Don't look back

By LateNightStories12

221 8 0

A pure evil demon is unleashed by the book it takes control over the whole house. Newcomers move in they star... More

The Possessed
Bleeding Eye
What Happened That Night
Ghosts In The Dark
A Drop Of Blood
Back From The Dead
The Mirror


9 0 0
By LateNightStories12

  As they opened the first page they couldn't understand what's written as it was written in blood and unclear, but after a few moments, they realized that the words are upside down.

  They turn the book upside down to be able to read what's written. They read it, it said: "If the words are written upside down that means that the evil entity is freed and hunting for souls. I am Wanda Watson, I am a nun at Carlisle's Saint James Church. I've been able to trap the evil entity by making sacrificing myself that's why everything is written in blood. His name is Volron, he was born from the ancient days in the same place where the church was built. He will hunt for souls and bodies. He's a soul eater he feeds on the soul and takes the body. This is the year 1766 march 23. If you want to know how to defeat it you need to drop a drop of blood from all the members reading this. Take care he's gonna get you all."

  After they read that they all become silent and freeze for a second thinking about what they got themselves into. Ava then says:" I think we should do as she says." Amelia then replies:" No, we must wait and think about this for some time. We don't know anything about the book nor we know anything about that woman." Ben then says:" So, you mean you just want us to sit here mom, and wait for our deaths to come one by one? Or even worse?" Amelia then replies:" How dare you talk like that young boy!" Amelia, Ben, and Ava argue for some time until Alexander stands up and tells them to stop and then says:" Ben's right Amelia. If we stay here doing nothing we're ending ourselves. We must do something."

  Alexander then tells William that they will go and buy a book that talks about the ancient demonologists and ancient demons, while the others stayed at home. Amelia then after a few hours leaves Ava, Benjamin and Alex to go and buy groceries.

  After Amelia left Eva calls the others to tell them something:" Look we all must stick together alright we mustn't leave each other." Ben and Alex agree. One hour passed and they were doing nothing but talking and remembering old times then the clock's bell rings that it was 9 PM then the clock stops. After five minutes suddenly the clock ringed again it made a huge confusion to them but it stopped, they thought maybe the clock stopped when it came at nine so it started working again at the same time so it ringed but they didn't go and check it. But suddenly it ringed again after a few seconds which started to creep them all, Ava then tells them to be behind her as they go and check the clock. They reach to the room where the clock was there as they go in the clock starts ringing again but what's strange was that it wasn't 9 PM it set on 12 AM suddenly the clock started moving anticlockwise and the door closed behind them and the lights started turning on and off. Ava then tells them to stick together. After a few seconds, the lights stopped being turned on and off and the clock was set at 9:15 PM which was the actual time. They calm down for a moment from what happened then the radio in the room got turned on by itself.

  It started switching between the radio channels on its own Benjamin then asks Ava and Alex panicking:" Does anyone of you have a phone now?" Alex answers:" Yes, why?" Ava then understands what Ben wanted and she says:" Because if you take a photo with the flash it will show Volron is around us or not." Alex gives the phone to Benjamin he takes a photo nothing in it he takes another one nothing as well as he was going to take the third photo Ava then tells them in a low voice in fear:" I think it's behind us." Ben's face turns white from the fear of what Ava said he turns the phone camera and takes the photo, the demon was floating behind them. They all run and try to get out from the room the mange to break the door and get out and they lose it after then by putting a chair, the door was trying to be opened from the room for few seconds. They thought it was the end for them until it stopped.

  Alex goes to the phone and tries to call her father or mother but there is no signal and the home telephone's wire looks like it's been cut.

  Benjamin then says:" Let's go and sit in a room, I think this will better than being on the ground floor." they all agree with him and go upstairs to Benjamin's room.

  After one hour passed Amelia arrived back but she couldn't find them she kept calling their names but no reply came as well as Ava, Ben, and Alex didn't hear her.

  Amelia puts the groceries in the kitchen then goes to look for them in the house. She kept calling their names then she hears a reply coming from beside the stairs. She goes there and calls their names once more, she hears the reply again it sounded like it was Alex, Amelia then hears Alex saying:" Mommy!" from her right she rushes to the living room. As she goes there Alex runs as Amelia saw her shadow running she then says:" Sweetheart are you okay?" she follows her to a dark area of the house which is near Alexander's home office she finds Alex standing giving her back to her. Amelia approaches her slowly saying:" Alex is everything okay? Where are the others?". Amelia reaches to her and puts her hand on Alex's shoulders and turns her around, but it wasn't Alex it was Volron taking the shape of Alex but with worse appearance, it wasn't her childish face it was her face but with black eyes and her eyes were crying strange black fluid. Amelia stares at her in fear. The shaped demon and Amelia froze for few seconds but then suddenly the shaped demon opens his mouth and smiles at Amelia in a terrifying smile as his teeth were dirty and grey and some of them were so sharp. The only light that was making everything bright was Alexander's office, As it smiled at her Amelia's heartbeats increased suddenly in a second the lights went out in all the house and at the same moment, Amelia screams after the lights came back she wasn't in the same place before she disappeared.

  Ava, Alex, and Benjamin hear their mother's scream from downstairs they get out from the room rushing downstairs to her. They don't find her at all the keep screaming her name but nothing happened until suddenly Benjamin started screaming pain as something was cutting his skin in a shape of words he kept screaming in pain Ava then opens her phone camera and turns on the flash and starts taking a video. She saw a huge black and grey figure with sharp claws cutting and writing on Ben's arm. Alex then comes with the crucifix and aims it at Benjamin the cutting stops but Ben was hurt really badly and needed to be bandaged what was written on his arm was: "Volron" and he was bleeding so hard from each letter, Ava gets the bandages and bandage him quickly.

  At the same time that happened to Ben, it happened to Alexander who was going back home with William in the car. As he was driving suddenly he screamed and left the car wheel William tried to take control over him in driving the car but they hit an electricity column. They both get out of the car but without injuries. William asks Alexander what happened Alexander started shouting and screaming in pain again William then realizes that something was being written on Alexander's hand. It stops and William finds: "Volron" written on his hands, people in the street help them go to the nearest clinic to help Alexander's bleeding hand.

  After an hour passed Ava opens her phone to see the video again, she realizes that there is a signal, she calls her father right away. Alexander answers she asks him:" Dad where are you?" he answers:" I did a little accident but I am okay I'll be home soon." Ava then tells him what happened to Ben Alexander then tells her:" Look wait there I'll be there right away." suddenly Alexander hears screaming noises he shouts:" WHAT'S HAPPENING!" the call then is hanged up Alexander takes his stuff and William and take a taxi to Alexander's home.

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