while watching both of them, discussing possible causes for Bucky's sudden... dropping. "Buck?" Bucky shares the two brunettes a small glance and both of them smile to him, Tony even waves, and watch him nod shortly before he hides in Steve's neck again. "Uncle Tony and uncle Bruce." His voice is small and silent. "That's... right." Steve looks with raised eyebrows at both man and Tony gapes. "Uncle? I hope I'm at least the cool uncle." Bruce smiles shortly at him before he takes out a stethoscope and walks up to Steve. "Hey Bucky, can I look at you for a moment?"

"Nooo." Bucky whines and new tears stream down his cheeks. "Come on, buddy." Steve sits down on the table himself and, somehow, manages to turn Bucky around so that he faces Tony and Bruce. "Noo. Steve, no." Bucky whines again. He tries to wriggle himself back to hide in Steve's chest and starts kicking with his legs. "It's over in a moment, okay." Steve leans in and kisses the back of Bucky's hand he has in his grip, so that he doesn't start punching with his metal hand. Then he takes his other hand in his as well and draws reassuring circles in his skin. Bruce makes quick work of hearing Bucky's breathing, chest and heartbeat. He takes a quick look into Bucky's eyes and makes even quicker work of drawing some tubes of blood from the now screaming boy. Soon it's over and, from wherever, Tony comes to Bucky and passes him a lollipop which the boy puts in his mouth eagerly before turning and hugging Steve again. "Hey, Buck. Do you... remember anything? Do you know what we did an hour ago?" Steve looks at the boy carefully. He sighs a breath of relief, and something else, as the boy shakes his head. The three share a look and Bruce tells them he goes through some tests and let them know if he finds something. Until then, they have to keep a close eye on the boy. Back in the hall Steve and Tony walk side by side back up to their apartment. Tony eyes the boy suspiciously. Bucky shies away from his gaze and returns to hug Steve tighter, sucking on his lollipop while a few new sobs escape him. "Tony, stop glaring at him. He just calmed down."

"I'm not glaring. I'm trying to figure out why his arms is still fitting him. It's as small as he is." Steve looks down briefly before he looks back at Tony and shrugs. "Then please, do it without staring at him like that."

A few hours later Steve walks down the hall with Bucky on his hand. The boys' eyes are still red rimmed after crying again because his mommy wasn't there for lunch. Steve makes his way into the common room, surprised to find Tony and Nat in there. "Oh, there he is. Capsicle and his mini soldier." Steve rolls his eyes and notes that Bucky presses closer to his legs. He squeezes the boys hand reassuring before he walks past Tony to sit down next to Nat. He pulls Bucky on his lap and watches as Bucky hides in the crook of his neck but peeks up now and then to look at Natasha who smiles to him every time. "Oh, here kiddo, I got something for you." Tony comes up to them and presses a small, red car into Bucky's hands. The boy lets go of Steve's neck and looks at the toy with wide eyes. Steve thinks it's probably the first time that he gets a toy just for him. Even back in the 40s he had to share with his sister. The first smile this day makes its way on his face before he whispers a silent 'thank you'. He slips down from Steve's lap and sits down on the ground. He looks at Steve for a second, making sure he is within reach and waits for Steve to nod before he sits down and lets the car roll over the floor. A giggle escapes him, and he's quick to snatch the car back and does it once more. And then one more time, and again and again. Steve eyes him a moment and smiles. Tony flops down beside him and claps his shoulder. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine. It's a bit awkward to deal with... this." Steve motions to Bucky but shrugs. "Can't help it though. He's almost like he was back then, at least from what his mother told me. He's silent and shy around new people. He tries not to be a bother and to behave. He makes it easy to watch him. But he can't keep sleeping in his bed if he stays like this for much longer. It's too big."

"You do have two empty rooms, right?"

"Y-yeah. Why?" His eyes meet Tony's but the genius looks straight forward. His face shows that he's thinking. Steve feels a bit restless now. "Oh no. I know this look." Natasha groans and Steve looks briefly at her before he turns fully to Tony with a frown. "What do you have in mind?"

"Surprises, Cap, surprises." Then he stands up and Steve can only watch as the genius leaves the common room. "What just happened?" Steve turns to Nat. "You just gave him the go on to either ruin your apartment or do something that might be useful."

"I don't know if I like that." Steve looks back to the door Tony just left the room through.

* * *

Two days later Steve stands in his apartment, a totally pleased Tony next to him. "What do you say?"

"This... This is... I mean wow. Wow." Steve gapes at the room Tony had set up for Bucky. It's painted in a light yellow and has everything a kid needs for a good night sleep, even if it's still too big for just one boy. Tony had set up a bed for Bucky that has actually the size of a kids' bed. Good enough for the four-year-old how Bruce had found out. Bruce had also said that Bucky seems to be alright. He said that this 'dropping' how he called it, probably will hold on until the stress he felt vanishes. In his opinion it's a protection mechanism from the serum. So, its fine. Steve was relieved. At least one riddle was solved that day, even after Bruce warned that there is a high possibility that this might happen to Steve, too, since he uses to run on the serum, too.

Steve's gaze switches up to the ceiling. Little glowing stars are scattered on the ceiling right over the bed. Steve thinks that they even have the constellations how they really are and is a little impressed that Tony got so far to do this. There are some shelves with books and stuff on it, the carpet is a nice, fluffy one and even the bathroom attached to the room is now kids proofed. Still, Steve figures that Bucky will stay here just for a few nights. The boy had enjoyed sleeping with Steve in his big bed the last nights, so it's probably a bit difficult to get him to sleep in his own, for his size comfortable, bed now. Tony walks over to a bookshelf in a corner filled with fairy tales and other books kids' like. "I put some form back of your time in here, too. Didn't know if he remembers them."

"Thank you, Tony. That means a lot to me." He claps the shorter man on the shoulder and squeezes lightly. Then he wanders down to the shelf and looks at all the book. He picks out a book and smiles at it. "Bucky used to love this book. He wouldn't even give it to me to look at. But he always read it to me when I was sick. Even after we got too old for stories like this." A smile drapes across his face and his hand wanders over the cover in a soft and appreciating manner. "You know I got the other room finished as well. Come on I show you." The brunette motions for him and Bucky to follow him. Steve puts the book back into the shelf and looks down at Bucky. The boy stood at the door with big eyes and opened mouth. He hadn't stepped in fully, and he hadn't said a single word until now. "Steve?" The boy comes over and tugs on his sleeve. Steve smiles at Bucky but it fades as soon as he sees Bucky's frown and watery eyes. "What's wrong, buddy?" He crouches down, ignoring Tony's protest and takes Bucky's hand from his sleeve, holing it in his own. "Where's mommy? Why isn't she picking me up? Was I bad?" Now Steve frowns, too and a quick look to his side tells him that Tony mirrors it perfectly. "No. I don't think your mom is angry at you. You're a good boy." He lets a hand wander through the brown locks of the boy in front of him. "Why do you think you're a bad boy?"

"Be -because... Because I didn't saw her and... and mommy didn't choose my clothes or made my bed. Uncle Tony did." His voice is small, and he looks to the ground with an ashamed expression before he looks back up at Steve with tears running down his cheeks. "Where is she?" Steve is near tears himself. He tries to wipe away the tears from Bucky's face but new ones come down. "What's the name of your mom, Bucky?" Tony glances at him quizzically but Steve shoots him a look that means 'Please don't ask. I don't want to tell him his mother died nearly seventy years ago.' Bucky frowns at him and for a boy his age his look of 'please, how can you not know?' looks pretty much like the one Bucky uses as adult sometimes. "Y/N. My mommy is really pretty. And she gives the best hugs." Bucky smiles a bit before it vanishes again. "Where is she?"

"Oh, Bucky..." Steve sighs and silently he's glad for Tony placing a hand on his shoulder and crouching down beside him. "Hey, champ. Come over here quick, okay?" Bucky eyes Tony for a second but makes the few steps over to the brunette. Tony scoops him up in one motion. "You know what? Your mom is sick. But your uncle Bruce is a really smart man. Like me. But I'm a bit smarter." Bucky giggles as Tony poke him in the side and Steve rolls his eyes at his comment. "But your uncle helps mommy to get better. I'm sure she will come and get you when she's healthy again. Can you wait just a few days more for her? Can you be strong until she comes?" Steve frowns a bit but Bucky nods and actually seems a bit happier at his words. "Can I visit mommy?"

"No, buddy." Steve chimes in as Tony starts to nod. The brunette stops and looks at Steve. "Not today. Maybe tomorrow, okay?" Bucky sighs sadly but nods before he looks back at Tony. He seems to think for a second but then speaks up. "Uncle Tony?"

"Hm?" Tony hums. "Can we play? With the car?" Bucky points at the car he dropped on the floor and for a second Steve thinks Tony would start laughing and saying that it's ridiculous but to his surprise he nods and sets Bucky down. "Then come on and follow me. There's something I want to show you." Curious about what Tony wants they follow him into the next room. Steve stops and literally stares. The room is painted in a few colors and has a big picture of the Avengers on the long wall, in comic style of course. There are sideboards and boxes full of toys, another fluffy carpet and a mattress in one corner, loaded with many, many pillows. "What do you say?" Tony turns around and looks at Steve who just stares. "I think I broke Steve." Bucky looks back at Steve before he looks at Tony. "Is this for me?"

"Of course. But you have to keep your eyes on the stuff. I can't promise that Clint won't come up and snack some of it to ply with himself." Bucky's eyes go wide, and he immediately jumps to the cars on the ground and hugs them to himself with a determined face of protection. "Mine!" Tony laughs and shares a last glance at Steve before sitting down beside Bucky himself. Now Steve's mouth drops open. He didn't expect Tony to do this. Tony grabs a car form Bucky's pile and starts to make car noises while Bucky starts laughing. "Nooo. Not like that. A car makes other noises."

"Really? How do they sound?"

"Like this." Bucky makes his own noise which, in all honesty, is similar to the one Tony made. Tony shakes his head. "No, I don't think that's right."

"It is!" Bucky exclaims and soon their both making car noises, compete about who does it better. Steve smiles and slowly retreats the room.

He walks through the hall and down to the med bay. How should he explain all this to Y/N? And how should he explain everything to Bucky if Y/N doesn't wake up soon?

* * *

Steve sits on the chair beside Y/N, her hand in his. He had left Bucky with Tony hours ago and up until now they either didn't notice that he is gone or they are comfortable enough with each other to stay alone for a while. Steve sighs. He studies Y/N's face a last time. She looks relaxed, there isn't any heat differences anymore. If it wasn't for the tube in her mouth that keeps her breathing than he would think she is just asleep. A last time he squeezes her hand before he stands up. He leans down to her ear and whispers. "Please wake up, soon. I don't know how to explain, but we need you here." Then he presses a kiss to her temple and leaves the room. Thoughts run a bit wild in his head, and he barely registers the halls he walks along. He's just half-way up to the common room as FRIDAY interrupts his thoughts. "Captain Rogers. Dr. Banner asked for you to come back to the med bay."

"Is something wrong with Y/N?"

"It seems she regains consciousness again." His head snaps up to the ceiling and in an instant, he turns around and sprints back through the halls, barely dodging the staff of the med bay until he leaps into Y/N's room. He stares at her for a second. She's awake, when a bit pale. Bruce helps her get rid of the tube, and he carefully helps her to sit up again. Time seems to stay still for a second until Y/N's eyes meet his. And she smiles. In an afterthought it seems ridiculous of him doing this but in that moment, he can't think of something else. He runs up to her and practically jumps on the bed tackling her into a hug. For a moment she tenses, but then she goes slack, hugs him back while a bubbling laughter escapes her and throws her into a couching fit. "Hello to you, too." Her voice sounds rough and a bit dry, but she's okay. She's okay. "Steve. I need to check her over." Bruce places a hand on his shoulder, and he nods slowly. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry." He leans back and looks Y/N deep in the eyes, placing a hand on her cheek. "It's good to have you back." She smiles at him, and he stands up, steps away a few feet to let Bruce check her over. "Okay. Your vitals are normal. Do you feel any different?"

"Not really. My back hurts." Bruce nods. "I expected that after... Do you remember what happened?" Y/N's face darkens in an instant. "I do." She doesn't say more, even after Bruce waits for a few seconds. Then he nods and takes a blood sample to check over again. "Okay. Well, I would recommend you stay at least one day longer. Just to make sure. But I think nothing says anything against taking a walk if you feel stiff or just want to move a bit. I'm sure Steve will take care of you while I'll check this over." Bruce waves at her and is out of the door before she can say anything. She stares at the door for a second longer before tuning to look at Steve. She smiles again at him. "Do you have some water."

"Oh, y-yeah sure." Steve sets himself in motion and grabs a bottle of water from a carriage outside Y/N's room and passes it to her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"No, I mean. Thank you. For getting me." He looks at her and nods shortly. He doesn't know what to say. She drinks eagerly, nearly emptying half the bottle. "Where's Buck?"

"Ah. Eh... That's... Actually, I can't explain that really well." Y/N raises an eyebrow at him. "How long was I gone, Steve?" The blonde looks up at her. "A-about a month." Her eyebrows raise again, even higher if possible, but she says nothing. Just nods. Steve watches her again. "Please, stop watching me with so worried eyes. I'm good. I feel great actually. Even after this... whatever they did. It's just my back that hurts."

"And do you... I mean is there... I-"

"Steve, how did this month manage that you're being awkward to me?"

"A-awkward? I'm not awkward."

"You are. You never stuttered when you talk to me. I'm good really. So, spit out what you want to, now, and then tell me where my favorite soldier hides and get me to him." Steve swallows and fiddles with his hands before he sits on the edge of her bed. "Okay. Do you... do you feel different. Like hot or cold?"

"Hot or cold? No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Because, when you were out, I held your hand and it was really warm but Bruce said your other was almost ice-cold." Y/N's eyebrows rise again and Steve feels himself blush. "No. I don't feel different. What does Bruce say what that was?"

"He doesn't know. He thinks it might be what HYDRA gave you."

"Yeah. He told me he wants to hurt you. He said you hate villains and by taking me and giving powers he gets what he wants. One way or the other."

"He... he intended to either give you a power or kill you?" Y/N hums at him and for a long moment everything is silent. Then she pulls back the covers and throws her legs over the edge of the bed. "What are you doing?" Steve stands up and grabs her hand as she struggles to stand on her legs, her face twisting in discomfort and pain as she straightens her back. "I want to find Bucky. And the others."

"No, stay here. I'll get the-"

"Nope. I'm going. You said I was in here for a month. I clearly need some action now. So, will you guide me?" Steve swallows hard but nods. He takes her arms and intervenes it with his to steady her. "You might not like what you see."

"We'll see. I'm curious now, though." Slowly they make their way up to the common floor. They have to take some breaks for Y/N to take her breath as the pain in her back gets a bit worse, but she refuses to be carried. On their way Steve tries to fill her in on what happened the last month and most important what happened to Bucky. "You're kidding. Are you joking with me, Steve? Never ever is he a kid." They stand in front of the common rooms' door. "I'm not kidding Y/N and if I hadn't been there, I wouldn't believe it either but it's true."

"So, you're telling me that Bucky, former Winter Soldier and physical 28-year-old but secretly over hundred-year-old man and one of my best friends here, is now... a kid?" She opens the door to the room and looks around. "MOMMY!" A little brunette head whips to the door and Bucky comes running up to her and leaps at her legs, hugging them tightly. "Yes. That's what I said." Shocked, Y/N looks down at the boy at her legs before she looks up to see Nat, Tony, Sam and Clint in the room, all staring at her but with small, relived smiles on their lips. "Mommy." The boy whines and she looks down at him as he bounces and pulls on her sweatpants. She sees his watery eyes. Confused at why he called her mommy she carefully crouches down, trying not to show how bad her back hurts and hugs the boy to her chest. "Hello, Bucky." She looks at Steve. "Mommy?" She mouths, and he just shrugs, looking apologetic that he let slip that detail. "He keeps saying it since he drooped."


"That's what Bruce and I called it. Good to see you up and back again." Tony comes up and claps a hand on her shoulder. She smiles back up at him. "So, I have a child now?"

"Seems so." Nat speaks up and waves at her. "Okay." She kisses Bucky's head and as she looks back up, she sees five pairs of shocked eyes on her. "You're... taking that very easily. I wrote a whole speech to get you to understand and agree to be his mom." Confused, Tony shakes his head, while Steve helps Y/N to stand back up, the clinging boy still in her arms. "Yeah, well. He's already saying I'm his mom. How should I react. You can't actually assume that I tell him I'm not his mom and don't want him to be my son. After what Steve told me he's already quite a mess. And if this won't hold on for long, I can manage being a mom for a while."

"Yeah, about that." Steve speaks up and rubs his neck nervously. "We don't actually know how long he will stay like this."

"Oh, okay." Y/N looks a bit unsure now. A shiver runs down her back as a cold hand places itself on her cheek. She snaps her eyes at the boy in her arms. His blue eyes look at her with concern. "Mommy? Are you better now? Uncle Tony says you're sick. I don't want you sick." A small pout slips on his face and Y/N can't hold back the laugh that escapes her. She cuddles him ab bit closer and kisses his cheek. "No, sweetie, I'm good now. Was uncle Tony good to you?" She glances at Tony, and he gasps, placing a hand on his heart trying to look offended. Bucky hums and bounces in her arms which let her wince at the pain in her back. "Y/N. Please. Sit down." Steve motions for a couch and guides her over. She sits down, sighing in relieve at the fading pain. "Mommy, uncle Tony painted a room for me and I have toys. And, and there are many books and... and... and I have my own bed!" The boy struggles with his words, coming faster than he can think of. But Y/N smiles at him. His eyes sparkle with joy, and he keeps on listing all the cool stuff he got. She looks up for a moment and sees Steve talk to the four Avengers as he tries to explain how she feels.

She didn't lie. She feels fine. And somehow the fact that Bucky is a kid now, and she's chosen to take care of him doesn't make her feel uncomfortable. No, she feels content and happy. Because she loves him, and Steve. And she loves the team. Here she is safe. Here she is at home. But the thought of what happened comes out of their hidden place back in her head. She shakes her head, trying to clear her head and looks back down to the boy that's still sitting on her lap and chatters happily while he bounces and laughs.

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